E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

Absinthe said:
Ahhh! Now it's back to 30kb/s! It keeps going up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down....

And I'm spamming this topic. I'm gonna go play Sim City for a while. Download might be done in about five minutes... or two hours. Depending on when it makes up its damn mind.

Thats how BT Works if there is only 1 seed.
If you are using torrent storm or shadows you can see every connection and there current amount downloaded and speed ect. at the moment it shows almost everyone at roughtly 9.90% complete and anyone below that with huge dl speeds leachhing of all the people at 9.90%, but as soon as the leechers cath up they will also be getting 5 - 10 kbps :E
boogles said:
Just in case, I've got the Torrent hosted on my server too.

Download the torrent here.

Tell me if it works or not. BTW: I had 90kb down for a while, it's back down to 9kb now. :P

BTW, you all are getting fast speeds at first because lots of us have it 10% done. So we're giving you up until that 10% and then you're stuck with us. That's why it jumps from 20KB to 0 or 5KB for me. I'm uploading to other people at 27KB/sec.

EDIT: Beat to it.
Maybe he should have just uploaded to suprnova or something :P
So much fun... Just staring at the azureus detail view sorting by %
You can really see how things propagate along.
I'll leave it up so we can at least get whatever percent of the movie we did have from him distributed. Maybe he'll start a seed again later or whatever.

I sure hope this thing is worth it.
It's now dead for me now.

0 download
0 upload

Wait, it's starting back up again now. A shit speed, but it's still alive and kicking.
Hell im going at 15kb again....dropped down to the 1's before.

11.7 complete right now.

And we can't download different pieces because theres only one guy uploading the whole thing. and we think he's offline now.
Sorry for this but I didn't feel like looking through several pages...

Is this a high quality video of the E32K4 presentation or is it possibly... a bink?
Hopefully when I get home in 2 hours all this will be straightened out and I'll be able to d/l it... or am I too optimistic?
Bicka said:
Hell im going at 15kb again....dropped down to the 1's before.

11.7 complete right now.

And we can't download different pieces because theres only one guy uploading the whole thing. and we think he's offline now.

He isn't offline. You are just not connected to him.

EEE I'm one of the top 5 D/Lers. I feel so special.
I know he's offline. My torrent client says there are no seeds, so he's not on anymore.

[EDIT]: Ack, my torrent started up again! I'm still not connected to him though, I guess some other people have managed to. :)
KagePrototype said:
I know he's offline. My torrent client says there are no seeds, so he's not on anymore.
He's on because people said he left when it was around 11% and i'm already to 12 :D
This is going to be one hell of a photo finish when its done. :D

Is anyone seeing more than 50'ish peers?
A steady 70K! :D awsome

edit: If only my up speed was decent...I would so upload it to my server ;(
Bicka said:
Is anyone seeing more than 50'ish peers?

Connected to 95 out of the 116 that are in all.

Lol Simmo wait til you reach like 12.5%, it'll come to a screeching halt.
death at 12.6%, apparently the original file was not shared past 12.6% since several peers are also stuck at 0 download @ 12.6% and not one has further %
I've got 77 peers.

death at 12.6%, apparently the original file was not shared past 12.6% since several peers are also stuck at 0 download @ 12.6% and not one has further %
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Mine's stopped on 12.7%. Still can't see any seeds. :-/
Big Fat Duck said:
death at 12.6%, apparently the original file was not shared past 12.6% since several peers are also stuck at 0 download @ 12.6% and not one has further %

damn! your right


  • lol.JPG
    86.7 KB · Views: 322
Did you look at the screenshots, Big Fat Duck? Definately not a waste of time for me. Besides, I also have many things I could be doing. Things that involve firecrackers... :)
KagePrototype said:
I know he's offline. My torrent client says there are no seeds, so he's not on anymore.

[EDIT]: Ack, my torrent started up again! I'm still not connected to him though, I guess some other people have managed to. :)

Again it's a feature of the "Super-Seed" function, you are hiding your real progress to make it stall and let other clients follow up to being just as done as everyone else.
13.5 % here for me, 43 MB.

Fish, could you maybe run it to a neighbor's house who has broadband? :E

:afro: :bounce: :afro:
conn refused :( (after I canceled it and reconnected (because there were only 16 peers and I wasn't downloading))