Duke Nukem Forever trailer released tomorrow...

There has been a info\media blackout for a decade. You better expect that when you finally release an official teaser\trailers\screenshots, people are going to judge it. "So, let's see what they were doing in the last 10 years".

Thing is, it seems they got stuck in the 90's, the duke model looks awful and that voice acting..really, nothing to add.

Seems to be one of those embarrassing games alike D3, Quake4 and Prey. Games who have been released in the new milenium, but really belong in their gameplay to the 90's.
We'll have to see if that is the case. But even a new game with the same DN3D game style will be more fun than D3+Q4. :p
For me anyway.

I agree that line at the end is not up to par with previous DN3D games but I like the voice still. I'm sure there will be plenty of great lines. It was a f***ing teaser...good grief! :)
It's Duke, you don't need a deep story, innovative gameplay, top-notch voice work, or earth shattering music.
For some reason I foresee that there are gonna be things that take jabs at the Half-Life franchise. I just had to get it out.
It's Duke, you don't need a deep story, innovative gameplay, top-notch voice work, or earth shattering music.

It's Duke. I needs shallow cartoony story, mindless run & gun shooting with optional interactive diversions (like playing pool with a pistol), awesomely cheesy one-liners and EARTH SHATTERING MUSIC!

Come on, the Duke 3d theme is still one of the best out there.
All the non-believers will be destroyed when Duke finally arrives. So you nay sayers better live the next 20 years of your life to its fullest.
Man, I forgot how fun the original one was. Sucks that I cant play the music, only the FX :/
Too many aliens with tentacles... it's time to move on now. They should have realized this over the past 10 years.

Plus, that Crysis picture isn't a very good comparison.

or even


How is that better? I used an in game screenshot, those are concept renders. Thats not even the final alien.
If Duke Nukem was released today under a different name everyone would slam it for being brainless rubbish. With my rose tinted glasses on I really want it to be good - Duke Nukem was great fun years ago when blowing shit up and rude words in a game still seemed awesome - but i'm finding it hard expect anything other than a bag of poo.
Everybody liked Serious Sam. I don't see why this is any different.
If Duke Nukem was released today under a different name everyone would slam it for being brainless rubbish. With my rose tinted glasses on I really want it to be good - Duke Nukem was great fun years ago when blowing shit up and rude words in a game still seemed awesome - but i'm finding it hard expect anything other than a bag of poo.

I think most modern fps games have about half the flavor of DN3D, and certainly little to none of the humor. There's nothing witty about modern FPS games whatsoever, the genre is crowded with weak attempts at realistic styles and generic warfare simulators.

It's about time something genuinely funny made its way out and tore the industry a new one. Hell, there's plenty enough material for the game to mock by now. The FPS genre takes itself ENTIRELY too seriously, and hopefully the new Duke will humorously point to that.
By Serious Sam 2 it had gotten pretty dull. Forever is going to need something extra to stand out these days.
By Serious Sam 2 it had gotten pretty dull. Forever is going to need something extra to stand out these days.

But Serious Sam doesn't have half the humor / cultural commentary that a game like DN3D had. Seriously, play through it again and just pay attention to every little line and silly sprite, it's absolutely brilliant.
If Duke Nukem was released today under a different name everyone would slam it for being brainless rubbish. With my rose tinted glasses on I really want it to be good - Duke Nukem was great fun years ago when blowing shit up and rude words in a game still seemed awesome - but i'm finding it hard expect anything other than a bag of poo.

The same could have been said back in 2001. I don't see any reason to be turned off by it now.

I don't know why people keep making this association between ridiculous action and dumb gameplay. Why? Because Duke isn't intellectual enough? Because it's self-conscious stereotypical action schlock? I'd consider Super Mario Galaxy to be pretty mindless too (although certainly far less crude). After all, it's not like you have to think hard about the characters or story. There's nothing terribly cerebral. But does that make its gameplay any less excellent?

The issue isn't whether or not the game has big dumb explosions. It's whether or not they're implemented in a fun and engaging manner. And considering how often people whinge about the deluge of ultra-realistic military first person shooters, you'd think people would welcome an old-school throwback that focuses on laughs and fun. Who cares if it's low-brow. I refuse to believe that the whole gaming community has gotten too "mature" for this stuff.
The issue isn't whether or not the game has big dumb explosions. It's whether or not they're implemented in a fun and engaging manner.

