End game discussion *spoilers of course*

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I wouldnt say the tower is collapsing...all it is the fusion reactor exploding and the tower falling down is merely a piece of the reactor.
Samon said:
I wouldnt say the tower is collapsing...all it is the fusion reactor exploding and the tower falling down is merely a piece of the reactor.
No matter if it's the tower or a piece of reactor housing, either way, it looks to be around 1 mile long and anyone that gets caught in its way is royally butt-fecked.
Just a guess, but I bet HL3 will be you vs the G-man. Then who knows what. Probably just another abrupt ending. The possiblities for a storyline in HL3 are pretty much endless though, so who knows.

You know what would be cool? If they released mini-games or expansions that have Freeman running around for G-man fighting bad guys on different worlds, while getting new guns and fighting new villians.
Oh god I just finished HL2 and it ends with a cliffhanger!! Nooo. This game openend up more questions than it really answered. Seriously the ending was like "*theme music* Find out what happens next in the next episode airing in three years or so!" man, great game but the ending is seriously ****ed..

I wanted a bit more info about the background going on in black mesa. Why didn't they cover at least that?
that's it I'm pissed.. :flame:
numlocked said:
J The possiblities for a storyline in HL3 are pretty much endless though, so who knows.

you mean the game got limitlesssss potential? xD
AJ Rimmer said:
No matter if it's the tower or a piece of reactor housing, either way, it looks to be around 1 mile long and anyone that gets caught in its way is royally butt-fecked.
No way is it THAT long. It's big, but not that big.
Alright I finished the game late last night and saw all of your opinions on here so I thought I would add my two cents worth.

To go along with everyone else the game is amazing. The graphics, gameplay, and environment are remarkable and intriguing. The ending is something else. You fight to save Eli from Dr. Breen's clutches, going from the Nexus through undergrounds until you find yourself at the base of a huge Citadel that towers over you. You get inside and basically spend about 5 minutes in the pods being transported from the bottom to the top. After using a very nice A-grav gun you make it to the end and stop the Doctor. This last chapter just gets your adrenaline pumping because you can taste the end. WHen the explosion hits I seriously was in awe of it all. Then time froze and I was like "what the crap."

Like everyone else said the ending doesn't answer anything, it almost opens more doors than closes them. Yes, the environment provides more answers than most people think but I believe that there could be more room for exposition (in small doses) throughout the game. Kliener (sp?) could have said a few words or Alyx for that matter.

HL3 in the works? I guess time will tell. Everyone has to remember that in the final sequence with Gman he says "when and if." So there might not be another one. They could just leave this in lingo and have it be one of those things where you decide what happens to Gman, Gordon, Alyx... etc.

I hope that they release an expansion to this soon but as much as I want them to get it out as soon as possible I don't want a rushed product. There was an article on gamespot.com that said that Gabe could have came out with HL2 much faster than this but he didn't want to have a sequel like all the rest of the games out there that was rushed and basically ruined the game as a whole.
KagePrototype said:
My interpretation...

Nova Prospekt acts as a prison of sorts, where people are tortured and turned into "stalkers", who are the skinny things that walk around the citadel. I can't be the only one that made the comparions between these stalkers, and the alien slaves working in a factory from HL1? The metrocops are the "civil protection units", who seem to be volunteers. The actual combine soldiers might also be volunteers, I'm not sure. I'm guessing that volunteers are shipped to Nova Prospekt and given the appropiate brain-washing procedure.

I think that's it...

i like your thinking, you'ra a clever guy. i didnt notice the factory similarities. On xen the factories were making alien grunts, made by alien slaves. On earth the factories were making combine soldiers made by human stalkers. both the alien slaves and human stalkers seemed to be controlled, probably both by combine.

Im thinking that alien grunts in hl1 were maybe combine soldiers too, but "made/grown" from a different species from xen. Just as the combine soldiers are "made/grown" from part human part machine (as seen in the naked combine model). The technology is also used to make the synths (sriders, gunships etc) but i think the basic biomaterial for that is from antlions (notice the similar colours and textures), why else would the combine bring antlions to earth and know how to control them so well? (thumpers) The antlion guards outer shell is an ideal material to make protective bioskins from, as seen on striders etc.

Thats the only way i can see antlions in the hl universe story, otherwise they just appeared randomly.

