E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

ETA 42mins

D/l speed 100.0 - 110.0 kB/s

Up Speed 292 - 796 kB/s

11.9% done atm

29 peers
KurtCobain.......set you upload to 30Kbyte so the speed of other people downloads could be increased....................

Gorgon: Your speed is going to slow down then, if you use a client like Azureus you can tell what parts are availible, i can see on mine that only 19% of the file is availible for me to download.

Also kurts speed is fine, look at the specs again, he is uploading much more than he is downloading. If he were to change it to 30kbps that would be a major slowdown.
In 4-10 Hours Thousands of poeple will have the vid and the speed of the file will jump to full Broadband...............:wee:
Cyber$nake said:
So you mean the most anyone has downloaded of the file has been 19%?

No, i mean that the most anyone i am currently connected to is 19%, you do not connect to everyone in the swarm. you only connect to a few (unless the swarm is small) there are 2 seeds total currently, i am not connected to either and my client does not allow me to select who to connect to. This download will not be like getting it from fileshack you should turn it on today, and let it run overnight.
hey if i set my upload to 3 - 5 kbs will it limit my DL? reason i ask is because im on cable and even a little bit of upload kills my connection and this download is looking to take the rest of the day to finish and ill need to use the computer again later today...also considering i wont be able to play even PS2 Online cuz of the lag im getting...i guess ill have to go swimming for the rest of the day :|

halflife2.net seems to have sped up abit! :)

But my bit torrent is still at 19%..

But after reading a few posts... I guess thats normal.
I think upload and download are completely seperate and usage of one should not affect the other.
My 38min ETA quikly changed to 2days , then it froze , so im just waiting for rest to get it and turn it into a easy accessable vid to d/l

(My d/l got to 19.6%) jus thought ide add that lol
ah! I hate you bittorrent! *shoots bittorrent*
bittorrent is always so slow for me....

any plans on just making a direct download for the whole file?
gotta w8 for it to be completed on at least 1 bit torrent first , then when more people get it they'll put in on server for direct download
Dl: 0kb/s Ul: 4kb/s
Dled: 63mb Uled:116mb

this things been running for 2hrs 32mins and im at 20.1%. *sigh* if only we could get some seeds up and runnin. ahh well. i havent got owt else better to do
I was wondering why everyone had missed the Eli picture then I noticed they had changed it from the E3'04 demo. If you look at the picture.jpg then watch one of the gaming sites videos you can clearly see that Gordon is a lot farther from the table and is looking at it at an angle. Question is why would they change some small stuff such as that in the E3'04 demo?

EDIT: Did they change any of the Strider portions??
downloaded 64mbs
uploaded 164mbs

20.3% and still going :)

This is like the old days of my 28.8k terror :P
Gah! Need more seeds, this is going to take forever...
113 kbps, woot 1 hour 2 go, i got 5 percent in 2 minutes , lol thanks for the torrent dude :)
clarky003 said:
113 kbps, woot, i got 5 percent in 2 minutes , lol thanks for the torrent dude :)

Don't get too excited, until the whole thing gets distributed you'll cap out once you reach whatever percentage most of us are at.

:-/ but once that happens, if we all stay connected and seed (as we had better!!) everybody will get it ultra fast!
Foxtrot said:
I am at 20.26% and started mine about 2 hours ago, want to race?

Theoretically, everyone should finish at the same time, since it's being super seeded
Mines been dead for a few minutes now. I think the seeds exploded.

EDIT: I just realized that when you post about how it stopped it starts up at 15k again :P
Shuzer said:
Theoretically, everyone should finish at the same time, since it's being super seeded

, i got 15% in 5 min .. :) and its holding steady, me wuv superseeds
Shuzer said:
Theoretically, everyone should finish at the same time, since it's being super seeded
Wouldn't it also depend on your downlaod speed, and how saturated your network is?(ohhh big words...)
Ok I'm downloading at 30 kb/s and uploading 30 kb/s. Happy to join in with the torrent download.
Someone needs to water the seeds. ;)

whoohooo! 5 kib/s @ 20%

only 1 up :)
Foxtrot said:
Wouldn't it also depend on your downlaod speed, and how saturated your network is?(ohhh big words...)

Well, I think most people can manage 10-20kb/sec when the DLs equalize
I have 50 kb/s up to burn, so i started the bittorrent on my server.
Should stay up for a couple of days (hopefully, my uptimes arent that great :) ).
Keep it up :P