Ditch The Cheats

Absinthe said:
Well yeah. Because your entire challenge was built on you showing that you could kick a cheater's ass, and it's no longer really valid if I don't cheat, now is it?

Plus, I've got far more important things to do than prove myself to you over something that goes down in this damn forum. Like playing Minesweeper.

How convenient.
Homer said:
Wait, what?

It's wrong in the sense that ruining somebody else's good time is wrong.

The seriousness of that wrongness, however, is so low risk that just isn't worth the bother of getting all pissy over it. As I've said before, the damage isn't even skin deep.

Cheating online is wrong in principle.
CR0M said:
How convenient.

What? Playing Minesweeper? Ohhh, you mean that I don't have any cheats.

Hey, don't fret, big guy. I could go download some cheats and then we could... Oh no, wait. I don't think it's worth risking my Steam account over this. Sorry man.

Platinum said:
you are being selfish and discourteous ... thats all there is to it , absinthe :hmph:

So I am and always will be a bad person regardless of whatever else I do in my life.

Absinthe said:
It's wrong in the sense that ruining somebody else's good time is wrong.

The seriousness of that wrongness, however, is so low risk that just isn't worth the bother of getting all pissy over it. As I've said before, the damage isn't even skin deep.

Ruining people's fun is the classic action of a textbook asshole. And the damage isn't the point here, its the fact that you would actually ruin others' fun for your own ammuement. That makes you a bad person.
Homer said:
Ruining people's fun is the classic action of a textbook asshole.

Doesn't mean that a cheater always is and always will be one. You know, most people tend to grow out of this shit, just like most people grow out of bullying. And I still think you require more than one instance of cheating to judge somebody.

I'm honestly getting bored of this shit now. You think that wether or not somebody cheats is enough to judge wether or not they're bad. I think it requires more than that. And neither of us are going to lay off, so we're going to spend the rest of this topic bitching at each other. And then it will eventually degrade into a fight over grammar and spelling. And then we'll sink even lower by tossing around "Yo Mama" jokes. And soon we might resort to actually meeting in a parking lot somewhere with brass knuckles and metal bats.

And so, as much as I despise your opinion on this, I recognize it as yours. So I'm just going to drop this crap and move on to some fresher topic to ruin.
Absinthe said:
Great. Doesn't mean that a cheater always is and always will be one.

You know, most people tend to grow out of this shit, just like most people grow out of bullying.

And that does not make bullying ok.
Absinthe said:
I never said it--GACK!

*Pulls on gag leash to stfu*

And so if its NOT ok, then why are you repededly downplaying the wrongness, or even condoning it?
Homer said:
And so if its NOT ok, then why are you repededly downplaying the wrongness, or even condoning it?

Look, I don't want to bother with this any more. I never condoned cheating. I never said it wasn't wrong. I do, however, think that people make a bigger issue out of it than it really is and that cheaters are painted worse than they really are.

And that's the last defense you're going to get from me, because butting heads over this has gotten old, seeing as how nothing's going to change. Maybe when I find another topic to share one of my more controversial opinions in, but not any more in this one.

Spitcodfry said:
You could use some absinthe right about now

I need it all the time. 24/7. Pumped into my blood with an IV.
Cheating is for losers , i realy hate it . When you do it in a singleplayer game is ok ,but in mp it is realy wrong .

Absinthe said:
Look, I don't want to bother with this any more. I never condoned cheating. I never said it wasn't wrong. I do, however, think that people make a bigger issue out of it than it really is and that cheaters are painted worse than they really are.

And that's the last defense you're going to get from me, because butting heads over this has gotten old, seeing as how nothing's going to change. Maybe when I find another topic to share one of my more controversial opinions in, but not any more in this one.

The reason this butting heads got old is because you don't have any points. You are still clinging to the same idea that cheating either is OK, or is only barely wrong. But the very fact that everyone hates it so much indicates that you are wrong. If you get your kicks out of causing all this angst you fall headfirst into the category of bad people.

Oh, and you say you never condoned cheating?

Absinthe said:
In all seriousness though, the damage done in online cheating is absolutely zilch. There is no intimacy. There is no physicality. Your good time is ruined, and so what?
f|uke said:
Ok, you just described four very different kinds of people.

