Ditch The Cheats

I sorta agree with Absinthe. Yesterday, I talked with a colleague about CS, and another colleague said he wanted to try CS too. He's a complete game n00b, so a bit of explaining about CS and the gameconcept. Then he asked if there were cheatcodes for CS, we laughed at him and said that would get you very unliked with the people on the server and people will swear at you, so he said "I don't care, I'll just shoot them."

He's just a normal kid, well, a bit of a wannabe gangster (but who ain't these days?) , but he just didn't realize he would spoil the game for many people and just doesn't take the game all that seriously.

So most cheaters are just n00bs screwing around, but there are of course plenty of just plain assholes like the magg0ts and other groups who deliberately mess with people. But either way, cheating should be severly punished, instant permanent Steam ID ban.
Absinthe said:
I'm not denying that cheating is wrong. But, if you ask me, it's the equivalent of making fun of fat kids on the playground. It's an asshole thing to do, but most of these people can be fine otherwise and can actually grow into decent productive members of society.

As I said before. Fat kids. Playground. It's the same damn shit.

So making fun of fat kids in the playground is ok is it? It's fine...so long as the bully grows up to get a well paid job and be a decent member of society. I notice there's no thought for the "fat kid". How does he feel....and to move off the analogy....how do all the genuine cs players feel? It ruins their game just so you can have a bit of fun. That is called being SELFISH. There is no justification for cheating in an online game....so don't even attempt to make an excuse. If you can play cs properly, then do so.

Cheaters lack that little thing in their brain that tells them it is wrong. That thing is called morality.

I have lost respect for several people having read this thread. But I doubt that means anything to them...
[sl@yer] said:
So making fun of fat kids in the playground is ok is it? It's fine...so long as they grow up to get a well paid job and be decent members of society. I notice there's no thought for the "fat kid". How does he feel....and to move off the analogy....how do all the genuine cs players feel? It ruins their game just so you can have a bit of fun. That is called being SELFISH. There is no justification for cheating in an online game....so don't even attempt to make an excuse. If you can play cs properly, then do so.

Cheaters lack that little thing in their brain that tells them it is wrong. That thing is called morality.

I have lost respect for several people having read this thread. But I doubt that means anything to them...

Quoted for being so true...
Cheaters im MP = Sad Childhood

Cheaters in SP = Next time , ask your dad to buy an easier game.
[sl@yer] said:
So making fun of fat kids in the playground is ok is it?


It's fine...so long as the bully grows up to get a well paid job and be a decent member of society. I notice there's no thought for the "fat kid". How does he feel....and to move off the analogy....how do all the genuine cs players feel? It ruins their game just so you can have a bit of fun. That is called being SELFISH. There is no justification for cheating in an online game....so don't even attempt to make an excuse. If you can play cs properly, then do so.

I think you missed the entire point where I said cheating was wrong. Do you people just conveniently skip that part? Both the fat kid and the non-cheating CS player get screwed over, no doubt about that. But this does not mean that the bully/cheater is a purebred demon incapable of good.

Some of you people don't get it. I'm not trying to justify cheating. I'm just saying that your demonizing of cheaters is ridiculous. Cheating is not that heinous a crime. Nor is it an indication of some kind of screwed up psychological issue or their personality in the real world.

Cheaters lack that little thing in their brain that tells them it is wrong. That thing is called morality.

Ask somebody to cheat in an online game. Then ask them to butcher a puppy dog with a knife. Then tell them to kill somebody. Then tell them to commit genocide. I'm sure you'll find people willing to do the first one, but I doubt you'll find many cheaters that will follow through with the last three. How's that for your morality, Mr. High and ****ing Mighty?

I have lost respect for several people having read this thread. But I doubt that means anything to them...

Oh yeah. Respect over the internet.


I can see why these people wouldn't care.
Nailbomb said:
First post.

This is the proper way to deal with cheaters. :E
That is great, just great. I know you'd people think i'm a loser for saying this, but if i was at that LAN the PC would be wrapped around that ****ers head, not on the floor.

