easter egg ???

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there is no HL2 Easter Eggs album
its all guns and one of somone taking on somone else that looks like sadam

edit: i found it

On the computer screen to the right, has an xray or scan or some sort of graphing of the white and orbish object there on the table.

The picture looks like Eli, Alyx (as a child)and Alyx's mother.
Its working,I signed out and i was able to get to it.That picture your talking about is G. Bush and saddam..heh.

Oh and,that GIF image still doesnt work for me..I tried saving the target but it says the site is not available or something?
wtf why is that movie so huge?!

it's bigger than current half life and some mods

8 minute downloads kill me :/
Tbh, I think it might be a City 17 citizen who has hidden in the bin.

It looks like he is putting his fingers to his lips and saying shhhhhh to Gordon.

Oh well, just a thought.
I'm always too late in these topics.. anyway, this is just the piece with the trashcan from the gamespy (700mb) vid. I'm sorry that it's not from the bright vid, but the gif portrays it good anyway. Like I said, I'm always too late :p

http://www.darkbulb.com/maninbin.mov (4 mb)
This is weird....why would you go hide in a trash can like that.... :o
Wow, nice find. It's only obvious that it's not a trick of the light when you see it in motion. There's definitely a person in there. What the hell! :P
Varsity said:
Wow, nice find. It's only obvious that it's not a trick of the light when you see it in motion. There's definitely a person in there. What the hell! :P
i'm sure its not an light trick :D
Someone at Valve's been watching Ju-on and decided to put creepy faces where you don't expect them :D

it is pretty creepy, like seeing a photo of a ghost.
can't wait for the screenshot.Got to see it to believe it.
disruptioN_ said:
Whoa, that is awesome. Good job finding it. :)
tanks,and i think if it is an easter,then its not the only one(just look in the place you vould never look)
no WAY >

Still to be discovered and dis-proved - Turin shroud gordon, crop circle gordon and poltergeist gordon (with realistic FLINGING OBJECTS action)
That's a cool find, how many times did you watch it before you spotted that guy in the trash?? I'm not sure about the whole "duck" idea, its definately not a wine bottle or reflection, it's someone hiding from the guards... or looking for leftovers.
It's a civilian hiding in the trash and he [shooshes] you while you walk past.

Don't be jerks. You shouldn't post a damn thing if you havn't seen the video. For all you people stirring Sh*t up just stop. Your not funny, it's not a duck, it's not whine bottles. It's a person and it's a good find.

Leave it at that.
saw it second time,oh and can you guys e-mail valve cus im not geting an answer
wonkers said:
Don't be jerks. You shouldn't post a damn thing if you havn't seen the video. For all you people stirring Sh*t up just stop. Your not funny, it's not a duck, it's not whine bottles. It's a person and it's a good find.

Leave it at that.

How the Hell can you confirm that it's a person? I've been looking at those damn stills and videos over and over again, and although I do see something in there, I don't know what it is. The only reason I could perhaps discern some human qualities was because somebody already suggested it, and I would have never thought of that myself.

To be honest, it looks more like wine bottles to me, or just some freakin' garbage. Some dude hiding in a bin from the Combine in the middle of a Combine station just seems unlikely, and I think you people are just imagining stuff now.
wonkers said:
It's a civilian hiding in the trash and he [shooshes] you while you walk past.

Don't be jerks. You shouldn't post a damn thing if you havn't seen the video. For all you people stirring Sh*t up just stop. Your not funny, it's not a duck, it's not whine bottles. It's a person and it's a good find.

Leave it at that.

Go back to page5 and looking at my ****ing freebin.jpg picture. There aint a face in there believe me. Your all loonys! Even pausing the gif shows that the eyes are just a black line and nothing more! YOUR ALL INSANE!!!?!!!?!! :dozey:

You would have to be blind and stupid to not realise that it's a human in there. Either that or you have poor video quality. For your sake I hope it's the latter.

The fact that someone is hinding in a trash can in the combine station is why it's an easter egg. It's funny and odd. Like the Scientist who hid in the dumpster in HL1. (or did you not play that game?)

It's obvious that this is an easter egg and that it has ties to HL1.
I can say it's a person because I see him in the garbage can. Maybe the nay-sayers' resolution or image quality isn't so good. The animate GIF posted a page or 2 back shows it pretty clearly. (that's a period.)

