easter egg ???

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Bicka said:
Hey I've got a right to be like this. I presented proof that there wasn't someone in the bin, even though I couldn't work out what exactly it was, but still people persisted there was someone in there.
The only reason I relate it to a bottle is because its a bin with rubbish in. Thats a fair guess and not crazy in the slightest.

And now even though its quite clearly the combine saying 'move citizen' that makes the hissing noise, you still try and deny it without even checking for yourself.

Just do rerun it and listen. The second the hissing starts is the second the combine begins to speak.

That sort of thing does my head in.
'Oh it can't be that because..................................'
What sort of arguement is that? I've shown pictures and pointed things out, like others, and they've been ignored.

Far as I'm concered this has been solved. There is noone in the bin ya loonies :P

this hissing / "CitiZen" theory makes perfect sense considering the sound source isn't a direct feed but instead recorded on a camera coming from a tv monitor or speaker setup.
The real fact is that issues like these separate the tolerant and the intolerant. All the people who take to flame opinions for the sake of being "right" strive for power.

Most will never get this sense of power, this miraculous god feeling that makes the world seem saner. Sadly these people become managers and boss' all around the world so they feel like a big, important, respected persons which doesn't really happen.

Admittedly I perpetuate intolerance for my own amusement. Considering that there are no real world consequences for this, it seems like the right things to do. Generally my amusement supersedes any of your meager emotions or opinions.

Whether or not this is a person, duck, trash, reflection, or Gorden himself doesn't really matter. None of you will agree until there is solid proof and even then some of your "faith" will blind you from the obvious.

The issue will be forgotten and people who knew; got there feelings hurt and will be pushed aside for the next mini thought battle. I will watch, manipulate, and take absolutely nothing to heart because the outcome is obvious.

I expect a rebuttal.
wonkers said:
The real fact is that issues like these separate the tolerant and the intolerant. All the people who take to flame opinions for the sake of being "right" strive for power.

Most will never get this sense of power, this miraculous god feeling that makes the world seem saner. Sadly these people become managers and boss' all around the world so they feel like a big, important, respected persons which doesn't really happen.

Admittedly I perpetuate intolerance for my own amusement. Considering that there are no real world consequences for this, it seems like the right things to do. Generally my amusement supersedes any of your meager emotions or opinions.

Whether or not this is a person, duck, trash, reflection, or Gorden himself doesn't really matter. None of you will agree until there is solid proof and even then some of your "faith" will blind you from the obvious.

The issue will be forgotten and people who knew; got there feelings hurt and will be pushed aside for the next mini thought battle. I will watch, manipulate, and take absolutely nothing to heart because the outcome is obvious.

I expect a rebuttal.

good for you
when wathcing the higher quality vids in slow mo it is almost impossible to deny there is a frightened man in the bin, with his hand up against the side of it
trash thrown on floor + blurry figure appears in trash can = most likely man in trash can

akin to the scientist in the dumpster in HL1? I wouldn't blame the guy for hiding from the combine, they appear to be less than welcoming
wonkers, i diagnose you with a life-threatening case of...
Its a bloody reflection from the ceiling now live with it please.

This only reason this thread seems to be carrying on is because people aren't looking or reading any of the reasons for what they're actually seeing. Its a testiment to the human condition called ignorance.
3 people in a bin? Check the new video: 1.16. Its on gordons right side as he walks down the train.
2o3 said:
3 people in a bin? Check the new video: 1.16. Its on gordons right side as he walks down the train.

oh god, please don't be serious.

suddenly because of everyone's crazy imaginations the entire population of city 17 resides in a bunch of trash can's :rolleyes:
marksmanHL2 :) said:

This thread.....

Just lmao! :E :thumbs:

lol, i totally hear ya man

i'm just at a loss for words anymore whenever i read this thing

valve seriously needs to release this game soon before we have to commit everyone to the freakin nut house
I just checked and he's right!

You even see a guy climbing in to one of them!

I'm so embarresed, all this time I though they was just rubbish inside of them, when infact the combine are using the citizens of city17 in a productive way!
Bicka said:
I just checked and he's right!

You even see a guy climbing in to one of them!

I'm so embarresed, all this time I though they was just rubbish inside of them, when infact the combine are using the citizens of city17 in a productive way!

and there you have it. i think we've just uncovered the whole purpose of city 17. massive garbage can filler conspiracy. :thumbs:

"you there! citizen! get back in your can! ...... oh now don't make me get the strider on your ass!"
In the original half-life one of the scientist dudes used to hide in the trash cans (cowardly git!) - may be it's the same guy... he's just not moved since the original for fear of being headcrabbed.
Bicka said:
Its a bloody reflection from the ceiling now live with it please.

it's hardly a man there alright but where the f*** you saw reflective trash bins? at 50 cent's house or something?
I've seen them at the trainstation of city17 before m8.