I would of taken it home too, blood stained :smoking:

Oh and Absinthe you can suck my balls you little wankstain :dork: Go play in the road.
Absinthe said:
Both the fat kid and the non-cheating CS player get screwed over, no doubt about that. But this does not mean that the bully/cheater is a purebred demon incapable of good.

Some of you people don't get it. I'm not trying to justify cheating. I'm just saying that your demonizing of cheaters is ridiculous. Cheating is not that heinous a crime. Nor is it an indication of some kind of screwed up psychological issue or their personality in the real world.

Ask somebody to cheat in an online game. Then ask them to butcher a puppy dog with a knife. Then tell them to kill somebody. Then tell them to commit genocide. I'm sure you'll find people willing to do the first one, but I doubt you'll find many cheaters that will follow through with the last three. How's that for your morality, Mr. High and ****ing Mighty?

Oh yeah. Respect over the internet.


I can see why these people wouldn't care.

Thank you Absinthe, as I think this post illustrates your mentality perfectly.

I care about what people on the internet think, obviously to a lesser extent than in person, but I still care. I care if people have or lose respect for me...it makes me think. Clearly this is not the case with you, which sums up what I am trying to say.

I'm not going to get into a battle of wits or anthing (after all I don't wouldn't want to attack an unarmed man). Cheating is wrong. That is all that has been said. No one thinks it should be a crime punishable by prison or death, all I am saying is that it is immoral. You can either think about this, read through my post again and see my reasoning, or you can dismiss it and just go back to your selfish attitude. I know what I'd put my money on...
$niffy said:
Oh and Absinthe you can suck my balls you little wankstain :dork: Go play in the road.

Oh my. I'm hurt. Excuse me while I go and get a bucket to shed my tears in.

Oh, here's a novel idea! How about you actually try to properly debate this issue instead of tossing out your lame insults? Because as it currently is, you're just wasting oxygen that could be going to far more valuable people than yourself.
Video was staged, pc was a crap 286 or something similar.

Absinthe, cheaters suck.

They are 'online terrorists'.

They make people's gaming experience miserable.

They make people quit playing the game for good.

They are selfish bastards.

They stoop to a low level and piss people off for their own amusement.

Actually, I think you're confused on the 'demonic cheater' profile. Most of them are such pussies the only dangerous thing they do at all is cheat online.

[edit] Even though you don't have to be civil online, doesn't mean you shouldn't. You are taking advantage of the anonyminity of the internet for your own amusement/ego boost/whatever. People online are still people, regardless of what you think.
Absinthe said:
Oh my. I'm hurt. Excuse me while I go and get a bucket to shed my tears in.

Oh, here's a novel idea! How about you actually try to properly debate this issue instead of tossing out your lame insults? Because as it currently is, you're just wasting oxygen that could be going to far more valuable people than yourself.

I'd like to see you cheat in warcraft 3 online, ever played that?
blizzard has the best anti cheating policy there is!
you can cheat, but end of a season, sometimes even months. they will warn you , you cant play ladder games for 1 month.

2nd offence = permanent ladder ban.

valve should act like blizzard,( battle.net )
they could make millions with the anti cheat protocol.
I would believe the online cheaters have an ego problem. They want their name in lights...ego. They aren't good players without cheats and want to "seem" better than normal players...ego. They want to cause anquish on others, obviously to make themselves feel better...ego.

It's all ego if you ask me.

I believe online cheating is wrong. Evil? Maybe not. But, from my experience, a person who cheats at a game, will cheat in real life. As long as they can get away with something without getting caught or hurting themselves, they'll do it.

As for single player games, I can't imagine using a cheat code on a game I just spent $50 for. What a waste of hard earned cash...

[sl@yer] said:
Thank you Absinthe, as I think this post illustrates your mentality perfectly.

This is rich...

I'm not going to get into a battle of wits or anthing (after all I don't wouldn't want to attack an unarmed man). Cheating is wrong. That is all that has been said. No one thinks it should be a crime punishable by prison or death, all I am saying is that it is immoral. You can either think about this, read through my post again and see my reasoning, or you can dismiss it and just go back to your selfish attitude. I know what I'd put my money on...

Selfish attitude? Please, where exactly have I exhibited such a thing? Inquiring minds want to know.