1) CS Cheaters. Pretty much everyone can agree that these guys are scum of the earth. (shame on you, Absithe)
2) HL2 Cheaters. Who cares if someone cheats in a single player game? Seriously.
3) CS/HL2 Pirates (happy to crack). Not all of these folks are bad. Some simply do not have the money to afford the game. Others, sure, are cheap bastards.
4) Hackers. While hackers can be pirates and cheats, they are not nessisarily either.
After wading through the filth in this topic, I find this to be a good guideline. Now, lets get the torches and pitchforks and own some MP cheaters.
If I have a weakness, it's that I don't back down easily. I didn't really have the urge to comment on the ground that has been covered already, but just this part:

Homer said:
But the very fact that everyone hates it so much indicates that you are wrong.

That is a terrible way to judge right and wrong. Ever heard of slavery? Wasn't there a time when it was just okey-dokey with everybody sans the slaves? Please tell me how right slavery was. I mean, it had to be right! Nobody had a problem with it!
Bringing up the majority in an argument is generally just a way to cop out of coming up with your own freakin' opinion and it undermines your credibility. So do yourself some good and don't do that again.

Not relevant to the topic. I'm just kind of under the influence and felt the need to say that.
F|uke, we're not just talking CS here, cheaters are on practically 1 in 4 servers I play on, in every multiplayer game I play - they do it because they can, and as Absinthe has already proven, because they just don't give a shit about other people. They cheat on the internet because they are cowards, isolated, and so safe from any retaliation other than harsh words, which to be honest bounce like bullets off the pope mobile. I haven't seen a cheat yet who has ever admitted to using them, or given any response other than STFUURGAYYOURMUMSUXYOURD1CKHAHAHAHA etc. when caught out. Which would also indicate a touch of retard. Thankfully, following this barrage of adolescent ranting, usually they disappear.


Me, I'm looking forward to the day when cheats are forced into a small metal arena to play with real weapons against each other while Tina Turner looks on. It's gonna happen, I saw it on telly.
It's nice to know I've made myself look like a monster to people. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Absinthe said:
It's nice to know I've made myself look like a monster to people. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Theres the problem .
Ruroni said:
After wading through the filth in this topic, I find this to be a good guideline. Now, lets get the torches and pitchforks and own some MP cheaters.

What are you talking about?!!! People that pirate, and use pirated versions of a game are infinitly worse than a hack ANYDAY! At least no one is STEALING a game when you hack. People that use warez, and pirated versions of games are CRIMINALS, and cost the music industry, gaming industry, movies industry, and many other MILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR.

If you use a pirated version of anything, you deserve to be fined thousands of dollars, and face jail time. The least you could do the thank the great people that make all of your products is to PAY them for the LONG and COUNTLESS HOURS THEY'VE SPENT on doing what they do.
that lan party movie is ancient, like the hills.

its also fake, hes not really a cheater, if you watch hes actually laughing when they throw the pc on the floor, and he picks a bit of it up... the case cover. like thats the bit you would pick up yeah? Also when the Pc hits the ground and smashes, notice it nicley comes apart? and theres way too many bits come out of it for it to be real, bits of what look like tin foil and stuff go on the floor.

if you threw my pc into the carpark like that, you would probably

1) dislocate your shoulder
2) damage the carpark more than the pc (well, slight exageration on this one)

its a full server case packed with with allsorts and weighs around 3.5 stone.
well i kinda agree with absinthe on some aspects of his argument, but other people on other aspects.

...actually i was just about to list the parts of absinths argument that i agreed with and the parts i didnt agree with but i just realised there werent any parts i a greed with. doh.

yeah absinthe your wrong. you do make a few good points, but in the majority you are wrong. such as 'cheating doesnt do any damage'. even though it is a very SMALL thing, sometimes the smallest things are the things that are most annoying. such as when things in my house get moved and i cant find them. it is extremely annoying because you know where you left something but it has since been 'tidied away'. eventually you find it, and yes, no damage is done, but this thing is, its still incredibly annoying.

just because something doesnt cause permanent damage, doesnt mean it doesnt cause damage at all.

