Factions, organisations and loners

Giger-style. Now that would rock. All... alien-y and stuff...

The article that thought it was guy in power armour seemed more detailed, so I'd be inclined to go with their interpretation...
Mabye it was Gina in a prototype Mk.5 HEV :)
hm there are some WRONG posts ,let me gather my thoughts:
1.the alien grunts were not engineered they are very similar to the vortigaunts,they have three arms several eyes ,the same coulered skin and without their suit and all they would look pretty much like a vortigaunt i guess. well in the xen-factory they just added some stuff to make the grunts stronger. they admitted that they could use them as big bad ass soldiers because of two reasons :
1.they are very big and tough and not easy to kill.
2.they are mindless and easy to control ,there will be no trouble with them.

well they just produced those metal suits and hive-gloves (i actually dont know how to call them) and melted this stuff together with their new grunts .

2.i dont know how to call this green fishy looking thingy but it was no shock-trooper baby or something. they both looked too diffrent to belong to the same race and their were no similarities. well the shock-troopers didnt spit those green balls they just carried them in their bags :) .

3.gargs and snarks dont have anything to do with each other.they have no similarities and everyone who say :"yes they do have"! is wrong.
gargs are no big suits with controllers in it. gargs arent very smart they just attack everything. maybe they are controlled by nihilanth that might be.

4.there were four bio domes but i think it really doesnt matter.
Well, eber.

1. They certainly seem to be being manufactured in the factory level. You even find them inside large canisters. The guns are generally called "Hive Hands", I think.

2. The name of the "Green fishy looking thingy", in the model list, is "baby_strooper.mdl"... So it does seem to be a baby ShockTrooper. Remember, there is but the slightest resemblance between a caterpillar and a butterfly...

3. There are some actual physical similarities between Gargs and Snarks. I'm not saying they're actually related, but they both have four limbs, one eye, and a couple of other odd similarities. So please don't just claim we're all wrong, just because you disagree.
well they prepared the alien grunts they didnt built them,
thats for sure !!
Well, I understand your opinion, but we'd all be much happier if you could back it up, you see...
Eber, how do you know if someone's theories are wrong or not? I think you're the one who's wrong here, guy. Not to be rude, but let's take a look at these "wrong" theories.

1. First off, you can see these grunts being "prepared" in the factory level. Just the name "factory" should already tell you that something is being made there; that's what factories are for.
We know that the Controllers enslaved the Vortigaunts to use as manual labor. The Vortigaunts are a pretty weak race, though, so if you were going to create an army you definately could not use a weak creature like the Vortigaunt. I'm open to the possibility that some Vortigaunt DNA might've been used to create the grunts, because of slight similarities, but it's not too likely. Just because a creature has a certain number of arms and has similar eyes (Grunts have 3 eyes, btw; Vortigaunts have about six) doesn't make it a similar creature.

The Controllers themselves are also a weak race. If you look at most of the bipedal creatures on Xen, aside from the Garg, they're all thin and fragile. Even the shock troopers have a thin, albeit muscular, physique. The grunts are burly and seem perfectly suited to warfare, but not perfectly suited to previous examples of lifeforms on Xen. Plus, think of their minds...they're idiots. Subservient idiots, in fact; even if they were created by nature they must've been helped along by the Controllers to use weapons and employ armor and so forth. If they were originally made by nature, the likely scenario would be that they were some kind of primitive hunter that was gene manipulated into what they are today by Controllers.

2. Brian already covered this one. Just think of the baby shock trooper as a tadpole, and then it matures, changing shape and growing new limbs to become the shock trooper. It even looks like a tadpole, sort of.

3. As mentioned, there are a ton of physical similarties between the massive gargantua and the diminutive snark. For one, the layered carapace and the general shape of the creature that resembles a pillbug. Second, the snark possesses six legs, while the gargantua also possesses the same number of legs. It has two tiny snark-like legs that, if the snark did become the gargantua or they evolved from a similar base animal, those two legs never became anything on the garg but were left there as "evidence" of its heritage. But as I said earlier, the same number of legs or eyes--which, coincidently, they both have one--doesn't make the same creature.
There are other things, though. Look at the temperment of a snark and a garg. They exhibit the same behavior, attacking anything they see, chasing after it relentlessly.
The biggest evidence that I think proves that the snarks are gargs is in the original Half-Life manual. There's a piece of concept art that shows the ORIGINAL gargantua...A GIANT SNARK. It only had four legs, but they were snark legs, could stand upright but usually walked on all fours, and its most interesting feature was that it had telescoping jaws. Snark jaws. I'm sure if the garg had stayed in this form in the game, there'd be no question as to the relation between them. They're the same creature, or at least cousins to each other.