Oh and btw, if you haven't noticed already, Valve likes to add shiny shaders to everything in the game so whats so hard to believe they could also include shiney bins?
I have a reflective trash can. It's stainless steal. I sometime see people in it. They tell me to BURN THINGS!
If I'm not mistaken, in HL there were certain places you found some pictures of a guy with eggs for eyes. Such places were found for example in opposing force, when you visit the training course with the displacer gun sometime late in the game and in blue shift, where you noclip into an airvent and you saw the same picture.

Has anyone seen it? Perhaps this had to do with the trash bin thing but has it been proven that it's just a shiny surface...?
I think the easter egg is- **club to back of head**

Did anyone ever go to Disney World as a kid (or now)? Specifically, Tomorrowland. Anyone for those who haven't been or don't remember, there are these weird robotic garbage cans that all roll around a la R2D2 and talk to people (controlled by a guy with a mic). Its scary as hell. This reminds me of that :)
wonkers said:
I have a reflective trash can. It's stainless steal. I sometime see people in it. They tell me to BURN THINGS!

that green city17 model doesn't look like chromed stainless steal one, painted metal or green plastic but yes, shiny shaders are all over the place there so here you go.

i wonder if that man in the bin is scripted or AI driven LOL so the next time you'll be playing he's gonna ask you current time or a cigarette
I cant find em actually..
And I also found a couple wierd things at the end of the 03' E3 hl2 video...
If you have it,the time is at 22:26.
Theres a guy there,you can tottaly see him,his face and stuff.But I dont who it is.
It does look like a guy in the trash. When you start comin up on the can the "person" starts to be more revealed as the can opening appears to be half of the top front. So "he" comes more "into view" as you get higher than the opening of the can and slowly more of "him" is exposed as it naturally would happen. As for the yellowish blur, looks like a banana to "me"!
Geez! Posted on page 14 and now this topic is on page 19! Prolly 24 by now! Yes, I'm bored too.
O.k., this is my first post to this board, so don't go all off on me.
But I've read through all the posts and for a while I was totally convinced that there was a guy in the trash bin. I have the two high quallity vids of the E3 2004 stuff. The first one (with the trash bin guy) is 164 megs. So for all you people who are still convinced of this, trust me, I understand, I was too. Until I kept reading the posts and the people for the non-guy in trash bin side started to make sense.
The first big clue I saw that made me think it was a reflection, or the like, was that the "face" that everyone was seeing was actually on the side of the lid, and not "in" the bin. Once I realized that, I noticed that the part of the inside of the bin you see (which I thought was the shoulder of the "trash bin man") is just the plastic lining of the bin. I still don't know what it is on the lid that looks like a man's face, but since it seems to shift, I'm guessing a reflection (of what I don't know).
The second part of the illusion is the supposed "Shhh shhhh" you hear, as you pass the bin. I think I have finally nailed what it actually is. When Gordon gets off the train you see and hear that guy (don't know his name) on those big screens all about the place. What the guys says is "Welcome, welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest, remaining urban settelments. I thought so much of City 17, that I came to esstablish my administration, here in the citidel, so thoughtfully provided by our benifactors. I've been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through, on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here." lol Don't know why I wrote it all out, but anyway, when Gordon gets off the train and is almost to the end of the boarding platform (before making a left turn), that guy says "I've been proud to call City 17 my home." You will notice some distortion when he says City 17 (because "S" sounds recorded over video cam mics will so that), and it sounds like Shhhity Shhheventeen (lol sorry). My point is that when Gordon walks past the trash bin, the video has looped and that guy says "City 17" again. Now that, combined with the Combine soldier saying "citizen" at the same time, is probably where the loud "Shhh shhh" sound comes from. You just pick up the "Shhh shhh" part of it now that you're expecting there to be a guy in a trash bin shhhing you. :)
So THERE'S my fabulous, convoluded, but fabulous non the less, explanation of this phenomenon. And BTW, the .jpg's you guys were posting cracked me up. They look like blury ghost images. There's a hell of a lot better video evidence of Big Foot, and some of you guys are just insisting that it HAS to be a guy in there. lol

peace yall -=>
funny image... but you know. it really doesnt matter. :rolling:
Jametiks said:
I cant find em actually..
And I also found a couple wierd things at the end of the 03' E3 hl2 video...
If you have it,the time is at 22:26.
Theres a guy there,you can tottaly see him,his face and stuff.But I dont who it is.

You're right Jametiks, there is definitely something there. It are not just colors, but you can clearly see things like a horse, mathemetical equations and a few faces if you freeze the movie (posted earlier @ http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=25337&page=1).

To get on topic again, both supporters of the "there's someone in the can" and "there's noone in the can" view have given good arguments. If you look close you can see something moving, (with some imagination, a face) and there's garbage on the floor, which could possibly have been thrown out by who or what is in the trash can. But on the other side, it is very likely that it's just a reflection as there are many lights in the room, the "reflection" is moving along with Gordon as he moves and it is on top of the trash can not in it. Personally I don't want to make any assumptions until a better quality version of the movie is available.
If we keep this up we'll get the game banned before it hits the shelfs for inducing mass hallucination... :p
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