but i think on the whole cheating does make you a bad person. not always for the rest of your life, as many people will grow out of it (as absinthe did rightly say) but none-the-less at the moment you cheat, people are annoyed, peoples time is wasted, and you have done a bad thing. if you then realise you have done a bad thing, and stop (maybe with an apology) then maybe your not such a bad person at all.

just my 2cent. PLEASE dont hijack this and start flaming it absinthe, im only going to post here once or twice i was just giving my opinions, i dont really want an argument, if you dont agree with what i have said then debating it freindly is okay, but dont insult me or just plain say im completely wrong, everyone has their opinions.

oh yea one more thing, i think townies are assholes/'bad people' just for the simple fact that they stare at you while biking past or say 'alright mate' while noding their head at you with a smirk on their face, theyre not actually trying to be freindly, theyre just plain assholes and instead of plain swearing/laughing at you, they just do the aformentioned. and no...dont try and say im a loser because townies do the above to me, they do that to EVERYONE except other townies.

anyway this thread has been fun, laughed alot while reading it, boy ive written alot.

me out, enjoy life, have fun, dont take others comments too seriously :)

Is it right for people to admit to cheating, hacking or whatever and still be allowed to make posts in these forums? I'm all for freedom of speech and that but cmon...

Absinthe said:
As somebody who cheated for a long time, I can tell you that I didn't do so because of a lousy ego or because I suck. I'm actually somewhat proficient when it comes to CS.

I just did it because I thought it was fun. And I also liked witnessing the anguish I caused others.

groovy said:
i always get owned in cs. i've hacked a few times (not on my comp, at my mate's cuz they did) and we only did it because it was fun. i'm actually quite dissapointed how Steam hasn't managed to block most of them. recently iv'e seen people hack in servers, and they use it blatant obviously.

Should they still be treated as members and allowed to upgrade their status as they add more posts.

Surely we all enjoy Half-Life and it's mods, don't we?

Shouldn't we protect it and show the younger audiences that cheating is absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE

If someone cheats, they are breaking the rules of the game.

No game allows for cheating.
HeadcrabOnMyAss said:
People that use warez, and pirated versions of games are CRIMINALS...

, and cost the music industry, gaming industry, movies industry, and many other MILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR.
Not true. Piracy doesn't cost the industry anything.
Nor do I think that they lose very many potential buyers. If someone is serious about a game he/she buys it. If they donwload it, they proably wouldn't have bought it anyway.
It's the same with music, quite a lot of people have mp3's with songs that they haven't bought, and never would have bought. Mp3's is free advertising for the artist. People download a few songs and listen to them, if they're good they buy the album.

Edit: Then again... Steal a 50" TV just to try it out - you wouldn't have bought it anyway, so what's the harm? ;)
kevinb4567 said:
just my 2cent. PLEASE dont hijack this and start flaming it absinthe, im only going to post here once or twice i was just giving my opinions, i dont really want an argument, if you dont agree with what i have said then debating it freindly is okay, but dont insult me or just plain say im completely wrong, everyone has their opinions.

It's funny that people worry about this from me, when the fact is that I've actually been on the recieving end of this more than anybody.

See? I've been villified!
Interloper said:

Is it right for people to admit to cheating, hacking or whatever and still be allowed to make posts in these forums? I'm all for freedom of speech and that but cmon...

Over something I did three years ago?

Whatever. It's not my board, so the owner has the right to do what he wants with me. But I personally think that banning would be ridiculous.
i'd like to see a cheater in a life and death situation! let's say you challenge him to a duel, would he fight fair? i'd bet my left hand that he would somehow cheat! does Hamlet ring a bell

ok, enough of the bullshit

-i agree that cheaters are the scum of the internet! (juvenile delinquents of the internet)
-i agree they should be exterminated (off the face of the internet)
-they are ill people (the way you behave in lets say CS is more or less the same like in real life, the only diffrence is that in real life there are much more strict rules, afterall being banned for one year it's not the same as being one year in jail)
-cheaters do spoil the game (if there was a group of cheater playing for themselves, and a better cheater would join in then he would spoil the game for the other cheaters) hehe
-most of the cheaters are more or less losers (not all of them, some of them do it for fun and some for excitement)

as for hackers and alike, maybe the provide us with cracks for games but if you think deeper wouldn't it be better to have one game (original) a month than 10 pirated ones! at least you'd appreciate it more!

