Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

Munro said:
What a load of utter, utter, utter crap. You wont see me after release then, not much point sticking around after singleplayer is done :| *strangles Valve after years of waiting for nothing*
Wow. To hear that from the Site Director ;( Brings tears to my eyes. What would this mean to the site & forums?

I'm too shocked to even mention the MP right now. Oh poopie I just did :angry: Even though we have practically known it for truth for a long time.
Its gonna be such a horrible and boring wait for the decent mods to come out, when we have played hl2 sp to death ;(
I just want Single Player Really.
But yeah, 32 people battleing with Manipulators seemed really fun.
Meh, I'll make you forget about CS:S , just give me a year.
I don't care. I've mostly been looking forward to the single player. Thats basically ALL I've been excited about. And if we won't be disappointed in that...then /orgasm.
CptStern said:

ah man I thought they said they were spending as much time on MP as SP

I'm one of those that never enjoyed CS ...just run and gun, which IMHO is so 90's

Same here. Never got into CS at all.

Although, not terribly disappointed as I was going for SP and any good, original mods which will pop up over time.

This may anger enough people that a good mod or two will show up down the road....*crosses fingers* Hopefully.

Thanks to Icarus though for posting this!
I'm not going to even read the replies about the CS:S being the only multiplayer, my reaction:


Because you know what? SOMEONE is going to make HL2-style deathmatch, let's face it! The mods will be the best multiplayer ever. When was the last time YOU played HLDM?
i still have hope for online hl2,
would i be wrong in saying, if they didnt release a hl2 online feature, no moders would be able to to make online mods?

unless maybe they used css somehow?
mutt said:
i still have hope for online hl2,
would i be wrong in saying, if they didnt release a hl2 online feature, no moders would be able to to make online mods?

unless maybe they used css somehow?

Lol, no...you can still make online mods :laugh: ;)
So cs: source is the MP-secret??

what about that multiplayer Gabe said he was playing every day when he got interviewed, wich was before they started making CS: S ?

HL2DM cant be that damn hard to make.. as valve says about everything, "but you can mod it", then wtf are they waiting for if its that easy to make..?

aaaaaaaaaargh now im sad and angry :angry:
:( I still can't believe this. I love HLDM, it's the only multiplayer game I actually play. Tis awesome... I was looking forward to HL2DM so much, gah
For me that is a total letdown. I dont enjoy CS so I dont see myself playing CS:Source. I'll just enjoy the SP and hope that a good mod comes out in the meantime.
Do you honestly think that we are that stupid.
Of course there will be an MP.
What the freaking hell is your problems? Rarely ANYBODY plays HLDM as it is, and franky It sucks. Yes its fun for a few minutes, but it gets overly boring and is the same repetitive crap. I'm 100% positive that within a month of release MODs will be flowing out like candy, sheesh some of you are SERIOUS drama queens.
I still haven't lost hope that the MP is TF2. They've been strangely quiet about it, it WOULD be a surprise, and Gabe has said that it's still in development. Unlikely? Yeah. Possible? For sure.
Dsty2001 said:
What the freaking hell is your problems? Rarely ANYBODY plays HLDM as it is, and franky It sucks. Yes its fun for a few minutes, but it gets overly boring and is the same repetitive crap. I'm 100% positive that within a month of release MODs will be flowing out like candy, sheesh some of you are SERIOUS drama queens.
no one is asking for HLDM, they want HLDM2

also SubKamran, how do moders make online mods for games which were not made to be played online?
I dont care about DM ..gets boring in less than a week. I was hoping for something innovative like obective based MP with classes. Something worthwhile, anything but CS
Adrien C said:
Do you honestly think that we are that stupid.
Of course there will be an MP.

lol. Some poeples rally wanna believe.

Face it, we knew CS:S was going to be HL2s MP months ago. Everything led to believe that, only a few believers tought the other way.

Anyway, CS sucks, and CS with a layer of fresh paint is still CS, which still sucks.
no one is asking for HLDM, they want HLDM2

also SubKamran, how do moders make online mods for games which were not made to be played online?

Dude, I can assure you that if HL2 doesn't come with a DM (And I still say it will), it will be modded in quicker than you can say Tennessee rocks your socks. You people are really over-reacting.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Okay, I guess I'm one of few that doesn't give a damn about HL MP. I'm still happy :)

I'm with you. If All you guys angry over HLDM say "**** this" because of CS being the multiplay, why don't you just go and play some Unreal Tournmament DM?

Plus, do you really think the Half Life community is going to slack off when it comes to mods? Look at all the stuff the original HL spawned.

Personally, I couldn't be happier that vALVE spent all their time on the single player which no mod team could hope to match no matter how hard they tried. It makes sense that vALVE counted on the mod community to come up with the real innovative MP games.

It really doesn't matter anyways, because once TFC: Source comes out, all other multiplay modes will be rendered irrelevant :)
Icarus: Does it have multiplayer, if so what are they?[/B]
Chuck Osborn: Counter-Strike Source is the multiplayer.