Yeah, I read your post. "Cheating is wrong". I think I already stated that cheating is wrong as well, so I don't understand why you're telling that to me. But you said...

Cheaters lack that little thing in their brain that tells them it is wrong. That thing is called morality.

I can only understand the reasoning supplied in your post. You think cheaters are without morals. Therein lies the problem. Cheating itself may be immoral, but that doesn't mean the cheaters themselves are immoral. As I brought up before, there is a difference between cheating in an online game and killing somebody. Do you honestly believe that most cheaters would have no problem with murder? When you say that they lack morals, you certainly imply that.

I'm reading comments about how they're scum. How they're amoral. How they have sad childhoods. Some person was even ludicrous enough to make the exception the rule (his example being some dude that shoots dogs). You're making mountains out of mole hills. And this is all due to the fact that you can't see past a freakin' alias.

So yeah, I read your reasoning. And it's ignorant. So I think I'll just go back to my selfish attitude, kay?
Demonmerc said:
Actually, I think you're confused on the 'demonic cheater' profile. Most of them are such pussies the only dangerous thing they do at all is cheat online.

*Sigh* I won't bother.

Even though you don't have to be civil online, doesn't mean you shouldn't. You are taking advantage of the anonyminity of the internet for your own amusement/ego boost/whatever. People online are still people, regardless of what you think.

Yeah, they are still people. And you know what, online harassment isn't even skin deep. It's harmless, regardless of how irritated you might get. It's different when compared to the real world.
How so? It still pisses people off, they just can't do anything about it. They would if they could...
So the point of that post was...? Absinthe, you're either being very pedantic or you're just ignorant. I said that cheaters lack the thing in their head that tells them it is wrong. Perhaps I shouldn't have said "This thing is called morality", perhaps this confused you. Obviously I do not think that cheaters would kill someone. The majority of people have some morality, no matter how slim. What I meant was, they lack enough morality to consider cheating to not be wrong. Do you understand now? I think you knew this already, and were just trying to find the slightest flaw in my arguement to pick on. So now that I've cleared that up...anything to add?
Demonmerc said:
How so? It still pisses people off, they just can't do anything about it. They would if they could...

Your good game of Counter-Strikes is being disrupted by cheaters. So sad.

But you aren't sustaining any injuries. You aren't getting anything stolen. I hope to God that you're a sane human being and that your irritation doesn't transform into some kind of intimate hatred. You're not going to get traumatized by it. And you can always switch servers.

This is all the cheater is doing to you: Pissing you off.

Yeah, it's immature. It's wrong. It should be stopped.
For the record, I actually DO agree with that.

But I don't think it warrants the kind of animosity that's generally seen.

And, as I've said repeatedly, you're in no position to judge the cheater as a person.
[sl@yer] said:
So the point of that post was...? Absinthe, you're either being very pedantic or you're just ignorant. I said that cheaters lack the thing in their head that tells them it is wrong. Perhaps I shouldn't have said "This thing is called morality", perhaps this confused you. Obviously I do not think that cheaters would kill someone. The majority of people have some morality, no matter how slim. What I meant was, they lack enough morality to consider cheating to not be wrong. Do you understand now? I think you knew this already, and were just trying to find the slightest flaw in my arguement to pick on. So now that I've cleared that up...anything to add?

This is the internet. We communicate with written lanuage. If you can't articulate what you mean, then that's your problem. I can't be bothered to address what you may or may not have meant with your words. Only what you actually said.

And no. I have nothing to add.
Absinthe said:
But I don't think it warrants the kind of animosity that's generally seen.

What reaction do you expect? People get pissed off with cheaters because they ruin the game for others. People get pissed off that there are people who think it's fun to have an unfair advantage and who enjoy causing anguish to others. Personally I feel that the reaction to cheating is exactly as it should be.
I look at playing an online game in a community much like the real life. I act myself in chat and in gameplay. I treat people with a decent amount of respect until they disrespect me. A cheater disrespects everyone by infringing on other players right to enjoy a game that they paid for. Sure, the cheater might have bought the game, but the difference lies in the fact that one of the two are messing with the rights of the other players to enjoy a fun game.

