Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

The Mullinator said:
Alright will anybody tell me I am wrong about this?

The only difference between Valve creating an official Death match or leaving one out for the modding community to create is the following:
Maps won't be the same and you won't get it as soon as the game is released.

Now is that such a big loss? No really tell me, is this such a big loss?

I agree, it's no big loss ...I for one was hoping for a new type of multiplayer maybe something to continue the story line such as combine vs resistence or something ...I wont miss DM .... but I dont know, I just expected something more than just CS
Munro said:
Good mods wont be out until after a year, by then a better game with multiplayer will probably come out :)

Ever heard of F.E.A.R ??? that game is going to whoop HL2, but its coming out in 2005.



I still am very excited but sad theres no DOD: Source. Better then nothing. Also Hallucinogen please make a link to the image its stretching the forum. :naughty:
Well I imagine that in no time at all, a HL2DM mod will be made by fellow modders, which will be good.
CptStern said:
I agree, it's no big loss ...I for one was hoping for a new type of multiplayer maybe something to continue the story line such as combine vs resistence or something ...I wont miss DM .... but I dont know, I just expected something more than just CS
Oh don't get me wrong I am dissapointed, its just that had Valve decided to develop a Death Match mod then the game would either have to have taken even longer to complete or the Single Player game probably wouldn't end up being as good.

So when I think of it I would much rather see the modding community develop something that would basically be the exact same as an official Valve multiplayer mode that just won't be released until after the game.

EDIT: Its like people have this weird conception that modders could never make something of the same quality as a Valve version of multiplayer. I can understand that argument for single player, no mod to date has really ever been made that could rival Valve in the single player department, however there have been many that are arguably better than Valve's own multiplayer for HL1.
That really is hugely disappointing. There's alot of people out there that have just never liked CS gameplay. But to be honest, if it would have meant more delays to have a true HL2DM, I'd have definitely been against it. Still though...:(.
If CS: S had diffrent games types like TDM, DM, CTF it would of been a hell of alot better, but only having bomb/defuse is pretty f.uckin' gay.
mutt said:
i still have hope for online hl2,
would i be wrong in saying, if they didnt release a hl2 online feature, no moders would be able to to make online mods?

unless maybe they used css somehow?

The more i think about it the less i believe it. He has a point, if HL2 doesnt have MP, therefore it wouldnt have MP on the menu, etc. It would be pretty daft if valve put MP on the menu just for MP mods and its basicly idling there until you have a MP mod serving no perpose at all. Unless mods run externally to HL2. Would have thought that be harder or at least unnecessary and a waste of time. Even the people that doubt HL2 MP back the fact HL2 has no MP on the menu.

JPack said:
There was almost nothing to support the assertion of a HL2 MP component - no news, nothing from Gabe, the game menu didn't show any MP option, et cetera.

Although the above statement isnt all true. Gabe did say he was playing a multiplayer before CS:S had started. Why would they spend time on a MP that Gabe played everyday then just scrap it.

Maybe they truely do have some really cool suprise so big that they didnt even show it in the review code.

Some people should E-Mail this to Gabe and see if he confirms it. Chances are that you wouldnt get a reply on the subject unless it is of course true then you should get a confirmation. Although if no one got a reply on the matter there may be somin hidden. Gabe answers tons of pretty much irrelevant E-Mails there is no reason he shouldnt answer somin like this unless it is bullshit.

so if its "yes its true" its true
"Its bullshit" its err bullshit
no replies its possible its bullshit, although you would need a few emails on him just so you couldnt say he missed it.
Hallucinogen said:
If CS: S had diffrent games types like TDM, DM, CTF it would of been a hell of alot better, but only having bomb/defuse is pretty f.uckin' gay.

WOW! You sure know a lot about CS...because there are more modes than that you jackass. Hostage rescuse and assassination to be more precise. Combined with defuse, that makes 3. Not exactly that spectacular compared to some multiplayer games but it IS a mod. Some people like to be morons and forget the simple facts it seems.
what about that deal I heard about some time ago with Valve and the sven co-op team?
valve are insane

every game must have its own DM

Maybe they truely do have some really cool suprise so big that they didnt even show it in the review code.
no, just get over it
I'm really sorry, I don't normally do this. But...


Sorry again, but I've been defending the point in my sig for something like 4 months now, so I think I'm a little entitled. :)
Did the reviewer say WHEN he played it, by any chance? I know there's usually a two-month lead time (at minimum) on most magazine articles. This would mean he might have played it as far back as July. That also means the last 60 or so days have been spent either debugging, or holding out in case V v. V causes a delay.
rrm said:
every game must have its own DM

yeah thats true I`m still dissing MS for not putting DM in windows solitaire
Never much cared for Half-Life deathmatch. To me, Team Fortress Classic was the real Half-Life multiplayer.
posted this in another thread, but I feel very strongly about this.