If you can find some evidence to prove me wrong, without just saying, "OMG u r so wrong!!!11!eleven," I'll be happy to discuss this further with you. But don't act like a jerk and tell everyone they're wrong just because you think they are.
eber said:
2.i dont know how to call this green fishy looking thingy but it was no shock-trooper baby or something. they both looked too diffrent to belong to the same race and their were no similarities. well the shock-troopers didnt spit those green balls they just carried them in their bags :) .
They do spit the spores into their hands... and they carry nothing that looks like a bag, where do you get that from? This is very clear if you use a model viewer.

As for the snark/garg theory I'm not sure since looking at the models again. Snarks actually have 4 legs while gargs have 4 main legs and what look like a pair of vestigal legs in between.
I'm not saying they definitely aren't related but it looks a bit less likely to me now, after viewing the models.
Darkside55 said:
The Controllers themselves are also a weak race. If you look at most of the bipedal creatures on Xen, aside from the Garg, they're all thin and fragile. Even the shock troopers have a thin, albeit muscular, physique. The grunts are burly and seem perfectly suited to warfare, but not perfectly suited to previous examples of lifeforms on Xen. Plus, think of their minds...they're idiots. Subservient idiots, in fact; even if they were created by nature they must've been helped along by the Controllers to use weapons and employ armor and so forth. If they were originally made by nature, the likely scenario would be that they were some kind of primitive hunter that was gene manipulated into what they are today by Controllers.

The musculature of the grunts also suggests that they are designed specifically to perform well in environments with higher gravity than Xen standard, eg. Earth (maybe Race-X-land or Combine-land too depending on which theories you like).
The grunts also remind me of some sort of police force. I dunno, it's just something to do with the helmets and the surly nature...
I don't know if this has any revelance, but I'm beginning to think the grunts resemble the controllers more than they do the slaves. They both have 3 eyes in a row, and the same sort of mouth, where slaves have 5 eyes in a different pattern, and a kinda sucker-lookin thing for a mouth.

I am still of the opinion that they all 3 are different species, but still related somehow, like monkeys, apes, and humans.
I seriously doubt that a snark and a garg are the same thing. Looking over the models, there are four limbs on a snark and six on a garg (two of which are underdeveloped and probably useless). They both have one eye, but the snark's is a small round eye on a stalk, while the garg has one rectangular orange visor-eye. The snark's mouth is similar to a beak, while the garg's very clearly has a set of fang-type teeth. The only thing about them which IS definately similar is the fact that they both have a series of overlapping armor plates, something like a turtle.

If you REALLY want to get into it, look at their behaivor. Snarks group together in their nests, where as gargs are few and far-between and always solitary when they ARE found. Snarks work together -- they swam an enemy all at once, and I've never seen them attack each other. Gargs are the exact opposite, living alone (and if we ever DID see two gargs together, I couldn't see them cooperating with each other).
clap clap clap . . .
i think you got the point Kirby !!

its soo pretty obvious that the alien grunts arent built in the factory !!
but if you think Ur right then do so. i for one dont care if ppl are ignorant and foolish (and cannot admit the truth) .
hm the snarks and gargs : well i dont care about them ,they are the most tiring creatures around in h-l and they have nothing to do with each other.

the babytrooper thingy : it was just called so in the editor but it doesnt mean it really is so . you base your theories on dumb things you heard from other ppl .
for example : gabe newell called the gunship "alien gunship", now everybody think that they are real aliens with clipped on armor and guns . . hahaha i really cant believe it tha . . . .if gabe newell said "jump out of the window", you would do so right ?

