Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
So one of the key strengths of episodic gaming is the feedback the developer can digest from the community. Feel free to add whatever you feel.

What Episode 2 needs:

So were in the wasteland. Alien ravaged and blasted countryside. We got a glimpse of it in Half-life 2, when we made our way along the coastal road towards Nova Prospekt. Considering this was very much the 'outskirts' of the wastes it was still relatively dangerous, inhabited by antlions an all. But now were further out - were in those forests and mountains you can see from the boundries of C17, and it was constantly alluded to as a dangerous and uninhabitable place.
The Garg overturning the tractor, that Bullsquid chewing Eli's leg off as he attempted to get Kleiner into the safety of a Combine city. They are all out there. Episode 2 needs more 'wildlife' aliens. And I don't mean hunters, I mean things like the bullsquid, like the houndeye or even better - something completely new. Either way, if the wasteland in EP2 hopes to stand any chance in my book it is going to need some aliens. And no, not antlions.

Easily the most outstanding part of Episode 1 was its beginning. The moment dog digged me out of the rubble and onto the unstable edifice, to the sight of rapidly de-stabilizing Citadel and that comforting renunion hug from Alyx was the moment I knew Valve had done it again. The idea of Dog throwing you across to the Citadel in the burnt out car is simply that flash of ingenuity - this is why I play Half-life.
I want Episode 2 to top that. I really do. And it will. I hope.

I <3 vehicles. Screw general opinion, I thought the Airboat chapter and the buggy chapter were outstanding. In Water Hazard the tension was high, and you could feel it. It wasn't too long, either. In Highway 17 it was sort of an exploration feel, so were exploring this deserted coastline. Sadly, Sandtraps effectively lowered the fun in the buggy by having some drawn out driving sequences. Oh well. But either way, I loved the vehicles, and we know EP2 is going to be concentrating on them, so this pleases me very much.

Zombines. Nuff said.

More talkie sequences. The scene with Eli, Kleiner and Alyx at the beginning was superb. But that was it. I feel it missed out on sequences like Black Mesa east, or the sheer brilliance of the Breen scene. I want to see the characters in the flesh, I want to see them more, I want them to interact and I want them to crank out the truly fantastic, human dialogue we all know Valve are capable of doing.

More puzzles. Direction intervention was an excellent chapter - classic Half-life. Perfect blend of puzzle gameplay and action - but the puzzles could have done with being tricker. So yeah, puzzle gameplay of any kind.

What Episode 2 doesn't need:

Antlions. I am not thrilled in the least about the antlion nest. I enjoyed them in HL2, and in EP1 - to an extent. But they are not the only alien that was sent over in the portal storms so lets stop pretending they were. I've had enough of them, I want something new. Period.

New weapons. You did a great job of keeping the arsenal consistant and not adding some lame-ass Gearbox attempt at a weapon, and were very logical in that the Combine do not build new weapons over night. The Strider buster is a step in the right direction - something different, and practical.

A zombie chapter. I liked Ravenholm, it was fun. I liked Lowlife, it was fun. But no more. Zombie gameplay has its limits and I think we've reached it. I don't want to see another chapter dedicated to zombies. We've all seen them, they are fun, but not THAT fun. Sure, put them in here and there but nothing to the extent they were used in HL2 and EP1, please.

Super Gravity gun. I enjoyed the ball puzzles and throwing Combine soldiers here, there and everywhere. But it was eventually going to wear off, and it most certainly has. I don't think we should it again - which we shouldn't, because were nowhere near a Citadel core. It has ceased to be fun.

Citizens who mock Kleiner.
Mate, I can safely say I agree with all the above. With one exception maybe being the zombie chapter... Ok, a whole chapter may be a bit long, but I think they really need to do one in a dark wood with fast zombies flying through the trees. And I think some citizens mocking Kleiner can't be a bad thing. Bit of variation and personality.

