Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Camwhore time!!!!

I knew you'd like that one Toaster!! Who d'you think is the second cutest after the Vort? Obviously you'd say the vort was the cutest!!!
Just me and me and the Vort in this one:

I ****ing lol'd.

And I would post more pics of myself but Im just terrible in photos. The guardian are coming down to do an article on band soon though so I will get some photos then xD

More, as you all can tell. Im really into hair styles :P

Now that pic, but me when Half-Life 2 was released LOL :O
You are so ****ing pretty. I'm not even kidding. My weakness for exposed necks is so intense it transcends gender... I also happen to be nocturnal. Hmm.

SocanIcomeovernoworwhut? :3
Just time for one last (desperate) camwhore post before I go to bed (which will probably be sometime within the next hour).

This was the photo I briefly used as my avatar before changing it to just Hedy.
The two greatest pics in this thread have just been posted.
I'll bet a bajillion smackeroos you're the ginger one.

Wait... what's the exchange rate on smackeroos right now?
*smacks Bad Hat hard across the face*

Now, how much money do I have to give you for you to forgive me for doing that?

Your answer is the exchange rate.
*smacks Bad Hat hard across the face*

Now, how much money do I have to give you for you to forgive me for doing that?

Your answer is the exchange rate.
I'm typing "rape" into the dollars field but it keeps giving me a numerical error.
He really is, jeez. I kin hear him fapping from here. THAT'S LIKE CONTINENTS AWAY SHIT.
I think he hit the vibration frequency of Louisiana, it's raining dizzy alligators.
I have work in the morning! Raiiite naaoo!
5hrs of sleep woo
Camwhore time!!


From left to right: Alex, Heather, me. Heather and Alex are my best mates and I've know and been friends with them for ten years now.

Spring Rolls suck.

EDIT: Of course, I intentionally look I have downs in this image.
I desperately need ideas for camwhore pictures. Help me out, please. I'm completely out of ideas!
I'll have to use an old photo for my next camwhore post. This one's from 2005.


I was not lying when I said (a long while ago) that I have Anduril!!!
Too much bloom in that pic. When will devs learn that bloom isnt realistic?
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