Dystopia Demo Released!

Ennui said:
We all get wonky doors, it's a problem with the map.

Please stop calling this cyberpunk. It's got a cyberpunk setting but I'm afraid that despite their amazing work, they've completely missed something that makes it feel cyberpunk. This game has very little atmosphere and cyberpunk is all about atmosphere.

First of all, the wonky doors are not a problem with the map, they are a source engine error. Ever wonder why there aren't any doors in HL2DM or CS?

Second, this game is quite cyberpunk. When I play it, I cannot stop thinking of Ghost in The Shell. All the augmentations and futuristic aurora. No atmosphere? What? This game has its very own special artistic feel which I love. Sorry, but I'd have to disagree.

i reakon theyve been in talks with valve to make it a payed mod over steam if the demo does well. so if you play the hell out of the demo, the full mod will cost money, if you don't, it will be FREEEEEEEE :D

so if you can play on private oor untracable servers, dunno if its possible, then do that. I want the whole dayum mod for free
Im not entirely sure why there is all this "paying for the game" rumor. The devs have said it themselves on the forum, that as long as this game was a halflife2 mod *note - NOT a standalone product* it would be completely free\

Also, those of you who are crashing before spawning. There is currently an issue with binding your Implants to the num-key pad. If you use the arrow keys to move, then try binding to the Insert/Home/PageUp/Down/Delete/End thing. :-)
i dont think they could sell the game it needs alot more polish to it, but for a first release its pretty good.
I'm liking this mod a lot, they need to sort out a team balancer though. Started one match with 5 on Corp and 12 on punk, we were defending the core after 5 minutes.....:frown:
I love being Light class, and using my boltgun :D
great mod, shows a lot of potential.. uses a lot of cool source features (love the clickable monitors ala Doom3)

the demo truely shows a lot of promise, once they get all their models and sounds done right, some maps and we get some non 400 ping servers up, it's going to rule.

well done to the mod team, and thanks for something awesome... also congrats on being the first real mod for Hl2 released (TC)

Sir Dingus said:
Im not entirely sure why there is all this "paying for the game" rumor. The devs have said it themselves on the forum, that as long as this game was a halflife2 mod *note - NOT a standalone product* it would be completely free\


Fuzzy-Team Dystopia said:
Any plans past the demo release are at this stage still under negotiation / discussion with Valve. A lot rides on how well the demo does. If Dystopia's demo is a huge hit (which we obviously hope it will be), with help from Valve we will investigate the possibility of turning Dystopia into a stand alone game.

Please understand that we can't go into depth regarding these possibilities. Not only because licensing options are covered by a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement, but any such options are completely hypothetical at this stage.

I can honestly state however; we have no intention of charging for Dystopia unless it's a stand alone product. If so, it still wouldn't be anywhere near as expensive as a normal retail game.

Our work on Dystopia has never been driven by the desire to make money. The entire team is donating their time, skills and effort purely because we all want to make a kick arse game.
I get pretty much all katana kills, and, while I do die a lot... I always get the most kills.
If we have to pay for the full game then i just play the demo all night long, that easy!!
I certainly hope the creators of dystopia will go into some sort of partnership with valve. This mod deserves the extra oomph Valve could put into it. With lots more content and hl2-grade polish this will be an AAA mp-game.

It would suck for poor people if dystopia isn't released as a free mod, but there is a possibility of the game being free as a mod but also being released standalone in retail channels and over steam. Either way I'm very excited by this and would gladly pay to play it if it gets even better than it currently is.

boglito said:
Either way I'm very excited by this and would gladly pay to play it if it gets even better than it currently is.
I don't know if I would tell you this, because you might explode in joyness
2 VS 2 cyberbattles
drivable vehicles
Actually, turns out I can't play tonight. :(

But everyone should arrange some kind of great big HL2 dystopia game sometime.
Cloak + EMP Grenades + Katana = Winning combination :D
Woooohaaaaa!... Better than i've expected - alot! Runs smooth in highest settings, so it's mint to look on - these guys really got an eye for detail, everythings animated and well thought - I especially like that you can hackers do their job through the monitor, not to mention the other monitors elsewhere... Wow...

