easter egg ???

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It's definately a reflection of the wall, I'v turned the brightness and contrast right up and you can clearly see the plastic bag inside the bin, the bin lid, the opening and the reflection of the adjacent wall or one of the walls opposite it. The pattern on the top of the bin is very similiar to the texture on the wall.
Its a reflection from the ceiling lights/windows and the shh noise is from the Combine saying "Move CitiZen"

Nowt else. xxx
Those are obviously relatives of Eli, that Black scientist

//ontopic: this is getting to weird...hopefully Valve can clear this up
I just watched the hi res video frame by frame, and i can 99% confirm that this is a reflection. If you look closely, the parts that the colours are coming from are solid shiny metal, and as you move, then light is distorted in the way of a reflection. The only parts where it looks like a man in a bin are reflections on a metal part of the lid of the bin.

If you watch it frame by frame, and start from the part where gordon is about 5 metres away from the bin, then slowly go forward frame by frame, you will see that the part of the bin where the head is going to be is solid metal - it is a metal part of the lid of the bin. And as you walk closer to it, the reflection begins to get bigger vastly bigger (it gets bigger at too fast a rate for him to be getting closer to an object - it must be a reflection that is getting bigger at that rate), and finally looks like a man when you are right next to the bin. And while you are there, if you look inside the bin, there is a plastic bag where the man's head would be.
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
what´s the easter egg?

lol, that's what ya get for not reading all the posts. Yeah, I think the so called easter egg, has been disproven pretty thuroughly. "City 17" + "Citizen" = Shhh shhhh. :rolling:
Yoo bad though, that would have been funny to play HL2, and stare at the guy in the trash bin until someone comes over and discovers him. Oh well, hopefully there will be actual easter eggs in the game!
i still dont get it

easter egg = when u see an object that looks like someone?

¬¬' the trash bin looks like gordon freeman?
People thought the easter egg was that there was someone hiding in the bin... but this is false - it was just a reflection, so therefore no easter egg.
James Isaac said:
People thought the easter egg was that there was someone hiding in the bin... but this is false - it was just a reflection, so therefore no easter egg.

damn i cant understand it...

easter egg is something strange we can see in the E3 videos?

can u give me an example? :rolling:
A "bonus" found in a program or on a Web site. An Easter egg isn't usually discovered until a user clicks on something and finds it. This could be an animation or other special feature.

Refers to a hidden treasure created by a programmer, which will either show credits of the co-programmers or be a kewl effect.

An Easter egg is an unanticipated surprise which is hidden in a Web site or an application program. Easter eggs often appear as messages, images, or sounds.

An example would be... if in one of the videos there was a photo of Gabe Newell on one of the walls, that was quite small and in the middle of a load of other posters, so it was quite hard to notice... that would be an easter egg ;)
if it is a reflection .. who is it a reflection off? the only person walking past the bin at the time is you.. and valve states that you can't see your self unless they found out that the community wanted to see gordon and put him in there

second: it could be a reflection but instead of seeing yourself you could see the Gman?!!.. that would be cool and creep huh?

person in the bin very likely but evidence also points to no.. but it could be some one in there considering if you consider the can to be bugged and the person in it is clipping through..

the 'reflection' is growing as you walk past but it moves completely different from your movements too.

boooo ya valve should just tell us and end this misery.
Hmm... i can't seem to find what it is reflecting. Judging from the angle of the bin, it looks like that is a reflection of you... but i doubt it is. So maybe it's the wall behind you... or the roof...

Edit Oh yeah, just watched it again, and the roof above you is a skylight, so that reflection is of the skylight.
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
damn i cant understand it...

easter egg is something strange we can see in the E3 videos?

can u give me an example? :rolling:

An easter egg is something we think is special that is hidden in some movie or picture that we have to find. Not literally an easter egg but just something special. For example... in one of the 2k4 videos you can see ruby, the mascot for ATI, on the wall. I think I explained it well enough...
PatPwnt said:
An easter egg is something we think is special that is hidden in some movie or picture that we have to find. Not literally an easter egg but just something special. For example... in one of the 2k4 videos you can see ruby, the mascot for ATI, on the wall. I think I explained it well enough...

oh.. now i understand... ty

do u have any picture of ruby?
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
damn i cant understand it...

easter egg is something strange we can see in the E3 videos?

can u give me an example? :rolling:

In the context of software (get that Cadbury Bunny out of your head!), an Easter Egg is a hidden feature or novelty that the programmers have put in their software. In general, it is any hidden, entertaining thing that a creator hides in their creation only for their own personal reasons. This can be anything from a hidden list of the developers, to hidden commands, to jokes, to funny animations. You'd be surprised just how many things contain Easter Eggs... just look at the list that has accumulated here!
A true Easter Egg must satisfy the following criteria:
Undocumented, Hidden, and Non-Obvious.