KagePrototype said:
Now, I'm guessing that the combine took back control over Xen, and then targetted Earth as an act of revenge.
That fits perfectly.

also the idea of the humans knowing about what freeman has done through means of the vaugtigauts telling them is a very good idea.
Just beat it on normal in 13 or so hours. Horrible ending ;( Now we wait for the mods..I dont think i can wait half a decade for another game :(

EDIT: i heard at the end you hear dr kleiner or whatever bickering about something..i didnt hear that,in order to hear that do i need to see all the credits?
all will be revealed

I just watched the ending again, and now it makes sense ;)

well kinda...

GMan says that everything will become clear at.. well, he's not at liberty to say.

With the rumours that HL3 will be out within 6 months to 2 years (or an expansion pack even sooner) everybody who's pissed off that more of the story wasn't revealed, it's clear to me now that it will be in the follow-up.

So fret ye not, we'll be enlightened at some point.
I liked the ending. The final moments in the citadel were great. The modified gravity gun was amazing. And it was just darn cool to toss energy balls at Combine soldiers and then toss their corpses into the energy beams, watching them desintegrate. The time-freeze shizzle when the G-Man showed up was also really cool as well.

Was I a bit ticked that I didn't get any resolution? Of course. I wanted to know more about the G-Man. I wanted to know what exactly Breen was talking to on that giant screen. And I wanted to know what happened after I blew the citadel up.

But then I realized that not knowing this was all for the better. I liked that it gave me more questions than answers. It gave me something to ponder and savor. It gives me a reason to play through it again and pick up all the little details. It also gives me something to look forward to. Just like the original, it opened up more doors as it closed a few. Come to think about it, I don't I think I would have liked any major answer/resolution in Half-Life 2. I liked that it built things up and then, once again, left you in the dark.

I'd much prefer to see all the holes filled in Half-Life 3.
markabey said:
i like your thinking, you'ra a clever guy. i didnt notice the factory similarities. On xen the factories were making alien grunts, made by alien slaves. On earth the factories were making combine soldiers made by human stalkers. both the alien slaves and human stalkers seemed to be controlled, probably both by combine.
Look at their faceplates: they ARE the combine, sans armour, dalek-style.

I'm starting to think that story wise HL2 was designed not to introduce anything to radical for the sake of the people who never played HL1 all those years ago. Then in HL3 (yes, guy who posted above, it's been confirmed there is a trilology) we'll be seeing the real story unfold.
Just finished hl2
though i didnt really get the plot. can someone fill me in?
what has happened actually? since gordon left the train at hl1's end
I LOVED the ending..best ending ever..

Also the game was long..I played all day since 16 sept lol, and only finished now..took me about 16-20 hours.

Best game I ever played by FAR, no discussion.
Can anyone tell me what G-man said exact in the end? I didn't hear :/
I've just realised this thread doesn't have the obligatory screenshot yet! For shame!


Rob, turn on closed captions. They helped me to hear what the combine were saying at the start of the game.
The ending of hl2 should have been Gordon waking up in bed at his Los Angeles penthouse and being like... "holy crap, what a horrible nightmare"
Just seen the ending, and let me say........I'm confused as ever. Lol
Wait, so do Eli and Alyx know where Gordon has been or anything? They act as if Gordon was on vacation for whatever amount of years he's been idle in time.
bobbydigital said:
Wait, so do Eli and Alyx know where Gordon has been or anything? They act as if Gordon was on vacation for whatever amount of years he's been idle in time.

Nope. That's just clever ol' Valve messing with everyone.
They don't care as to where Gordon has been, and what he's been doing while they've been aging?
I can't see why no one knows whats going on...

Gman is selling you to the highest bidder, a mercenary of sorts.
the resistance got you, and you did the job they wanted. as soon as job was done, you were pulled out. Simple as that.

As soon as I saw time stop and the gman pop out I relized what had happened. (Mixed with Breens speech) GAH. Stupid G-man.

Valve. I beg of thee. in HL3, we get to finally kill this cold hearted SOB!!!

That was an AWESOME game! As many of you have said, the ending was leaving me a bit... confused and a smidge disappointed, but it just makes me more excited for what's next.

The game really put you into the position of Gordon Freeman. You don't exactly know what's happening, just like the actual character would. There's no third person, like Freeman talking, acting as a guide for the story. It's all you, baby!