In conjunction with what you said, I think...
-They should refer to zombines as "combies" at one point. That would be hilarious.
-Completely agree with the human interaction. Valve is most well know for its story weaving, and I think that's what they're missing, only minorly though. We need a political debate, or some equivalent going on. And more characters! While contemplating Alyx's death, it occured to me that there should be more characters to help build the depth of the story. At most we have 3 Doctors, a love interest, a crazed Cubbage, comic relief (Barney) and if we're lucky, a trigger-happy churchie. I think, just maybe, that a Shepard cameo might might be what on of these episodes needs
-I want a selection of vehicles, maybe even different paths to take. That'd be great for new content, and for reply value too.
-I wholeheartedly agree with the creatures we sorely need. We need an alien that doesn't burrow out of the ground when we approach it. Garg. Perfect. Houndeyes... uh... maybe a bit less yellow. Enslaved Vorts. Yes please.
-On that note, a Vort vs. Vort battle.
-And this may just be me, but I'm after a host of synths out hunting us, aswell as the striders and the mini variation. Crab synths, mortar synths. How on earth would you battle a Gunship in a forest? I want to find out.
-I think there should still be antlions (there's obviously some in there) but only in moderation. More variety.

That'll do for now
As long as there are no underground zombie/antlion infested garages, and no dead Alyx then I will be happy.

Also, find some way to bring Father Gregory back.
What Episode 2 needs:

New areas. Not only forests but also dry wastelands. And I want an environment with a lot of water and Ichthyosaurs to provide some tension. I loved the Ichthyosaur parts in Half-Life.
(Or maybe a Hydra, I still want a Hydra in one of the coming Half-Life games :))

More ‘vistas’

And off course I want to see more Xen wildlife. Small aliens, big aliens, old aliens and new aliens.

I dó like the idea of the AntLion nest. I like claustrophobic levels and I think it would be a nice variation on the open forest environment. So I like the Antlion nest, especially when there’s an AntLion King of AntLion Queen inside. Because I think Episode Two needs some kind of bossbattle. An Antlion King, a Tentacle or something completely new.

New main characters and more dialogue scenes. Human interaction.
And of course more storytelling. For example: I want to know what happened and what is happening to other parts of the world.

More large-scale battles.

More, bigger and more complicated puzzles. And a better blend of puzzle gameplay and action.

A couple of new weapons wouldn’t hurt. Although it definitely isn’t one of the most important things I want in Episode Two.

What Episode 2 doesn't need:

Lots of vehicles. I don’t like vehicles very much, although the Airboat chapter and the buggy chapter were pretty great.
One vehicle is enough I think. What I dó want, are more big, open and non-linear environments in which we can use our vehicle.

A zombie chapter. I don’t want lots of zombies, not even zombines.

Super Gravity gun

Crab Synth and Mortar Synth
Well the only thing we all seem to agree on is the Xen wild life part. They better fill those forests up with plenty of exotic fauna or I'll be disappointed.
Aliens I want: Gargs, bullsquids, ichtiosaurs, slave vortigaunts and of course something completely new.

As for the antlions, the thing I hate about them is that every time we face them they come in an infinite supply, they wouldn't be as annoying if at one point you would just kill them all in an are and they would just stop respawning.

No more damn zombies, period!! I've had it with them , including that pesky zombine, bah. Unless... they would put in some freaky animal zombies:D .

I don't mind if they put some new vehicles as long as they don't shove it down your throat like they did in waterhazard and the coast. I like it when you choose if you want to ride in a vehicle but it's not an absolute must.

New weapons! Not many, two will do: a gauss gun and the SLAM; include these two weapons and I'll be happy. Oh yeah, what is the strider buster supposed to be?
xirow said:
New areas. Not only forests but also dry wastelands. And I want an environment with a lot of water and Ichthyosaurs to provide some tension. I loved the Ichthyosaur parts in Half-Life.

I'm very much against dry wastelands - its just too generic. We've all seen post apocalyptic wastes. I think the forest and countryside areas are a hell of alot more original.

xirow said:
More ‘vistas’

That is definately one of Valves strengths - visual payoffs. Only where necessary though, and not to over do it.

xirow said:
I think Episode Two needs some kind of bossbattle. An Antlion King, a Tentacle or something completely new.

