Ditch The Cheats

Homer said:
Its not that your view is unpopular. Its WRONG.

Opinions. You can see "NO, IT'S WRONG" all you want as if you have all the factual accuracy in the world. But you don't. And it's just your opinion. Just like I think you're wrong.

And, aside from what you may like to believe, it was actually you that started becoming hostile and insulting when we began our little "chat".

Cheating is a bad thing that bad people do. Most people don't have trouble with this idea, but you seem to. The obvious reason is that you yourself cheat, and I think most of the evidence points to that. Real cheaters never admit it, its always "I cheated once, a few years ago" or, "I only cheat when other people are cheating" but its all the same. We know what you are absinthe, don't you forget it.

:rolleyes: Oh piss off with this, alright? Should I feel threatened? You're seriously taking this too far, and I think you overestimate your ability to judge character.

What kind of bullshit half-cocked "evidence" would this be? *GASP* Is it because I don't agree with you? Does THAT make me a cheater? Wow, that's some hard shit right there! That's certain to prove me guilty!


No. You don't have any evidence, so please stop attempting to be an analyst. When you say you "know" what I am, you're actually deluding yourself into thinking I'm a cheater. But hey, I understand. It's not enough that I just disagree with popular opinion. I have to be a cheater in order to be a proper "bad guy". Why not try your hand at making me a baby killer as well?

That is why I will not back down on this, and why I have no intention of giving you and inch.

Good for you. I hope your righteous battle against a nonexistent enemy produces fruitful results.
Wow, what a long read this thread is!

People, please, don't skip the long read and post "Yeah cheaters suck", after 14 pages you would ASSUME that this has been covered.

Absinthe, I agree with you fully.

Homer, I don't know what is wrong, but you need to understand what Absinthe is saying.

You can't just ASSUME that people who cheat (at any agree) are bad people in general.

I personally think that no one is a "bad person"

Either it is something from that past that has caused it, or some mental disorder. It isn't really thier fault at all.

I have a very good friend online. He is a great guy. I realised that he smokes. And he is only 15.

Now all of the sudden he is a bad person!?

I dont think so. He did not suddenly change just because I realised that he smokes.

No, don't go all crazy and say I think underage smoking is ok. Hell no. I try to get him to stop.

So what I am saying is, you cannot generalize people by something like cheating. I don't care how bad it is. You just can't do it.

I dare you to dissagree.
Ehm. I'm just gonna jump back in here a bit.

Cheaters are assholes. I stand by this 100%. But are they branded assholes for life? Are they socially malformed miscreants never to be redeemed? Some of them, sure, but not all of them by any means.

Most all of us have been an asshole at one time or another. I can think of a few times when I behaved in a thoughtless or unacceptable manner. But I am usually a good, decent, thoughtfull person.

So sure, you have your sociopathic cheaters, who shoot puppies with airguns and tease fat kids; the kind who take up permanent residence in assholeville. But you also have your perfectly decent people, who are just there to visit.

Absinthe seems like a good guy to me. I'm pretty sure this guy knows right from wrong. I certainly don't think he's a permanent resident of assholeville. So he's been there,. which one of us can honestly say that we haven't? If nothing else, you've got to give the man credit owning up to something so unpopular.
Demonmerc said:
Video was staged, pc was a crap 286 or something similar.

Absinthe, cheaters suck.

They are 'online terrorists'.

They make people's gaming experience miserable.

They make people quit playing the game for good.

They are selfish bastards.

They stoop to a low level and piss people off for their own amusement.

Actually, I think you're confused on the 'demonic cheater' profile. Most of them are such pussies the only dangerous thing they do at all is cheat online.

[edit] Even though you don't have to be civil online, doesn't mean you shouldn't. You are taking advantage of the anonyminity of the internet for your own amusement/ego boost/whatever. People online are still people, regardless of what you think.

Quoted because it is true on so many levels...
the only "crack" i condone myself is a "no-CD" crack where you don't need the CD in the drive to play it. Yes, you still have to buy the game, but if I don't feel like fishing out the CD, and putting it in my drive, then I won't. Besides, the cyber-cafe places do it all the time with not having the CD in the drive.
Danimal said:
Quoted because it is true on so many levels...
Funny, all I see is a bunch of generalizations...