I mean, when you're running around with the UBER-gravity gun (which I must say was f-ing AMAZING), you see Breem on those screens, trying to stop you and asking you to basically "join the dark side." And you can actually feel yourself breaking through this prison of evil to get to the center and destroy Breem from the inside.


On a separate note, I have a ton of questions, as many people do.

What happened inbetween the end of HL1 and the beginning of HL2? You get off of this train and you can throw bottles at people. I don't really get where you come in completely.

Ok. Zen. The Combine. Humans. What are the similarities/differences in these three? Are the combine completely different than Zen? You see those shells hit the earth and out come headcrabs. That seems to be a mix of the two. It's as if...they're working together. Yet, you do see Ant Lions attack Combine the whole time. The Ant Lions are from Xen, aren't they?

That's pretty much all I can think of from now. But, man. What an awesome game.
O.K. I agree with all of Kage's big, explanatory post, except on a few points.

1. (This is a minor one) The humans heard about Gordon, and so see him as their hero, without having to hear about it from the Vortiguants.

2. When the G-Man says "We," it's possible that you still can't know who exactly he is talking about. It is possible that he could mean himself and Gordon, Himself and the combine, Himself as some kind of 'hive' being? Himself and....whoever he is working for?

3. This is connected to number two: Combine taking over again, after Gordon wins, is speculation. It's possibble thatt happens afterwards is maybe the G-Man's doing after all, whatever that doing is, lol.

Confusing. I hope Laidlaw knows where it's all going, lol.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Worst ending ever.......We have to wait six more years to find out what the hell is going on.......Worst ending since matrix 3......Awesome game, levels were huge and I had a blast. Took me about 12 hours. I just expected so much more at the end, it was almost like it just stopped and the power went out at my house. I was like "Is that it, it can't be it, wait lets see what happens after the credits there will be some crazy ending? Nope just lamar and the professor. Urgh." I give it a 9/10 for no ending." Time to play it again on hard.
like everyone else you're frustrated
but at the same time it was almost the perfect ending because we know that there will be another game and another story to unfold
i absolutely loved how time froze and so muich was left untold because you cant help but wonder whats going to happen in the future(or the past?)
:cheers: to an amazing game.... no to an amazing work of art 9.5/10
One thing which just hit me -

If G-Man was truly working for the good of mankind - dont u think he would have stepped in earlier? Why wait untill the proverbial s**t hits the fan to make a move. Also - He seems to acknowledge that you have completed your mission succesfully, yet you did not kill Dr. Breen. I think the question we need to be asking here is what are the G-Mans motives - and who are HIS "benefactors" as Breen would say. As far as the ending - I think its amazing, and I think within a few months we will have peiced together a solid ending that'll satisfy anyone willing to look for it.

loved the gameplay
hated the story!

no hydra, no xen, No alein fighting.(the aliens say WE REMEMBER THE FREEMAN, but do you remember me puting bullets in your friends head?)
NO true incounter with the ichosaurus, no claw things from the ground,
no big bosses unless you count a antlion gaurd and strider that can get hit 1,000 time but won't die un till you hit it with 5 MAGIC rockets.
they did not explain the howlers, spider crabs, along with the zombie that tosses them. No bullsquid, no bug eyed puppy dogs.

SO many thing were just wrong, valve team didn't you guys atleat play the 1st hl? Hire me and I will help you keep your storys streight!
I can't belive we waited so long and went through all thoes lies for this, no major cliffhanger.....wait ya there was ...everone thought we would get somthing answerd.... and none were!!!......ha ha...didn't see that one comming did ya.......sucker.......

anyways, they should rethink all there stratagies, aside from great game play!
maby gearbox will fill in the gaps again!!
As for the question why no one had told you what happened in game, I'm pretty sure they think you already know what has been going on, just in hiding or something. I mean, how would it ever come across their minds that you've been in stasis for the past 10-15 years or however long its been? Do you really think they know who the Gman is too?

Another thing I heard Breen saying at the part where you first enter his office (not the beginning of the game) talking about "Beings that can span across different dimensions" or something like that. I believe that points to something much larger than any of what we know of right now (gman's employers perhaps?)
Didn't read the whole thread but....

Didn't read the whole thread but....

Here's what I think of the WHOLE story and ending and whatnot...

Throughout the game you are imersed in a world where the earth has surrendered and we've entered into a "Big Brother" day and age. Your sole mission becomes to help the resistance in various ways, and the story develops well for that.