There is nothing wrong with someone getting angry over a cheater in game. It's not sad. Not sad at all. What's sad is the indifference some folks are showing on this thread about what is acceptable and what isn't.

But, alas, there isn't anything we can do about these punks except create servers using cheat-stopping scripts. Hopefully Valve will take a hand in this and teach the wannabies a lesson.

I have to agree with several posters with this general quote:
"Cheaters = Losers"

Absinthe said:
This is the internet. We communicate with written lanuage. If you can't articulate what you mean, then that's your problem. I can't be bothered to address what you may or may not have meant with your words. Only what you actually said.

And no. I have nothing to add.

You obviously have some intelligence...why not use it?! Or perhaps I overestimate you. I'm sure that the majority of people on this forum can understand what I mean.

Again, you avoid the actual arguement and cop out by insulting my use of the English language! "I can't be bothered to address what you may or may not have meant" basically implies that you can't actually think of a justified and intelligent comeback and so resort to insulting my use of language instead.

What exactly IS your point...because I fail to see it.
[sl@yer] said:
What reaction do you expect? People get pissed off with cheaters because they ruin the game for others. People get pissed off that there are people who think it's fun to have an unfair advantage and who enjoy causing anguish to others. Personally I feel that the reaction to cheating is exactly as it should be.

People piss me off. And I walk away thinking "Wow, that guy acted like a ****ing prick". But I'm not going to accuse the guy of having some mental problem or having a screwed up childhood. I'm not going to make any assumptions on the guys life because I don't freaking know the guy.

Getting pissed off does not mean you have to act like a bitter ass and make wild assumptions on one's character as if you had any damn insight.
Absinthe said:
People piss me off. And I walk away thinking "Wow, that guy acted like a ****ing prick". But I'm not going to accuse the guy of having some mental problem or having a screwed up childhood. I'm not going to make any assumptions on the guys life because I don't freaking know the guy.

Getting pissed off does not mean you have to act like a bitter ass and make wild assumptions on one's character as if you had any damn insight.

Um...the fact that a person cheats gives a fairly good impression of their character (obviously not in detail). No one has accused cheaters of being mentally ill or having a screwed up childhood (it seems you have resorted to making things up in an attempt to back up your already weak arguement). Cheating is wrong...that is the point at hand.
[sl@yer] said:
You obviously have some intelligence...why not use it?! Or perhaps I overestimate you. I'm sure that the majority of people on this forum can understand what I mean.

Spare me.

Again, you avoid the actual arguement and cop out by insulting my use of the English language! "I can't be bothered to address what you may or may not have meant" basically implies that you can't actually think of a justified and intelligent comeback and so resort to insulting my use of language instead.

What argument? That cheating is wrong? I agreed with that before you even posted. So where exactly should I direct my justified and intelligent comeback? I've already addressed you, but you keep bringing back an argument that's already been covered. So what am I avoiding? A dead horse? Please, inform me.

And, for the record, I didn't insult your use of language.

What exactly IS your point...because I fail to see it.

I've made this clear. Three times. Go back and look, because right now you're just wasting my time.
Absinthe said:
Spare me.

What argument? That cheating is wrong? I agreed with that before you even posted. So where exactly should I direct my justified and intelligent comeback? I've already addressed you, but you keep bringing back an argument that's already been covered. So what am I avoiding? A dead horse? Please, inform me.

And, for the record, I didn't insult your use of language.

I've made this clear. Three times. Go back and look, because right now you're just wasting my time.

Hmm...this is just getting sad. Why don't you go back and read what you've written, as I'm getting tired of this ambiguity and contradiction. I know my feelings on this matter, and you have given me and many other people here a good impression of what kind of person you are.

Our point of views aren't different enough to warant a dispute such as this. I think this is just a personality clash.

I think it's a shame how a discussion can deteriorate like this.

Go ahead and have the last word if you want, if it gives you a sense of achievement. If you are mature, you will try and round up this arguement as well.
[sl@yer] said:
Um...the fact that a person cheats gives a fairly good impression of their character (obviously not in detail).