Which is kind of my point. Galaxy's plot maybe mindless, but in regards to design, creativeness, gameplay, polish etc etc it's pretty much in a class of one. Fair enough, I haven't played Duke Nukem in years, but remember a game completely carried by it's crudeness and mindless action. At the time the fighting was sweet, just as it was with Doom and clones, but today it would fall very flat and be far from engaging. This just leaves the crudeness, which we've seen before. At best we'll get a nostalgia happy trip down memory lane!
I also don't understand why people keep pointing out DN3D as a reference to justify their pessimism.

What we saw in the 2001 trailer demonstrated - at the very least - an effort to translate the series into more modern, evolved, and varied gameplay. To assume they've scaled back to the action of old BUILD engine games seems unnecessarily cynical.
Man, I forgot how fun the original one was. Sucks that I cant play the music, only the FX :/

Selecting "General Midi" in setup for music always works for me. You are probably trying to use sound blaster, it doesn't work for me too.
I remnber playing duke nukem 3d o the playstation1,I was new at games that time and I sucked,there was only like 2 levels that I knew how to beat,I remenber I felt so satisfied whit myself when I beated that first level on a spaceship or something,I remenber you needed to get a card in a place where you just can access whit a antigravtitational backpack or something like that

I will like to play it again
The PSX version, Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown, is considered being one of the worst version (except for the notorious Sega Saturn version) mostly because of the poor controls. Never played it myself though but I wish I could as it contains one new episode, a few new enemies and a kickass soundtrack with remixes of the original ones.

About DNF, here's a short but sweet page with Broussard answering a few of the members questions.
Fair enough, I haven't played Duke Nukem in years, but remember a game completely carried by it's crudeness and mindless action.

Quite wrong. As far as I know, Duke3D was one of the first FPS games to go beyond straight hallways packed with enemies, to visually and interactively interesting 'real life' levels.

It also had very cool weapons that never failed to amuse and was definitely a step up from what was available.

Then there was the wonderful atmosphere, the whole game was just so cool. Perhaps that's nostalgia, but the 2001 trailer invokes exactly the same feeling from me. And if 3D Realms manages to capture that atmosphere for the actual DNF, I'm sold.
Quite wrong. As far as I know, Duke3D was one of the first FPS games to go beyond straight hallways packed with enemies, to visually and interactively interesting 'real life' levels.

It also had very cool weapons that never failed to amuse and was definitely a step up from what was available.

Then there was the wonderful atmosphere, the whole game was just so cool. Perhaps that's nostalgia, but the 2001 trailer invokes exactly the same feeling from me. And if 3D Realms manages to capture that atmosphere for the actual DNF, I'm sold.

Duke had one of the best RPGs of the time. None of this slow-ass missile shit; it was basically CTRL and things go BOOOM.
Duke had one of the best RPGs of the time. None of this slow-ass missile shit; it was basically CTRL and things go BOOOM.

I misread that and was like 'Holy shit, a Duke Nukem RPG??!?' for about a minute.
Well... I for one am definitely pumped up to see that 3d Realms just might actually have a game coming out in the next year or two.... or three.

I'm not going to pass judgment on the game until I see actual game footage unlike a lot of the fanboys and complainers in this thread. You cannot put a game up on a pedestal or completely discount it as "crap" after only seeing this tiny TEASER.

The TRAILER in 2001 looked awesome for its day and I was quite pissed that they developed the game that far and ended up scrapping it in the end. I don't want to be let down again, so my final verdict on Duke Nukem Forever is "cautiously optimistic". :)

btw... and the Doom 3 comparisons I've read here are just retarded. Duke Nukem 3d shattered every single stereotype the earlier Doom games created. Duke Nukem 3d definitely broke the mold when it was released.
-3D Realms' George Broussard Tosses Out Duke Nukem Forever Information Scraps-

In even newer news, 3D Realms co-owner and regular Shack user George Broussard tonight answered questions from Shackers about Duke Nukem Forever in an inquisitive chat thread. Though he was often understandably reluctant to give many concrete details before the full media blitz begins, there are some encouraging bits. Since most of our readers are not regular chatty readers, we figured we'd pass those comments along here.
It was default primary fire back in those days.

Even back in those days I remapped my keys before playing.

Holy shit, Ive been using pretty much the same controls since Duke Nukem 3D.
So, it seems there will be lots of emphasis on environment interactivity, Broussard mentioned that you'll be able to operate a forklift. So, maybe we will be given the opportunity to hop into random vehicles? Gibs are back but, not over the top as well as the pipe bomb. Broussard kinda avoided the question regarding dialog, there will be of course, we just don't know how many variations there will be.
and any info on when the next trailer or media will be released?