EGM/ Editor "heavily impressed" by HL2.

i bought halo pc just for the hype the other day..i couldnt believe how dated and bad it looks in this next generation graphics day,i played the first level and proceded to uninstall and im not touching thay mediocre game again...hl1 on the other hand i still play .
Minerel said:
I think it should be, Fan.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Or Person.
Nothing more, nothing less.
"Fanboy" has taken on it's own meaning beyond that of "fan", though. I'm sure everyone here would admit to being a HL2 fan, but the "fanboys" are (supposedly) the ones that spew praise about thing X and hate about anything else, simply because it's not thing X.

I was kind of just being silly in my earlier post, but I do hate the term. I've never seen it used in a positive way. It's basically meant as an insult, so it's only ever in flamey posts. And, it assumes that all gamers are male.
wayne white said:
i bought halo pc just for the hype the other day..i couldnt believe how dated and bad it looks in this next generation graphics day,i played the first level and proceded to uninstall and im not touching thay mediocre game again...hl1 on the other hand i still play .

Not to start shit or anything...but Halo is 3 years old...It's going to look dated. HL1 is like 5 years old...and looks much worse. By your do you still play HL1 and not call it mediocre?
AmishSlayer said:
Not to start shit or anything...but Halo is 3 years old...It's going to look dated. HL1 is like 5 years old...and looks much worse. By your do you still play HL1 and not call it mediocre?
It's because he's a fanperson :p
HL1 is not mediocre even is is 5 years old
i love halo and i love half-life.

im gonna equally love both sequels cuz they are both gonna pwn.

im more excited for half-life 2 tho cuz it came before halo, and the graphics smoke halo 2's.
Hmm, try the link, says that the post was deleted, strange.

Also, is this guy an employee of EGM, or just some random forumite that put EGM in front of his name?
DarkDude said:
Hmm, try the link, says that the post was deleted, strange.

Also, is this guy an employee of EGM, or just some random forumite that put EGM in front of his name?
The conspiracy begins anew...
Narcolepsy said:
The conspiracy begins anew...

Hehe, I think he is the editor for EGM, just looking for somebody to confirm it.

Also, maybe he gave away a little too much info, so he was "quieted".
He was bought, just like the other reviews. Do you really think a 98% rating is free?
MrMetroid said:
He was bought, just like the other reviews. Do you really think a 98% rating is free?

Do you really think after pouring ALL of the money they made off of Half-Life and ALL of the money they've made from the few license deals they've made so far, and all of the money from loans they've taken out, that Valve would have the cash to buy out TWO versions of PC Gamer, AND EGM? Not to mention the other smaller magazines...

My god, some people are desperate to bash this game.
Don't be so naive. They're still rolling in the dough from the original Half-Life. They simply tell simpletons that to sucker them into buying the Gold version.
Caminante said:
This is the prime example of the type of crap that had force me to come to hate the whole HL2 pothetic community. Some dumbass, somewhere in the vast place that the internet is, post some utterly fanboy nonsence, only to be fallow up by a wave of equally silly HL2 fanboy spam.

I agree with you just a little bit. Some of the things posted just make you want to sigh, but what do you expect from the most visited half-life 2 community site? People, mainly 13 year old's and grown men, will post the "L00k Hl 99% Pw0nEgz w00t!1234iMaJaKaZz" topics. It's pathetic and sad, but you have to expect that from a popular community.
MrMetroid said:
Don't be so naive. They're still rolling in the dough from the original Half-Life. They simply tell simpletons that to sucker them into buying the Gold version.

They just tell simpletons what that they invested 50 million into source/steam/hl2? Your kidding right? Do you also believe that the us government flies UFO's from mars over white sands every day also?
For some reason I don't really think Valve would be one of the companies that would put money out for reviews. Just think, would they really need to even do that? HL2 isn't Driv3r. Sure they could have, but usually Valve is one of those companies that just lets their work speak for itself.
It was probably requested to be taken down by valve.
zex said:
For some reason I don't really think Valve would be one of the companies that would put money out for reviews. Just think, would they really need to even do that? HL2 isn't Driv3r. Sure they could have, but usually Valve is one of those companies that just lets their work speak for itself.
I'd like to believe that I really would, but the sad fact is money makes everything go round. Would it be a stretch to think that.

<publisher>: hey <magazine> we will sign a 6 month contract for 4 pages of ads for <game>, what did you guys give <game>
<magazine>: uhh yeah we gave it ummm..... 96%
<publisher>: let me sign that contract
You really think they'd invest in a game for 5 years and accept a sub-par score? I'm so disappointed in all of you.
MrMetroid said:
You really think they'd invest in a game for 5 years and accept a sub-par score? I'm so disappointed in all of you.
Is it not possible that HL2 really is as good as they say it is? Is it not possible that no conspiracy is occuring and the reason they are giving HL2 such a high score is so that they can show what games it is better than?

