DooM III Leaked... already?

It happens with every game, sadly.
Happens to every game. I think everyone expected it to happen to Doom 3.

Must... Resist.

EDIT: I'm not doing a very good job of resisting.
Feath said:
Happens to every game. I think everyone expected it to happen to Doom 3.

Must... Resist.

EDIT: I'm not doing a very good job of resisting.

bad boy Feath :(
resist dammnit :frown:
neither am I, 15 hours to go.. :'( ... stop me please.. Why couldn't they have planned a world wide release? like HL² .. Damn you communist's!!

Help me press cansel on teh torrent, Channel your spirit and help me do it
Dr. Freeman said:
bad boy Feath :(
resist dammnit :frown:

I'm going through phrases of resistance and non-resistance.

And now I've just decided to wait for 12 days instead.

Hooray for me.
I'll buy and download the game... but I can't find the leak anywhere. I just read that there's no CD-crack for it yet so it's useless.
Feath said:
I'm going through phrases of resistance and non-resistance.

And now I've just decided to wait for 12 days instead.

Hooray for me.

i have faith in u! ;)
Damn, :( still 12 days to go! **** this is slow. Someone speed up time plz.
How many cd's is the game, i would have thought the size alone would put off any prespective downloader. I'm gonna buy the game and i f i did decide to download i bet the game would reach my door before i got it of the web.
MaxiKana said:
Damn, :( still 12 days to go! **** this is slow. Someone speed up time plz.

i am wondering...
wouldn't it be faster if someone in Canada/US bought Doom3 and mailed it to u or someone in the UK..

would that copy of the game get there sooner than the release date? hmm..
Depends on the class of the mail, wouldn't it?
But it does sound like a plan... YOU! Americans! Get over here!
Varg|Hund said:
Depends on the class of the mail, wouldn't it?
But it does sound like a plan... YOU! Americans! Get over here!

hehe :)
well Varg.. for a few pple here i wouldn't mind doing that as long as they would cover the costs :P

13 days... hmm.. i figure even if i send it through regular mail u should get it say.. 3-4 days eariler than u normally would :p
MaxiKana said:
But, what would it cost?
depends on the size and weight i think, used to anyway. If they just protect the CD's and send those, next to nothing, send it in a Big box, a few pounds/dollars depending on who's doing the paying.

Also depends on who you send it with, some companies will charge more, and I'd not trust regular mail, they see something they like and they take it for themselves. Go with a service where its recorded and your protected from it vanishing.
The Dark Elf said:
depends on the size and weight i think, used to anyway. If they just protect the CD's and send those, next to nothing, send it in a Big box, a few pounds/dollars depending on who's doing the paying.

Also depends on who you send it with, some companies will charge more, and I'd not trust regular mail, they see something they like and they take it for themselves. Go with a service where its recorded and your protected from it vanishing.

But isn't there postage insurance? We have that in Finland, you pay 2€ extra and you get your package insured.
MaxiKana said:
But isn't there postage insurance? We have that in Finland, you pay 2€ extra and you get your package insured.
sure its insured then but when it gettes nicked then he stil would have to wait untill the releasedate wouldnt he? thats the point..
12,000 leechers at 6am on the east coast :/ I wonder how many people are going to get this file? I never warez games but I am all over this. I will of course get the game because I want the multiplayer (however good it may be) really badly. The internet is going to be going crazy over this game and I don't want to have to avoid every doom 3 thread untill I can actually get my hands on a retail copy.
Can ya'll not openly discuss warezing it please?

I might have stopped caring about the HL2 theft version since Gabe clearly doesn't. But I'll still ban anyone who continues to claim they are warezing DoomIII, and any other game or app as its still illegal Regardless if you intend to buy it at a later date.

The only acceptable use for warez is to purchase a legit copy, THEN use the warez version without it being full of crappy slowdown warez checking code. Or to make HL2 work without steam when your forced to use it on a machine without net access.

Don't warez it unless you already own it legally kthx bye.
it's gonna be missing most of the sounds and movies though, thats what happened with my past experience with warez and i'd rather play doom 3 how it's is out of the box.
The fate of every game - it's really sad that good games just get warezed and the devs and publishers lose sales for their hardwork. True, to play the MP you'd eventually have to buy the real thing - but SP games like Max payne 2 will be in big loss.
I always download games from torrents sites. DOOM3, HL2, and many more excellent games MUST be bought.

NO way I am going to download it.
17941 Downloaders right now so far.

OMG, ..............I am buying this game. :P

If you really want a copy of Doom 3! I suggest you go buy a copy. :D
Gorgon said:
I always download games from torrents sites. DOOM3, HL2, and many more excellent games MUST be bought.

NO way I am going to download it.

blah 10 chr blah
Geez... we're here waiting for HL2 for a year and a half and suddenly you guys don't have the patience anymore to wait one more week for Doom 3?
PvtRyan said:
Geez... we're here waiting for HL2 for a year and a half and suddenly you guys don't have the patience anymore to wait one more week for Doom 3?

12 days, a bit more than a week.
Doom3 the leaked file is A UK version + 23113 downloaders .............steadily increasing . :(
Evil, You are a good man, And don't go away please. :O
* giggles * ssry gorgon :) gave yah a scare there?

This lack of doom makes me do other things for kicks
if you bought Doom III from a US retailer it take about 3-4 days to get here. so order it tomorrow morning and it'll be here before the weekend. but it'll cost you an arm and a leg to get it delivered. i ordered DX:IW through a friend. they bought it at a shop, took out the cds + manual and slipped it into a thin case (cuts down on cost), then just mailed it to me through the post office. when i got it i had to pay for the delivery (around £9.50). i sent the actual cost of the game to my mate over paypal, and that was that. except the game was shit and it wasn't worth all that ****in effort.

but you can still do that with Doom III i suppose, if you can't wait a few days.
Dedalus said:
if you bought Doom III from a US retailer it take about 3-4 days to get here. so order it tomorrow morning and it'll be here before the weekend. but it'll cost you an arm and a leg to get it delivered. i ordered DX:IW through a friend. they bought it at a shop, took out the cds + manual and slipped it into a thin case (cuts down on cost), then just mailed it to me through the post office. when i got it i had to pay for the delivery (around £9.50). i sent the actual cost of the game to my mate over paypal, and that was that. except the game was shit and it wasn't worth all that ****in effort.

but you can still do that with Doom III i suppose, if you can't wait a few days.

I would actually do that if Doom 3 was going to come out 3 months later, like Invisible War did. That was an awful wait.

I'm still holding out for a demo in the next few days. It's not going to happen but I can hope.
I am soo bored .. *goes off to work on portfolio*
h00dlum said:
Its out and its cracked now..

yeah, I just found 8 cd-keys, but I AM 100% sure it cannot be playd online.

edit: GO and buy the game.
What did you expect? Happens to every game especially to good ones.