Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

If i remember correctly, valve still has a "surprise" as far as half life 2 goes. I don't know.. i think maybe they just said that to put as at ease, and then once half life 2 comes, we'll find that they actually do have some sort of hl2 death match.. and then THAT will be the surprise. And then we'll be all "SHIT ON A STICK!"
Wow, I really don't believe how angry some of you are. I don't remember us ever being promised a "secret DM Multiplayer" component of HL2. It has always been about CS:S. I do believe this is "halflife2.net" not "halflife2DM.net", and honestly I don't ever remember HL1 DM being that popular. I played it for a little while but the novelty wore off quickly. The SP is what made the game an innovation.

Half-life was always a primarily single-player game, as that tends to be the trend nowadays anyways. You either get a half-assed Single player with awesome multiplayer. Or vice versa, or in some cases a half-assed singleplayer and multiplayer game.

Personally I like CS, so I am happy with this announcment even if it is the only MP. And if I wanna play DM, thats what I bought Unreal Tournament 2004 for. I think they've come pretty damn close to perfecting DM.

Also, I wouldn't quote Chuck Osborne on this. Valve said there would be alot of suprises. So what makes you think they would give Chuck the ok to spill the beans on an additional MP component before the game is even released? And you know he couldn't just say "no comment", coz that would automatically be translated into a "yes there is a secret MP" to the community.

So go buy UT2004 if you want to play DM. Either that or wait until HL2 is ACTUALLY RELEASED before you start bitching.
hl2 fan community pooned?

perhaps...but it sort of makes sense. there are waaaay more people that play CS than HLMP. they are catering to their fan base. heres some advice:

DoD blows huge asspipe - but dont worry theyre working on it as valve has said many times

nobody i know has played hl1MP since 1986 so get over the non-existence of hl2mp. somebody'll make one.

SP is going to be awsome and id rather it come out sooner than have them work longer on some crap most people wont play UNLIKE cs:s which huge amounts of people play.

for all you people whining, remember theres still some surprises in store so wait till it comes out before you start crying yourself into a frenzy.
Not all games need to be great single and multi-player experiences. Max Payne was great (SP only), Far Cry SP was great (never bothered with MP), Dawn of War MP is great (SP is kinda lame). HL1 SP was great, but MP got old really quickly. HL2 is going to be one of the great SP games of all time, and I imagine it will be playable over and over again (as HL1 was).

What's the big deal? Do you get worked up because your favourite book or film doesn't have an extra "mode" that adds to it's longevity? No, Because that would be ridiculous. HL2 will be a great piece of popular art, and will stand on its own merits.

MP modes, whether official or not, are a bonus, and you should be thankful that Valve are planning on releasing and supporting a number of them. CS, DOD and TFC:Source will in time be expanded with the help of the new engine into something beyond what the originals were, hopefully with vehicles, more interesting maps, new game modes and all kinds of other fun stuff. TF2 will likely be out within a year. And who's to say that a HL2 DM type game won't be released through Steam at some stage? It would require minimal coding-- the only serious work would be in designing fun maps.

So people-- please take a chill pill each, sit back and enjoy the gaming...
Kadayi Polokov said:
Actually, Gabe did say that there was a multiplayer way back in 2003 and that he and the others at Valve played it everyday, so I don't think anyone who believed that was the case was either naive or a fool. In fact the only one being a fool in this thread is your goodself. :dozey:
Yup. And where does he say that the multiplayer component is Half-Life 2 themed?

Geez. :rolleyes:
I didn't find HLDM all that special in the first place. It was your standard DM for the time. It was nothing that couldn't be found in many of the other multiplayer deathmatch games out at the time. You can only run around and shoot people so many times with no other gameplay mechanics before it gets very boring.

Why is everyone so miffed that there is no HL2DM? It's obvious in the past and the present Valve has always focused on singleplayer games and left the multiplayer games to the modders. I can't think of one origional multiplayer game for HL1 that Valve developed. TFC, CS, and DOD were all external mods at some point before they were absorbed by Valve. The only exception maybe Ricochet and I wouldn't call it groundbreaking.
Cynical said:
am i missing something? did we wait 6 years for hl2dm? only a few people are excited about the statement that hl2 is more than our expectations? including the mods??!! did half life achieve it's status and numerous awards as the best game that till today hasn't been beaten by it's online play? the awards were for the hl game wasn't it?

yea it was the half life atmosphere and brilliance that made people fall in love with its multiplayer too. but in the escense of things it was the sp game that made it all.

and the problem is that even if hl2dm wasn't included with the shipped game there will be some sort of it appearing shortly by either valve or other modders. and the fact that the sp game will be brilliant will mean that it will inspire more people to make good mods for it. i'm really dissapointed, in people's reactions!!