Try reading my post, or one of Absinthe's many posts.
The only people angry about generalizations of cheaters are the cheaters themselves. More and more this topic is making it clear who they are.
Homer said:
The only people angry about generalizations of cheaters are the cheaters themselves.
Err... Then you are being irrational, and one sided. ANYONE can see that those statements demonstrate generalizing.
Homer said:
More and more this topic is making it clear who they are.
I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but will let you know that I have never touched a hack in my life.
It means I suspect you of hacking. And lying in view of that denial in your post.

Hacking is a bad thing. People who do bad things are called "bad people". A bad person may change, this is undeniable, but this does not cancel their responsibility for their actions.
Homer said:
It means I suspect you of hacking. And lying in view of that denial in your post.
Well, I can't help it if you don't believe me, so that is your problem.

Homer said:
Hacking is a bad thing. People who do bad things are called "bad people". A bad person may change, this is undeniable, but this does not cancel their responsibility for their actions.
Yes, hacking IS a bad thing. We know... People who do bad things aren't always bad people. And besides, you said hacking is a bad THING, and that bad people to bad THINGS.

Note the difference between plural and singular. Some hackers don't even know it's bad to hack. And you are calling them bad people?

Absinthe and I have given you many alliterations. Just because a person does a bad thing or things, doesn't make them bad people.

A bad person would be someone that does ALOT of bad things. Someone who continually harms people, (pissing people off through hacking is not HARMING them) without stopping because of warnings given.

I find it hard to describe a bad person anyway.. I dont believe "bad people" exist. It's not their fault they are the way they are.
Homer... dude, please stfu.
If you judge everyone by their actions on the internet, well.
You'd probably be burning witches in Salem if this was 400 years ago.

Get it? I'm saying get a grip and be quiet.
I cant believe there are this many people on this forum who think cheating at multiplayer games is a acceptable activity.

Cheaters are scum. Thats all there is to it.
Eon Blue said:
Homer... dude, please stfu.
If you judge everyone by their actions on the internet, well.
You'd probably be burning witches in Salem if this was 400 years ago.

Get it? I'm saying get a grip and be quiet.
Ahh! Savior!

What does that make.. 3 of us?

We are growing! The right thing shall prevail!


Hmm.. Perhaps I can add something else, Homer. (And all those who stand beside him)

Would you be in the same position if you, say, tried out a hack for yourself? Imagine if you hacked a little in your past.

How would you feel, being called scum, when you knew you weren't a bad person? Hurts doesn't it? That's what we are trying to prove to you. You are being complete jerks to these people.

And no, I am not saying that some of these hackers aren't REAL scumbags. I agree with you on that. But that doesn't mean ALL of them are.

Get it yet?


EDIT: Good God Homer. I think I have lost all hope for you.



Either you are joking, or you really are this dull.

Both make me sad.
Cheaters are scum. Thats all there is to it.
I take it you liken yourself to be the internet Messiah, reborn after 3 days.

GET A GRIP. Cheating is good for laughs. You have no reason not to be able to find another server. Quit your bitching, it's only making you look like your head is stuck in your ass.
vegeta897 said:
Ahh! Savior!

What does that make.. 3 of us?

We are growing! The right thing shall prevail!


Hmm.. Perhaps I can add something else, Homer. (And all those who stand beside him)

Would you be in the same position if you, say, tried out a hack for yourself? Imagine if you hacked a little in your past.

How would you feel, being called scum, when you knew you weren't a bad person? Hurts doesn't it? That's what we are trying to prove to you. You are being complete jerks to these people.

And no, I am not saying that some of these hackers aren't REAL scumbags. I agree with you on that. But that doesn't mean ALL of them are.

Get it yet?

This may be wildly hard to believe for you, but I would never cheat in a multiplayer game. Anyone who would is a bad person.

A bad person can change, but as I said, that does not make cheating alright.
Eon Blue said:
I take it you liken yourself to be the internet Messiah, reborn after 3 days.

GET A GRIP. Cheating is good for laughs. You have no reason not to be able to find another server. Quit your bitching, it's only making you look like your head is stuck in your ass.

I admit it was good for laughs?

Go back to page three and see if I said it back there, moron.

"oh noes he hacks he's a bad person that eats babies and rapes kittuns"
Wow. Just wow.

If I had to write the definition for Human Ignorance and Stupidity, I would give the link to this thread, and put in parenthesis, "Homer"

You are simply not listening. And if you can't even argue, or back ANYTHING you say up with reason, SHUT THE HELL UP.
Eon Blue said:
I admit it was good for laughs?

