Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Me, Sulkdodds and Angry Lawyer at a meal we had with all the lads.


Another time...Oldagerocker, Farrowlesparrow and Sulk again


Sulkdodds, Angry Lawyer, Edcrab and Sui


Everyone who went on a meet up the first time (except Zerimski who took the picture, guess the forum members).

Left to right - Edcrab, Sui, Farrow, Sulkdodds, Angry Lawyer, SimonomiS, Hectic Glenn, El Chi
Everyone who went on a meet up the first time (except Zerimski who took the picture, guess the forum members).

Left to right - Edcrab, Sui, Farrow, Sulkdodds, Angry Lawyer, SimonomiS, Hectic Glenn, El Chi

What was the point of that? :p

[edit] Sulkdodds looks nothing like what I imagined he would.
To continue the post-apocolyptic theme, here's a very old photo of me.-

I like Lawyer's pants.

And ZT's gas mask.

But I like Lawyer's pants more.
Meetups are one of the greatest things ever. I can't believe that was two years ago now.

-Angry Lawyer

Everyone who went on a meet up the first time (except Zerimski who took the picture, guess the forum members).

Left to right - Edcrab, Sui, Farrow, Sulkdodds, Angry Lawyer, SimonomiS, Hectic Glenn, El Chi
Sulk's pose is dangerously late '80s/early '90s hip-hop. Edcrab's, on the other hand, suggests that there's a motorcycle and a tank full of sharks just out of frame. Funnily enough, there was.
I think the day I visit England and meet some of you guys is going to be the best day of my life.

Well, second best. But still.
One word Chi.

As long as it's not a cybersex orgy. Oh the horror D:

Come to think of it, an actual orgy could be an intensely awkward experience, although I suppose it'd depend on who else was there, how intoxicated you were and just how English you're feeling.
can any1 tell me how to post a picture without saving it as an attachment to the post?
my pics are jpeg too.
Host it on a site like imageshack.us or photobucket.com and then post the link.
Sally Can't Dance - that's an awesome name.

And the hotness in this thread has reached epic proportions.
know whats weird as what el chi, when I was in 6th grade I made a little comic called "sally can't dance" and it was about a girl who couldn't dance because her legs and arms got torn off by wild animals...

me as my digital self.

(left to right)Me,some statue,my buddy Mike
We were bein jacka** at a crayon convention in PA
I think I see a recurring theme in Sulkdodds picture, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is...
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