Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Your friend needs to shave.

And you need to scare children.
You both need to close your mouths or else you will catch insects.
Tyguy, why is everyone doing the sig heil in that picture!? D:

I really don't have an answer to that. I was blackout drunk in both of those pictures and stumbled across them the next day. I think someone made a joke which resulted in that pose, but as I said above the picture, not anti-semitic....:)

and Edward Norton!?!?

wait, from American History X? :cheese:
Tyguy does not look like someone who would play half life, let alone be on a half life forum. Ravioli looks like he could be a fan of ICP D:
Hmmm facial expressions never change.

Hmmmmmmmmmm *Evil plan hatches*
In New Labour Britian, Pictures post NeptuneUK!

Booored, need to do my uni work.... God damn.. laziness...
Need to finish work, then I can figure out where I'm going to go to get stoned/drunk as **** tonight for the sake of halloween. :D
Need to finish work, then I can figure out where I'm going to go to get stoned/drunk as **** tonight for the sake of halloween

Eh. Stoners. Eh.
Stoners are either lame and harmless, lame and funny, or awesome and interesting; I see no problems!

And neptune, same plans I've got.

Hey hey hey, I've no problems with stoners. I was simply eh-ing at halloween stoning. I'd rather stay inside and avoid the horror that is English youth!
Thats because London is a poophole,
Edinburgh for the epic win!

Anyway, I plan to get really ****ed up at my buddy's party, then go home with a girl, and kick her out in the morning in time for my 9:30 quiz.

In other words, a typical wednesday night.

I was devendra banhart for Halloween.

I'm in a burger king.

I wanted fries D:
Stoners are either lame and harmless, lame and funny, or awesome and interesting; I see no problems!

And neptune, same plans I've got.

I think it's silly that halloween and st. patty's day are times for people to get drunk and/or stoned. Why not.... good friday.... easter sunday..... groundhog day?

Sure, I am not a big fan of all that, but they do what they do, so whatever, not my buisness.

I just find it annoying that saying that "you" are going to get stoned, or drunk is some sort of.... awesome thing to say? Like some huge accomplishment.

It's kinda like if I were to say "Heyyy, tonight's halloween, I am gunna eat lots of candy, and drink soda past 10 pm, so I get all sugar high! It's gunna be awesome, I love getting sugar high, woo! Gunna be all wild, stayin' up till 5 am! Pretty sweet right? Anyone with me? Right?"

-I don't see the point in repeating that constantly, okay, we get it, YOU SMOKE WEED, YOU DRINK ALCOHOL, congratulations, and?

I was devendra banhart for Halloween.

I'm in a burger king.

I wanted fries D:

You sir, win one internet.


Somehow that picture looks like an epic scene from a good drama movie. I feel inspired because of this pic.


WTF?! Who took these pix? They look terrible. :|

I need a new camera as well.
I think it's silly that halloween and st. patty's day are times for people to get drunk and/or stoned. Why not.... good friday.... easter sunday..... groundhog day?

Sure, I am not a big fan of all that, but they do what they do, so whatever, not my buisness.

I just find it annoying that saying that "you" are going to get stoned, or drunk is some sort of.... awesome thing to say? Like some huge accomplishment.

It's kinda like if I were to say "Heyyy, tonight's halloween, I am gunna eat lots of candy, and drink soda past 10 pm, so I get all sugar high! It's gunna be awesome, I love getting sugar high, woo! Gunna be all wild, stayin' up till 5 am! Pretty sweet right? Anyone with me? Right?"

-I don't see the point in repeating that constantly, okay, we get it, YOU SMOKE WEED, YOU DRINK ALCOHOL, congratulations, and?
Oh yeah, and just for the record: Shamrock, your hair is ****ing curly. It's like a sheep :D
You get the **** to bed! RIGHT NOW! :|
Right after I signed off I said to myself, "I'll just play Sins of a Solar Empire for like, five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. Okay. Fifteen minutes." And I went to bed two hours later. :D
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