Episode 2, TF2 & Portal - Expected Summer 2007

I've never really understood the cry baby wah wah over delays. Have you nothing better in your life to do until then? It isn't like there is a huge gap to fill. There are other games, there are other things to do. It'll fly over pretty quick, and before you know it you'll be sitting there playing Episode 2.

Just get on with it for ****s sake.
I've never really understood the cry baby wah wah over delays. Have you nothing better in your life to do until then? It isn't like there is a huge gap to fill. There are other games, there are other things to do. It'll fly over pretty quick, and before you know it you'll be sitting there playing Episode 2.

Just get on with it for ****s sake.
Sure, I've got a good book to be getting on with. I'm also planning to get married before Summer next year. I'm really busy with work at my new job as well. Loads to do. Doesn't change the fact that Valve couldn't keep a deadline if their lives depended on it! I think your comments are very naive. You must obviously know that all gamers are constantly wishisng their lives away waiting for release dates :)
The funny thing is, the moment you do get the game, you'll all be complaining about how short it is. :LOL:
Sure, I've got a good book to be getting on with. I'm also planning to get married before Summer next year. I'm really busy with work at my new job as well. Loads to do. Doesn't change the fact that Valve couldn't keep a deadline if their lives depended on it! I think your comments are very naive. You must obviously know that all gamers are constantly wishisng their lives away waiting for release dates :)

I've never had a problem with any game getting delayed, because I'm completely lacking in hype until the week before. :p
ok im gonna say this once and once only, there are a hanful of companies that delay a game for a very good reason. VALVE IS ONE OF THESE COMPANIES.

YOU WILL NEVER SEE EA DELAY A GAME BECAUSE ITS NOT FINISHED, if ea made episode 2 it would be out now for xmas, buggy and half finished with lots of features missing.........and you would probably have to pay for the guns too at the rate their going

i dont know about anyone else but i was blown away by episode 1, not because it was short....yes it was shorter than most normal games, but for 6 hours of my life it was the most intense fun ive ever had for a prolonged 6 hours. This was mainly thanks to alyx, because there HAS NEVER BEEN AI LIKE HER IN A GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so if valve wants to delay it til next xmas i say let them do it and ill be more than happy to tip my hat to them and say well done ON CARING THAT THE GAME IS THE BEST IT CAN BE, and not some buggy piece of trash game that gets released by sssssooooooo many other companies just to meet deadlines and budgets
Yeah stfu nubbers (I love how that word rolls off the tongue so smoothly) you WON'T be complaining once you get it. Unless your a fricken' retard valve-hater.
Im sick of all this new episodic crap. I want things called Expansion Packs! Opposing force rocked and so did Blue Shift (although maybe a little bit short but still hella fun!).

And theres so much more novelty in them then crap episodic content... That just seems to bore me and Id much rather get a nice expansion pack to play.

Any time now there will be hackers finding more loopholes in outlook to steel ep2, TF and portal so it should be long!
In recent talks with CVG, Doug Lombardi has told us that the much anticipated 3 way package originally scheduled for the end of 2006, then moved to early 07, seems to have been struck down by the Valve delay virus. Sob sob![br]We can only speculate what the cause of this further delay is, however the sheer size of the upcoming release probably needs that much extra work to chug out the quality we are used to by Valve on PC as well as X360 & PS3. Bite your lips for now!
Heheh! You said "3 way"! *Giggles*

Oh and on-topic: Copy/Paste/Twist from every other deay thread ever...
This is disappointing, but never mind - if it means the finished product will be better then it's something I can live with. It's not like you can't fill your life with *gasp!* other things!
Sure, I've got a good book to be getting on with. I'm also planning to get married before Summer next year. I'm really busy with work at my new job as well. Loads to do. Doesn't change the fact that Valve couldn't keep a deadline if their lives depended on it! I think your comments are very naive. You must obviously know that all gamers are constantly wishisng their lives away waiting for release dates :)