Mr. Redundant said:
so Gabe lied then.
when he stated he had been playing the mp for months, then at e3 2k4 he said they had just started porting the cs stuff over to source, initially to test how easy the process would be.

wow.. if CS:S is indeed the only mp I might just ****ing... bah
that cant be true.. maybe Valve just didnt give them the mp part because they still wanted it to be a surprise.....

and I wasnt expecting normal DM, I was expecting something new that incorporated Hl2's cool features, physics and vehicles....
guess I obviously was expecting way too much.
well hey, good news is my anticipation for hl2 just went down to 0, so I dont really care when it is released yah :D

so its either
A: download Hl2 for the Sp (**** paying for another game with no mp after D3 and FC)

B: wait for some really good mods to be ported-over/redone/new mods released... then buy it

C: Wait For teamfortress2 then buy that.. or Bloodlines.
i really have no love for CS:S ;(

on the bright side, it's a massive incentive for modders to get working :D
JPack said:
Anyone who sincerely believed that there was a HL2 MP is pretty naive and quite frankly, a fool.

There was almost nothing to support the assertion of a HL2 MP component - no news, nothing from Gabe, the game menu didn't show any MP option, et cetera.

Actually, Gabe did say that there was a multiplayer way back in 2003 and that he and the others at Valve played it everyday, so I don't think anyone who believed that was the case was either naive or a fool. In fact the only one being a fool in this thread is your goodself. :dozey:
you guys... actually play HLDM...??
and what's so bad about graphically revamped (not CZ lol) CS? this is like.. what almost all CSers (well.. the casual ones anyways..) been waiting for! I would start up CS:S first just to explore the new maps (eh... revamped, new... same thing!!!)...
(yeah... I'm a rabid CS fan lol. bite me!)
I really diden't expect this from you, you all got really angry for nothing.
I hate CS in a way, but I haven't been waiting 1 year for the MP, I want the SP. But yeah, DM with manipulators seemed so fun
Whoa, I'm really surprised by the reaction here. I thought it was already pretty well established that Counterstrike Source was the only multiplayer?

I'm psyched by this interview! The game was worth the wait and more than expected? That can only mean good things. Of course, I'm mostly looking forward to the singleplayer, so the lack of deathmatch doesn't bother me that much.

Besides, HLDM is not very popular, so why would HL2DM be? We may get HLDM through HL Source also, and if not lots of people will want to work on a deathmatch mod. Valve may also release one later.
Kiva128 said:
WOW! You sure know a lot about CS...because there are more modes than that you jackass. Hostage rescuse and assassination to be more precise. Combined with defuse, that makes 3. Not exactly that spectacular compared to some multiplayer games but it IS a mod. Some people like to be morons and forget the simple facts it seems.

He may not have been serious. He may be just putting across the point that the majority of people that play CS these days only play bomb defusal
vlave, only Counter Striek for multiplayer? now that is a letdown... yeah... really worth the wait :rolleyes: who wants to just play CSS not me! any Im probably sided with a lot of other poeepl too thorugh this topic... pathetic, first you delay for a year then you give us shitty MP wtf? I play DM and it is old school/the best
Adrien C said:
I really diden't expect this from you, you all got really angry for nothing.
I hate CS in a way, but I haven't been waiting 1 year for the MP, I want the SP. But yeah, DM with manipulators seemed so fun
/Agrees with this guy

If you guys don't like the fact that HL2 doesn't have multiplayer to the point where you complain for 10 pages, then maybe you shouldn't buy the game.

It's the single player that kept us going and I'd much rather have CSS then shit in a box #cough# D3, Farcry( Multiplayer only- both had great SP) #cough#
That interview is a good pump-me-up.

But its still my review that I'm interested in.
I thought that this is the reason behind Steam. If they make a mistake or screw something up, they can fix it in a hurry.

I liked the interview. It was bold and straight to the point. Very informative, perhaps too informative as this thread would suggest.

I'm one of those believers that thinks there is still a chance that multiplayer (HLDM2) is still under wraps.

When VALVe is involved, you don't know what to expect.
TF2 for those that haven't looked ETA March 2005 on the VUG site.

As for the HL2 ive just been lookin fwd to the SP aspect of it anything else will be a surprise or not:)
dfme said:
WORD! :thumbs:

*drools* while waiting for DOD:S :dozey:

Agreed. **** CS and CS: Source. Do you honestly know why so many people play CS? I'll tell you why. BECAUSE IT IS EASY.
DOD has pushed the old HalfLife engine to its limits. It takes smarts, teamwork and skill to win. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best mods for Halflife (if not the best).