Tried almost all builds, but i always end up with a light stealthed with plugin jack... Feel at home in cyberspace :) Also, first objective as punk can easily be done single handedly with some clever use of stealth - i use to sneak through doors when corporated go past them, so i won't be seen... THen it's just a quick run, and first point to the punks :o)

Gonna be cool playing the game when people have learned the game...
Um. He/she said cloak+EMP grenades+katana. Your thermo would be disabled if the grenade hit.
Heh, I've already played a bunch of games with Halflife2.netters... qckbeam's probably still sore from the katana bashing I gave him
I only have 1 complaint about this mod, the spawn time is a little too long. I had my entire team die, and the respawn timer would shoot up to 30 seconds left. I think it should cap at 15 seconds.
Some guy from the DL_ clan told me to "suck his nuts" because I asked them to balance the teams.

Great start Dystopia community. :rolleyes:
SimonomiS said:
Some guy from the DL_ clan told me to "suck his nuts" because I asked them to balance the teams.

Great start Dystopia community. :rolleyes:
umm yeah lets base a whole community off one comment! :cheers:
SimonomiS said:
Some guy from the DL_ clan told me to "suck his nuts" because I asked them to balance the teams.

Great start Dystopia community. :rolleyes:

Yeah, i'm really hopping the the CSS community doesn't start playing this game. Most of the guys (not all, OK!) are complete idiots, drunkards, they burn, or are 12. Just today I got some guys on a server who were on voice and saying stuff like "suck my nuts" and "ooh you know I like it on top tom". Then we got a little 12 year old boy who in a high voice (I swear, I even almost accidentally called this kid a chick) said "Wait, so where am I supposed to, OH I SEE! And how do you hack? I want to hack!"

I also had some guy try to tk me while I was decking cause he wanted to do it.
Are there anyguides for this game out? I enjoy playing it but I dont thoroughly understand the point of like what is the goal, where are the goals, how I complete them, and etc. I understand the game from a frag point of view.. but thats about it eh.
Somefool said:
I only have 1 complaint about this mod, the spawn time is a little too long. I had my entire team die, and the respawn timer would shoot up to 30 seconds left. I think it should cap at 15 seconds.

Don't die :)

When you're whole team is taken out the oppersition need to be rewarded. When you're sitting there bitching about the 30 second spawn time, the enemy decker is taking control of cyberspace and getting ice + mine on all the hack screens.

Also, if you simply can't stand the chance of copping a long spawn time if your team gets owned; don't play on the 24 player servers.
I think it should still be less. 30 seconds of completly clear hallways can make a huge difference. Fast.
CookieCuttah said:
I think it should still be less. 30 seconds of completly clear hallways can make a huge difference. Fast.

That difference is the reward for killing the entire team, if you take out their only decker and half of theirs, they won't get too far ahead, if your whole team got killed by one of theirs, and you didn't kill any, of course they're going to get ahead, and they deserve to.

Look on the bright side, if you all get killed and theres a long respawn time, you all respawn together, use that time to organise and formulate a plan to take back the objective, or simply hold them off.
Still, I think it's a bit too long even if deserved. I just find that sometimes it's too easy when you get lucky.
Before everybody gets too excited, I'd like to point out that the final release of Dystopia may not be free. From the official site:
Any plans past the demo release are at this stage still under negotiation / discussion with Valve. A lot rides on how well the demo does. If Dystopia's demo is a huge hit (which we obviously hope it will be), with help from Valve we will investigate the possibility of turning Dystopia into a stand alone game.

Please understand that we can't go into depth regarding these possibilities. Not only because licensing options are covered by a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement, but any such options are completely hypothetical at this stage.

I can honestly state however; we have no intention of charging for Dystopia unless it's a stand alone product. If so, it still wouldn't be anywhere near as expensive as a normal retail game.

Our work on Dystopia has never been driven by the desire to make money. The entire team is donating their time, skills and effort purely because we all want to make a kick arse game.