I agree with you. Besides, if people can make any kind of multiplayer mod at all, they can make a deathmatch mod, since it's mostly any other type of mod minus some features. And, with HL, we got Team Fortress Classic, Ricochet, and Deathmatch Classic all for free after release, so we might yet see official HL2DM.
I'm pretty disapointed that there wasnt even a hint of any of the mods I love, TFC, DoD, HLDM in the interview. I guess DoD will be a paid add-on later on. TF2 I have well and truly given up on, but surely TFC could be given a bit of a revamp?
Well after seeing this uprising, I would not be suprised if Valve got to it right away, and released it before it's release, or possibly as a Christmas gift.
TheStorm said:
Well after seeing this uprising, I would not be suprised if Valve got to it right away, and released it before it's release, or possibly as a Christmas gift.
Well, up until they said otherwise I would have been surprised if Valve didn't include a HL2 MP component from the beginning (other than CS:S)... but that's obviously what is happening. Now, I don't know what to think about Valve.

Honestly, I don't f***ing care about direct ports of the same exact games we've been playing for years. New ideas should have top priority. If I wanted a slightly rehashed version of the same crap I've been playing I would buy any game published by EA.

I'll still get HL2 through Steam (only because I dislike Vivendi and I don't care about the box/CD), but I won't be buying the Steam equivalent of the CE or any premium expansions/ports. Well, not until after they finally give the community a proper multiplayer for HL2 (if that ever happens). If Valve tries to charge for it as a premium addon or a stand-alone game... that's the last straw.
People still talk about TF2, lol, get real.
TF2 = Valves Duke Nukem Forever.
Relax people. The MODS are what really gave Half Life the longevity it has enjoyed. I dont care for CS either but I can agree with their marketing decisions.

I played a helluva lot of OZ deathmatch with the original but I couldnt stand how freakin slow HLDM was. DM is a tired standby game that requires NO real creativity to produce. Every FPS has a DM and none of them can sustain an audience for very long.

Trust me, we WILL be flooded with mods. Valve knows good and well where there true success lies.
HLDM sucked anyway, played it for 30 min and never tried again.
CS is fun when you play on the right server. Alot of people complain about 12 year olds on the servers, but you can't say the game quality is less because of the players. Its not the game that sucks, its the players. CS is pretty good, and alot of peope play it everyday. If you dont like CS then play the old HLDM if youy cant let it go, until some other mods come out.
Don't worry they will bring out a DM but you will have to PAY for it over steam. hahaha

and mods yeah they will come out as well....but guess what? haha PAY OVER STEAM BABAY

You know that is valves plan all along yeah?


No wonder VUG is upset at lost profits.....blah
Has anyone thought that maybe hl2dm was not included in the version he reviewed maybe they want to keep it secret.
Icarus said:
Icarus: Only CS:S, no Deathmatch?
Chuck Osborn: Only CS:S

Well, isn't that just great. We get to play Counter-Strike again. It's not like we've been playing it for years, or anything! Not even remotely!

They had time for HL:S, CS:S and God Knows What: S, but not HL2DM? They are basically shipping it without multiplayer. Even System Shock 2 had multiplayer!
Let me take a guess:

The people that say HLDM sucks and was just a hack job are the ones that were introduced to Half-Life several years after it was released. I remember HLDM being fun for at least a few months. I remember first seeing HLDM being played on the big, widescreen on ZDTV's "The Screen Savers" (with Leo Laporte and Kate Botello) and thinking how amazing it was. You guys are just spoiled by the few gems that rose to the top of the crap pile produced by the mod community. Half-Life's multiplayer was, at the very least, on par with what the rest of the PC game industry was producing at the time. It's easy to look back 6 years later and say something is crap when newer, better games have been released.
Well I used to play CS a lot but i got sick of it.
The ONLY reason I'm waiting for HL2 is well for HL2, I couldn't care less about CS:S being the only multiplayer, because i'll play it occasionally but that's it.
Honestly HL2 was always mainly going to be about singleplayer, multiplayer just feels like a tack on to keep whiny people quiet with any game.

