Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
Urp. It's gone to the dogs.

Suicide42 said:
wowbagger.... i like your style (implying to the avatar) :)

Suicide will have to change his avatar now.. and mine just doesn't look right with a PC World-computer-coloured forum background
I was just now surfing a more dark colored forum and switched back to this one, got a heart attack all over again.
To Munro:
Is there any way you can make the site shiny and reflective (Like the words, layout, etc.). I think that would be awesome if you guys could do it. Or at least, test it out.
Shit, now my red EVIL sig doesnt look as spiffy as before.. THNX ALOT! :p
User Name said:
To Munro:
Is there any way you can make the site shiny and reflective. I think that would be awesome if you guys could do it. Or at least, test it out.

Yep. Just get a can of Pledge polish and a yellow duster. Spray the Pledge evenly over the front of your monitor and wipe with the yellow duster. There a shiny and reflective site, enjoy.

theGreenBunny said:
Does this mean user-changeable forum styles, or different colors for the main site and the forum?

I like both options (and both skins) really, just making sure.

Yep, the forums and main site will have at least 4 user-changeable styles to choose from.
I voted Yes at first, but the more I look at it, the less I like it... looks too much like some Japanese Manga site.

I think people are right when they say the style doesnt suit the half-Life "feel". Half-Life is more, ummm, simple, down-to-earth, and a little less stylish.

At least that's my personal opinion. The design is by no means ugly, it just got a little too stylish for the content it presents.
Munro said:
Yep. Just get a can of Pledge polish and a yellow duster. Spray the Pledge evenly over the front of your monitor and wipe with the yellow duster. There a shiny and reflective site, enjoy.

:LOL: :p

But seriously. Instead of using dull/plain colors. Could you make the site shiny/reflective. I think that would be awesome! :cool:

Or is it too difficult for you guys to do?
SLH said:
If using FF hold Ctrl and use the scroll-wheel (think it's the same in IE).
That works, but then every other site I go to is super small, I would just like the default text size smaller. :) PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
Munro said:
Yep, the forums and main site will have at least 4 user-changeable styles to choose from.
Phew.. you scared me there with that new skin
the colors are not that good imo...and make sure everything fits like it should...
Ack, I totally hate the new layout, the colors are horrible, I've seen better colors in a public toilet. The banner couldn't be more empty and plain. I also liked it how the forums were centered in the middle of the screen, where as these ones get scretched to the end of the screen.The original layout was perfect the way it was.

EDIT: Even my link in my sig looks crappy.
The blue thing you posted looks very good, MUCH better then the current one imo.
I like it but I voted no, its just a little too bright for my taste... kinda hard to read some of the text in places.

But I love the thing with DOG at the top.
Site banner is boring, but the colour scheme is pleasant and the announcement bar on the left is a nice move. I'll vote yes when there is a decent banner.
seems real clausterphobic, have a hard time just browsing through. feels kinda guady, like a leno scheme...
I'm not a big fan of it either. Perhaps just give us a choice between the two.

Then again perhaps that's the plan, I'm not going to lie, I didn't read any other posts in this topic. But yeah, the previous skin was just much more pleasing to the eyes than this one.
"Do you like the new skin? Yes or No"

can I choose Death?
Munro said:
Yep, the forums and main site will have at least 4 user-changeable styles to choose from.
This is good news. However, I hope the 4 styles won't be as objectionable as this one!
I wanted to vote yes, but after a long history of pressing the upper option (usually the top option is 'yes') I automatically thought it was yes when it really was no.
So I voted 'no' by accident.
I like the new feel, but does't feel like anymore.
I like the colour scheme a lot. There are a few white-on-near-white links (such as when waiting to be forwarded after logging on) that need to go, but that's relatively minor. I'm not a great fan of the bar on the left either, but the overall package is far superior to the dingy original.
The banner is real nice,and watching the avatars now seem more comfortable. :p
can't u do what a lot of forums do and let u pick your skin? save it to user profile on here? that'd b gd cuz then i could go back to the old one :p (as most ppl voted they liked it)