Discussion of the Improved E3 2k4 footage.

Joeyslucky22 said:
honestly theres like .1% of a difference.. i mean you could just turn up the brightness with the old one and it'd be just like this...

Wasted a day downloading this in my opinion. and look you stupid f***s theres no one in the damn trashcan its a reflection! now shut your god damn mouths

You just cant help yourself can you. I think its compulsive...
The little part with gregori and the superzombies (maybe a good name for a band? :p) is much brighter ^_^

Also I noticed for the first time your gun actually drops shells (call me stupid, I just never noticed)
This video was worth my time...

Quality was better than the other ones plus I saw some really nice details I couldn't see in the older videos. For example, in the CS:S footage I took a good look at the water... man that's awesome and the best thing is that you can actually see EVERYTHING reflect on it, including the characters!

Best water I've ever seen in a videogame... The people who claim FarCry's water is amazing have their heads stuck up their...
Have you noticed the "Nova Prospekt" Sign, before Gordon is forced to go into the security area in the train sequence? 0:02:45 ...
Valve listed this "Nova Prospekt" on the Design Board from merc under "Keep".
Whats this Nova Prospekt?
Looks like all new citizens are forced to go into this nova thingy.

Whats a prospekt? I did not find this word in my english dictionary :(

Sorry when this was discussed, did not read the thread.
At 11:39, something down the hall is flickering.. anyone any idea what?
Thank you Burning Fish for seeding the video. I thought it was better than the Gamespy one.

I noticed the flickering too DeltaBlast.
I think the video was definitly better quality, just view both of them in fullscreen.

Too bad it has thoes voiceovers at the begining.

Still good!
Rico said:
This video was worth my time...

Quality was better than the other ones plus I saw some really nice details I couldn't see in the older videos. For example, in the CS:S footage I took a good look at the water... man that's awesome and the best thing is that you can actually see EVERYTHING reflect on it, including the characters!

Best water I've ever seen in a videogame... The people who claim FarCry's water is amazing have their heads stuck up their...

I know - source's water tech is awesome.It certainly blows away the competiton! :)

*Now some ass will come and say that Doom 3 has better water because it has dynamic shadows and lighting - Jeez*
No person in the can. Just a reflection that sort of looks like a face.
ummm for the people interested, i figured out which cities are on the train depart board.
i'm not sure if anyone had already done this...
see the attachment.

btw, maybe CNCT means CombiNe CiTadel? :cheese:

AND notice how it says "trEn depart"!
@bel said:
ummm for the people interested, i figured out which cities are on the train depart board.
i'm not sure if anyone had already done this...
see the attachment.

btw, maybe CNCT means CombiNe CiTadel? :cheese:

AND notice how it says "trEn depart"!

Nobody did that because it's kinda obvious :p

Anyway, I think the E is just AI AA'd together :p
Whats a prospekt? I did not find this word in my english dictionary

I dunno exactly, but in german "prospekt" stands for "folder/flyer". Maybe they're doing commercials for city17? ;)

.. 48% so far yay!
As I've said before, Nova Prospect simply translates to new prospect, prospect being a view on the future.. it's kinda hard to explain. For us dutch people it's easy: nieuw vooruitzicht.

Nova means new ofcourse. The whole name seems to be the title for a location, a part of the city perhaps. Just think of Nova Scotia(sp?) (wich means new schotland if I'm not mistaken?)
I think someone mentioned Nova Prospekt in the thread on where City 17 was.

I can't remember exactly what was said.
the video is great and im continuing to seed it :)
now we can sort out what is on that table in the Eli vid, as its clearly shown, looks to me to be a telescope... or is it a combine helmet?
did u notice in the Gman vid (at the start i think), there's in the background an assembley line, creating what looks like body armour for the Combine, its layered over the Gmans head.
New prospect, sounds like someone that is moving into C17 and it being considered to be a resident...or somthing like that.
oldagerocker said:
did u notice in the Gman vid (at the start i think), there's in the background an assembley line, creating what looks like body armour for the Combine, its layered over the Gmans head.