The thing is these same people will still buy HL2 and then complain that it doesn't have HL2DM...morons
Altho Hl2 MP is a great idea, CS:S imo makes up for it. People - please give CS a try! It requires ALOT of skill to play and there is a reason why it's so darn popular. Personally I'm not too upset by the lack of HLDM2 and I'm sure many people share the same feelings.
Skill ?? lmfao the hit system in CS: S beta is sooo beyond fuxcked it couldnt catch a bus back to fuxcked.
Shoot a guy 20 AK rounds in his chest, hes running around and killing you with 2 pistol hits, get the fuxck outta here.
Also wtf is up with those auto-snipers, thats pathetic, so please, dont talk about skill.
cs:s being HL's MP makes me feel wores then the 2k3 delay :|
Personally I think by the time HL2 is released to the masses, everyone will be so hyped up and loving the game that HL2DM will be forgotten about. By the time people want something extra there should be some promising third party mods coming along.
I never liked HLDM anyway. I'll probably only play DOD : S, since I don't play CS : S too :p
SHIPPI said:
;( Damnit I'm gutted about the CS:Source only multiplayer. I hate Counterstrike.. ugh!

Yeah :( I was really looking forward to some HL2 DM action! Where I could probably pwn you guys! :( I guess we will see eachother in HL:S DM than?
Never played the original DM, did I miss something important? :O
I'm not so much annoyed that there is no HL:DM. What is annoying is that there is nothing new. To be frank, converting 3+ year old mods into a new game as it's multiplayer doesn't blow up my skirt. I've played CS:S, and it's 90% of CS gameplay, which is frankly getting boring for me. I was hoping for something fresh.
HL2 soon - yay. The fact that there is no MP seems to me as though Valve are hoping for the mod boom they experienced with HL 1. Bit of a gamble IMHO as there are many other games that aim specifically at MP.
As for all the mods that may or may not make it... they still wont be HL2. I dont care much for CS and I'd want HL 2 multiplayer and the option of other mods.
The fact that we will have to rely on mods means that the innitial HL2 multiplayer community will be a small one spread throught a bunch of varying mods.
No Half-Life 2 themed multiplayer = reason for Gamespot to give HL2 a crappy score

Just kidding, I have nothing against Gamespot. I just wanted to amuse some of you who dislike the site

I never saw mp as the main ting in HL2, but I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed...But then again, Valve hinted long time ago that there might not be a multiplayer. I think CS: S might be a positive surprise for me. I'n fact I'm now more excited about the game than ever before, thanks to "it was more than we expected". Rock on
If you have half-life source no doubt you will also have deathmatch classic source ...
Disappointed if no DM in HL2.
People who say they tried DM for 30 minutes and did not like it don't have a right to reply tbh. The HL DM was amazing, if you spent the time to learn to Bunny Hop, Tau around the map, flying quickbow kills etc you would understand the buzz it created. In it's time is was amazing, it is no good looking at current stats to gauge how important HL1DM was. I was hoping for something special from valve with it's new engine and weapons :(

I just hope someone like Bullit who made the amazing AG mod (DM enhanced with game modes, match control etc) can produce a defacto standard AG2 mod aka HL2DM .
If every mod maker in the world tries to make a DM mod then there will be no core control and foundation to it.

I am one of those who played CS in it's very early versions, liked it... Then it went all wrong, for me they screwed the game up :(

DOD was a great mod, loved that as well.
For all the DOD lovers out there, a serious option for you;
Get Call Of Duty and the new addon United Offensive. It has a gamemode called Dominaton which is basically DOD with georgeous graphics, same weapons, amazing maps, cooking grens, short sprints, JEEPS and tanks (which can be disabled) etc
In fact the only feature I can't really see is the ability to throw back a grenade :)
No HL2 multiplay what a big let down, im starting to hate them.
Good Interview, but it´s a bed news, that HL2 haven´t got a Multiplayermodus like Deathmatch.
I cant believe this,
valve worked for about 6 years on HL2.
And they cant even put in a decent multiplayer part (with cars etc).

We supposed to be happy with a CS make-over. Thats like sending you're wife to the plastic surgery.