Go back to page three and see if I said it back there, moron.

"oh noes he hacks he's a bad person that eats babies and rapes kittuns"

You have your fun at other peoples expense, that is the very definition of an asshole. asshole.
vegeta897 said:
Wow. Just wow.

If I had to write the definition for Human Ignorance and Stupidity, I would give the link to this thread, and put in parenthesis, "Homer"

You are simply not listening. And if you can't even argue, or back ANYTHING you say up with reason, SHUT THE HELL UP.

I'm ignorant because I believe people shouldn't act like assholes and have fun at other peoples expense?
You have your fun at other peoples expense, that is the very definition of an asshole. asshole.

Over 90% of human humor is based off the suffering or discomfort of others.

Are you going to tell me I can't watch South Park next?
Eon Blue said:
Over 90% of human humor is based off the suffering or discomfort of others.

Are you going to tell me I can't watch South Park next?

When you watch south park 20 people dont have to get up and go find another room.
Eon Blue said:
GET A GRIP. Cheating is good for laughs. You have no reason not to be able to find another server. Quit your bitching, it's only making you look like your head is stuck in your ass.

Maybe you are right just maybe, If the other people playing had all agreed to it before hand.

Cheating is a pain. Seriously everyday I try to have a civil game of UT2k4 at an internet cafe and have a nice cup of coffee. A snivelling little devil will strike and ruin my kill to deaths ratio.

Many of the servers I play on are kick/ban alas occasionly I don't have Admin status and theres no other person with Admin status around. It gets really annoying when cheaters admit they are cheating. Seriously we know it's not that hard to tell you stopped a full health Leviathan all by yourself with a bio-rifle.
Homer said:
I'm ignorant because I believe people shouldn't act like assholes and have fun at other peoples expense?
There you go, further enhancing my definition.

What did I tell you?


You STILL aren't listening.

Before you post, PLEASE look back at any of my posts, and reconsider, before posting THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER.
Why do you only reply to points you can refute?
You cannot argue that the majority of human humor is based off of the mockery, in some way or form, of another.
How is cheating online different? I'm laughing at you for taking such a game so seriously; I'm enjoying myself at your expense.
Are you a bad person for laughing at how your best friend fell down his steps, and ended up with his pants off?

Think about what you're saying. You're going on all kinds of tangents to prove some useless opinion is true. You miss the point though; it's an opinion, not fact.

What you fail to understand is that not everyone is like you, and not everyone plays by your rules. I'm betting you're the kind of person that yells hacks at anyone about a 3:1 ratio.

All in all Homer, it's people like YOU who ruin internet gaming, not cheaters. I've seen so many idiots claim everyone around them was cheating, but I've never seen anyone say and actually believe that, even when not on the internet, the person cheating was a bad person.

I'm done here. You're either to amazingly stupid to realize when you're wrong, or you're trying to work me like all the cheaters have worked you.
Many of the servers I play on are kick/ban alas occasionly I don't have Admin status and theres no other person with Admin status around. It gets really annoying when cheaters admit they are cheating. Seriously we know it's not that hard to tell you stopped a full health Leviathan all by yourself with a bio-rifle.

Try this: Type "Disconnect" in your console and find a new server. And for God's sake, why are you attempting online UT2k4 anyway, lol. Just playing. I got UT2k4 when it came out :0!
Eon Blue said:
All in all Homer, it's people like YOU who ruin internet gaming, not cheaters. I've seen so many idiots claim everyone around them was cheating, but I've never seen anyone say and actually believe that, even when not on the internet, the person cheating was a bad person.

You make a good point here. These people tend to be noobies like some cheaters themselves. Just like RL you need to know who you can trust and have a good time with.

Eon Blue said:
Try this: Type "Disconnect" in your console and find a new server. And for God's sake, why are you attempting online UT2k4 anyway, lol. Just playing. I got UT2k4 when it came out :0!

I do, but these are the servers I love playing on. They have the best people at times. I know everyone and sometimes take on the role of Admin. As I said sometimes a wandering cheater will come along and ruin our fun.

I agree and disagree with you at the moment.
Eon blue cheats in online games. He is an asshole, and a bad person. Now that we are clear on this:

vegeta897 said:
There you go, further enhancing my definition.

What did I tell you?


You STILL aren't listening.

Before you post, PLEASE look back at any of my posts, and reconsider, before posting THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER.

