easter egg in the movies?

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yea i know it wasnt a big "wow, i never noticed that" and my pic wasnt spose to be taken seriously but when someone didnt seem to even understand why i chose it, it lost all its humor :0
In the Kleiner video, behind Alyx to the right there are some crates. one of them has what seems to be "24/32" spraypainted on both sides. DOes that mean anything to anybody? BTW i am not sure if that is exactly what is painted...but there are some numbers there.
I think Vitale's idea of the easter egg is right. When Gearbox and Valve teamed up to make Opposing force, there was this level with this huge-ass worm and the way to kill was to suck his b@llZ-J/K!The only way to kill him was to fill the place up with acid, and to do that, you had to press these buttons marked with: Valve and Gearbox. And in Half-Life, if you were in a vent, you could see the word:Valve all over in blue...
a date perhaps? maybe Gordon and Barney and such were frozen and this is years in the future.... perhaps they're not on earth at all... hmmm.....
Originally posted by Doobz
a date perhaps? maybe Gordon and Barney and such were frozen and this is years in the future.... perhaps they're not on earth at all... hmmm.....

I was thinking a date...but not sure what type. I cant tell if i read the numbers correctly but i think i got them right. Oh well...enough for today.
Well, my guess is, either the MP-5 no the ground(under a table in the Kleinner video) something Kleinner says-like if u play it backwords, he mite say-blah blah blah...
Originally posted by Chris_D
Kleiner: That's not necessary. Just checking for potential modular interference in the interstices. Conditions could hardly be more ideal.

Hmm...i got this from the Transcript he wrote. Doesnt one of the scientists in HL1 (before you push the crystal in the beginning) say the exact same thing? "Conditions could hardly be more ideal" ...then you push and shit happens? could this be it? Just a thought.
How do you guys take screenshots? I've tried pressing print screen, but nothing happens.
Originally posted by Banana
Hmm...i got this from the Transcript he wrote. Doesnt one of the scientists in HL1 (before you push the crystal in the beginning) say the exact same thing? "Conditions could hardly be more ideal" ...then you push and shit happens? could this be it? Just a thought.

Heh, i did not even think about that. And it sounds right.
"How do you guys take screenshots? I've tried pressing print screen, but nothing happens."

After you press 'Print Screen', go into MSPaint, and press cntrl + v.
It comes on pretty much every windows OS, if it didn't then I don't know what happend to yours. And if your on a mac then you don't have it.
Go to Start > Run and type mspaint . Its also usually in the accessories section of the start menu somewhere. Its an old program now though, can't do much with it but save images and scribble a bit...
Never mind...I just noticed that somebody posted the exact same thing earlier.
Someone who's not as lazy as me should boot up half life and see if the scientist really says that.
I think this might be tha easter egg...
Edit: What teh Hell? Where the f*dge is my attachment?
either you didnt attach it or it was too big tredoslop... i think the max size is 102400 bytes. so, if it is a pic make it .jpg to lower the size of the file
I was watching the very end of the E3 video and I saw a bunch of (what at least appeared to be) faces and people.

Has everyone else seen them? Perhaps theres something in them, maybe the faces are of one of the designers or something. Perhaps I'm seeing things or mentioning something already discussed at great length (sorry in advance if thats the case). Just curious if it was even mildly important.
If its the part where there's all kinds of Misc. Florescent(sp?) art, followed by the G-Man. Then yes its already been discussed.:)
Ahhhh okay, I figured someone would have discovered that already.

So theres no meaning in all of it? Just random equations, faces, symbols, and figures to create a cool effect?
I guess I'll post this in this thread, too

Originally posted by Ahnteis
And on a more related note:

It's not workin' Cap'n! We'll die unless...
Yes - we could REVERSE THE POLARITY. That just might do the trick. (Again.)

And thus, the physical laws of Star Trek hold true - reversing the polarity ALWAYS does the trick. AND NOW IT'S IN HALFLIFE!

no, theres definetly meaning. go to the thread about it.

and, someone already posted in another thread saying that everything in all the videos are intentional.

theres definetly meaning to everything they put in the videos
edit: err, sorry. someone posted a valve person saying that...
Yeah I noticed the black mesa on her shirt aswell, kinda odd if it truly is 15 years later.

I think the scientist does say the conditions could not be more ideal in the first one. good stuff.
Sorry if I can't get off this topic, its just something that interests me ...

Gargus said "its already been discussed", which I took to mean someone had either figured out the hidden message or discovered there was none. I didn't really think it had no meaning at all, but I have heard nothing about it.

So... HAS anyone figured out why those images are arranged and displayed in that manner? I'll look for the thread about it that you mentioned, but I don't know really what to search for.

(I'm CLEARLY very bored and have NOTHING better to do until the game releases)
Yeah look for the other threads all the information is in there, plus various screenshots... most people are waiting for the direct feed version so we can decode even more.
I just played through the start of HL1 again and I didn't hear ayone say that conditions could hardly be more ideal.
I thought they did too though.
Originally posted by Demon-Dragon
I just played through the start of HL1 again and I didn't hear ayone say that conditions could hardly be more ideal.
I thought they did too though.

Nobody says that in HL1. In fact, most of them are concerned that conditions are not ideal.
Yeah I know the one group of guys thought they weren't but I was sure the guy in the rrom says it when you were about to insert the crystal.

But I guess he doesn't, funny how someone can suggest something like that and your mind makes it seem right...
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Nobody says that in HL1. In fact, most of them are concerned that conditions are not ideal.

Yeah :P He meant Dr. Kleiner in HL2 in that lab. "That's not neccesary, conditions could hardly be more ideal."
yeah i agree. right before you put the crystal in the light (or a few rooms before it) a scientist mentions the conditions.

try the CD version and not the steam version. maybe theres a difference
finding an easter egg could mean finding a mistake that was noticed in the video.... I know for a fact that in the third movie, the brush by some crates and then brush by it again and it says "fragile" "keep dry" "do xot drop"...its suppose to say do not drop, they put a x intead of an N, but this could be a different mistake
not exactly wat i would expect for an easter egg, but feel free to email gabe to see if thats it.

which third movie? i have the huge one, along with a couple smaller ones...
the third movie (with alyx)

it has been released on fileplanet this afternoon
Thought I'd bring this to some peoples' attention. Noticed this at the official HL2 boards (I never post here, just lurk. HL2 boards are my HL2 home ;) ) Anyway, The Bullsquid?

[edit]: Actually after examining some more, it apears that a barnical may be in there as well. :cool:
Thought I'd bring this to some peoples' attention. Noticed this at the official HL2 boards (I never post here, just lurk. HL2 boards are my HL2 home ) Anyway, The Bullsquid?

[edit]: Actually after examining some more, it apears that a barnicle may be in there as well.
No, theres nothing in the tubes. I just watched the vid. They are all empty.
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