Diablo 3 announced

Wait, so does this mean the petition actually had an effect on them?

Not unless we see a change of the art style. This could just mean that Brian Morrisoe stepped down or was removed from his position for unrelated reasons, and they need someone to replace him in order to finish what he started.
Yeah whoever they hire will most likely just keep going with whats already there.
Slightly big job to be advertising at this stage though.

Joel Schumacher OUT, Chris Nolan IN.
**** Nolan we need this kid:

Update on the situation from Kotaku:

Regarding Brian, he recently resigned to form a startup company "outside the game industry", which is why we posted about the open position. That change won't impact the game...we're really pleased with the look and feel that Brian helped create for Diablo III, and the new person we bring aboard will work with other artists on the team to maintain the art style moving forward.

Looks like all is well at Blizzard.
Well, as long as it doesn't take too long to continue, but I don't think art is the main slowdown at the moment :p
Wow, wizard looks awesome. I'm still so pumped for this game.
I never played Diablo I or II because I am a horrible person. Will this game be any good offline, do you think?
Heh, just noticed that they're using the same old bow sound when shooting an arrow from the previous Diablo games. :P

Wizard looks awesome. Nice trailer too.
I never played Diablo I or II because I am a horrible person. Will this game be any good offline, do you think?

If it's anything like Diablo II and the expansion, it'll rock offline, but thats just me, if you prefer a team based effort of killing demons and undead then it's gonna suck for you, but if you prefer to entrust yourself with slaying a billion zillion enemies it can be awesome fun, apparently Blizzard were planning on making Battle.net a pay-to-play system like WoW, so idk if many people will like that so they will likely put in more stuff for a single player person incase Battle.net takes a nosedive, unless they don't make it a pay-to-play system then they will still likely have to make a mega solo game to keep the internetless players happy
They better not ****ing make it P2P, that'd be a serious kick in the nuts to all their fans.
^ Heh, pretty sure they said that battle.net would never be a paid service already.

Bagsies on the Wizards, btw. NO ONE ELSE ROLL ONE PLZ, IT'S MINE K?
Meh, I hope for a pantherman hero. Away with anthropocentrism, I say!
Meh, I hope for a pantherman hero. Away with anthropocentrism, I say!

If you haven't played them before, try Champions of Norrath and Champions Return to Arms, they're good Diablo-ish RPGs (they just have a few bugs here and there) on the PS2, and one of Return to Arm's playable characters is a tiger. My favorite feature is the offline singleplayer co-op, me and my brother played through both games in most of the 3 difficulties together.



What are people hoping for the remaining two classes to be?

I'd like a healer and shapeshifter.
soooo, Diablo 2, Yorick?

It's going to be kinda hard to stay away from what D2 had going, since it was all pretty damned perfect. I can't think of a character that they missed that we could use.

You say "healer" which makes me think of an actual healer, not a pally type character. Their attacks suck about as bad as a Wizard would, except no awesome spells to kill...just heal others.

I like it.
soooo, Diablo 2, Yorick?

It's going to be kinda hard to stay away from what D2 had going, since it was all pretty damned perfect. I can't think of a character that they missed that we could use.

Basically. I mean, even the classes they have now are similar to D2 characters in different ways. The poison necromancer is a "witch doctor", the teleporting magic sorceress is the "wizard". The barbarian is the same ****ing character he's always been.

A shapeshifter could be more than what the druid was though, with his wolf and bear forms, cause that's really been carried over pretty exactly into Warcraft. They could do some neat things with it.

I'd expect one of the other classes is going to be the assassin/rogue type though, sadly. I like them too, but I want something else. I'm hoping we won't get a bowazon.

You say "healer" which makes me think of an actual healer, not a pally type character. Their attacks suck about as bad as a Wizard would, except no awesome spells to kill...just heal others.

I like it.

Yeah, I didn't mean a paladin, I meant an actual healer. I doubt they'll do it, because they've never done it, but I'd still really really really love it.
Blizzard would never make a healer class for Diablo 3 for the same reason they didn't do it for D1/2. It's a boring class to play and it just takes up a slot for something else that could be much more fun. There's also the factor that the healer may make the job of the other members far too easy, and being in the back, virtually untouched.

Did I mention healing classes are boring? It has been attempted by the Paladin in D2 with Prayer and Holy Bolt, two skills that were virtually unused.
There's already a quote floating around where they say they're not interested in doing a healer class for D3, for basically the reason you just said.

Yes, I'm actually sure I read this one this time. :(

Anyway, no need for one, healing=potions in Diablo (yes, they still have potions in D3, contrary to popular belief). Also those um... healing orb things.
Why can't Blizzard ever make a damn complete game?