There is only one point that needs to be made here, because it is an absolute. Only a bad person would cheat in a multi player game. They are either completely not thinking of other people or they are just assholes. Usually the latter.

BUT, if you want to get caught up in the specifics of if they can become good people later, or if doing one thing makes you a bad person, or whatever, I will respond. Cheating in a multi player game is something only a bad person would do. Not all bad people cheat in online games, and not all bad people stay bad people their whole lives. In fact, its usually just a phase people go through around 14. But none of this matters because of the simple fact that only a bad person would enjoy ruining the fun for so many other people.
Just like RL you need to know who you can trust and have a good time with.

I'd like to expound upon that. If you play on a 32 player, CS, blahblahblah.com pub, you're asking for a hacker.

Play on clan servers, ffs.

Look, people. You're not acting intelligent when you frequent the places that cheaters love. There's thousands of clan servers out there. Try one of those. Hell, you'll even find the competition is better there.

Oh, and I do suck at CS (keeping a 1:1 is a chore), but I don't cheat because of that. I actually enjoy that game; it's a great way to f*ck around.

When I cheated, it was for a reaction. I, and a few ***** players would go on a server and laugh it up. No harm done to anyone in real life, no virii, nothing of that sort. Just a few laughs between internet friends.

It's not as bad as Homer makes it out to be... he's just been speedhackknifepwned too many times to count.
Eon blue cheats in online games. He is an asshole, and a bad person. Now that we are clear on this:

For ****'s sake, are you mentally handicapped? Are you incapable of using any sort of LOGIC with your posts?

I cheated in CS a grand total of 12 times. I had fun. I moved on. WHY ARE YOU STILL HUNG UP ON THAT?

Now, if you want to get in a pissing contest with me, Homer... just a warning: Your stuff ain't big enough.

Take it to a PM. Keep your personal attacks on me someplace where nobody else can see how badly I'll pwn you ;)
Homer. You are posting the EXACT same thing. Over. And over.

And over!

How about, you listen, (listen!) to my post! (MY post!)

Maybe, (Just maybe!) you (Yes, YOU!) will learn (GASP, learning!) something!

Or you could reword what you have been saying for the past couple of hours, and post that.
Homer said:
Eon blue cheats in online games. He is an asshole, and a bad person. Now that we are clear on this:

There is only one point that needs to be made here, because it is an absolute. Only a bad person would cheat in a multi player game. They are either completely not thinking of other people or they are just assholes. Usually the latter.

BUT, if you want to get caught up in the specifics of if they can become good people later, or if doing one thing makes you a bad person, or whatever, I will respond. Cheating in a multi player game is something only a bad person would do. Not all bad people cheat in online games, and not all bad people stay bad people their whole lives. In fact, its usually just a phase people go through around 14. But none of this matters because of the simple fact that only a bad person would enjoy ruining the fun for so many other people.

Bad and Evil are not facts they are points of view.

I fully support anti-cheating. Cheating really ticks me off so I try to avoid it as much as possible. However, we have no fullproof way to stop it.
For some reason I can't edit my posts, so I'll say this: Homer, I didn't mean to offend anyone who is mentally handicapped; I was hoping you'd get the link between that and having an inability to use any logical thought.

Now, that being said, I vote for a lock to this thread. 15 pages of whining and backbiting is enough; I've contributed too much and have overstayed my welcome.

In short, I'm sorry you have your online gaming experience ruined by cheaters, but you've got to move on. Harboring a grudge will get you nowhere but banned.
Eon Blue said:
I'd like to expound upon that. If you play on a 32 player, CS, blahblahblah.com pub, you're asking for a hacker.

Play on clan servers, ffs.

Look, people. You're not acting intelligent when you frequent the places that cheaters love. There's thousands of clan servers out there. Try one of those. Hell, you'll even find the competition is better there.

Oh, and I do suck at CS (keeping a 1:1 is a chore), but I don't cheat because of that. I actually enjoy that game; it's a great way to f*ck around.

When I cheated, it was for a reaction. I, and a few ***** players would go on a server and laugh it up. No harm done to anyone in real life, no virii, nothing of that sort. Just a few laughs between internet friends.

It's not as bad as Homer makes it out to be... he's just been speedhackknifepwned too many times to count.

This I can agree with. Everyone had a laugh and you got over it. No one was harmed. People who continue to cheat/hack are the true cheaters along with those who can't bare another player wiping the floor with them without cheating.
Eon Blue said:
I'd like to expound upon that. If you play on a 32 player, CS, blahblahblah.com pub, you're asking for a hacker.

