easter egg ???

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thats the 1

cool find, its really dark, thats really quite hard to spot

just turn the brightness and contrast up, when you watch, it

or then again,, it could just be rubbish in the bin

or ontop of the bin,

it reflects though.. hmm.. its too unclear
Its obvious with the movie running...a screen shot of it is hard to take. Its definatly a person there
If its an Easter egg its possible.Thats what I thought Kyrnn but methinks theres something else as the lads are saying that aint it.Tiddalick go to the "Go Advanced" button and then in the Advanced posted scroll down to manage attachments
thats not the inside of the trash can, its a reflection. you can see the opening when he gets closer to it, but that is deffinetly a reflection
i dont think it can be seen in sceenshot, it looks diffrent in a motion
BaNDiT said:
thats not the inside of the trash can, its a reflection. you can see the opening when he gets closer to it, but that is deffinetly a reflection

I think he's right.Though when you watch it about 1/2 a sec later it looks like Gordan has a Ducks bill.A screeny will be forthcoming.
BaNDiT said:
thats not the inside of the trash can, its a reflection. you can see the opening when he gets closer to it, but that is deffinetly a reflection
i don't think so... where would the blue be coming from???
Voodoo_Chile said:
If its an Easter egg its possible.Thats what I thought Kyrnn but methinks theres something else as the lads are saying that aint it.Tiddalick go to the "Go Advanced" button and then in the Advanced posted scroll down to manage attachments

Im looking for what you mean, where is this go advanced button located?
I see it now. But its not an actual npc hiding i dont think. If you look at it, there is a top on the trash can, and the opening is facing the right wall. It seems to be just an image of gordan on the top of it. Maybe the combine have a wanted poster of gordan :naughty: . I mean, the camera recognized him somehow.
Right beside the "Post quick reply button"I have found watching it in a smaller window seems to show it better.
here, this is another shot


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Thats probably what it is. Im sure this is just one of valves games :dozey:
Its an Easter Egg.Its outta place,its utterly pointless and its hard to find.It can be nothing but an easter egg.And im telling you its morphing of gordan to look like a duck.
omg i wold like to do the manipulatorgun thing with that trash can
Voodoo_Chile said:
Right beside the "Post quick reply button"I have found watching it in a smaller window seems to show it better.

Thank you, I see it now.
I can add pictures in the future :)

I don't think it can be gordan, I swear the guy moves his hand to his face in like a sush sign. The reflection would be warped by the curvature of the bin. There must be someone inside
omfg I see him now! He makes a shh motion and whispers "whoever thought this topic has gone mad waiting for hl2!" ROFL!
here is the screeny which proves that Gordan the Duck exists.(Or its a Valve Easter Egg/Joke)


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Voodoo_Chile said:
here is the screeny which proves that Gordan the Duck exists.(Or its a Valve Easter Egg/Joke)

Im sorry, but that dosn't prove anything.
The blur you see there is mearly from motion. No transformation.
Yeah excellent work picking it up.Brought a little entertainment staring at the screen to see a little movement.
EDIT:then wheres this Resistence member telling you to sush.Can ya give me a screen or a Time cause The Duck billed Freeman is all I see.
ROFL I love these threads! Especially when you see the picture where its supposed to be Gordon and its just a blurry mess of black and blue!
Funny story,Friend of mine's name is Howard Freeman and we call him Ducky in honor of Howard the Duck.Seems like an interesting coincidence.
Well, like I said, it just seemed that way to me...it might be the blur of motion :P :)
One thing I am sure of, is that few seconds of fotage tells my brain two things:

There is a guy in the Bin (not a reflection)
He is wearing blue

Thats I am honestly 100% Gurantee that my brain is confident of
Oh well, looks like Big fat ducky beat me to it...

Yeah there aint nowt in there...


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To me he looks like the guy from the apartment video who's drunk and asks gordon if he was knocking on the door.
You people are amazing at spotting these things. However, after playing the movie over and over and over again for about 10 minutes and watching Gordon the Duck in the trash can, I actually came to realize that this was a reflection that didn't move, for some reason. Check the picture I included in this post. I think that orange or "duck bill" that we're seeing is the Lambda logo on Gordon's HEV Suit and that his face is distorted because of the dome shape of the reflecting trash can. However, this theory can be dismissed as well because I thought that Valve didn't let us see Gordon in mirrors so why would he be on a trash can? Easter egg or not this is e-mail worthy. :smoking:


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Big Fat Duck said:

City 17 allows no wine bottles, you don't want the citizens to get drunk then get on a train to Nova Prospekt do you?
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