Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

Dr. Freeman said:
i understand what u are saying...but.. *sigh*
it just won't be the same...seriously if a DM/TDM/CTF mode wouldn't take too much work.. i can't get my head around why Valve didn't do it.. :|
Me neither, I thought DM was standard in a firstpersonshooter. The most horrible games have DM and HL2 not. But be patient, hopefully Valve listens to their fans (us).
Only CS:S as multiplayer in HL² !!! ... WTF ?
I really hope it's a bad joke ! I hate CS, and i can't imagine HL² without HLDM and HLDM. That's a ****ing bad news for the "old" HL community ... Valve have made a huge error IMO.
Icarus you did it ! make me piss through my pants ...yeah !!! it's getting so close each day more and more :cheers:
I currently show 124 HDLM servers with players. (Some may be bots.) Most aren't full. Fullest had 16 players.

Assuming 10 players average per server (being *very* generous here looking at the list), that's 1240 players.

Counterstrike has [waits an eternity] 7418 servers with people currently playing. The top server(s) have 32 players. Assuming an average of 15 players per server (being much more conservative then for the HLDM servers), that's 111270 players.

This difference is in the order of 100X more CS players then HLDM.

Dying TFC has 254 servers with players. Natural selection has 130 servers with players (max = 24 players currently). DOD has 574 servers with players (max = 32 players).

No matter how much YOU like HLDM the fact is that it just isn't very popular.

EDIT: Note that my current favorite is Natural Selection. I haven't played CS regularly since beta .7.
Man everybody forgets that this is still a PRE RELEASE REVIEW. It's not like the guy bought and played the final product. He played whatever Valve decided to give him, and although he reviewed it, that doesn't mean he's not under an NDA and can't talk about certain things. Gabe himself has clearly stated that there is a special MP surprise.

Stop getting your panties in a twist and relax. Wait and see what the actual retail product is before you start bitching about MP. If all you want is deathmatch, that can be coded in about 5 days. If all you want is an experience like HLDM, go load up Half Life and play till your hearts content. This is a new game, should be a new experience. Man I have fond memories of Quake 1 CTF and DM, and esp Duke Nukem deathmatch. It's not like I expect Quake 4 and DNF (Haha, doesn't that stand for Did Not Finish?) to give me those exact same gameplay experiences.
most frequent CS player's are gun lovin kids and adult's in America, (no offence).

popular or not, it had new , fun and unique possibilities that shouldnt be passed up.

and tbh, I think chuck didnt play the full retail, or he's talkin BS, or he was told not to say a word, and point to CS:S all the time. :P
Ahnteis said:
I currently show 124 HDLM servers with players. (Some may be bots.) Most aren't full. Fullest had 16 players.

Assuming 10 players average per server (being *very* generous here looking at the list), that's 1240 players.

Counterstrike has [waits an eternity] 7418 servers with people currently playing. The top server(s) have 32 players. Assuming an average of 15 players per server (being much more conservative then for the HLDM servers), that's 111270 players.

This difference is in the order of 100X more CS players then HLDM.

Dying TFC has 254 servers with players. Natural selection has 130 servers with players (max = 24 players currently). DOD has 574 servers with players (max = 32 players).

No matter how much YOU like HLDM the fact is that it just isn't very popular.
That sounds logical but if you don't like CS it just sucks.
SubKamran said:
Because you know what? SOMEONE is going to make HL2-style deathmatch, let's face it! The mods will be the best multiplayer ever. When was the last time YOU played HLDM?

Well that was until that last day WON was up (op4 dm mostly because of the better maps :) )... And I was really enjoying it. I have never enjoyed CS that much. I even enjoy windows solitaire more instead...
Ahnteis said:
No matter how much YOU like HLDM the fact is that it just isn't very popular.
Exactly, CSS will own.

Most Single player FPS's Multi sucks anyway(Far cry, D3). And CSS is all but guaranteed to be good.

This'll be the first game in a long time that will have both a great singleplayer( me HOPES!!!) and a Great Multi.
my heart sank with the first mention of THE multiplayer.
fears justified in the 2nd sentence following it.


Oh wells, it will be a fun game. Glad he's so impressed with it. Then again, they were impressed with doom3 and farcry.
Ah wtf am i talking about? hl2 >all :D.
my god, I sound like a fan boy. Oh Wehls!
DOD had GREAT sound-effects, and with the upgraded Source-graphics, it will make a perfect mod! As long as we get DOD:S, no one should be complaining imo.
Ahnteis said:
I currently show 124 HDLM servers with players. (Some may be bots.) Most aren't full. Fullest had 16 players.

Assuming 10 players average per server (being *very* generous here looking at the list), that's 1240 players.

Counterstrike has [waits an eternity] 7418 servers with people currently playing. The top server(s) have 32 players. Assuming an average of 15 players per server (being much more conservative then for the HLDM servers), that's 111270 players.

This difference is in the order of 100X more CS players then HLDM.

