Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

The positive thing is that it won't be difficult to mod a HL DM.
The most difficult part of creating a HL DM mod will be making the maps.
Personally, I'd like to take a shot at modding HL DM myself.
jojoba007 said:
We supposed to be happy with a CS make-over. Thats like sending you're wife to the plastic surgery.

That is the worst metaphor ever :upstare:

Anyway, some of you who say that Valve made the game for six years and couldn't come up with a HL2 themed multiplayer, think about it for a while. Even if they they had started working on the multiplayer six years ago, I don't think the game would be coming out yet. Would you rather wait a few more years just for the multiplayer?
Ahnteis said:
I currently show 124 HDLM servers with players. (Some may be bots.) Most aren't full. blablablablabla

errrr, we´re not saying that we wanna play HLDM, is that so hard to understand? :F

we want HL2DM, run around throwing boxes at each other with the manipulator etc, wich would be pretty different from HLDM..
Since i cant edit my message above, i whine some more in this one.

"YEAH I GOT A GOOD IDEA! Lets take our epic sci-fi singleplayer and make a arcade "realism" multiplayer for it that got nothing to do with our game what so ever! YEAH THATS A GREAT IDEA!"

They got everything done, they need to a) do new maps or b) redo the singleplayer maps to fit MP... would take them about a week or so... but nooo..

Man i feel whiney today :)

Valve sucks.
After months of Lurk mode, I felt compelled to post my first post....

I hate counter strike. I will probably still buy HL2, but as of right now, I'm no longer in a hurry...

I've followed the damn game drama for years now... this is so utterly disappointing...

and to all those saying a DM mod will be easy.... if it was so easy... why didn't valve include the MOST OBVIOUS MULTIPLAYER GAME MODE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

kwowk said:
After months of Lurk mode, I felt compelled to post my first post....

I hate counter strike. I will probably still buy HL2, but as of right now, I'm no longer in a hurry...

I've followed the damn game drama for years now... this is so utterly disappointing...

and to all those saying a DM mod will be easy.... if it was so easy... why didn't valve include the MOST OBVIOUS MULTIPLAYER GAME MODE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

Because why should they waste their time doing it when it would be easy for the mod community to do it?
The Mullinator said:
Because why should they waste their time doing it when it would be easy for the mod community to do it?

It's a paradox. Wasting time is recreating Counter Strike, not creating DM. Plus it puts the burden on the user to get one of a trillion mods that will popup for DM, meaning no compatibility between one DM mod and another. It also screws over the customer who wants to buy a new game and be new to it like everybody else. When he first goes to play mp and discovers that, well, half the world has been playing this for 5 years and then some more, and his performance in the game is way below what it would have been, just because other people know every tactic in that particular map or what not.. I don't think that's ganna make him too happy. And i think there is a very large market of people who will face this dilema.
dimalife said:
It's a paradox. Wasting time is recreating Counter Strike, not creating DM. Plus it puts the burden on the user to get one of a trillion mods that will popup for DM, meaning no compatibility between one DM mod and another. It also screws over the customer who wants to buy a new game and be new to it like everybody else. When he first goes to play mp and discovers that, well, half the world has been playing this for 5 years, and his performance is horrible, just because other people know every tactic in that particular map.. I don't think that's ganna make him too happy.
I don't like Valves decision but I am certainly not as mad as most people here who are basically doing nothing but hurling as much profanity as possible, wallowing in their own dissapointment and practically spitting on Valves name.

Ya sure I don't like how they didn't put it in but Valve knew we would end up getting it in the end anyway so why would it matter.

Also why does everyone think that there will be multiple different DM mods that are incompatable? The only real work the modders will have to do is create maps, all the other content and code for making a standard DM is going to be there already.
Hurrah, HL2 forever! :cheers:

This has got me all excited over single/p. Shit, i can't wait :imu:

No HL2 dm is sad, but it's not news. They said this a while back. I guess CS:S will tide me over for a while, at least until a good mod comes out. The trouble with mods these days is that there are so bloody many of them that the community gets split up; ie. 15-30 people will play any given mod. Doesn't make for much variety :P.
Counter strike isn't so bad, its just how people play it and always try to cheat and how its mostly kids playing it now thats the problem. On my home LAN, I've played great CS games, we've done all sorts of variations of the game. Just by how we were playing we made it more cereberal than just buying the best gun possible and rushing.

