Doom3 IS Gold

looks like im gonna be staring at that UA page for timer to reach all 0

If people are reacting like this to Doom 3 going gold on a forum that is comprised of mainly half-life fans, I wonder what the reaction will be when Hl2 goes gold. Should be pretty crazy.

I'll most likely grab a copy when d3 comes out. Gotta pass the time somehow.
maxus said:
oh ok.



lol, Welcome To The Forums!

Note: Its not a good idea to post repeat threads or post threads in the wrong place on a forum as busy as these. It is inevetable it will get deleted. :)
Kiva128 said:
I'll most likely grab a copy when d3 comes out. Gotta pass the time somehow.

my thoughts exactly ... actually, i think d3 will be a great experience as well -- not just to pass time, but also to jump outta your seat every 5 minutes :E
nice. DooM 3, another classic game, with "the" ownage graphics. wohoo
Is it really worth $50? I might buy it if they release a demo(and the games doesn't suck) and it gets good reviews. Otherwise I will skip it.
Kiva128 said:
If people are reacting like this to Doom 3 going gold on a forum that is comprised of mainly half-life fans, I wonder what the reaction will be when Hl2 goes gold. Should be pretty crazy.

I'll most likely grab a copy when d3 comes out. Gotta pass the time somehow.

yeah, i wish the best of luck to the mods that have to clean up the boards after the HL2 release date. and i'm sure they'll need it after having to close and delete the 700th "omgomgomg!!!111HL2releasedate!111" thread.
I havent played the first 2 doom games so it's all new for me. Although I read that d3 is a re-telling of the first game. So that's good =]
its doom 3 d00d, why would you skip it? it will be an awesome game next to half life 2
On the HL2 release date they could just make the homepage a big link which says "HALF-LIFE 2 GOLD/RELEASED" and it just leads to the main forum post on the subject so hopefully not too many posts are made.
Ahhh just hope the computer will cope with it and that it's more than just a run and gun game.

But, at the very least we will have something to do for a bit other than getting frustrated while waiting for HL2. And if the timing is right, hopefully while we're just finishing up with Doom3...HL2 will be on it's way.

Good news for gamers!
Maybe people wont even feel like playing HL2 anymore after DooM3, its always possible. Maybe they would buy it a half year later or something... hehe :p
-TaNaKa- said:
Maybe people wont even feel like playing HL2 anymore after DooM3, its always possible. Maybe they would buy it a half year later or something... hehe :p
In terms of food, Doom 3 is like the prawn cocktail, while Half-Life 2 is the roast boar with all the trimmings.
yeah... Gabe "butterfinger" could learn a thing or 2 about scheduling.
Abom said:
In terms of food, Doom 3 is like the prawn cocktail, while Half-Life 2 is the roast boar with all the trimmings.

lol now thats funny, I gotta give carmack props he got the game out when they said they were not a year later but then again when has ID software ever made a crapy game. :cheers:
This year's gonna rock because of all the great games we'll get our hands on: now it's Doom III, then Half-Life 2, after that CoD addon, then Rome Total War, then Brothers In Arms. Man, I'll have to pause my studying for a year...
Next up is HL2 :)

So excited these games are finally coming out! :)
w0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t!!!!!111oneone Im chuffed now :eek: :E
I guess i know what i'll be doing the first week of August. I wish it were something slightly different though. Hint hint Valve.
JohnnyBeverage said:
I guess i know what i'll be doing the first week of August. I wish it were something slightly different though. Hint hint Valve.
LOL, yeah, cause it's some secret unknown to valve that we all want to play HL2 asap. ;)

Yeah. BIG HINT.BIG HINT.Valve. bout' time you should release the game - just read my sig to think what most people are calling HL2 fans now.esp the last line. ;(

-TaNaKa- said:
Maybe people wont even feel like playing HL2 anymore after DooM3, its always possible. Maybe they would buy it a half year later or something... hehe :p

Seriously, if Doom 3 is as good as how pc gamer says, then I'd be like "what is HL2?"
Lans, I fail to see how you can be surprised that Doom 3 got a 9x% rating, I could have told you that a year ago. Why would a high quality Doom 3 make HL2 redundant? In the end, it's us - the gamers - that win.
lans said:
Seriously, if Doom 3 is as good as how pc gamer says, then I'd be like "what is HL2?"

Not trying to single you out or anything lans, but why can't people accept the fact that both games have the potential to be extremely good. It's not like it's a competition to be the only game we play this summer. We don't have to pick one or the other. I'm just happy that in a little over a month we should have two equally amazing games to be playing.

Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All Food For All

It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time ! It's hell time !
So, has it been stated yet whether or not the Xbox version will come out at the same time as the PC version?. Man, I wish I had a better computer :(
At ACLeroK212, he didnt ment it that way.

And Theman2k, you go girl!!
Max35 said:
So, has it been stated yet whether or not the Xbox version will come out at the same time as the PC version?. Man, I wish I had a better computer :(

October is the most likely date for the XBox version. One thing that's guaranteed is they won't release it after Halo 2. Doom3 would be the perfect release to hold all the Halo fanatics over that final month before the big one comes out.
OMG!!! :thumbs:

yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

saying that im happy right now is an under-statement :p

/me dies