I think gaming has moved on from boss battles. This isn't Quake 4...I'm not sure, a big bad boss is just a little too generic for my liking. The final Strider battle at the end of EP1 is as 'boss battle' I'm willing to go. I know you didn't like it, but I thought it was awesome. Any step up from that though; no thanks.

xirow said:
I want to know what happened and what is happening to other parts of the world.

Well, I think we already know abit about that. I'd say alot of countrys are simply wasteland, or even 'dry wasteland' as you put it, left to rot. We know there are at least 30 other cities, and all Citadels have been temporarily knocked offline - at least the portals and communications at any rate. If other citizens use this as an attempt to turn the tide, then I'm sure we'll hear about it ingame.
Samon said:
I think gaming has moved on from boss battles. This isn't Quake 4...I'm not sure, a big bad boss is just a little too generic for my liking. The final Strider battle at the end of EP1 is as 'boss battle' I'm willing to go. I know you didn't like it, but I thought it was awesome. Any step up from that though; no thanks.

I agree, gaming has moved on. And I was very glad Half-Life 2 didn’t end with a final boss battle. But I did miss an enemy like Tentacle. I just want a big enemy which has to be killed in an alternative manner. It isn’t necessarily a boss battle. You can call it whatever you want :)

It can even be combined with some great puzzle gameplay.

Samon said:
I'm very much against dry wastelands - its just too generic. We've all seen post apocalyptic wastes. I think the forest and countryside areas are a hell of alot more original.

I know :) I just like dry wastelands, especially the ones in Raising the Bar.
First off, due to my observation of antlion habitat, we won't be seeing them again. They seem to have all migrated and burried in the sand, on the coasts. Unless there is some kind of beach in in the forrest and montians otuside of City 17, they wont be back. Same as the super gravity gun, it won't be back unless there is a huge dark energy radiation leak out of Alyx's skirt.

Anyways, on to what should be:

-There needs to be some Xen wildlife (since no one else said it :p)

-Only a little vehicle! I liked the air boat and buggy in Half Life 2, but that was a huge game. Traveling from City 17 to the outskirts, then from the outskirts on the coast to Nova Prospekt...that was great for all the distance and time, but this is an episode, its shorter. I hope they don't overdo the new vehicle.

-Along with the Strider Buster, we need one more weapon. That would be cool if the S.L.A.M. was introducted into SP. Maybe also a useable Combine sniper rifle, with limited usage and ammo, of course.

-I like the countryside parts of HL2 like parts of Water Hazard and other chapters which couldn't have been put into EP1. I'd like some more exploration of the country instead of just City play (I know, this is practically, guaranteed, I just had to put it). I want beautiful vistas.

-Keep all the cool puzzles, and use other kinds of physics with them.

-Like Samon said about Zombie chapters but different. I'd like a half a chapter, or even less of a half, with zombies. I like fighting these original enemies. Like the elevator scene, I want a creppy setting for these just to just pop out.

-I'd like to see another type of Combine, like the Scout or something. So far we've seen the Civil Protection, Overwatch Soldiers, Overwatch Elite, and Prision guards (yellow eyed combine). Maybe we could acctaully see the Combine scouts that carry the high powered sniper rifle instead of them hiding in windows.
Vass said:
First off, due to my observation of antlion habitat, we won't be seeing them again. They seem to have all migrated and burried in the sand, on the coasts. Unless there is some kind of beach in in the forrest and montians otuside of City 17, they wont be back.

Did you watch the Episode 2 teaser at all? :p
Damn, I forgot about that. I was just going with what I saw of out HL2.
Vass said:
-I'd like to see another type of Combine, like the Scout or something. So far we've seen the Civil Protection, Overwatch Soldiers, Overwatch Elite, and Prision guards (yellow eyed combine). Maybe we could acctaully see the Combine scouts that carry the high powered sniper rifle instead of them hiding in windows.

We will probably encounter the green Combine soldiers we saw on early Episode One / Aftermath screenshot.
Episode 2 practically screams "new", I want to see, pragmatic of course, new weapons, creatures, NPCs. I want new Main characters, one that isn't a scientist or security guard. Someone completely fresh to the HL universe, I want that sense of discovery I felt in HL1 & 2 again.