I just finished reading what development hell Valve endured to simply develop and release HL2, so right now all my sympathy is with them.
For 6 hours of my life it was the most intense fun ive ever had for a prolonged 6 hours. This was mainly thanks to alyx, because there HAS NEVER BEEN AI LIKE HER IN A GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try having sex .......... with a real person, not Alyx

Ooohh. that was a bit below the belt ........ get it? below the belt?! ..... Never mind! :eek:

All I can say is ....... I 'm sure it will be worth the wait. Not least because TF2 & Portal will make it an awesome package & from what we've seen of EP2 so far it looks bloody awesome! In any case, There's always Crysis. Let's hope that doesn't get delayed. The way things are going it will at least be out before EP2!
I really can't believe all the people who got so pist.....confuses me.. they seem like the HL2 fans that got into HL from HL2 and never really played HL... just people who want shit right then and there....

It took 6 years from HL to HL2. If you can wait that long, you can wait till summer for Ep2. If you can't try freezing yourself(like in South Park). Hopefully you will wake up 500 years later and learned your lesson.
In any case, There's always Crysis. Let's hope that doesn't get delayed. The way things are going it will at least be out before EP2!

The way things are going, Crysis is going to be a realistic looking game, with bad art-direction, cliche story telling, and zero to offer in the realm of innovation.
'Oh cool... damn, can't play it.'
'Well... shit.'
The way things are going, Crysis is going to be a realistic looking game, with bad art-direction, cliche story telling, and zero to offer in the realm of innovation.
Granted nothing come close to HL for story telling. At least not in an FPS. I love the HL2 story & the way it's unfolding. But as I've said many times on here befor I don't feel that this is the most vital area of a good FPS. More like an interesting diversion. I guess I'm from the old school. I've been playing FPS's since they were invented & back then the stories were about as flakey & breiff as could be. Games were still fantastic though. They had to of been otherwise we wouldn't be here talking about them. There would be no HL2.

Anyway, I think the story behind Crysis sounds reasonable enough to me. Cliche'd yes but most FPS's start of with the same premise, Even HL2 (i.e invasion). It works & it creates a scenario for the FPS to develope. That's all it needs. HL2 takes that further, which is great. But gameplay is always top of the list for FPS's as far as I'm concerned.

As for Crysis not being innovative. Well the suit & weapon customisation could work well ..... then again it could completely mess things up! That's the risk when you mess with the tried & tested FPS formula. How many games have strayed from the path & fouled up? Look at STALKER. Really interesting concept but it hasn't got of the ground yet! There's a big risk there it could fail dramatically if & when it finally see's the light of day. I did hear that the design time had scrapped a lot of the innovative ideas that made it sound so good & have instead gone back to a more linear FPS approach. Shame that.
Valve has things to do!
Like find more free mods to change up and charge you money for.
Or like.. finding more ways to overcharge for it's old games on steam, whilst they're cheaper in a store.
And you gotta learn about the edit button? And how to leave these forums if you don't like Valve.
Valve has things to do!
Like find more free mods to change up and charge you money for.
Or like.. finding more ways to overcharge for it's old games on steam, whilst they're cheaper in a store.

Please, come back when you've got some new (i.e. valid) material.

After seeing the vids where both TF2 and Portal looked close to finished... I must say this is quite a disappointment. Next summer... that's eon's away.
It's only just turned winter ffs.
I was really hoping for this to tide me over the winter... and by the time this is released I should have my new rig and will probably be playing UT 2007 \o/
(probably only giving side-line attention to these valve titles)

[2 euro cents]
As for delays = hype = more sales... I'm not totally sure about that equation.
Too long a delay can mean low player counts. Sure the game may be hyped a sell a few more copies because of it, but if it's already that long on the tooth and there are other games that offer more in the way of playability and graphics then 'yes' many people will maybe buy it, but the online population might suffer.
For example if I would imagine BF 2142 beeing released any later than it was it would have failed even worse than it is now IMHO.
Wow, you improved a lot in such a short time. Maybe you need to take those rose tinted glasses off? HL2 took me 12 hours, I know people who did it in less. Steam proves that average time for Ep1 is 6 hours, so calling it a 6 hour game seems fair. Name one decent game that's come out in the last year with a 1 year development time. Just one.