final words:

off with theyre heads!

i'm proud to say i've never cheated on a MP game!
as for singlepayer i've cheated only when i had no choise like "having 2 health fighting the last boss, where even a fart would kill you and the last good save being hours back" and I never play games (any game) on the easyest difficulty! i'm not doing this to look cool or anything, but it's really fun to play not being the whole game at 100 health and 100 armor! i remember that scene in HALO where you were on the covenant ship fighting the laser sword bastard in the control room. i had 30 health left and two plasma grenades to kill off the two sword f***s. man that was tough the first time i've played!
Absinthe said:
If I have a weakness, it's that I don't back down easily. I didn't really have the urge to comment on the ground that has been covered already, but just this part:

That is a terrible way to judge right and wrong. Ever heard of slavery? Wasn't there a time when it was just okey-dokey with everybody sans the slaves? Please tell me how right slavery was. I mean, it had to be right! Nobody had a problem with it!
Bringing up the majority in an argument is generally just a way to cop out of coming up with your own freakin' opinion and it undermines your credibility. So do yourself some good and don't do that again.

Not relevant to the topic. I'm just kind of under the influence and felt the need to say that.

Are you actually compairing the idea that cheating is wrong to slavery? You have the balls to accuse me of a weak argument and at the same time compair people who think cheating is wrong to slave owners? What the hell is wrong with you?

The reason that peoples feelings about cheating is indicative of its moral wrongness is that the very reason people cheat is to cause angst.
Absinthe said:
It's funny that people worry about this from me, when the fact is that I've actually been on the recieving end of this more than anybody.

See? I've been villified!

You vilified your self dumb-ass.
Oh, and to all of you who say piracy doesn't hurt the industry.

Tell that to:
Looking Glass (RIP)
Black Isle (RIP)
Microprose (RIP)
Cavedog (RIP)
Bullfrog (RIP?)

A few of them cling to life slightly, but for the most part all of those developers and more are gone.

Buy your games people.
It seems to me that the majority of cheaters out there are under the age of 16-17. Because I (being 18) just don't understand why cheating is fun. I also find people who burn games on the lower end of the spectrum. "Oh yea, I'm into computers....*goes and burns Doom 3, here, want a copy? I got all the latest hacks to do this shit." There usually the people who don't know how to build a $4,000 rig. So sad, I actually feel pity for them
Absinthe, get your head out of your ass, man. If you think that cheating is so unimportant, then why the hell do people put money into making anti-cheat programs? And also, you said that I don't loose anything when you cheat in a game that I'm in, well I actually I do, asshole. See, I pay my hard earned money for my games, I don't know about you though but when I have to keep switching servers because of obvious cheaters, sure seems like I just wasted my money, wait, sorry, YOU wasted my money and my time.

Don't bother spending 2 hours writing a witty reply because I won't read it, you're on my ignore list, pal. Have a nice day.
Homer said:
Are you actually compairing the idea that cheating is wrong to slavery? You have the balls to accuse me of a weak argument and at the same time compair people who think cheating is wrong to slave owners? What the hell is wrong with you?

The reason that peoples feelings about cheating is indicative of its moral wrongness is that the very reason people cheat is to cause angst.


Now, if you read my post, you'd see that I said my post wasn't related to the topic.

Homer said:
You vilified your self dumb-ass.

Homer, Homer, Homer... I'm an angel. It's just these mindless sheep that follow you.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Bunch of stuff about me being an asshole.

I am sorry to hear that you have so much sand in your vagina. If there's anything I can do to help, call me.
Could it be? did absinthe make another retarded reply? YES!

Absinthe said:

Now, if you read my post, you'd see that I said my post wasn't related to the topic.
hmm... lets have a look at that post again.

Absinthe said:
If I have a weakness, it's that I don't back down easily. I didn't really have the urge to comment on the ground that has been covered already, but just this part:

That is a terrible way to judge right and wrong. Ever heard of slavery? Wasn't there a time when it was just okey-dokey with everybody sans the slaves? Please tell me how right slavery was. I mean, it had to be right! Nobody had a problem with it!
Bringing up the majority in an argument is generally just a way to cop out of coming up with your own freakin' opinion and it undermines your credibility. So do yourself some good and don't do that again.

