Dragon Age 2

So wait 6 months and pick it up for half of that. If games didn't sell well at $60 we'd likely see lower prices again.
mhm....why do they keep on charging more for games if the economy is so bad?
Yeah, I saw the popup for steam saying $60. I wasn't going to get it right away anyways, but I saw that and was all "get the **** outta here." I'll be waiting for a sale this time.
So wait 6 months and pick it up for half of that. If games didn't sell well at $60 we'd likely see lower prices again.

Now I feel like such an ass for buying most of my games new... Even when they wind up not being played for half a year, like my copy of Fallout: New Vegas.:(

Bad^Hat, oh lulz.

I can understand the cameo of similar armours from Mass Effect to Dragon Age and vice-versa, seeing as they are developed by BioWare, but Dead Space? I was not expecting that.
Also this, heh.


Personally couldn't care less about the issue itself, but nice professionalism there, Bioware dude.
Actually that kind of pettiness from Bioware staff on the DA forums isn't new, being as it was part of the reason I was discouraged from buying the first game. Compared to Stanley Woo, here, David Gaider sounds like the voice of reason (albeit with some patronising flourishes), but I seem to remember his responses to consumer concerns before the release of DA being infuriating. I can't remember the issue at hand, but he came across like an insecure amateur writer struggling to cope with criticism. Now this Woo guy responds to questions about racial diversity with 'go and join an advocacy group' - uh, yah, or we could just not buy your clumsily written shit? That solves the problem too.

I'm with you, B^H, in that I find discussion of racial diversity in fantasy settings as so meh, but when you're answering questions to the community about your own product there are ways and ways.
I can understand the cameo of similar armours from Mass Effect to Dragon Age and vice-versa, seeing as they are developed by BioWare, but Dead Space? I was not expecting that.

to be fair issac has made a tonne of cameos in other ea games O__o
The fundamental problem Bioware face is the fact that their writers are a tad vanilla in their tastes. Albeit there were some reasonable story lines in DA & ME1 & 2, they suffer from a sense of design by committee that is then passed through the tea strainer of political correctness. Also I have the vague suspicion that they've all been brought up on a steady diet of generic paid by the word Fantasy & Sci-fi novels & how to be a professional writer courses. Even when they are being 'edgy' they still come across as feeling 'safe' because their story lines lack passion, in all its glory and ugliness. DAO spoilers ahead

In DA:O the female City Elf origin story is probably the grimmest one (the implication is your friend gets raped), but instead of really laying it down like they should of done to get you emotionally hooked into events, they blandise it down, and dance about the subject. What's even worse is they attempt to make the situation even more 'dramatic' by having another friend brutally cut down in front of you earlier on, but it's an act that's nonsensical given the reasoning you were all kidnapped (to serve as the lords 'entertainment').

Compare and contrast to the scene in The Witcher when as Geralt you stumble across the Barmaid from the village Inn being accosted and the threat to her person is much more implicit. The situation feels grittier.

Now don't get me wrong I wouldn't expect to see a rape occur or anything like that, but the implication could of been much stronger. Perhaps with the girl flung/unconscious on the bed, of half undressed in the corner possibly bruised and battered. Presenting you with an image like that would be much more impactful.

Consider how in this scene from Once upon a time in the West how the callousness of the antagonist Frank is put across (excuse the skipping sound track): -


Personally I favour The Witchers warts and all approach more, principally because as and adult gamer it speaks more to me of a reality. Albeit I like Bioware's games on the whole, I can't help but feel they are too afraid to risk being offensive, save to its audiences intelligence at times. If you are being treated with kid gloves, it's because the writers think you are children.

Which ones? I don't play that many EA games so.








Also this, heh.


Personally couldn't care less about the issue itself, but nice professionalism there, Bioware dude.

Wow, what a total ****
Jesus christ, poor Isaac, so young and yet he's already gotten so exploited and abused.:(
The one on the right looks fun to play, actually.
DRM details.

Steam versions use Steam DRM, no other DRM is added.

Non-Steam versions (digital or retail disc) are as follows:
- No disc check, you do not need the disc in drive to play.
- No limit on the total number of PCs you can install and play the game on.
- There is a limit to the number of unique/different PCs that can start/play the game within a time window [5 PCs in 24hrs].
- Each install requires logging in to your EA account to verify game ownership and if you are a member of these forums, you have an EA account.
- You can play offline but the game will require a login check after a select period of days.

Release Control (does not use securom)
. It does not install anything to the PC.
. Sole purpose is to check with a server to validate whether the game release date has passed or not.
. It completely removes itself after the game release date has passed.
. You will not be able to play until that date has passed.
. Dates & times are set to the retail street date per country.

Validation every couple of days :S
Seems pretty fair. A step in the right direction anyway.
The art style is definitely more simplistic, but it's not quite cutesy happy anime princess bullshit.

That'd be Diablo 3. HEH.
ma...maybe they're releasing it on the Wii too? Surely that can't be how it looks on the PC.
That was the first screenshot they released of the game. It looks a lot better in later trailers.
Features shit dialogue and blowjobs.

This is an action-adventure role-playing game in which players assume the role of a warrior who completes quests in a mythical land. Players use swords, bows and arrows, and magical spells (e.g., fireballs, energy beams) to defeat human-like enemies and fantasy creatures (e.g., giant spiders, demons, ogres, golems). Attacks are often accompanied by slashing sounds, large explosions, and cries of pain. Blood splatter effects occur when enemies are hit, and damage sometimes results in dismemberment or decapitation—blood stains and body parts occasionally appear in the environment. In one cutscene, a man's severed head is held up then tossed to the ground. During the course of the game, characters sometimes engage in sexual dialogue (e.g., "Why is it always about sex with you?" and "Sailing is like sex. Do it wrong, and it'll make you sick."). Players can also initiate brief cutscene sequences in which couples (male-female or same-sex) are shown kissing and embracing one another in a bedroom as the screen fades to black. In one cutscene, a woman kneels in front of a male character and appears to perform fellatio—there is no depiction of the sex act; the camera pans out to the rest of the room. The words "a*s," "bastard," and "sh*t" appear in dialogue.

"Sailing is like sex. Do it wrong, and it'll make you sick."

Can't wait to hear how the voice actor handles this shit.
Sounds like this game is going to be some a*s bastard sh*t.
Wait guys. I think this is just a ploy to get more sales of Dragon Age 1. Because my first reaction was, "The first one looks better, definitely need to buy that one".

When DA2 comes out, it will look good too.

Think about it.
It all sounded good up until the sex crap.

I always felt that DAO just wasn't gory enough to deserve its M rating. :upstare:
Well, you could decapitate people in DA: O. I remember during the Carta quest in Orzammar when I got to the leader of the Carta I told her I just wanted to speak with her instead of killing her. But she wouldn't listen and started attacking me so I figured I'd just have to beat her down and then she'd listen but then when she got to 0 HP my character decapitated her :|.
I heard, and saw a screenshot of, one of the party members being a beardless dwarf.

Such a development is obscene. That is beyond putting straight porn into it.
In fact, I would much prefer being forced to watch a gay porn scene every twenty minutes than having a beardless dwarf.

DA2 is going to suck now.
Can't fault them for changing things up on console, looks much more well-suited (even though the UI is basically identical to ME2 now). I'll withhold judgement till I see some extended PC footage.