Really what do you think is more likely, the game really is as good as they say it is? Or Valve is involved in some conspiracy to make sure this game gets good reviews from everyone?

Take your pick.
MrMetroid said:
Don't be so naive. They're still rolling in the dough from the original Half-Life. They simply tell simpletons that to sucker them into buying the Gold version.

lmao, you ARE reaching deep for ways to bash the game, aren't you? Well, believe what you want, I'm not about to deal with somebody that creates his arguments off of baseless claims and conspiracy theories. Have a good evening.

And Shawn is no longer the Asso. Editor at EGM, though he still has his own column and is still considered a member of the magazine.
Halo 2 "fanboys" are everywhere.

i was in eb the other day and i asked for a ship date for GT4, my friend asked for a date for halo 2. The guy never shut up about how freaking good halo 2 was gonna be, he was preaching it like it was the second comming (well it is sortof :p).

i replyed with "hmm, i never cared for halo" and he looked like he was gonna have an anurism. swear to god, he went red in the face and stared at me. never said a word.

then he went back to talking to my friend (who is a halo fan, not really what id call a fanboy)
Why don't we just wait until we play it? Listen, 98% is beyond good. That is not your typical "bought" score *cough*Doom 3*cough*, this is a score in the stratosphere. The game has to be REALLY good to get that - I know from years of subscribing.
MrMetroid said:
I'm glad you're in compliance. See, you can learn things if you try.
Who learned what?

Don't bother flaming me for it or attempting to annoy me in a reply because I really don't know what you are talking about.
MrMetroid said:
And I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much.
All right fine, the only think I could imagine you meaning was that you want us to not say anything about how good the game could be until after we play it. However after doing a quick search through your posts I see that you never once mention that, almost all of your posts seem to have been done for the sole purpose of annoying members here and trying to make a twisted point that we are probably all "fanboys".

Whether that was your intention or not I don't know, but it is certainly the feeling I get from reading your posts.
I don't think you quite understand. You see I don't waste time on people who don't like to learn. I have a real problem with that.
Narcolepsy said:
Why don't we just wait until we play it? Listen, 98% is beyond good. That is not your typical "bought" score *cough*Doom 3*cough*, this is a score in the stratosphere. The game has to be REALLY good to get that - I know from years of subscribing.
Quoted for truth. A magazine isn't going to give a game its best rating ever unless it deserves it. They're staking reputation on a score that high. If so many devs buy extra points, and yet nobody else has gotten a 98%, then it stands to reason that HL2 is still a candidate for best game ever, even if VALVe threw some $ their way.
Why so bitter MrMetroid?

Ah well, if you didn't post that troll thread, I might actually care, but obviously you just get a kick out of prodding people for responses.
PvtRyan said:
Hey, Mr Bitter is back, good to see you again. A bit bittered that HL2 is a succeeded game I see? Don't worry, continue trolling, if that gets you off, then we'll be happy to help you.

Me back? I'm always here, although just lurking most of the time. There is no doubt in my mind, that HL2 will definably be a winner, but partly if not mostly due to CS:S, HLS and all the other mods that are being port to the source engine.
hey Caminante, err...ur sig...

small spelling mistakes ("avobe", "fallowing")..just informing u
Always amuses me to see people replying that they 'won't waste their time' but keep on replying.
Maybe the score was bought, maybe not. Anyone here got anything other than an opinion? Not me. I decided that I liked HL1 so much that I'd risk some cash on HL2, I'm happy with that decision and am now amusing myself with some cs:s whilst I wait for the game to be released.
Caminante said:
Me back? I'm always here, although just lurking most of the time. There is no doubt in my mind, that HL2 will definably be a winner, but partly if not mostly due to CS:S, HLS and all the other mods that are being port to the source engine.

Even without those mods, it was already clear that HL2 was/is one of the biggest games of this year (and last year, even though it didn't come out). It will be successful no matter what.

I dont know why man, but you've always had a major grudge with everyone on this forum (duh) and everything that Valve has done.

I remember saying that Far Cry was a great game, and you called me a fanboy because i didn't think it was a masterpiece. You just need to cool off and realise that people will always have different opinions, instead of insulting them.
First case: Valve buys off the former ass. editor of a CONSOLE game magazine so that he can give a fantastic unofficial review of a PC game.

Second case: Former Ass. editor of a Console game magazine gets a chance to play HL2 and likes it so much that he can't not post his opinion of it on the forum, since it's not a console game and he can't write an official review.

Which one of these cases seems most likely? Frankly I'm tending to believe that in this instance, someone just happens to think the game rocks, and he's entitled to his opinion.

Now that there are adapters to allow Mouse/KB controls on Xbox and PS2, the rift between them and PCs just got a little narrower.