Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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"Hey good looking! What you got cooking?"


*this is not me
DON'T DO IT. You'll break the forum. Too much sexyness in one thread just can't be good!

Fine. :|

If anyone wants noodz, I'll send over MSN or AIM.

I have some in oil, chocolate, and pepto-bismol.
Totally adding you to msn in the hope that I'll get pepto-noodz.



Go on. Don't jerk off too much. I heard it hurts if you keep doing it consecutively.
Phobie the zombie. And Shamrock the guy who looks kind before he hits you with a bat out of nowhere, Scout style.
Me tooooooooo! AND I LOVE PHOBIE TOO. You two are like the sexiest here.

:D <3 Us three should form the sexy alliance!

Are you just trying to give the kids of the forum hard ons?

We don't have to "try" :laugh: Buahaha.

Here's me; brown cyberpitz (almost)
Are you Indian?
I've always wanted to adopt an Indian kid when I got older, not even kidding... would you like to be my son?!
Imagine the possibilities of having zombieturtle as your very own dad!
"Father and Son I wanna Teach 'em right from wrongggggg
Father and Son I wanna grow up and be stronggggg
I want the best for my child!
I wanna grow up and be wilddd!
I'm the best dad
No I'm the best Son!
I'm the best dad
I'M the best son!

Go on. Don't jerk off too much. I heard it hurts if you keep doing it consecutively.

Oh man, those were good. It's true, you are like magic.
In complete honesty, I just think little Indian kids are cuter than little white kids.

Just dump the little white kids in cocoa powder mixed with flour and unleash some man eating tigers on them.

Same thing really.
Well I didn't say you had to let the tigers eat him!

That's bad parenting right there.

Hehe, the time I think I realized Indian kids were more adorible was when my brother came across an Indian Children's disco cd recorded in the 1970's.
It was called:
Disco Music and Stories: Jack and The Bean Stock

Man there were some awesome disco beats on there!
It was so adorible the way the indian people would misspronounce words, such as they would not silence the "b" in the word "climbing"

"Climbing, Climbing,
High and High!
Climbing, Climbing,
Up da' Sky!"
But when he takes a bite,
You'll see.
My white bread flavor,
Will set me free.

Of course I won't be,
Put to waste.
He's certain the tigers,
Will enjoy my taste.

I recall one of the songs having Jack's mother sing about how sad she was, she would "cry" in certain parts as an added effect, but it just sounded like really blatant orgasm moans.
LMAO @ drunken crotch photo.

Happy birthday, now go lay down or something.
Nooo its my birthday in 2 weeks, expect more threads ten
What the hell just happened in the last page while I was eating.


YOU TOO COW...wait you're sacred.
You look like a magician in the third one.


Hahahaha. That is what I was going for! Ta-dah here I am! :D
Oh god Shammy is so cute. I'm loving the D:
:D! A girl thinks I'm cute! Yay! This as never happened before.
And Shamrock the guy who looks kind before he hits you with a bat out of nowhere, Scout style.
Interesting. I could do that. I'm known to anyway.
Oh man, those were good. It's true, you are like magic.
Aww. Why thank you dear sir! We can do it and make magic babies!
And shamrock you look awesome!
Hahah. I'm glad you think so. You best get ready for that meet up in Dallas on the 7th-11th. I think on that Sunday the 10th I will be at the Galleria, so you be there, too!
Dear God Shammy...
Is that a good thing? Elaborate dear sir. :naughty:

Damn, people like me. Woo hoo! :D
Hey kids, you're in luck, zombie is a camwhoring mood tonight, nothing new of course. More to be posted! ;)
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