I think thoes are combine clones.
Hazar Dakiri said:
I think thoes are combine clones.

They are masks - probably some combine armour manufacturing plant in city 17.
if we take the russian word prospekt it translate to prospectus, wich is a (business)plan. So maybe a new plan for the future (like the 5 year plans and such). But mostly it's just a name. An East-European name.
oldagerocker said:
did u notice in the Gman vid (at the start i think), there's in the background an assembley line, creating what looks like body armour for the Combine, its layered over the Gmans head.

Yeah it's been noticed before, and got multiple threads made about it. I suggest you do a search for it, iirc one of the threads also contained concept art (gulag?) of it.

edit: bleh doublepost.. I hoped someone had already posted in between :p
link? i dont knwo what nay of u are talking about, where can i get it?
About 4:30 into the video...Gordon is in the buggy and then all of a sudden the rocks to his left explode. What in the heck triggered that? I thought everything was supposed to be unscripted.
Time2Choose said:
About 4:30 into the video...Gordon is in the buggy and then all of a sudden the rocks to his left explode. What in the heck triggered that? I thought everything was supposed to be unscripted.

Who have said that?
Time2Choose said:
About 4:30 into the video...Gordon is in the buggy and then all of a sudden the rocks to his left explode. What in the heck triggered that?
yeah i wondered about that as well.
it's rather unlogical.
Thought I read it in the Valve Info thread. Anyway that doesn't change the fact that rocks suddenly blowing up is very entertaining or realistic....
Thats the combine blocking off the road... so he cant just drive past them.
i dont know if its scripted or not, possibly the AI... seeing him come and coming to the disision of when to blow the blocks, not nessesariily done at the same time everytime, depending on freemans entry (if he walks it, they might not blow the rocks at all).
oldagerocker said:
Thats the combine blocking off the road... so he cant just drive past them.
i dont know if its scripted or not, possibly the AI... seeing him come and coming to the disision of when to blow the blocks, not nessesariily done at the same time everytime, depending on freemans entry (if he walks it, they might not blow the rocks at all).

Now that you mention it....thats a great answer.

I guess if he just drove by, he would prob. miss some crucial plot points or something...

or the battle just wouldnt take place, and Valve dont want that...its a simple and subtle way of making the game linear
Or maybe it's *gasp* scripted and make no difference whatsoever anyways.

Valve never said the entire game would be unscripted, no game can do that to this day and still remain entertaining. Do I want to just run around shooting random people I don't even know? That's exactly what a game would be like if it were totally unscripted. There would not be any cool explosions or plot twists, in fact, there would be no plot at all because scripting is what drives the plot.

Need I also mention that the AI in every game is SCRIPTED too? All you do is tell it what to do in different situations, they will not do something you didn't tell them to do.

Just take that as a bit of info you can use to avoid future mistakes.
It is obviously a scripted even, the combine knew he was coming from reports or saw him. Once he got close they tried to trap him by blocking off his exit and laying mines.
they said Source doesnt support Scripted sequences didnt they? Im sure thats in the Valve info thread somewhere.
they can, give the AI Hints as to what to do though and its probably that.
It looks like they're splatting themselves with those rocks so it seems a bit unlikely to me. But it is the best explaination so far indeed :)

edit: I mean the combine blocking off the road ofcourse
There are scripted sequences, like in last years e3 video "sewers" when the hydra kills the combine. And in this years, how the combine lead Gordon down the hall, close the peep hole thingy on the door etc.
I hear there's no actual scripting language, but the way I understand it, you could attatch an explosion object to the rocks and have it automatically blow, via the AI system, when the player is near...

I think things like the actual plot points aren't language-scripted either... It's some kind of acting system which has the same general end result. I think.