well but he mentioned something good : "one groop is wrong,but the other one is spectacularly wrong",now think of us and lets say ,:maybe im wrong but you are much wronger !!
The statement of wrongness was attributed to the human forces in HL2, i.e. the Combine and resistance.
eber said:
clap clap clap . . .
i think you got the point Kirby !!

its soo pretty obvious that the alien grunts arent built in the factory !!
but if you think Ur right then do so. i for one dont care if ppl are ignorant and foolish (and cannot admit the truth) .
hm the snarks and gargs : well i dont care about them ,they are the most tiring creatures around in h-l and they have nothing to do with each other.

the babytrooper thingy : it was just called so in the editor but it doesnt mean it really is so . you base your theories on dumb things you heard from other ppl .
for example : gabe newell called the gunship "alien gunship", now everybody think that they are real aliens with clipped on armor and guns . . hahaha i really cant believe it tha . . . .if gabe newell said "jump out of the window", you would do so right ?

well but he mentioned something good : "one groop is wrong,but the other one is spectacularly wrong",now think of us and lets say ,:maybe im wrong but you are much wronger !!

All hail the great and mighty eber, He Who Knows All.

Ignorant and foolish, eh? Looks much different from where I'm sitting.
eber said:
clap clap clap . . .
i think you got the point Kirby !!

its soo pretty obvious that the alien grunts arent built in the factory !!
but if you think Ur right then do so. i for one dont care if ppl are ignorant and foolish (and cannot admit the truth) .
hm the snarks and gargs : well i dont care about them ,they are the most tiring creatures around in h-l and they have nothing to do with each other.

the babytrooper thingy : it was just called so in the editor but it doesnt mean it really is so . you base your theories on dumb things you heard from other ppl .
for example : gabe newell called the gunship "alien gunship", now everybody think that they are real aliens with clipped on armor and guns . . hahaha i really cant believe it tha . . . .if gabe newell said "jump out of the window", you would do so right ?

well but he mentioned something good : "one groop is wrong,but the other one is spectacularly wrong",now think of us and lets say ,:maybe im wrong but you are much wronger !!

Geeze eber, keep on acting this ignorantly and you might have to go on my ignore list. I mean why would they call something "baby_strooper" if it was something completely different? Just for laughs...? :sleep:
I suppose the "baby_voltigore" also has absolutely no connection to adult voltigores.
About the garg, looking at the lifecycles of most of Xen's creatures it isn't hard to believe that one thing could easily become another thing that only bears a passing resemblance to it. The baby shocktrooper becoming the shocktrooper adult, a headcrab becoming a gonarch, etc.
I do withdraw the six leg statement about the snarks, though. I thought they had six; I'll concede that I was wrong there. If a snark were to become a gargantua then I don't know where the two extra arms would come from. As I said it's also very likely that they both evolved from a similar base creature; they don't necessarily have to be the same creature at different stages in their life--even though that's the theory that I believe, that they are one and the same.
And, of course, the undeniable proof of concept art that I mentioned earlier. It just can't be dispelled. Concrete like a wall, yo.

Eber, take one of your clapping hands and slap yourself, fool. You're the dumbest kind of person to discuss something with; I'm surprised you haven't cleared out of this thread already. You keep saying, "It's soooooo obvious this-and-that," yet you don't even offer any proof. What, are we supposed to take your word on it?
Then there's your infallible evidence that "just because it's named something doesn't make it true" reasoning. Like Eejit said, why name it something it isn't? It takes two seconds to rename a file, smart guy. They could've just called it squidgun.mdl or lizardgun.mdl, or eber_is_right.mdl. But it's called baby_strooper.mdl. I guess that's just because they were L A Z Y, huh?

You know what's sad about you too, guy? And this is the saddest shit that I ever see people do on forums when they don't have an argument: they just laugh. "Hahahaha, u r so dumb and ur theories are teh wrong!" You act like laughing is a substitute for proof and everyone's gonna be like, "ZOMG Eber was right and everyone else was wrong! His laughter is the evidence of his superiority! Let us jump on his bandwagon!"

STFU, fool. Wronger isn't even a word, btw, smart guy. U R teh gud speelar.
eber said:


I'm just saying 'Hmmmmm.' to lengthen my post to at least 10 characters.