No one has accused cheaters of being mentally ill or having a screwed up childhood (it seems you have resorted to making things up in an attempt to back up your already weak arguement).

People do exist outside the forum, so I am referring to general experiences.

A lack of a moral compass would be, in many cases, considered related to one's mentality. And would not a person who shoots dogs for fun be considered perhaps mentally deranged?

And there has been a comment in this thread regarding cheaters' childhoods.

And aside from that there's the comments about how they're scum losers, sad, pathetic, pussies, blah blah blah...

As for the weakness of my argument, feel free to point out the flaws instead of making a dumb blanket statement.

Cheating is wrong...that is the point at hand.

I've agreed with this already. And no matter how many times I agree with it, you will insist that I'm avoiding the argument.

But more importantly, my argument was that cheaters themselves are not necessarily bad people. This is the one you seem to be tripping all over.
Justifying cheating to a cheat just isn't going to work in any way shape or form any more than expecting a man, blind from birth, to understand what blue looks like. A cheat is a cheat because it's inherent in his nature - He knows no better.

So let him cheat, because that's all he's capable of doing, and play harder to beat him anyway. There's nothing more satisfying than absolutely slaughtering an obvious wallhacker clan using only skill, especially if the cheat is a server admin who accuses you of cheating and bans you for being better than his hacks. Now THAT'S a loser. :)
[sl@yer] said:
Hmm...this is just getting sad. Why don't you go back and read what you've written, as I'm getting tired of this ambiguity and contradiction. I know my feelings on this matter, and you have given me and many other people here a good impression of what kind of person you are.

Don't kid yourself. You don't know me.

As for ambiguity and contradictions, you've not only failed to point out what the contradictions were, but you had earlier accused me of being avoidant. How's that for lovable ol' irony?

Go ahead and have the last word if you want, if it gives you a sense of achievement. If you are mature, you will try and round up this arguement as well.

There has been no argument. You've been pushing for answers that have already been given.

It's laughable that put the burden of maturity on me when you've played just as much a hand in this. :rolleyes: Cut the crap. And if you know my character so well, then why even bother? I mean, you should be able to predict fairly well what I'm going to say, and so I'm not really left with an option. You just get to walk away thinking "*Sigh*, I knew it".
Any way, aside from the unnecessary arguing, I think I've expressed my thoughts on this well enough, so I'm done with this topic. If somebody wants to tell me how wrong I am, I may or may not reply. Chances are I've probably already covered it.
Absinthe, I assume you are either extremely young, extremely nieve or a combination of both.

Your arguement that teasing fat kids as harmless is completely ludicrious. There have been hundreds of articles published in numerous mental health journals about the long term effects of bullying and teasing. As a parent, I have been extremely active in helping children deal with the effects of this behavior. Maybe you've been blessed with perfect genetics but unlike your perfection, there are people that grow up with low self esteem, suicidial tendancies and sometimes even hommocide to escape the riticule. While I personally can't stand cheaters, cheating in a game does not cause perminant psychological damage like picking on other children.

I can only assume that the attention whoring attitudes you are displaying are also a result of your own flawed upbringing. I would suggest maybe looking at "why" you cheat if you are looking for justification. Is it for attention? To stand out from the crowd? To piss people off? Whatever the reason, your attitudes permiate all other areas of your life whether you admit it or not. You may not kill puppies but a pedophile may not either. The general attitude is you have no compassion for the people around you and when you grow up you will see just how skewed your attitudes are. To think that you have a different personality for various parts of your life means you either either schizophrenic or delusional, neither of which are healthy and need treament. Unfortunately 90% of the people with mental issues never seek or get the help they need.

Here is a checklist of behaviors of a psychopath for your perusal (Google it if you wish):

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioural controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behaviour
12. Early behaviour problems
13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility
Narcissism is also a characteristic

Xtropy said:
Absinthe, I assume you are either extremely young, extremely nieve or a combination of both.

Your arguement that teasing fat kids as harmless is completely ludicrious. There have been hundreds of articles published in numerous mental health journals about the long term effects of bullying and teasing. As a parent, I have been extremely active in helping children deal with the effects of this behavior. Maybe you've been blessed with perfect genetics but unlike your perfection, there are people that grow up with low self esteem, suicidial tendancies and sometimes even hommocide to escape the riticule. While I personally can't stand cheaters, cheating in a game does not cause perminant psychological damage like picking on other children.