What it doesn't need: another scientist main character. No more antlions/Zombies. I'll think of more later.
I think that Episode 2 should have some Wildlife since we are in the woods some animals must have survive the combine.

Some new Xen wildlife i want to fight some cool aliens

A new combine soldiers not just a reskin but something like the Assassin something to the feared of.

Diffrent sort of physics puzzles instead of the old seesaw and floating barrels puzzles.
Oh yeah, definitely new wildlife, it is a must. I want to see teh awesome Bullsquids, Icthyosaurs, but I don't want to see just reiterations of the same HL wildlife, I want originality. This is the key for Episode 2.

One last thing: story!, I want answers dammit!, the G-man for one. There was an interview on EP1 sometime ago where it stated that we would learn about the G-man, but there was really nothing revealed about him. The story in EP1 did a good job of introducing new elements into the story (the transmission packet, Mossman in the Arctic) but now there needs to be answers. The story is the primary reason I play HL, don't fail me now LaidLaw!
Answers I want to see is Who is G-man, and Does Alyx REALLY have feelings for Gordon.

And new additional characters like GORDON FROHMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not gagging for answers, and there is quite abit revealed about Gman in HL2 - you just have to look harder. Don't want alot of Gman answers in EP2, Valve just need to keep doing what they are doing - seeping it out.
Do need:

Valve have it covered.

Don't need:

-A ****ing 'protect the civilians' scenario... one of only two uninspired sections in what was previously a tour-de-force of game design

-A strider 'boss' at the end. We've fought hundreds before, and though I loved the new AI that had it shoving skips around, the souped up cannon it had was a mach-4 'wtf' moment
damn, my grandkids will have to tell me when they get to heaven (hell) who the gman is...

E2 needs:
-Xen wil... yeah you get the point...
-more story, E1 didn't have as much story as I had hoped, but now that we have escaped the city let's bring in more story!
-sorry guys, but it's my hobby to kill zombies... new zombie-chapter! with shotguns! and 'nades!
-gman, breen, mossman, something on them and one or two new characters to
-alyx :)
jondy said:
Do need:

Valve have it covered.

Don't need:

-A ****ing 'protect the civilians' scenario... one of only two uninspired sections in what was previously a tour-de-force of game design

-A strider 'boss' at the end. We've fought hundreds before, and though I loved the new AI that had it shoving skips around, the souped up cannon it had was a mach-4 'wtf' moment

You can't knock the car park level design. The colours, atmosphere and sound design is top notch.

I thought the Strider was great, they totally twisted a core concept. All it needed was a 'clever' way to beat it.
more than 'talkie' scenes, what I missed most in ep1 were the exploratory scenes
those bits where you can walk around, you're not necessarily under direct threat, and you can find out a bit about the world before moving on
What I really think episode 2 needs is some intelligent ememies. I was very disapointed when valve promised so much with there enemy AI. Don't you guys remember watching the tech vids and seeing that the enemies would react to the different environments? Like for example you could barricade doors and they would understand that they were blocked and would try a different approach (like shooting you through the window). I wish the combine soldiers actually acted like soldiers and used cover and moved around to different spots to give them advantages in battle. Halflife tried to do this but was obviously limited due to the technical capabilities at the time. I believe valve should spend ALOT of time working on this. Like when I was waiting for the game [Halflife 2] to come out I saw a picture of a supersoldier and was like ohh shit! these guys are going to be tough to battle, but to my surprise they were just as retarded as the normal soldiers. The only actual difference between the soldiers was that they can shoot those retarded energy ball things. Also valve should uphold there promise of being able to react with the environment to kill enemies. In halflife 2 and episode one there was nearly no physics objects that you could use as weapons short of the fuel barrels that somehow are all over the planet. I'm not talking about things to chuck around with the gravity gun either. Valve did a good job of making a bunch of useless junk to throw around. I would like things with similar fashion to the "traptown" tech video. Rolling a grenade under the dumpster and blowing it over on the combine was brilliant. I just wish valve would put more of this improvision gameplay into there new installments of the halflife series. If they could manage to pull this off with there awesome storytelling and graphics and everything it would truly be the best game around.
It isn't the best AI, but compared to most out there you really can't complain. IMO, anyway.
Samon said:
You can't knock the car park level design. The colours, atmosphere and sound design is top notch.

