Doom 4 Announced

I wonder what kind of PC will run it. I also wonder how it will scale to consoles. I also wonder if it will be good.
Could've sworn they said they'd never do a 4th.
Wow, didn't see that coming. Hell On Earth remake then?
I'll play it I guess but my hype meter isn't flicking above baseline
I'm completely apathetic about the game itself. If they released a 10-minute demo I'd be pretty dang excited to see idTech5, but still wouldn't care about Doom 4.

id, do you hear me? When there are people would would be excited by a game demo but couldn't care less about the game, you know something's wrong with your values.

However you put the word, it works.
I always liked Doom 3 and its expansion pack. :p Hopefully a video at E3 or QuakeCON?
This is gonna be awesome! :D Com'on guys, have a little faith in ID at least.

The only thing wrong with Doom3 imo was that the weapons didn't have a secondary firing mode. (although, this was true to the original doom games too, but this is 2008 now.) Also, if they do away with the whole, "monster-in-the closet" thing and actually give the demons an A.I. this time, maybe, just maybe we'll get the next gen Doom we were promised with Doom3. Also, Id, please let there be more than 5 total demons on-screen this time. It just isn't doom if the player is not bombarded with entire legions of demons. This is why Doom3 was way to easy for me imo.

Wow, didn't see that coming. Hell On Earth remake then?
This also.
The only thing wrong with Doom3 imo was that it sucked.
I don't see at as doom, but as the tech 5 editor with a little distraction.
And because of that it just topped my list of most anticipated software.
Doom 3 was proper shit, the first few "OMG THAT JUST JUMPED OUT AT ME" scares got me, but after that it was shit. The environments were lifeless, the guns all felt like little cap guns, the monsters didn't bleed or anything, they just kinda vanished.
I don't see at as doom as much as tech 5 editor with a little distraction.
And because of that it just topped my list of most anticipated software.
Pfft. Modders. :rolling:

the guns all felt like little cap guns, the monsters didn't bleed or anything, they just kinda vanished.
Two more things Id should improve upon with Doom4 which really pissed me off about D3. The BIG guns (the rocket launcher, chain gun, even the BFG9000,) just didn't feel like big guns at all. :p Also, the first time I killed a demon and all it did was vanish, I was like, wtf? Where's the gratuitious gore that made Doom3 so popular? I expected highly detailed gore/death animations to complement the highly detailed demon models (at the time) and all in D3.
Com'on guys, have a little faith in ID at least.

Er, no. Last time I had faith in id they delivered a game dated in gameplay and sophistication by 10 years and a narrative that fell flat on its face at every available opportunity. It's also an incredible over exaggeration to call it "scary". It was made of generic "boo" moments and overly dark corridors. Doom 3 sucked major monkey balls. id may call itself a games company but they lack something very important: game designers.

The prospect of wading through the quagmire of another Doom game does not appeal to me in the slightest.
After the Resurrection Of Evil, I can firmly say that I might rent this.

But it must look good
and get good reviews
and cost 1 dollar.
I'll definitely be getting this if it does indeed take place on Earth.
Com'on guys, have a little faith in ID at least.

Sorry but I lost faith in Id quite some time ago... The last game I really liked was Return to Castle Wolfenstein (and that game wasn't even made by the actual Id team), after that, one crap game after the other.

The only thing wrong with Doom3 imo was that the weapons didn't have a secondary firing mode. (although, this was true to the original doom games too, but this is 2008 now.).

Sure it would've been nice to have a secondary fire mode but there are a ton of other things which piss me off about this game and Quake 4 for that matter. What do i mean? Well:

-The weapon sounds. Horrible, in both Doom 3 and Q4, because of all the bad and sometimes downright irritating gun fire sounds (yes i'm looking at you Q4 machine gun), it felt like you were using toy guns all the time.
-Weapon FX. Absolutely craptastic. The lamest rocket/grenade explosions ever in Doom3 and Q4. Huuurrr lets make a particle system with 3 particles in it that have a bland fire texture on them... :sleep:
-The gore, or lack of it. YAY, I just shot an Imp with my shot gun that sounds like a Nerf gun and it vanished without shedding a drop of blood.
-Boring gameplay. YES BOOOORING. Samon was right when saying they just left the same 10 year old gameplay mechanics and added better graphics...

So **** Doom. I want a Return to Castle wolfenstein 2 or Wolfenstein 3 or whatever the hell they would call it.
Here's a leaked screenshot:

I wonder why no one has said anything about the annoyance of having to switch between the flashlight and gun.
I mean I only played the game with the ductape mod and even then I did not like it.

One other thing I missed was, cause and effect. Fear did this very good but doom, quake, prey, all failed at it.
You could shoot a monster from a meter with a shotgun and it was like nothing hit them,
it never felt satisfying to shoot things in doom because of this.
I wonder what kind of PC will run it. I also wonder how it will scale to consoles. I also wonder if it will be good.
1. It doesn't exist yet - it will be a near-mythical behemoth of a computer that runs on the sacrificed sould of virgins and developers of games with more depth than Doom, ie: most of them.
I am aware that virgins and game devs needn't be mutually exclusive.

2. Probably not.

3. Probably not.

the next installment of our flagship franchise
This kind of sounds like they're developing a sequel for the sake of it; because they feel like they ought to or because they've got no ideas beyond Quake or Doom.

I wonder why no one has said anything about the annoyance of having to switch between the flashlight and gun.
Are you insane, man? That was one of the main things that made the game scary!
Quake IV was good. Not a breakthrough, not a revolution, just a solid piece of game.
I'm down. I liked Doom 3, and I don't expect this one to disappoint.
-The weapon sounds. Horrible, in both Doom 3 and Q4, because of all the bad and sometimes downright irritating gun fire sounds (yes i'm looking at you Q4 machine gun), it felt like you were using toy guns all the time.
This. I downloaded the pack of sounds that Trent Reznor originally created for the game but were scrapped, much much better sounding.
i dont understand why people compain about the whole flashlight thing. It adds to the gameplay and the stressfull disorder when you are freaked out, just another element to the overall gameplay. I liked to slowly walk around the lab complexes with a flashlight making sure there are no monsters luring in the corners and then switching to a weapon and venture into the dark abysses and hope that theres nothing there.

It just adds to the feeling for me.
I'm not going to touch this if it's anything remotely like Doom 3. Biggest waste of $$ for me in gaming ever.
I imagine this will be a remake of doom 2. I can't say I have much faith in id either. I didn't find quake 4 to be all that engaging and doom was ****ing terrible. Good god I don't think i've ever been so disappointed with a game to the degree of falling from total hype to complete boredom at the other side of the spectrum.

Here's a leaked screenshot:

