Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Shanmrock I have manly facial hairs too can we be a dynamic duo like Carlton Banks and Will Smith, Carlton's hot sisters included??
Shanmrock I have manly facial hairs too can we be a dynamic duo like Carlton Banks and Will Smith, Carlton's hot sisters included??
Hell yes.
You can be Carlton and do his dance.
I shall be Willy and get absolutely 100% everything I want.
Even Hilary and Ashely naked on my bed.

Go me.
And I'll be Jazz!

*is tossed headlong out of thread*
Hahahaha :D

I miss my phaser :(
May I be the first to say...

Hehe. My mum went waaay overboard with the pretty frilly things when I was little. I drew the line eventually and have refused to wear a dress since :D
I'm the opposite, parents let me wear whatever I wanted and now I am anti-trousers!
I can't see me in a dress now, they just look wrong. Trousers ftw :P
Awwwwwwww shippi, you're cute. And with a British accent? I dunno if I could contain a smile.
I think I got it from a Pizza Hut cup years ago... or something weird like that. I remember there being Pizza Hut Thunderbird cups. Think we threw ours out ages ago :(

And I didn't know you were of the Female variety!
Hah, Evo, your pic makes me wish I did something similar this Halloween. :D But I didn't :/

Anyway, great pic :thumbs:
I forget what was wrong with this glass of wine. Judging by the disgust on my face, I'd say "a lot".


Also, this is a picture Sulkdodds drew of me. It's impressively accurate.

El Chi, you're one scary looking mother ****er in the drawing :p
Proper '60s Cockney gangster style.
Dahn't mug me off yooo cahnt or U'll giv-yer a Chelsea smile un leev yerin a back alley wiv busted bollocks n all.

Favorite shirt ever. (it's bright pink, but the figure is black- if you get it, you win.)
What the hell? You looked fourteen in that other pic, and now you look like you're twenty.
im thinking of getting a tattoo..i dunno what to get it of though..it's going to be black n white, no colour.

i was thinking of something to do with martial arts cuz i love it so much...(no asian writing though since it's overused)
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