This news is very disappointing to me for a couple of reasons:
1) I am morally opposed to playing that piece of shit Counter Strike. There is no teamwork involved so you may as well be playing with a bunch of bots. Also, too many ****ing kids play it and they have no skill. They just spray randomly till they hit you in the head or snipe and think they have skill cuz they can kill you with one shot.

2) I was aware that CS: Source would be included in the package, but I wanted an alteernative. Now, I'm gonna have to play CS if I wanna play online.

I'm disappointed, but there is still hope for a HL2DM. And as it has been said before, there will be a DM mod made by the community very quickly.
Kiva128 said:
WOW! You sure know a lot about CS...because there are more modes than that you jackass. Hostage rescuse and assassination to be more precise. Combined with defuse, that makes 3. Not exactly that spectacular compared to some multiplayer games but it IS a mod. Some people like to be morons and forget the simple facts it seems.

Shut the fũck up you little bìtch, no one asked you, all those game types are for fāgs like you.
Real players want TDM, DM and CTF, now go join your mom and sell some oranges on the freeway you little inbred trailer trash. :rolleyes:
Hallucinogen said:
Shut the fũck up you little bìtch, no one asked you, all those game types are for fāgs like you.
Real players want TDM, DM and CTF, now go join your mom and sell some oranges on the freeway you little inbred trailer trash. :rolleyes:
WoW calm down dude

And I find DOD way easier then CS, but thats just me.
That's bullcrap!

Sure.. I'll play CS:S for a while, but that is very disappointing. And if they don't release TFC:S within six months of release, then it's hell to pay.
ShadowFox said:
That's bullcrap!

Sure.. I'll play CS:S for a while, but that is very disappointing. And if they don't release TFC:S within six months of release, then it's hell to pay.
Mmm. TFC Source,
am i missing something? did we wait 6 years for hl2dm? only a few people are excited about the statement that hl2 is more than our expectations? including the mods??!! did half life achieve it's status and numerous awards as the best game that till today hasn't been beaten by it's online play? the awards were for the hl game wasn't it?

yea it was the half life atmosphere and brilliance that made people fall in love with its multiplayer too. but in the escense of things it was the sp game that made it all.

and the problem is that even if hl2dm wasn't included with the shipped game there will be some sort of it appearing shortly by either valve or other modders. and the fact that the sp game will be brilliant will mean that it will inspire more people to make good mods for it. i'm really dissapointed, in people's reactions!!
This doesnt bother me at all. Played hldm for a few mins, not my style. CSS looks to be awesome, so do all the mods in the making.
I'm glad CS:S is the MP aspect. There are servers out there that are not abused, and cater to veteran players.

Of course you are going to have lamers in this game, but if you look at how many CS:S players there are, the ratio is the same as TFC, or HLDM. The reason there aren't as many lamers in TFC for example, is that there are simply much less players in the game.

Like other have stated earlier, VALVe will obviously release a patch or update that includes the classic re done MP games. I doubt they have just dropped those completely.

Set HL2 on hard mode, and play for a month or so until patches and updates come out. It won't be long.
Icarus: Does it have multiplayer, if so what are they?
Chuck Osborn: Counter-Strike Source is the multiplayer.

Can I get a "I told you so." Not harm intended, and I totally understand why so many of you would be upset that CS was the only multiplayer but when Gabe Newell says plainly at E3 2004, "Last year we showed you the singleplayer part of HL2, this year we're going to show you the multiplayer. We call it Counter-Strike: Source." it shouldn't come as much of a suprise. I was fortunate enough to attend E3 this year, and I was one of many that was caught off guard when he made that comment. I think everyone held on to blind faith just a bit too long though. Shame really, HL2DM would have been great.
Hallucinogen said:
Shut the fũck up you little bìtch, no one asked you, all those game types are for fāgs like you.
Real players want TDM, DM and CTF, now go join your mom and sell some oranges on the freeway you little inbred trailer trash. :rolleyes:

Because not everyone thinks the same as you, they are fags? Hmm, that's news to me. It would benefit the forum if you and the rest of you 'real players' left the forum, and allowed people to express their own opinions.

As for the actual debate, eh, I could have seen it coming (no I couldn't have, but I'm not THAT dissapointed. Although a DM style game like HL1DM would be fun for a few weeks, I would probably get bored of it. HLDM is only fun on LAN's IMO. My bro plays HLDM now, and theres something wrong with the game now. Gone are the days that people ran around the map, no now they fly around and shoot at walls to kill people. Not the game I remember playing with my friends.

I'm not too dissapointed to have CS:S, although the other games would be nice as well. Multiplayer wise, I'm STOKED to see how TF2 is turning out, they can't ruin that one! :D