I thought the Strider was great, they totally twisted a core concept. All it needed was a 'clever' way to beat it.

Game design... ferrying around clumsy NPC's was a poor way to end the episode. As for the strider, if twisting a core concept is 'make it walk and fire faster', then fair enough :p
It was also annoying when you bumped into characters they would like push you or tackle you I hated that.

And put in Gordon Frohman asa a new character, lol.
I think what ep2 needs most is new content to play with - new weapons - new enemies - new vehicles....nothing too drastic, like 10 new weapons or anything: but something just to spice it up a bit.
read some interesting points in this thread, some dumb ones as wel. Conclusion on the best and dumbest points made (and maybe some of my own):

what it needs:

- i'll start of with the most obvious one: xen wildlife....off course. But absolutely not those old ones like the bullsquid, houndeye and gargs. Never liked them too much but in these modern times of gaming they would really seem crappy (bullsquid for instance.....a alian with pig-like feet....retarded...sounds like something from a crappy game like doom 3). I know i'm pissing off several members of this forum (expecting a molotov cocktail through my window any minute now) but they serieusly must come up with new aliens.

- a new weapon...just one. I really like the sound of a combine sniper weapon. Not only would it be cool but it would be logic as wel. We've seen them in action in both hl2 games already released and it is vital weapon for any kind of army (combine in this case). It could even be swapped for the crossbow...which is a cool weapon as wel but not very refreshing anymore.

- a new combine human like enemy (good point made by colson). Better A.I. would be nice. Instead of rewriting half the game's A.I. code it could be added through a new soldier-type. The assasin style enemy then becomes a logical addition. Especially in a forest-like invironment where there is a lot of cover (trees, rocks...etc) and ways to fight tactical. In my opinion, a very smart, cold blooded and quick enemy like an assasin is way more scary than a zombie.

- another small revealing of the g-man mystery, like samon said, not too much. The story of halflife is so intense partly because of its mystery and valve should keep it that way

- a new character, but not a scientist (been there done that). It should be a character who has adapted to the forest-like environments and could introduce some combat tactics and tips for you to learn. He could also tell you something about the changes undergone in that area during the combine invasion (for all you fans wanting more story).

- more environmental ways of killing combines besides throwing fuel barrels (another very good point made by colson). No idea what sort of ways though...

- some of what you call 'vistas' . A very powerfull way of sucking players right into the gaming-sphere.....also a talent of valve so it's a must.

- a scene where you are actually unarmed and are facing lots of enemies. This forces you to panic-style of gaming where you can give gamers the incentive of using the environment more. Those are the scariest and most
intense gaming scenes imo. (like point insertion in hl2....very cool part)

- a flashlight that doesn't drain for god's sake.

- more info about what's on that data-stick that alyx stole out of the citadel

What it doesn't need:

- lots of talking scenes (heard quite enough yapping in epi 1, alyx just couldn't keep her mouth shut), off course some npc-interaction in large scale-battles isn't bad but keep it low

- zombie-levels.......been there done that. It would be a challenge to scare us in another way instead of using zombies to create that feeling. (though the only scary zombies in history of gaming where the resident evil ones)

- lot's and lot's of vehicle gaming. I understand there is going to be a focus on vehicle-gaming and that's cool (waterhazard en highway 17 were incredible genius chapters). But this will be an episode so game-time will be very very short, lot's of vehicle gaming will then ruin it because there is no more room for other styles of gaming

- constant antlion attacks. Antlions are done....in both hl2 games. The antlion part in the trailer shouldn't be to larg in epi 2.

-supergravity gun....it wouldn't be jawdropping anymore and there is no way the gun could transform without citadel

- old hl 1 enemy's (besides ichtyosaur though, those cause intense gaming and we now from hl2 that they are actually out there)

-lot's of fighting alongside of alyx, was cool for one epi but it gets annoying (lot's of yapping, getting in your way, holds you back)

might be some more but this post is getting a bit long don't you think.....

anyway, flame me all you want...just use good arguments, not smartass insults
jimmyjam said:
more than 'talkie' scenes, what I missed most in ep1 were the exploratory scenes
those bits where you can walk around, you're not necessarily under direct threat, and you can find out a bit about the world before moving on
I totally agree with this guy, but I think maybe they didn't think to put it in, seeing as you're supposed to be escaping with all due haste.