Put yourself in Gordon's shoes.

Sure, you are someplace you don't know, in some time you don't know, with some people you don't know, in some situation you don't know. But I don't think you'd have much time aside from random points in the story when you are picking up supplies to say, "Wait a sec, wtf happened these last x ammount of years???"

Obviously we learn more about what's going on with G-man, that he's basically your pimp for the services of galactic and multiversal justice working for a force we can safely assume is AT LEAST as powerful as the 'benefactors' if not more.

I liked the ending. I was like "Holy crap... This is gonna be it... explosion, gordon dies, wake up as barney... restart story. Gay." But much to my suprise, Freeman survives. It made me happy to know that he survives as well as gave me something to look forward to/contemplate/discuss whether or not alyx is dead or not.

My predictions:
-Eli is alive with Mossman and is conducting studies or something somewhere about more things to aide the resistance after much deliberation as to whether or not Eli should trust Mossman... That dirty whore.
-Breen is dead or reincarnated into a higher life form to become your ultimate enemy alongside the 'benefactors'
-You find out eventually G-man represents fate/death/the devil/devine intervention, sort of like Death in NWN's latest expansion.
-Alyx was saved by DOG's massive awesomeness or was saved by another G-man-esque person.
-Barney is alive leading the evolving armies of earth.
-Kleiner is alive studying the combine technology of the citidel/bugbait/lamarr to aide the resistance.
-Combine/benefactors is decimated around city 17, which will lead benefactors from other places around the world (Note: Earth surrenders article in one of the combine checkpoints somewhere in the game, i forget exact location.) to come and aide the fallen benefactors.
-DOG keeps pwning.
Just finished the game. Definitely best game overall I have ever played. I was hoping for more reolution though...

Anyway, food for though in regards to the ending:

Breen makes reference to Freeman being able to be bought off and the G-Man makes reference to requests for Gordon services.

G-Man clearly has some sort of immense power, but we also havent seen him affect the physical world, so it would seem he is limited in some way.
Zento said:
HL3 should be here within 2 years. Can't wait to see what happened to everybody :)
Maybe they'll have a patch by then to fix the problems the rest of us are having with keeping the game running! :naughty:
am i going crazy or did i hear breen say that he genetically altered freeman as a little kid. he says it when you are on one of the elevator things, it kind of explains why gordon kicks so much ass.

everybody is saying what they think will happen in hl3, but it seems pretty clear that we all haven't come to a conlusion as to what exactly happened in hl2, i think everybody should say all the story elements that they saw in the game, cause i'm sure we all missed something/a lot of things.
I don't think people are really getting the ending, or indeed Valve's entire take on storytelling. Valve is all about SHOW DON'T TELL. The storytelling is subtle and deliberately leaves a lot open to interpretation and investigation. You have to piece together what's gone/is going on from scraps of overheard conversation, little clues, and so on. And keeping your eyes open. I think most of the major questions about what's going on in the world, what happened since HL1, are answered in the game. It's not exactly THAT big of a mystery.

As for the larger movers and shakers beyond our world... no, we don't know who or what Breen is talking to, though we do overhear him saying some things about intelligent galaxies and weather formations and a lot of truly crazy stuff. The vortiguants hint at all sorts of crazy stuff having to do with time and unity, putting your role far above some measily resistence leader. But the point is not to solve these mysteries outright, it's to vastly expand the range of the HL universe. At the end of HL2, we now know that the stakes are huge: far greater than we ever imagined. The G-Man is far more powerful than we knew even at the end of HL1. We don't know all the answers to the greater mysteries of the HL universe, but then in a way that's GOOD: it leaves us with some very, very deep mysteries to ponder. And, like HL1, it leaves us unsure if we've done the right things, sided with the right side. Did we just doom humanity? Doesn't Breen have a point?

And frankly, would you all really have been happy with a conventional, boring ending where Gordon kills Breen, then kills some random alien overlord, the G-man claps and then you kill him too, everyone in City 17 cheers and Gordon gets to have teh sex w/ Alyx?

I wouldn't have been impressed with that. Instead, we get a stunning and wildy divergent end to a stunning game. You may be a little put off by what you got, but appreciate it for what it is and what Valve was trying to do. They could have tacked on a goofy teh sex ending. They didn't. They chose to keep us intrigued and guessing and talking. Much better, I think.