Email some people at Valve, not just whats-his-name (head guy at valve, can't think of his name.) If there's no response then it may not be an easter-egg, it might be part of the story that they don't want to divulge(sp?).

By the way, what are some email addresses of those people, I'd like to shoot an email to a few of them. Thanks.

(Double post, sorry.)

*EDIT* Oh yah!! I forgot about the scientist in the dumpster!!! That is such a HL1 reference!! Nice deductions, I am satisfied with this conclusion.
wonkers, cut the ****ing hostility. I'm not in the mood for it.

You see a human. I see wine bottles. Don't get so personal.
I think you just need a nap lil guy. Your not thinking straight. It's a person that you can't see. You think I am attacking You ? Your irritable. Sounds like ya need a nap to me. Gone and tukkered yourself out.

It's a person.
*Rowr* it's gettin kinda catty in here... keep the claws sheathed ladies!!!

I want to play HL2 now and impulse 101 so I can shoot the man in the garbage can!!! Shooting that scientist in the dumpster was great fun, and the dumpster lid kept opening on its own!!
Geez guys. It's not that important to argue over.

As for me, I've looked at all the images, and watched the video again and again, and I CAN see the person there, but I do tend to believe it probably is just trash and poor video quality which make it appear that way.

If it were a true easter egg, I would think someone from valve would have thrown out some hints (as they did last year). But on that note, after last years debacle with the easter egg, I'm not sure they'd actually throw another one out there.

And if it's actually a guy hiding from the Combine (in real game play), than why would he choose a place where he would be surrounded by the very same people he was hiding from? That would be a bit silly.

But, I really do hope it's an easter egg as that would be a nice find!
wonkers said:
I think you just need a nap lil guy. Your not thinking straight. It's a person that you can't see. You think I am attacking You ? Your irritable. Sounds like ya need a nap to me. Gone and tukkered yourself out.

It's a person.

Lol, well by belittleling everyone who says otherwise, you have clearly won this arguement....

...again with the freebin.jpg, why won't you look and comment on it?
In your first post on this page, you rabidly defended the idea of it being a person while shooting down anything else.

For all you people stirring Sh*t up just stop. Your not funny, it's not a duck, it's not whine bottles. It's a person and it's a good find.

Not hostile? I certainly didn't read any post that warranted that kind of "Screw you, I'm right, jerkwad" attitude.

You would have to be blind and stupid to not realise that it's a human in there. Either that or you have poor video quality. For your sake I hope it's the latter.

I'm using Quicktime, as most people here, and so I know it's not an issue with video quality. However, I still have a different (yet completely valid) view of what's in the trashcan. According to you, I must be blind and stupid. And you claim you aren't hostile?

In my opinion, the "evidence" supporting the idea of a person in there is dubious at best. Hell, if it was so obvious, then why are there still people debating wether it actually is a human, or a reflection, or bottles? What makes you so certain? I've seen nothing concrete, and apparently a lot of other people haven't either. So don't ignore other ideas. I've looked at the videos, the pics, and I have put them through filters, but I don't see a human.

Yeah, I am irritable. And you know what doesn't help? Getting unwarranted shit over something as stupid and trivial as this
What makes it even less likely is that you hear nobody laugh at it on the vids. Complete silence...
Someone said:
Geez guys. It's not that important to argue over.

As for me, I've looked at all the images, and watched the video again and again, and I CAN see the person there, but I do tend to believe it probably is just trash and poor video quality which make it appear that way.

If it were a true easter egg, I would think someone from valve would have thrown out some hints (as they did last year). But on that note, after last years debacle with the easter egg, I'm not sure they'd actually throw another one out there.

And if it's actually a guy hiding from the Combine (in real game play), than why would he choose a place where he would be surrounded by the very same people he was hiding from? That would be a bit silly.

But, I really do hope it's an easter egg as that would be a nice find!
It's certainly not THE easter egg, its just part of the scene and nothing more. Afterall in HL1 there was a scientist who was hiding in a trashcan. It's not the easter egg but it is a guy hiding.
And the "Shhh!"? I find it hard to tell wether that's coming from the video or the audience. Some guy was coughing right before, so that noise could have very well been some guy telling him to STFU.
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