easter egg ???

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You guys are imaging it. Ive replayed the movie over and over, i ven valuated the picture i took. Their is in no way a face, and its not an reflection or the G-man.
Its obvious its a sticker of some sort stuck on the side of the trash can lid.
I've done up another image to demonstrate the fact that there's no man there.

This one emphasis the border of the opening on the lid (the hole you put your rubbish in)...


As you can cearly see (if the last image wasn't enough), the mans head would be on the side of the garbage can's lid, and is no way "inside" the can.

The finger you think you see moving; it's another object coming in and out of your view of the reflective surface, as far as I'm concerned.
I told you guys its just a sticker! Hordon, you guys have gone senial. Check at this pic from the updated res trailer weirdos!
Gif anim' of the bin in question, slowed down slightly to make it easier to see - Although it looks quite convincing whilst running, when I was glueing this together frame by frame it was quite obvious to me there's nobody there. The "hand movement" looks to be just light reflecting on a bottle changing as Gordon walks past.

http://www.kornflake.net/images/hl2bin.gif (3.5 MB)
It's a person. All the edditing in the world won't enhance a low quality picture. You simple minded people can't get it through your head that YOU CAN't ENHANCE A DIGITAL PICTURE.

It's like those lame FBI movies where you see a guy "enhance" a survalence video that doesn't use film. The only way you will prove anything is in a higher quality video format. A bink will suffice. Nothing less will prove anything.

I will put my opinions aside until there is a bink. But you can't say one thing or another in such a poor video.

For all you people posting Jpeg's don't bother; your just proving my point that you are posting blobs which you can call anything you want.

It's like a damn ink blot picture. It's whatever you want it to be. You duck people freak me out. (GD beastiality freaks)

good hunting.
Hold up I'm confused...

We can't edit digital pictures to show that there isn't a person in a bin, so this automatically means that there is someone in there?

I've got my sarcasm detector on and its either running low on batteries or your really serious.

"It's like a damn ink blot picture. It's whatever you want it to be."

Couldn't have said it better m8! Its whatever you want it to be, plus its a bin so more likely than not its just got rubbish in.
wonkers, your hyprocrisy is reaching dangerous levels. I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so ignorant because you might explode and spray stupid all over me.
sorry people, the can just has a shiny edge around the trash hole. there is no person in it...actually its empty...you can see the white trash bag inside with nothing in it

It is clearly a dirty guy, as you walk past he puts his finger up and says shh, you can hear it ffs.
Hool: If you watch it, the person moves a little bit in the can actually.
Ta Korn ;)

*Cyber, theres someone in the can now?
hehe never thought of putting Grouch in rofl. Guys I don't want to see anymore comments on this junk until you get the new hi-res video. If you still see a man in a can thats going "shhh" then I think your listning to the voices in your head to much. :naughty: By the way this is a hi-res pic of that trash can, its in the attachment (no grouch included ROFL)
I've shown them far to many still pictures and they still say theres someone in there. They just won't listen.

Will be funny when the binks come out though...think I might take a note of everyones name that believed there was a guy in the bin and make a sig out of it lol.
All I can say is, I don't actually SEE anybody in the can, but I definitely do hear the "shhhh!" part.
Lol I finally gave up and listened out for the shh.

Its actually 2 shh shh's and you know why?

ROFL its the combine when he says 'move CitiZen'

Your all crazy you know that.
Besides,the bin seems too small for your average sized human to be able to even fit in that thing.....yall are halucinating.
Also for those saying, "Why would anyone hide inside a trash can right under the (whatever those dudes with masks names are)'s noses" picture this, a man goes into the station goes through the detector things, they go off, a masked-dude walks up to the guy and begins searching him, the man suddendly throws off the masked-dude and starts a mini riot, thus making all the masked dudes go over there and break up the riot, suppose the ''man in the trash can'' was a janitor, seeing that this might be the only chance of freedom, he quickly looks around to see where he can escape, then he spots the trash can, goes over to it, empties it out and hides in there. Sure it may seem a little far fetched, well actually completely far-fetched, but then again, in a game, what isn't?
Bicka said:
Lol I finally gave up and listened out for the shh.

Its actually 2 shh shh's and you know why?