I can only assume that the attention whoring attitudes you are displaying are also a result of your own flawed upbringing. I would suggest maybe looking at "why" you cheat if you are looking for justification. Is it for attention? To stand out from the crowd? To piss people off? Whatever the reason, your attitudes permiate all other areas of your life whether you admit it or not. You may not kill puppies but a pedophile may not either. The general attitude is you have no compassion for the people around you and when you grow up you will see just how skewed your attitudes are. To think that you have a different personality for various parts of your life means you either either schizophrenic or delusional, neither of which are healthy and need treament. Unfortunately 90% of the people with mental issues never seek or get the help they need.

Here is a checklist of behaviors of a psychopath for your perusal (Google it if you wish):

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioural controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behaviour
12. Early behaviour problems
13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility
Narcissism is also a characteristic


You are right on. Thanks for that good post. Absinthe, you need to gain a little respect. :|
Xtropy said:
Absinthe, I assume you are either extremely young, extremely nieve or a combination of both.

Your arguement that teasing fat kids as harmless is completely ludicrious. There have been hundreds of articles published in numerous mental health journals about the long term effects of bullying and teasing. As a parent, I have been extremely active in helping children deal with the effects of this behavior. Maybe you've been blessed with perfect genetics but unlike your perfection, there are people that grow up with low self esteem, suicidial tendancies and sometimes even hommocide to escape the riticule. While I personally can't stand cheaters, cheating in a game does not cause perminant psychological damage like picking on other children.

I can only assume that the attention whoring attitudes you are displaying are also a result of your own flawed upbringing. I would suggest maybe looking at "why" you cheat if you are looking for justification. Is it for attention? To stand out from the crowd? To piss people off? Whatever the reason, your attitudes permiate all other areas of your life whether you admit it or not. You may not kill puppies but a pedophile may not either. The general attitude is you have no compassion for the people around you and when you grow up you will see just how skewed your attitudes are. To think that you have a different personality for various parts of your life means you either either schizophrenic or delusional, neither of which are healthy and need treament. Unfortunately 90% of the people with mental issues never seek or get the help they need.

Here is a checklist of behaviors of a psychopath for your perusal (Google it if you wish):

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioural controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behaviour
12. Early behaviour problems
13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility
Narcissism is also a characteristic


I think he's dug himself deep enough already !

The problem is, cheating in games is sometimes kind of brushed under the carpet. As if its not really so bad.

This is wrong.
HeadcrabOnMyAss said:
Iclean, like I would NEVER use aimbot...that's just gay, and no wallhack (not counting ESP).

and other hacks arnt gay? i think not

u must love men, u must!
Unless I've misunderstood Absinthe he said he doesn't support cheating or cheaters but that he didn't think is was quite as bad as something like mass murder. Maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe he could've used a different analagy. Or maybe you're all right and the Thujone has gone to his head.
I logged on to ten CSS servers last night, all of them had pre-game messages. Not a single one had any rules listed, how can some one 'cheat' if no-one agrees to any rules?
Platinum said:
You are right on. Thanks for that good post. Absinthe, you need to gain a little respect. :|

Respect for who/what? I don't see many people in this thread that currently deserve it.

Crash Happy said:
Unless I've misunderstood Absinthe he said he doesn't support cheating or cheaters but that he didn't think is was quite as bad as something like mass murder.

Something like that. I just don't think that most of these people are in any position to judge cheaters' characters.

Xtropy said:
Absinthe, I assume you are either extremely young, extremely nieve or a combination of both.

Your arguement that teasing fat kids as harmless is completely ludicrious. There have been hundreds of articles published in numerous mental health journals about the long term effects of bullying and teasing. As a parent, I have been extremely active in helping children deal with the effects of this behavior. Maybe you've been blessed with perfect genetics but unlike your perfection, there are people that grow up with low self esteem, suicidial tendancies and sometimes even hommocide to escape the riticule. While I personally can't stand cheaters, cheating in a game does not cause perminant psychological damage like picking on other children.