All we do is buy a expensive husk with little insides then pay monthly so that they can nerf your class and add new monsters. I mean, needing money to update a game which already owns a fanbase of over 1 million people? That ludicrous.
A shapeshifter could be more than what the druid was though, with his wolf and bear forms, cause that's really been carried over pretty exactly into Warcraft. They could do some neat things with it.

I'd expect one of the other classes is going to be the assassin/rogue type though, sadly. I like them too, but I want something else. I'm hoping we won't get a bowazon.

OR, a "Shapeshifter" + Assassin class... The main focus of this class would be transforming into a creature, sneaking up to a large pack of enemies that haven't noticed you yet, and then releasing some kind of powerful explosive power and/or tearing them apart with your claws/daggers/etc. You'd select your transform power, right click on an enemy to look like them (or just right click to transform to the last enemy you transformed as), right click again, or attack to go back to normal. When your transform skill is high enough, you unlock a left click attack that lets you attack as that creature, you can use it to make another monster mad, and lure him into the pack of monsters you look like to get them to fight.
Blizzard would never make a healer class for Diablo 3 for the same reason they didn't do it for D1/2. It's a boring class to play and it just takes up a slot for something else that could be much more fun. There's also the factor that the healer may make the job of the other members far too easy, and being in the back, virtually untouched.

Did I mention healing classes are boring? It has been attempted by the Paladin in D2 with Prayer and Holy Bolt, two skills that were virtually unused.

I've played healing classes in several games (including world of warcraft) and never found it boring. I'd much rather have that then, you know, the barbarian.
I've played healing classes in several games (including world of warcraft) and never found it boring. I'd much rather have that then, you know, the barbarian.

Blizzard wants you to be able to play through single player no matter what class you use. Having a dedicated healer class would go against that.
I've always felt the Paladin was sort of the healer/stat booster. He did have some mighty attacks, but without level 20 hammer and accompanying hammer boosts or FoH he's pretty much useless by himself.
Why can't Blizzard ever make a damn complete game?

All we do is buy a expensive husk with little insides then pay monthly so that they can nerf your class and add new monsters. I mean, needing money to update a game which already owns a fanbase of over 1 million people? That ludicrous.
Okay, I shudder at the thought of paying for battle.net as much as anyone, but jesus christ do you have to be so melodramatic?

Why can't Blizzard "ever" make a complete game? They've made one, count em, one paid game, an MMO no less, which are historically always unfinished upon released because of the massive amount of work that goes into making them. An MMO which, as I recall, they continued to release content patch after content patch for long before The Burning Crusade, on subscriptions alone, where a lesser company would have stretched the same content out over 4 or 5 expansions and make their customers shell out for each and every bit. Now don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the content itself (LOL MOAR RAIDS LOL), but that's an entirely seperate issue. The fact is, they didn't nickel and dime their players for everything they were worth as some companies would have, and actually gave them something worthwhile (if you like raids) for their coin.

Besides that, uhh, well there's their other 3 big games, all of which are free, all of which are still supported and updated as long as they have people playing them, and all of which are complete.

So um. Yeah. :|

Also, as to the above, I've always played a healer class in MMOs and enjoyed it, but there's no way it'd fit in Diablo. Each class is meant to be able to stand completely on it's own. A support role doesn't really have any place in the game, unless it's something like the Paladin's auras which benefit everyone without having to put any actual effort into it. The game's about killing. Pure, merciless, brainless, FUN killing.

And potions.
Losing interest in this game, I think the only reason I ever bothered with it was because it had "Diablo" in the title

Still gonna buy it, just to support PC gaming
1. Why the hell revive this? The pics and shit are old news
2. This is pissing me off, the last decent update (A monster ofc >..>) was sometime a month or two ago
I mean, Blizzard is putting more time and money into WoW then this, so they might as well cancel it now, before peoples hopes get to high
2. This is pissing me off, the last decent update (A monster ofc >..>) was sometime a month or two ago

Well they are, you know, working on StarCraft II at the same time (which is also due for release sooner) as well as D3 and supporting WoW. In addition, D3 is probably more than a year away from release, how many other games companies would have released anywhere near the amount of info available on D3 by this point in the development cycle.

In short, be patient and don't get your kninckers in a twist.
Well they are, you know, working on StarCraft II at the same time (which is also due for release sooner) as well as D3 and supporting WoW. In addition, D3 is probably more than a year away from release, how many other games companies would have released anywhere near the amount of info available on D3 by this point in the development cycle.

In short, be patient and don't get your kninckers in a twist.

Theres actually different deparments within the company that works on the different projects, basically companies within the company. I agree its taking a long ass time, but its Diablo 3, dont release it till its GOOD, i dont care how long...it must be EPIC.

EDIT: Oh and some of those pics are actually new:




There is also a new podcast out. They announced that they removed shrines...why?? WHY??? The reason they gave were half assed and unreasonable...im starting to think that these devs are just LAZY.