Edit: good job admins, a picture is worth a thousand words and you restrict us!

:afro: Foxy Brown does not disappoint. :sniper: He uses crappasstastic smilies and rambles on.
well, nice post td76nidi68nf 6js or however your called !
Darkside55 said:
About the garg, looking at the lifecycles of most of Xen's creatures it isn't hard to believe that one thing could easily become another thing that only bears a passing resemblance to it. The baby shocktrooper becoming the shocktrooper adult, a headcrab becoming a gonarch, etc.
I do withdraw the six leg statement about the snarks, though. I thought they had six; I'll concede that I was wrong there. If a snark were to become a gargantua then I don't know where the two extra arms would come from. As I said it's also very likely that they both evolved from a similar base creature; they don't necessarily have to be the same creature at different stages in their life--even though that's the theory that I believe, that they are one and the same.
And, of course, the undeniable proof of concept art that I mentioned earlier. It just can't be dispelled. Concrete like a wall, yo.

Eber, take one of your clapping hands and slap yourself, fool. You're the dumbest kind of person to discuss something with; I'm surprised you haven't cleared out of this thread already. You keep saying, "It's soooooo obvious this-and-that," yet you don't even offer any proof. What, are we supposed to take your word on it?
Then there's your infallible evidence that "just because it's named something doesn't make it true" reasoning. Like Eejit said, why name it something it isn't? It takes two seconds to rename a file, smart guy. They could've just called it squidgun.mdl or lizardgun.mdl, or eber_is_right.mdl. But it's called baby_strooper.mdl. I guess that's just because they were L A Z Y, huh?

You know what's sad about you too, guy? And this is the saddest shit that I ever see people do on forums when they don't have an argument: they just laugh. "Hahahaha, u r so dumb and ur theories are teh wrong!" You act like laughing is a substitute for proof and everyone's gonna be like, "ZOMG Eber was right and everyone else was wrong! His laughter is the evidence of his superiority! Let us jump on his bandwagon!"

STFU, fool. Wronger isn't even a word, btw, smart guy. U R teh gud speelar.
man just look at your dumb posts .you speculate about things which are long confirmed or soo obvious that nobody might doubt it.
you can push your ****ing baby-shock-trooper thingy into your big fat stinky asshole !!!!
First of all, the whole reason people debate and theorize is to try to come to a concrete and widely accepted theory about something. In this case, it's the Xen factory, the baby shocktrooper, and the garg. While the jury's still out on the garg, the other theories are widely accepted as fact. So yes, they are long "confirmed"--as confirmed as theories can get within the community--and sooooooo obvious. But I thought you were trying to make a point against that? Did you just flip-flop on the issue or can you just not word a post correctly?

And second, I will not stick the baby shock trooper in my ass. I could turn that flame around on you so bad you'd cry for a month but I'm going to try to be civil. I will tell you to shut up again, though. Here it comes, watch for it, look out, now:

I think this forum should have an evaluation form when you register, that way it can automatically filter out the stupid people like eber.
Darkside55 said:
First of all, the whole reason people debate and theorize is to try to come to a concrete and widely accepted theory about something. In this case, it's the Xen factory, the baby shocktrooper, and the garg. While the jury's still out on the garg, the other theories are widely accepted as fact. So yes, they are long "confirmed"--as confirmed as theories can get within the community--and sooooooo obvious. But I thought you were trying to make a point against that? Did you just flip-flop on the issue or can you just not word a post correctly?

And second, I will not stick the baby shock trooper in my ass. I could turn that flame around on you so bad you'd cry for a month but I'm going to try to be civil. I will tell you to shut up again, though. Here it comes, watch for it, look out, now:

well , widely accepted but dumb !
Again, Eber, you're going to have to actually give a reason for your opinion before anyoen takes you seriously.

Darkside, you're right about that concept art (in the original manual wasn't it?). It does looks like a giant snark. About behaviour, it would makes sense that snarks swamr because hardly any of them survive: like baby turtles. Once they grow up they can go off on their own. If they are baby Gargs then it must be assumed the ones in HL were engineered by theControllers. Otherwise, how could a species that explodes after 30 seconds possibly survive?