Ep 2 should be different, because they said there was a lot of distance travelled in this one, surely there will be a huge area to explore through. Valve specifically stated that there's gonna be heavy emphasis on vehicles, even if it's only one. (Just a sudden thought, what if the new vehicle was a Strider Buster??)

I still want to see a level where you can take an alternate path, if for the only reason as replay value. And that could also help valve get around Gordon's inability to talk by choosing to go with one character or another, thus again strengthening the relationship thing believabley. They would have to reset the relation-ship-o-metre before the next episode though... see if they can get their head around that.
If theres one thing I really want to see, its more physical interaction with characters. When Alyx hugged you in Ep. 1 I thought it was amazing, just because its not common in games at all. Not that I recall, anyway. I just want to see someone like Barney pat you on the shoulder for good luck, or Eli to shake you're hand or something like that. Its only a small detail, but it really adds to the game.

Other than that, I pretty much agree with the rest of this thread, except I won't be too fussed if the Houndeyes or Bullsquids return. I never like them, they seemed too 'cartoony' to me. I don't aliens or things that fire things at you, I'm a fan of slimey, tentacled creatures that pull people towards them into dark holes and devour them in a satisfying way or something. I really wished the Antlions killed people in more gruesome ways like by impaling them and throwing them around like the Arachnids in Starship Troopers.
Hmmm, Slickerik repeated one of my ideas, I knew I had a good one or two ;) Anyways, I've got no flaming really, just some opinions.

Slickerik said:
The assasin style enemy then becomes a logical addition. Especially in a forest-like invironment where there is a lot of cover (trees, rocks...etc) and ways to fight tactical. In my opinion, a very smart, cold blooded and quick enemy like an assasin is way more scary than a zombie.
I agree about the assassians, they are plenty scary, especailly the female ones from HL1 :| But I also think zombies are and can be scary in certain situations. No, in broad daylight in front of a citidel it won't be too scary but when you are surronded by darkness and there are zombies after you is where it really gets spooky. I am refering to the elevator scene before you make it above ground in Ep1. There needs to be another dark place filled with zombies.

Slickerik said:
- a new character, but not a scientist (been there done that). It should be a character who has adapted to the forest-like environments and could introduce some combat tactics and tips for you to learn. He could also tell you something about the changes undergone in that area during the combine invasion (for all you fans wanting more story).
Like a Father Gregori type character? That'd be great, one who isn't essential to plot but really helps out with other things. Brilliant, I almost forgot about the headcrab killing Father.

Slickerik said:
- more environmental ways of killing combines besides throwing fuel barrels (another very good point made by colson). No idea what sort of ways though...
Hmmm, like ewok traps? What'd really be cool is if you ran across a trap set by the resistance (marked with lambda), find it, and wait to set it off on some Combine or Hunters. What kinda trap you ask, I dunno. Any kind with a physics puzzle. I'd even be cool to set one up from scratch with the gravity gun. I'd be a very difficult to write, but I can imagine, can't I? I guess this is alittle too much... *sigh*

Slickerik said:
- a scene where you are actually unarmed and are facing lots of enemies. This forces you to panic-style of gaming where you can give gamers the incentive of using the environment more. Those are the scariest and most
intense gaming scenes imo. (like point insertion in hl2....very cool part)
I kinda agree, I liked knowing that I might not be able to fight for my life if I met an enemy in Chapter 1 of HL2. But now everyone knows Gordon Freeman is part of the Resistance and everyone will be after you, Combine and zombies/headcrabs alike. I don't see how that could be possible, unless we had Barney or Alxy fend for you, which would seem kinda silly, you watching others fight your battles. What would be cool is another capture sequence like in HL1 and you escape.