Not relevant to the topic. I'm just kind of under the influence and felt the need to say that.

Lets let the others on this forum judge for themselves. Anyone care to chime in?

Homer, Homer, Homer... With all the hostility and insults, why exactly do I come out as the bad guy? I mean, you're just as big a prick as I am. Probably even bigger. :\

Ask around asshole.

*edit* Oh I HAD to add this.

Absinthe said:
I am sorry to hear that you have so much sand in your vagina. If there's anything I can do to help, call me.
Homer said:
Could it be? did absinthe make another retarded reply? YES!

Is Homer being a smug prick again? I believe so.

"If I have a weakness, it's that I don't back down easily. I didn't really have the urge to comment on the ground that has been covered already, but just this part..."

"Not relevant to the topic. I'm just kind of under the influence and felt the need to say that."

Lets let the others on this forum judge for themselves. Anyone care to chime in?

Yeah, sure let 'em chime in. I said that the post didn't pertain to the topic. Go ahead and let people imagine that I said something which isn't there. I'm sure you'll get a lot of people to buy into it.

And I mean it when I say that.

Ask around asshole.

The incessant hostility and insulting! Yep, I think you've actually done more of that than me in this topic. Or, at least, you've been far more up front with it. "Asshole", indeed.

BTW I lurve the irony of your sig.
Absinthe said:
Is Homer being a smug prick again? I believe so.


The incessant hostility and insulting! Yep, I think you've actually done more of that than me in this topic. Or, at least, you've been far more up front with it. "Asshole", indeed.

Consistent to the last.

You give up on your little "Cheating is fine and nobody but me matters" argument yet or is this just a tangent?
Homer said:
Consistent to the last.

You give up on your little "Cheating is fine and nobody but me matters" argument yet or is this just a tangent?

Well, you've once again failed to actually post an accurate summary of my position on this. Why am I not surprised?

I think I made it clear that I'm done talking about it. At least for now. Frankly, I thought some people would have the maturity to just let it die like I was willing to, but that resolution never really materialised.
I'm not going to engage in that discussion again. As I said, I feel it's just beating a dead horse since everything was going in circles. So yes, I am going off on tangents.
Absinthe said:
Well, you've once again failed to actually post an accurate summary of my position on this. Why am I not surprised?

I think I made it clear that I'm done talking about it. At least for now. Frankly, I thought some people would have the maturity to just let it die like I was willing to, but that resolution never really materialised.
I'm not going to engage in that discussion again. As I said, I feel it's just beating a dead horse since everything was going in circles. So yes, I am going off on tangents.

If you were willing to let it die you would have. But you keep coming back for more. Why? I have no idea, everyone here agrees that your wrong with the exception of a few lowly cheaters who don't dare post else they may be found out.
Homer said:
If you were willing to let it die you would have.

I don't exactly like walking away from an argument only to have my opponent call me a bad person and accuse me of having no points, only to start the shit storm brewing once more. Yeah... I kind of have issues with that, you know?

But you keep coming back for more. Why? I have no idea, everyone here agrees that your wrong with the exception of a few lowly cheaters who don't dare post else they may be found out.

Should I care? Am I supposed to suddenly change my views on the subject just because "Gosh, nobody agrees with me"? I stick by my views, not the views of others. And so far, there has not been one person that has convinced me of my falseness. In any case, I knew very well from the beginning that my view wasn't popular, and I more or less guessed that I'd have everybody oppose me on it.
Any way, I keep coming back because I am curious as to the aftermath. I'm curious as to who agreed with what. I think some of the hateful posts are funny. I keep coming back because I couldn't really care if my presence isn't liked.
Its not that your view is unpopular. Its WRONG. Cheating is a bad thing that bad people do. Most people don't have trouble with this idea, but you seem to. The obvious reason is that you yourself cheat, and I think most of the evidence points to that. Real cheaters never admit it, its always "I cheated once, a few years ago" or, "I only cheat when other people are cheating" but its all the same. We know what you are absinthe, don't you forget it.

That is why I will not back down on this, and why I have no intention of giving you and inch.