Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Vig, your hair is "cow licking" over your ears. YOU NEED A HAIR CUT! I DON'T TO YOUR KIND! Mullets died back in the early 90's :(

Three Xbox 360 controllers and one Dualshock? :o

I have a hunch, the one farthest to the left drives a pos banger. The one second to the left drives a truck. The one second to the right drives a nice new car that his parents bought him, and you drive an OK car.

Just first impressions.
I have a hunch, the one farthest to the left drives a pos banger. The one second to the left drives a truck. The one second to the right drives a nice new car that his parents bought him, and you drive an OK car.

Just first impressions.

First off, the one on the far left is just a black 360 controller. I would never buy a 3rd-party POS :x

I have no idea what the one on the left drives. Second from the left drives an old SUV, second from the right drives a shitty old station wagon, and I teleport.
My hair has the remarkable ability of standing up on end all by itself. It takes serious effort to make it lie flat. So I look like a super saiyan when my hair gets long.
It took me a while but im almost positive that you are about a mile back into the picture hiding amongst what seem to be trees.

Jesus christ the weirdest sound ever came out of that marsh. It sounded like someone out there banging two sticks together continuously.

That there is James Bay. Wahooo!
Guys, he's the invisible one in teh black shoes to the right behind that rock-like object.

Lots of unidentifiable things in this picture.
My hair has the remarkable ability of standing up on end all by itself. It takes serious effort to make it lie flat. So I look like a super saiyan when my hair gets long.

Grow it out, dye it yellow, then pics.

You'll need about three thousand pounds of muscle as well.
Why doesn't stigmata post pictures, I bet he is a beautiful butterfly.
Here are some old horrifying photos of me eating some calimari while eating out with some friends.

Notice in this especially horrifying picture, there is a small man above my head. Good luck?

I was a makeshift dead zombie hooker for halloween. One of my friends gave me a tampon, in which I drenched in red dye and carried around with me trick or treating. I got hit on by so many guys! :thumbs:

Thanks Dad for the Boar skull for my Birthday!

And me just being suave as usual-
Hehe, thanks all, my guy friends kept trying to caress my fishnet corpse legs, I was simply irresistable!
good lord, I thought zombieturtle was a girl...and then I saw that picture with the blood and it looks like he has boobs, but he looks like a guy in the others, and now my world is turned up side and I feel angered and confused I'm gonna go sit outside now.
He's as much of a girl as you want him to be.

A girl with crooked boobs.
I was thinking of putting my picture up, but i remembered that my face doesn't belong on the interwebs...maybe tomorrow...
I was thinking of putting my picture up, but i remembered that my face doesn't belong on the interwebs...maybe tomorrow...

my face doesn't belong on the interwebs...maybe tomorrow...

face doesn't belong on the interwebs...maybe tomorrow...

face belong interwebs...maybe ...

fffffffff my point is you are not making sense and I need to sleep.
good lord, I thought zombieturtle was a girl...and then I saw that picture with the blood and it looks like he has boobs, but he looks like a guy in the others, and now my world is turned up side and I feel angered and confused I'm gonna go sit outside now.

Lol, what, there's like, at least 15 photos of me on here.

Anyways, those lopsided breasts were made with lots of crunched up notebook paper and masking tape, very uncomfortable.
Too many people don't look like I imagined them to look D:
Correction - all girl. Asian men don't count.

That said, I'd hit. God I wish I could get my hair to do that. Or... anything, for that matter.
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