Easter Dinner

Got to try horse meat for the first time; that was pretty kewl. The ham was meh
No kiddin. A friend of mine had tacobell one day, then a chipotle burrito the next day for lunch, and then went to a pizza restaurant for dinner. He made it two minutes out of the restaurant before we had to pull over so hit could explosion-shit all over a McDonalds restroom. Nasty nasty nasty.
I had a gigantic Honey-Glazed Ham, Mashed Taters, Corn, And Sweet Potaters.

Then there was a bunch of other candy and chocolate.
I got porridge and onions :( I came back late and had a big ulcer :(x2
I had egg salad, ham, squash, taboule, beets, and some other stuff.

This morning, I had the most sickening diarrhea I can recall in recent memory along with intense stomach cramps. I think they tried to poison me.