Way to get off the topic. But whatever. The point of my analogy was that a cheater, like a teasing kid on a playground, can still be A-OK in other areas of his life and still have the ability to be a decent and productive member of society. Especially if his biggest crime is cheating online.

I can only assume that the attention whoring attitudes you are displaying are also a result of your own flawed upbringing.

Attention whoring? Oh brother, lay it to rest. I have no desire to become the center of attention on this board. People have confronted me and I've replied. I fail to see how I'm whoring.

I would suggest maybe looking at "why" you cheat if you are looking for justification. Is it for attention? To stand out from the crowd? To piss people off? Whatever the reason, your attitudes permiate all other areas of your life whether you admit it or not.

Of course they do to some degree. But you and others paint it as if a person cheats at one thing, then he cheats at everything. If he likes to annoy some people online, then he'll be the same way offline. I can only speak from personal experience on this one. I have done numerous things online to rile people up, if only because it's kind of humorous to watch the reaction. But I have no need to do such things offline. I generally don't feel like getting a reaction. And when I occasionally do, I do not necessarily do so by pissing people off.

In the case of the cheater, what's permeating other aspects of his life? As you put it, the urge to cheat can come from a variety of things. So maybe his urge to be the center of attention is dominant is life. That doesn't necessarily mean he'll be cheating at everything.

You may not kill puppies but a pedophile may not either.

Big difference between a cheater and a pedophile.

The general attitude is you have no compassion for the people around you and when you grow up you will see just how skewed your attitudes are. To think that you have a different personality for various parts of your life means you either either schizophrenic or delusional, neither of which are healthy and need treament. Unfortunately 90% of the people with mental issues never seek or get the help they need.

I never said they had different personalities. They do, however, have different faces and sides to them. And you cannot properly judge a person when he's only showing you one side of himself, let alone doing so over the internet.

Here is a checklist of behaviors of a psychopath for your perusal (Google it if you wish):

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioural controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behaviour
12. Early behaviour problems
13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility
Narcissism is also a characteristic

Okay... What?
Absinthe, please know when to shut up. You seem to have a relentless desire to prove yourself right...and can't seem to admit when you're actually wrong. For example, many of your replies have been comments along the lines of "spare me", "whatever" and "okay...what?". If you don't have a decent, justified reply, then don't bother replying....it just makes you look even worse than you do already (although....you don't care about what people on a forum think do you?). I admit that there were aspects of my arguement that were flawed, and I misinterpreted a some of what you said....but notice I am admitting this.
Please just have some maturity.
[sl@yer] said:
Absinthe, please know when to shut up. You seem to have a relentless desire to prove yourself right...and can't seem to admit when you're actually wrong. For example, many of your replies have been comments along the lines of "spare me", "whatever" and "okay...what?".

Because I fail to see how a list of psycopath traits and (particularly from you) judgments of my character are at all relevant to cheaters. I also can't help but roll my eyes when somebody attempts at making one of the latter.

If you don't have a decent, justified reply, then don't bother replying....it just makes you look even worse than you do already (although....you don't care about what people on a forum think do you?).

Aww... Are you back just so you can be cheeky to big loud Absinthe?

I admit that there were aspects of my arguement that were flawed, and I misinterpreted a some of what you said....but notice I am admitting this.

Good for you. You've certainly earned my applause. Unforunately, I don't feel the same way as you do.

Please just back down and have some maturity.

Stop it. Your "maturity" bit ran stale some time ago, seeing as how you aren't exactly a role model for it either.

And, for the last time...

If you insist on telling me time and time again how wrong I am, then take some effort and explain HOW. Otherwise, piss off.
Cheaters cheat because they like the feeling of people thinking they are good and/or that they enjoy to annoy people. It takes a special kind of personality to enjoy destroying the fun for other people. It is a psychopathic tendency.
I cant believe how many people think their cheating is justified. Cheating ruins the game for others, thats all there is to it.

To cheat you have to be a asshole. Once again I'm sorry to all the cheaters I have offended.