E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

Bicka said:
Tbh. I'm not to fussed over the video.
It'll be better quality by the looks of it but I'm more in this for the communities sake :)

agrees, :angel:
Where all building up way to much of an anticlimax here as its problay not going to be nearly half as good as we expect it to lol. :naughty:
thehunter1320 said:
is a hi-quality, GERMAN video of footage we've already seen worth all this trouble and spam and whining and waiting?
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Where all building up way to much of an anticlimax here as its problay not going to be nearly half as good as we expect it to lol. :naughty:

So, I just want it higher quality to impress my friends.

EDIT: 700KB more!
This thread can safely be renamed to: "Post your bittorrent progress on the E32k4 Video!"
Spider-man was a really good movie, I just saw it for the first time yesterday while DLing this...
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Where all building up way to much of an anticlimax here as its problay not going to be nearly half as good as we expect it to lol. :naughty:

Well its smaller than the gamespy 600mb beast one so its saving space! Thats gotta mean something :P

*sees the light go green (meaning someone got 100%)*

There's a seed! ^_^
I'll push my seed in her bush tonight. It's gonna work because I'm pushing it right.
yea i saw spiderman yesterday also, It was a great film and it had lots of suprises
Mendasp said:
This thread can safely be renamed to: "Post your bittorrent progress on the E32k4 Video!"

Well ok since you asked.............2mins left
speeds are going up...

I cant think of a download where ive been at 99% any longer
49 seconds tell you how good the quality is in a little bit guys
Lol its died on 99% D:

wonder if its finished...........