Dying TFC has 254 servers with players. Natural selection has 130 servers with players (max = 24 players currently). DOD has 574 servers with players (max = 32 players).

No matter how much YOU like HLDM the fact is that it just isn't very popular.

EDIT: Note that my current favorite is Natural Selection. I haven't played CS regularly since beta .7.

So you think that DM isn`t that popular...
Its just because HLDM is dated... In the old days the servers were overcrowded

Not to mention that the average counterstrike players are 12-14yo... Lots of them, i mean LOTS can be found on netcafes 24/7 camping with a sniper rifle. Thats why there are lot of cs servers :P
CS is ok. I don't have a problem with it.

Give me Natural Selection: Source any day.
It's stupid to think than CS is the best game ever made, just coz bunch of 13 years old AOLers play on it ... I've always preferred quality to quantity. So, i really don't care it there billions of sheep on the same game.
Plus, the original HLDM is dead ok, but that don't mean i'll be unpopular if Valve redone it with Source. Don't forget than all the HL's veterans started on HLDM and love it.
Im not surprised at this news, but i am a little dissapointed.

While its common sense that Valve cater to 95% of their player base. I was just hoping for MP we have never seen before. This hope now lies with TF2 (hopefully this will be outwithin 6 months, like TFC was for hl1)

Yeah people will mod it, but i just have visions of glory-seeking mod teams rushing out their half-arsed deathmatch games in an effort to be the "definitive HL2DM mod!" *shudder*.

On the bright side there are no doubt a few established HLDM-based mods who are very likely to make a source port/sequel.
EXILE2 said:
All I care about is DOD source not some lame ass ''Teenage Strike'' lame mod. DOD source will rule.
WORD! :thumbs:

*drools* while waiting for DOD:S :dozey:
i was never a fan of HLDM, and im not too pissed that its not the multiplayer. i can survive on cs:s after i play single player a few times, and by that point there will be at least a few entertaining mods until dod:s comes out. dont panic guys. plus, there are some suprises, so who knows. just like we have been doing for a year, wait and see.
I'm about as veteran an HL player as anyone. HLDM was slightly better then Quake DM which is what my friends were playing at the time.

Then Valve release TFC. We immediately gave up HLDM and moved to TFC and never looked back. Since then, I've jumped from mod to mod and away from the HL engine completely a few times only to be drawn back by some new mod.

DM gaming just isn't as popular any more. Team DM, Capture the flag, etc are much more popular. I'm sure a few people will be sad that HLDM isn't included, but *far* more people won't miss it a bit.

Considering how much work Valve put into keeping the HL community alive, it's likely that we'll see a many more options of MP gaming then just CS:S.
Its also possible that valve will do a TFC/ClassicDM/richochet and release a free mod of their own to cater for the niche of CS haters :P
Game Developers seem to only concentrate on the Sp aspects of games.
E.g. I waited for over one year for the Anno1503 multiplayer, only to read their statement that it wouldn't be possible, they tried everything and won't release one..
Doom3 multiplayer does only support 4 ppl as far as i heard.. and hl2 won't even have a real multiplayer, just the half-ported cs:s?

that's really sad :(
My hl2-hype just came back :) Great mysterious interview. I can't wait to get surprised.
Looks like Neutrino (among many others) was right, CS:S is the only multiplayer after all. It doesn't come to me as a big surprise and it doesn't bother me that much either. I've played CS for more than 4 years and I still love it. There are servers with good admins and nice, good-mannered (older?) regulars, you just have to look for them. On a server like that, even public CS is great fun, believe it or not.

Give it a try, guys, get together with friends and play on LAN or go pubbing together, the game itself is actually really good. CS definitely isn't only for the 10-year old AOL kiddies as some people here seem to think. I'm 22 myself and I know a lot of people my age who really love the game for what it is, a great, exciting game. Just find a good server, or, do what I do: mostly just ignore public and play matches only. Or maybe I should just give up and realize that CS isn't for everyone... sheesh now that I think about it, why did I even bother to write all that. Some people just don't like CS, period. :|

Anyway, I'm in it mostly for the single player anyway. Definitely good news to hear that the guy reviewing it was impressed. I suppose I have to take it with a grain of salt since it is the PCG US we're talking about here. But yeah, the interview definitely made me even more anxious to get my hands on the game... :bounce:
buncha lazy hot pocket...mountain dew drinkin, four eyed fat ****s!
all these years, and thats all you can offer us for the multiplayer part?
well, **** it then.
Singeplayer just don't cut it anymore these days.
Look at Far Cry and Doom 3.
shrugs*counter strike source...ha!
I rather stick a monkeys finger up my butt, then play that overrated piece if crap again.Even though it's "enhanced" now.
"I'm just glad I don't have to keep my playing Half-Life 2 a secret anymore! It was killing me. Trust me...you won't be disappointed."

Oh Chuck. You're so ****ing funny! Ahahahaha!!