Slickerik said:
-lot's of fighting alongside of alyx, was cool for one epi but it gets annoying (lot's of yapping, getting in your way, holds you back)
I loved having Alxy with me, but hey, you're in luck; PC Gamer said there would be less Alxy beside you in this next Episode. Quote: "Though she's seen less in Episode Two, her role remains important, and her character continues to enjoy a deeper level of development than almost any other in the game." My guess is because of the scene where she is badly injured and all.
- A portal-infested area. We have to see the remnants of the portal storm.
- Bullsquids, houndeyes and antlions, for keeping the story coherent.
- Antlion King, but not as a fifty foot behemoth. Something new, yet plausible.
- Some hints as to Xen's fate (and the controllers')
- One massive battle involving dozens of NPCs, in the open.
- A surprise plot twist involving the Gman/vorts
- A Gordon Frohman cameo!

Does not need:
- Chaingun/BFG/katana/railgun...
- Another Strider boss battle
- Crate-and-barrel level design (TM)
- Escort missions.
the new jalopy gordon drives should have a straightforward system for removing parts and adding new ones with the gravity gun
bits of armour and stuff

okay, that's dumb

maybe a storage container on it for holding stuff (physics objects for long-range puzzling, extra ammo)

and a stack of 8-tracks
crab and mortar synths--- not too many, but at least we should fight them for a few times.
Old Xen aliens--- we need to check out their style in Source
New alien--- unseen alien from either Combine planet or Xen
New cool synths--- the hunter is not cool enough
A big boss fight--- Cold giant alien monster is needed
A real physics puzzle--- harder to solve and more complicated
New weapons--- a new cool weapons, not the old chain gun or gauss gun

Don't need:
swarms of zombies, soldiers, antlions
a strider, gunship battle
the death of Alyx
What Episode 2 needs
Definitely, definitely more Xen wildlife. Two or three would be perfect. They don't need to overdue them, and have three levels featuring them (like they did with the antlions), but they need to have them.

Zombies can definitely show up, they are a core part of Half-Life. Feel free to have a segment where you are surrounded by zombies, that really gives you the chills... but don't make them the only enemy you see for an hour and a half. Use them sparingly.

More story! I don't care how it is done. Talking scenes are totally fine. The more words I can get, the better. I like how Valve used the Kleinercasts: those that liked the talks, stayed and listened. Those that didn't, moved on for some action. This is the perfect way to do this! I am one of those gamers that stand around until NPCs finish their loops, because I like to absorb as much of the universe as I can. If they can give away parts of the storyline through voluntary television news watching, or listening to dawdling citizen's dialogue, then do it.

Throw us a bone for info about the G-man! We don't need a revelation, just some more information.

Make us feel we are operating in a larger world: tell us what happened outside of the City 17 area.

This next episode feels like it will feature the vortigaunts more heavily, and for this I am very excited.
Samon said:
I'm not gagging for answers, and there is quite abit revealed about Gman in HL2 - you just have to look harder. Don't want alot of Gman answers in EP2, Valve just need to keep doing what they are doing - seeping it out.

I was referring to EP1.
Regarding the story, I want to be surprised. I want there to be a twist, like being betrayed by a main character or some unforeseen consequences (heh) of the citadel exploding. A new enemy or new weapon doesn't count, as well as finding out the combine are trying to retake earth (duh). I also want to find out what the vorts were doing exactly at the open of ep1.

I want to be alone for most of the game; more like HL2. I don't want to spend much time with a squad unless there's some new element to the teamwork.

It will be interesting to see the forest environment. It's very difficult to make it look realistic. Hopefully we get to knock over trees or something to kill enemies or solve puzzles.

I hope the vehicle has an original weapon capability. It would be cool if the vehicle goes on a railway. I want it to be faster, especially downhill. Maybe across a seafloor like in RtB.

A new weapon would be cool. I think it's only plausible that it would be a rebel creation. I think Kleiner might improve the flashlight like Alyx suggested. Perhaps it will drain HEV power after the aux. power is depleted.
IMO, it would be awesome if you could get lost in the forest if you "stray from the path". Hunters chasing you through territory you don't know, on your own, with no idea where to go.
It would be awesome.:)
Anybody else like the idea?
EP:2 definitely needed:

boobs physics for alyx :p


I think Alyx really need a new outfit.