Play on clan servers, ffs.

Look, people. You're not acting intelligent when you frequent the places that cheaters love. There's thousands of clan servers out there. Try one of those. Hell, you'll even find the competition is better there.

Oh, and I do suck at CS (keeping a 1:1 is a chore), but I don't cheat because of that. I actually enjoy that game; it's a great way to f*ck around.

When I cheated, it was for a reaction. I, and a few ***** players would go on a server and laugh it up. No harm done to anyone in real life, no virii, nothing of that sort. Just a few laughs between internet friends.

It's not as bad as Homer makes it out to be... he's just been speedhackknifepwned too many times to count.

People shouldn't have to worry about cheaters in online games.

Morons like you have ruined pubbing.

Does anyone remember cs before the hacks hit hard? You could drop into any random server and have a good time, good players were just good at the game, and people could share a "ns" with someone after they got killed.

Now, every time you die, you think "hmm... is this guy hacking, or is he just better than me?". Well, about half the people who think this have no idea how to tell if someone is hacking. They may just start lobbing accusations, or they may spectate someone for a few rounds until they see a little lag and then start with their bullshit accusations of everyone who has figured out how to aim for a headshot.

You ruined the game. And you don't care at all. That makes you an asshole in my book.
Eon Blue said:
For some reason I can't edit my posts, so I'll say this: Homer, I didn't mean to offend anyone who is mentally handicapped; I was hoping you'd get the link between that and having an inability to use any logical thought.

Now, that being said, I vote for a lock to this thread. 15 pages of whining and backbiting is enough; I've contributed too much and have overstayed my welcome.

In short, I'm sorry you have your online gaming experience ruined by cheaters, but you've got to move on. Harboring a grudge will get you nowhere but banned.

You don't even know how to read, do you Homer?
Get your head out of that hole.
You ruined the game. And you don't care at all. That makes you an asshole in my book.

Roffle @ me, personally, ruining all of CS from Beta 1 to 1.6 on Steam. Roffle, dude.

(again, can't edit posts :()
Homer said:
People shouldn't have to worry about cheaters in online games.

Morons like you have ruined pubbing.

Does anyone remember cs before the hacks hit hard? You could drop into any random server and have a good time, good players were just good at the game, and people could share a "ns" with someone after they got killed.

Now, every time you die, you think "hmm... is this guy hacking, or is he just better than me?". Well, about half the people who think this have no idea how to tell if someone is hacking. They may just start lobbing accusations, or they may spectate someone for a few rounds until they see a little lag and then start with their bullshit accusations of everyone who has figured out how to aim for a headshot.

You ruined the game. And you don't care at all. That makes you an asshole in my book.

Dude this is whats lifes about. Some people are decent folk and other are just jerks. Get over it now and go watch a movie or something.
Homer said:
People shouldn't have to worry about cheaters in online games.

Morons like you have ruined pubbing.

Does anyone remember cs before the hacks hit hard? You could drop into any random server and have a good time, good players were just good at the game, and people could share a "ns" with someone after they got killed.

Now, every time you die, you think "hmm... is this guy hacking, or is he just better than me?". Well, about half the people who think this have no idea how to tell if someone is hacking. They may just start lobbing accusations, or they may spectate someone for a few rounds until they see a little lag and then start with their bullshit accusations of everyone who has figured out how to aim for a headshot.

You ruined the game. And you don't care at all. That makes you an asshole in my book.
Oh ffs. I always connect to the lowest ping server with a decent amount of players.

I don't notice anyone hacking at all.

Want to know why?


You honestly consider a person a hacker everytime you die?

My friend, that is just SAD. I hope you find help soon.

And you making these accusations, would, according to you, make you an "asshole", no?

You really need to get on with your life. Why is it that I never encounter hackers? And if one if really obvious, how hard is it to MOVE TO A DIFFERENT FCKNG SERVER!?

I think I have said just about everything I've got...

But with Homer's unpredictable lack of logic, I am sure he can squeeze a few more drops out of me.
Eon Blue said:
You don't even know how to read, do you Homer?
Get your head out of that hole.

Interestingly enough, that last sentence is the perfect wording for what you need to do about this cheating business.

Its not ok, the problem does not lie with other people, and it is not fair to expect people to just "find another server".