An Easter Egg can't be a legitimate feature of a product, or be an obvious part of a storyline. Easter Eggs will usually stand out either because they totally don't fit with their context (like a pinball game in a word processor), or because they have a deeper hidden personal meaning to the creators, so they threw it in for entertainment.

Every user with the same product or combination of products must be able to produce the same result given the instructions. If others can't reproduce an Egg, then it doesn't belong in this archive.
Put There by the Creators for Personal Reasons
The Egg must have been put there on purpose, and furthermore have a personal significance to the creators beyond just making a better product (movie, TV show, software program, etc).

Not Malicious
Easter Eggs are there for fun, not to do damage.

The most important element... if it's not there for entertainment, it's not an Egg.

Now that you have the idea of what an Egg is supposed to be, it might be easier to narrow things down by listing some types of hidden, entertaining things that would NOT be considered Easter Eggs.

-It isn't really hidden. In a movie, for example, obvious references to other movies aren't Easter Eggs, even if some people don't pick up on the references. This includes references that would be considered "obvious" to any fan of the series or genre, but not to others.

-It isn't something personal to the creator(s). Corporate logos and references to other famous people are in tons of things and aren't Eggs. Eggs have to have that "personal touch".

-It was accidental. Eggs are there on purpose. Accidents belong on www.slipups.com.

-It is symbolism, foreshadowing, or any other literary technique like this. Storytellers use these all the time to tell a good story, and they certainly don't count as Eggs.

-It fits in with the context of the work in question. For example, creative and obscure references to other shows and famous people is standard for shows like "The Simpsons" and "South Park", so these can't be considered Eggs given their context. Eggs stand out as being different from their surroundings.

-It is a plot inconsistency, or just some wierdness you can't explain. These may or may not be real Eggs, but without knowing good reasons for WHY they are there they can't be considered Eggs.
It is interesting background information, but doesn't stand out in the work in question at all. For example, an ad-libbed scene and how it happened might be great trivia, but it isn't an Egg.

Sometimes examples speak louder than rules. Here are some examples of genuine, indisputable Easter Eggs, and you should use them to guide your gut feeling about what is or isn't a true Easter Egg.

-A Flight Simulator and Credits in Microsoft Excel$
-A Pinball Game in Microsoft Word 97
-George Lucas Reference to his First Movie
-Al Hirschfield's Daughter's Name in Every Pictur$
-Weird Al Yankovic and the Number 27

-Taken from www.eeggs.com
Wow -- 10,000 thread views on a trivial detail?
LMAO! If you look closely it looks like Barney from HL1 eating a banana in that trashcan. :D

EDIT: That looks like Barney atleast....
Cool find, but you really cant tell what that is.
lonestar said:
hey, folks! you know this funny scene from the e3 2004 vid, what we were talking about some time ago?! this guy hiding in the bin.. hehe..

http://www.halflife2.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7145 <-- look here.

many people wondered, why did valve implemented that in the game. like i did. well.. i just played good, old half life sp-modus, again.. and look, what i did see see there.

anyone remember? --> http://home.arcor.de/lonestar_m/games/scientist_in_container.jpg :)

Yes, that might be it, great find! :)
Alec_85 said:
Dear God, You ARE behind on things here lonestar :)

was this posted already? sorry, but i don't read every post, especially in case of such a huge forum.
Just out of interest, was the Easter Egg in last year's E3 demos ever discovered? I was just reading a thread from yonks ago and it reminded me.

Metal Gear Solid 2 had name tags for dead people of some selected fans. Have you ever thought of doing something like this (incorporating fan names) into the game somehow? If so, can I be Dead Scientist #42?

Gabe Newell: There will be some surprises in the games. There's at least one Easter egg in the videos that no one has noticed yet.
lonestar said:
was this posted already? sorry, but i don't read every post, especially in case of such a huge forum.

That's true. There's no need of bashing someone for not being a know-it-all. :D
lonestar said:
hey, folks! you know this funny scene from the e3 2004 vid, what we were talking about some time ago?! this guy hiding in the bin.. hehe..

http://www.halflife2.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7145 <-- look here.

many people wondered, why did valve implemented that in the game. like i did. well.. i just played good, old half life sp-modus, again.. and look, what i did see see there.

anyone remember? --> http://home.arcor.de/lonestar_m/games/scientist_in_container.jpg :)

Oh man good times.
Sorry didn't mean it that way :) The comparison has been stated here before yes, but I don't think anyone ever posted a pic of it. Good job :D
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