ROFL its the combine when he says 'move CitiZen'

Your all crazy you know that.
Hmm... it doesn't seem to be a head but.
Plz don't be hypocritical. you are saying that pple are making things up....
i believe it is a stretch to make the shhh shh "Citizen"

and i don't like how you say it is a bottle just because of the enhanced image.
personally i believe that that image is wayyyyy beyond repair so any enhancements would be useless...
so you are just pretending that it is a bottle.
if it isnt a bottle then you must have just been making things up as much as everyone else.

currently, i believe the best evidence of what it is comes from
rec said:
I've done up another image to demonstrate the fact that there's no man there.

This one emphasis the border of the opening on the lid (the hole you put your rubbish in)...


As you can cearly see (if the last image wasn't enough), the mans head would be on the side of the garbage can's lid, and is no way "inside" the can.

The finger you think you see moving; it's another object coming in and out of your view of the reflective surface, as far as I'm concerned.

its not a head. its not even a bottle!
its a reflection. maybe... but damn that image sure is crappy.
This is so stupid.

Were looking at a bin in a video game that isnt out yet.
Here folks, does this make it any clearer? I 'dodged' the bin in Photoshop to highlight the 'thing' in it.

I've just watched the video about 20 times, and there's definitely someone in there. He appears to be holding up some kind of yellow card to his mouth as Gordon approaches. The bit I don't quite understand is why the guy's head seems to be outside the hole where you'd normally flick your rubbish into - but this could be a clipping issue. Realistically, his head would not fit through the gap, and you'd only see part of his head - not all of it as the video shows.

Enjoy my artwork though :)
Bicka said:
Couldn't have said it better m8! Its whatever you want it to be, plus its a bin so more likely than not its just got rubbish in.

Nobody else here apart from this dood heard of Ockhams Razor?
It's NOTHING. A REFLECTION MAP blurred by low quality video.

Surely you lot should be concentrating on more important discoveries like that probe discovering the g-man on a rock in the rings of saturn this morning?
there is definitly a guy inside the trash can.But how the hell he got into a small trash can???????????
I haven't read these pages through yet, so I might be repeating someone now, but it looks like a Combine Soldier...
Maybe it's a defect Combine?
Thank God for Photoshop! Look at this! It's obvious that the black line over the face is a shawdow covering his eyes since the light is coming from above. If someone puts a flashlights right on top of you, your eyes will be covered with a shadow too...
The combine make you sit in a trashcan if you don't cooperate.
SHUT UP EVERYONE AHHHHHHHH! Just watch the new video I'm not coming back to this post you guys pissed me off.
hool10300 said:
SHUT UP EVERYONE AHHHHHHHH! Just watch the new video I'm not coming back to this post you guys pissed me off.

Thank you, come again
§amW said:
Hmm... it doesn't seem to be a head but.
Plz don't be hypocritical. you are saying that pple are making things up....
i believe it is a stretch to make the shhh shh "Citizen"

and i don't like how you say it is a bottle just because of the enhanced image.
personally i believe that that image is wayyyyy beyond repair so any enhancements would be useless...
so you are just pretending that it is a bottle.
if it isnt a bottle then you must have just been making things up as much as everyone else.

currently, i believe the best evidence of what it is comes from

its not a head. its not even a bottle!
its a reflection. maybe... but damn that image sure is crappy.

Hey I've got a right to be like this. I presented proof that there wasn't someone in the bin, even though I couldn't work out what exactly it was, but still people persisted there was someone in there.
The only reason I relate it to a bottle is because its a bin with rubbish in. Thats a fair guess and not crazy in the slightest.

And now even though its quite clearly the combine saying 'move citizen' that makes the hissing noise, you still try and deny it without even checking for yourself.

Just do rerun it and listen. The second the hissing starts is the second the combine begins to speak.

That sort of thing does my head in.
'Oh it can't be that because..................................'
What sort of arguement is that? I've shown pictures and pointed things out, like others, and they've been ignored.

Far as I'm concered this has been solved. There is noone in the bin ya loonies :P
i've had a look and it looks like gordon's reflection, but i thought valve weren't gonna let us see his reflection. has anyone emailed valve about this?
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