Boy, it sure is great to hear about how much fun you had playing a game we've been waiting 6 years for that hasn't even gone gold yet. Ahahahahahaha!

There's like what? 200 TOPS people playing HL DM? And what? THousands upon thousands playing CS? I can see why they did it. I don't give a crap about DM, or CS. DoD, nomoreroominhell.com, Jurassic Rage, etc, etc etc. THAT, is your multiplayer. And I'm sure Adrenaline Gamer or someone will pop us a DM in no time.
" "I'm just glad I don't have to keep my playing Half-Life 2 a secret anymore! It was killing me. Trust me...you won't be disappointed."

Oh Doug. You're so ****ing funny! Ahahahaha!!

Boy, it sure is great to hear about how much fun you had playing a game we've been waiting 6 years for that hasn't even gone gold yet. Ahahahahahaha!


Doug? You're an idiot.

Why doesn't some one here with high power ask Gabe, doesn't he come here a lot? Ask him to confirm, maybe Chuck did not get to play ALL of it, maybe they wanted more in store. Who knows. Some one should find out. Now that this is out, a lot have shown their anger with no DM.
I don't really care for straight dm anyway. I'll be very happy with just CS:S.
perrkele said:
Give it a try, guys, get together with friends and play on LAN or go pubbing together, the game itself is actually really good. CS definitely isn't only for the 10-year old AOL kiddies as some people here seem to think. I'm 22 myself and I know a lot of people my age who really love the game for what it is, a great, exciting game. Just find a good server, or, do what I do: mostly just ignore public and play matches only. Or maybe I should just give up and realize that CS isn't for everyone... sheesh now that I think about it, why did I even bother to write all that. Some people just don't like CS, period. :|

Anyway, I'm in it mostly for the single player anyway. Definitely good news to hear that the guy reviewing it was impressed. I suppose I have to take it with a grain of salt since it is the PCG US we're talking about here. But yeah, the interview definitely made me even more anxious to get my hands on the game... :bounce:
I've tried to like it, I've played it a few times but it just isn't my type of game. I'm already spoiled with fancy multiplayer games like BF1942 and UT2004 with vehicles, large maps and/or interesting gamemodes, but CS is too limited for me I think. But I wish I liked CS, then I wasn't bothered that much with this news.

Just think about it... now you cant use the crossbow, magnum, gauss, etc in MP. And think about the new alien weapons that you won't be able to kick your friends' asses with now. You get to play CS, again. I love CS, but I have had images of HL2 MP in my head since it was released. This is THE biggest disappointment for me so far, BY FAR.

hmmmmmmm........... Review have 9 Pages and plus "how to run HL" 4 page. it looked PC gamer have been play HL2 in Valve Or play it in VUD.
Alright will anybody tell me I am wrong about this?

The only difference between Valve creating an official Death match or leaving one out for the modding community to create is the following:
Maps won't be the same and you won't get it as soon as the game is released.

Now is that such a big loss? No really tell me, is this such a big loss?
On one hand, I am very very disappointed, as I expected the HL2 mp to blow everyone away (and not simple DM).

On the other, being in the beta, I know for a fact that CS:S will keep be happy for many many months, even years.

Still, in the back of my mind, there'll always be the disappointment that there could have been so much more.

In any case, I don't doubt that some of the mods will kick ultimate butt, and everyone'll forget about this.

Having DOD:S included would make the hurt go away.

I'll get over this fairly quickly anyway.
RioBravoXL said:
Personally, I couldn't be happier that vALVE spent all their time on the single player which no mod team could hope to match no matter how hard they tried. It makes sense that vALVE counted on the mod community to come up with the real innovative MP games.

Well said mate. I couldn't agree more.
HL2 SP is gonna blow everyone's minds!
Guess we'll see then who remembers all this whining...

Grow the feck up everyone please?
The Mullinator said:
Alright will anybody tell me I am wrong about this?

The only difference between Valve creating an official Death match or leaving one out for the modding community to create is the following:
Maps won't be the same and you won't get it as soon as the game is released.

Now is that such a big loss? No really tell me, is this such a big loss?

i think the thing here is that Valve best know how to deliver as far as HL and its world goes.. and thats why they were/are best off doing the MP for it..

leaving the MP for modders to do just isn't the same.. it won't have that "Valve feel" to it.. and i think thats what im most disappointed about.. and perhaps others are similarly disappointed.
So we dont get DOD:Source. Does that come out later sold in a diffrent box? This is really disapointing if true. :angry:
Holy hell, can u people do anything other than complain??? Man, people wine about delays, not getting enough info, getting too much info, not being told exactly when Valve breathes, what the graphics look like, and the list goes on. Now when the games about to be released all you can do is assume that there are no secrets left and that there is no other mulitplayer. Damn even if there is no other multiplayer, who cares???......Which I doubt...
I would give up ever playing the game if it would make the majority of you never play the game too. Maybe some of you should play the beta or Cs:s so u can realize that is just a game. Wow doom3 looks good but thats not what HL was ever about.