This will be a year and a half, and I said barely under, meaning 2 years. This is assuming that they DO make their new target, and can you show me the statistic showing it takes most people 6 hours to beat episode one?
ok im gonna say this once and once only, there are a hanful of companies that delay a game for a very good reason. VALVE IS ONE OF THESE COMPANIES.
I'm undecided on whether this is really a good excuse. Yes, I'd rather they released a polished game late than an unpolished game early. However, part of being a "good developer" is making decent deadlines and sticking to them. Dealing with "unexpected last minute bugs" should be in the schedule. However, after my recent encounters with Need For Speed Carbon (10 crashes per day culminating in corruption of my save file and the loss of a heavily pimped out DB9 :( ) I'm quite happy to get on with other more important things while waiting for Ep2, like getting laid :p

i dont know about anyone else but i was blown away by episode 1, not because it was short....yes it was shorter than most normal games, but for 6 hours of my life it was the most intense fun ive ever had for a prolonged 6 hours.

Edit: theroadtonowhere:
Average completion time 5h 38m
Valve has things to do!
Like find more free mods to change up and charge you money for.
Or like.. finding more ways to overcharge for it's old games on steam, whilst they're cheaper in a store.

I spent $10 more when I bought HL2, and I got DOD:S and every other HL1 based game (HL1, CS, CZ and all the rest). Greatest deal in gaming history.
You can't compare EA to Valve. EA has 7,200 employees and publishes for external developers, Valve has 104 employees* and is a developer (not a publisher, though they do distribute games via Steam, they don't actually fund them like EA do).

* From wikipedia

Obvious question for Valve:

If Valve employed twice as many people, would games take half as long to make?
Obvious question for Valve:

If Valve employed twice as many people, would games take half as long to make?
"Please, come back when you've got some new (i.e. valid) material."

How the hell isn't what I said Valid? It's a matter of FACT that HL2 is more on Steam, than it is retail. Unless you buy one of Valve's "wonderful" packages.

They -were- cheaper when they had those first packages -- but not anymore.
There is plenty of time for Valve to put bullsquids and Houndeyes back to Episode Two now.
"Please, come back when you've got some new (i.e. valid) material."

How the hell isn't what I said Valid? It's a matter of FACT that HL2 is more on Steam, than it is retail. Unless you buy one of Valve's "wonderful" packages.

They -were- cheaper when they had those first packages -- but not anymore.

I'm seeing $30.00 at EB... and $30 on Steam... for HL2.
It must be some major update to source if it involves all 3 games.Maybe Vista Dx10?
Anyway its not a ValvE game if its no delayed.
It must be some major update to source if it involves all 3 games.Maybe Vista Dx10?
Anyway its not a ValvE game if its no delayed.
All 3 games are packaged in one and come out at the same time.... So if one is delayed the rest get delayed.
They could always cancel the package and sell them individually if you complained enough. ><
I'm pretty disappointed about this, mostly because I like the idea of episodic content and I don't want to see it fizzle out because of a couple of delays. I'm sure once all three are out Valve will be able to look at the mistakes they've made and come up with better methods of producing episodic content. I agree it would be nice if we could pre order the package and get TF2 or Portal now.
Hands up if you think all this argumenting is... GAY!

So like, everyone...

Episodic content=fail

I've never really understood the cry baby wah wah over delays. Have you nothing better in your life to do until then? It isn't like there is a huge gap to fill. There are other games, there are other things to do. It'll fly over pretty quick, and before you know it you'll be sitting there playing Episode 2.

Just get on with it for ****s sake.

Fanboy numoro uno=samon