Icarus: Only CS:S, no Deathmatch?[/B]
Chuck Osborn: Only CS:S

Icarus: Has it (CS:S) changed any from Beta?
Chuck Osborn: It’s what they say it’s going to be, but with a few surprises

i gotta say...i am a bit disappointed that HL2 won't have a simple DM/TDM MP...besides that the game looks very promising :)
I also find it funny that the dude basically said HL2 rocks, and yet you all are bickering cause you won't have the deathmatch right away, which you probably wouldn't play for more than 20 minutes in the first place. Give me a f'ing break
If HL2 was supposed to be out last year, and CS:S was getting worked on this year. Then what was HL2's MP last year...?

Think about it.
I'm really surprised that there is no other MP option than CS:Source. Nowadays with many people having played it regularly for years there is a strict culture to CS, and it certainly isn't the most newb friendly. Unless CS:S is packaged with a comprehensive SP instruction mode like Condition Zero I expect that there will be a lot of dead newbs on the CS:S servers for several months. :dozey:

However as someone pointed out, that does raise the question about the MP that Gabe was playing back in 2003, that wasn't CS:Source (because they hadn't ported it then). Perhaps there was something in development, or perhaps it was bullshit...
Kadayi Polokov said:
I'm really surprised that there is no other MP option than CS:Source. Nowadays with many people having played it regularly for years there is a strict culture to CS, and it certainly isn't the most newb friendly. Unless CS:S is packaged with a comprehensive SP instruction mode like Condition Zero I expect that there will be a lot of dead newbs on the CS:S servers for several months. :dozey:

However as someone pointed out, that does raise the question about the MP that Gabe was playing back in 2003, that wasn't CS:Source (because they hadn't ported it then). Perhaps there was something in development, or perhaps it was bullshit...
I have a feeling they're developing a Multiplayer expansion back, to be distributed through steam only in a couple of months
Anyone who sincerely believed that there was a HL2 MP is pretty naive and quite frankly, a fool.

There was almost nothing to support the assertion of a HL2 MP component - no news, nothing from Gabe, the game menu didn't show any MP option, et cetera.
was that the full retail version he played..?

what about the gamespot interview with Gabe saying the Hl2 multiplayer was being kept as a secret? He even said he played it everyday.

, either chuck is BSin, or Gabe is? wtf . now im confused, especially after seeing it working in the leak.
except for the fact that Cs has always been a mod for half life and had nothing to do with the orignal story so it makes absolutly no sence taht counter strike would be the mp for the new half life.... a multiplayer that has absolutly nothing to do with the game... people who are coming to half life for the first time will be completely thrown off an confused when they start up multi.
I'm pumped. We've been wondering if Half-Life 2 single-player as great as we all had hoped, and it sounds like it just might be. I also liked Counter-Strike a whole lot, and while the lack of Death Match is a bit of a disappointment, I doubt I would have played it much anyway. I'm sure some neat mods will come along soon after the game is released and there will be something other than Counter-Strike for people who don't care for it.

At any rate, hooray! It finally feels like the game is coming out soon. Single-player is where it's at as far as I'm concerned, at least initially.
I think people are gettign a bit carried away staff and everyone else alike.

I do find it surprising that there is no other mp given the basic modes most other games come out with but as has been said who genuinely plays a lot of dm these days ? Not many.

Plus unless omething freakish happens there will be hl:s , cs:s dod:s I would imagine as well as ns:source I should think as well. It would be nice to have had the initial choice though. But maybe I am unlike everyone else in that I buy games for the sp first then the mp, even then I rarely play the default stuff. So disappointed yes , cant really understand the decision yes but bothered .. not so much.

And tbh I'm not surprised .......
I was planning to play HL2DM hard and attempt to a tournament like WCG in my country. So I can't do that. That's why I'm disappointed.
notmydesk said:
I'm pumped. We've been wondering if Half-Life 2 single-player as great as we all had hoped, and it sounds like it just might be. I also liked Counter-Strike a whole lot, and while the lack of Death Match is a bit of a disappointment, I doubt I would have played it much anyway. I'm sure some neat mods will come along soon after the game is released and there will be something other than Counter-Strike for people who don't care for it.

At any rate, hooray! It finally feels like the game is coming out soon. Single-player is where it's at as far as I'm concerned, at least initially.

Saves me typing that out, my sentiments exactly
I remember an interview with Gabe in PC Gameplay (the Belgian/Dutch magazine) and Gabe said multiplayer was going to be something special, but he couldn't say more. But now it's just a makeover of a mod (which I don't even like) that is played by half the world population, and that doesn't fit in my definition of 'special'. But if it's still more than the reviewer expected the singleplayer must be even more awesome. Despite this little thing that cooled down my HL2-hype by a few degrees Celcius (or Fahrenheit, whatever you want) I'm still excited about the singleplayer and the mods. And maybe Valve still has a special multiplayer surprise, but they don't release that with HL2 so everyone has to play the singleplayer first.
SubKamran said:
I'm not going to even read the replies about the CS:S being the only multiplayer, my reaction:


Because you know what? SOMEONE is going to make HL2-style deathmatch, let's face it! The mods will be the best multiplayer ever. When was the last time YOU played HLDM?

i understand what u are saying...but.. *sigh*
it just won't be the same...seriously if a DM/TDM/CTF mode wouldn't take too much work.. i can't get my head around why Valve didn't do it.. :|

*kills himself*
All I care about is DOD source not some lame ass ''Teenage Strike'' lame mod. DOD source will rule.