CSS online would be fine as the only mp if people didn't play like they did. But a free for all mp would be a very good thing to have, not everybody likes teamplay.

Although HLS will probably have HLDM converted to source, to tide people over for until a good DM mod comes out.
Munro said:
What a load of utter, utter, utter crap. You wont see me after release then, not much point sticking around after singleplayer is done :| *strangles Valve after years of waiting for nothing*
I (more or less) second that (with some reserves and ifs and buts, but really, this sums it up best).
The Mullinator said:
Because why should they waste their time doing it when it would be easy for the mod community to do it?
Because they have the resources (most importantly in the art department, I would think) to get it done right. Because they could do it for HL1. Because they spent most of their time building an engine that's easy to work with, and now they just put out a hopefully wonderfull singleplayer, and leave all those that wanted a revitalised HLDM in the cold? There are probably more reasons, but those seem most sensible to me. Really now, I want to play the game, not build it... it's like waiting for ages until your car is available at the garage, only to discover it's a Do It Yourself building kit...(and you might add that there's only a limited number of people with the necessary knowledge to even try putting it together).
Rygir said:
Because they have the resources (most importantly in the art department, I would think) to get it done right. Because they could do it for HL1. Because they spent most of their time building an engine that's easy to work with, and now they just put out a hopefully wonderfull singleplayer, and leave all those that wanted a revitalised HLDM in the cold? There are probably more reasons, but those seem most sensible to me. Really now, I want to play the game, not build it... it's like waiting for ages until your car is available at the garage, only to discover it's a Do It Yourself building kit...(and you might add that there's only a limited number of people with the necessary knowledge to even try putting it together).
Well for the most part the only "do-it yourself" part will be the creation of maps, and that probably won't be taking very long.

I'm not saying i'm not dissapointed with Valves decision, I just don't think its as bad as everyone is making it out to be. We will all get a standard DM in the end, it just won't be with as quickly as if they had done it themselves.

I wouldn't be surprised if Valve does have a few maps in the works or already completed but couldn't get them in time for sending out the Release Candidate. I really wouldn't be surprised if we end up getting a DM as an update after the game is released through Steam.

After all, our only confirmation about multiplayer has been from a PC Gamer reviewer who really did not elaborate on anything, we havn't heard anything from Valve.
What it comes down to for me is this :
I'm disappointed that there is no multi-player in HL2 other than CS : Source. Sure, lots of people enjoyed CS but I couldn't care less about it. What I wanted, and I think a lot of people wanted, was a “World of City17 Multi-player”. Which means exactly that: a place where you can spawn against (or with) other people in the world we will come to know in HL2.
Sure, there will be tons of Mods soon enough but what upsets me is the cheapness of it. They couldn't have been bothered to create a multi-player -after all this time! CS: Source at this moment, looks just like CS with a new engine, nothing is really new or better in gameplay or maps. Of course this will all change dramatically in time as people start exploring Source. Also, CS: Source is a poor multi-player for the Half Life universe. What does Counter Strike have to do with Gordan Freeman, Alex Vance, City 17, G-man, The Combine and the world of story we are yet to discover? Nothing!
It's just a cheap slap in the face.
The Mullinator said:
...won't be taking very long.


I wouldn't be surprised if ...maps in the works ...update ...

... only confirmation about multiplayer ...PC Gamer reviewer ...havn't heard anything from Valve.
1) I hope it won't take very long. But I don't see why they didn't do it in the first place, if all the technology is in place, and it's not hard to strip a map from SP components for simple multiplay?...I would have been happy with a "stalking area" (That tiny map in HL,with the boxes...forgot the correct name) remake.

I wouldn't be surprised about those things either. That doesn't make me want to sit on my mouth waiting to see if it will happen or not, screaming when not happy about something is not a bad thing, just don't take it too far (and I don't consider my 3 on topic posts about the issue "too far";)).

And again, agreed about the limited amount of info.
boo-hoo! no deathmatch! no free for all! only stupid team based games! :x i feel like throwing a couple of containers on valve's heads. what a letdown after news of gold.