
Oh well, I went through them again. This game is really good, it's been YEARS since I haven't played a good adventure game. THis one is very cinematic, and I love the score. Too bad there's like 20 games coming out this season so I probably won't be getting it.
Shamrock said:
Thats what I said.. You should be able to cut through the cinematic..

I guess they don't want you to because y'know this videogame is really movie-like. Could that explain how short it is? To make it seem almost like a movie.
Raziaar said:
Only... 8 hours? thats short! Geez.

Well, i'm getting the game anyways.

Considering I strechted the "5 minutes for one play demo" into 30 minutes of fun, I'm thinking 8 hours is a long time for the replay value it has.
I bought it for Xbox, but everytime I try to speak with the Mayan guy the game locks up. Damn you, EB games!
Thats the annoying thing about Xbox games, they need to cache everything as you play.
I passed it already... great game... although the plot [isses me off near the end

WTF artificial intelligence exists and some how knows of an anciant prophecy/ magic that has existed for thousands of years???? and whats up with the chick screwing main character as a dead/cold corpse... sure he wasn't decaying and looked alive but she state he's freaking ice cold. i wonder how it was to have an ice cold prick in her and then some how she becomes pregnant... right...
I'm feeling unbelievalby stupid. I'm at Lucas' job and I'm completely stuck. I'm at the first big Stepmania thing and no matter what I do, no matter how much I push the frickin keyboard I can't win a single one. Every single time I fail and eventually have to reload. It sucks! I cannot believe I have such bad reflexes I can't win even one! Help me please! The game rules in every other way except this, I've been waiting for a game this non-linear for years and now I'm stuck because of this stupid idotic mini-game thing!:(
What the HELL is going on? How are you guys playing it? Do you have it on xbox or something, or is it because you are in europe? The game was supposed to ship on the 20th for PC here in the states... That date rolls around, now it ships on 22nd. That date is today. Now it says it ships on the 26th. WTF. I'm about to cancel my ebgames order and just say **** it.
AJ Rimmer said:
I'm feeling unbelievalby stupid. I'm at Lucas' job and I'm completely stuck. I'm at the first big Stepmania thing and no matter what I do, no matter how much I push the frickin keyboard I can't win a single one. Every single time I fail and eventually have to reload. It sucks! I cannot believe I have such bad reflexes I can't win even one! Help me please! The game rules in every other way except this, I've been waiting for a game this non-linear for years and now I'm stuck because of this stupid idotic mini-game thing!:(
There not mini games let me help you out.

You have to use the keyboard and the mouse at the same time. See how there are two colour circles... left one is for the keyboard the right one is for the mouse. So when ever you see a colour flash on the right side you hold down the mouse button and move in the direction of that color.. as for the keyboard same thing except when it flashes on the left side then all you have to do is press the button... it takes a while to get use to but after its really awesome and makes you preform some killer finger moves in order to execute some sick shit.
Raziaar said:
What the HELL is going on? How are you guys playing it? Do you have it on xbox or something, or is it because you are in europe? The game was supposed to ship on the 20th for PC here in the states... That date rolls around, now it ships on 22nd. That date is today. Now it says it ships on the 26th. WTF. I'm about to cancel my ebgames order and just say **** it.
*cough* bittorrent *cough*
Raziaar said:
What the HELL is going on? How are you guys playing it? Do you have it on xbox or something, or is it because you are in europe?

Yeah, Fahrenheit is already out, the delay is on Indigo Prohecy. Apparently, taking out sex scene requires about a month.

Coomoooonnnnn, people!
TheSomeone said:
Yeah, Fahrenheit is already out, the delay is on Indigo Prohecy. Apparently, taking out sex scene requires about a month.

Coomoooonnnnn, people!

THey're taking out a sex scene? WTF?
Kitfox said:
Thats right.. full nudity too... i might have mentioned it in my spoiler...


Does this mean i'm going to need to use a foreign version if I hope to have those scenes in my game?

Okay. Just cancelled my EBgames order. I'm getting the european version however possible... Hopefully by legitimate means.
This game is great , but i really didnt like the ending
I predict a sequal. Any one else feel that this game would have been perfect for the source engine... So developers should sit down and convert the whole thing to source it would maximize the exerience. For example the conclusion scene looked totally out of place cause the graphics kinda suck for that kinda thing.
I am stuck....
Carla comes in my office and starts to ask me questions- I hid the paper and book, but when i see the bugs it always takes my health down to insane and i always lose. I dont know what I am to do
I need a lot of help i cant get pass it

NM- I got it. I think i am figuring out the story. The trick for my problem was
NOT TO DO the combination- get it wrong- Im guessing because his mind reading type powers are causing these hallucinations- im still confused... anyways - fun game
I just beat the game. Good game, ending was interesting. Reminded me of a few movies, including matrix
This game owns. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm loving it.

My only whine is that some of the reflex sequences are too long, and that the black dude isn't that fun to play with and doesn't seem like an interesting character. Carla seemed like a shallow character in the beggining too, but now I'm starting to liker her more.

Lucas ftw.

By the way, what song is playing in carla's appartment?

EDIT: Kay, nevermind, I found it in the bonus section.
Is there a way to listen to unlocked bonus songs without having to be in game? I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm not such a huge fan of listening to a song while staring at a screen that says "bonus features".
Kitfox said:
Thats right.. full nudity too... i might have mentioned it in my spoiler...
The first time you wake up in your apartement as that black cop, you can have sex with your girlfriend, you know carla is at the station, now in your version you see them having sex right.
Just wanna know, which version I dloaded.
Grey Fox said:
The first time you wake up in your apartement as that black cop, you can have sex with your girlfriend, you know carla is at the station, now in your version you see them having sex right.
Just wanna know, which version I dloaded.
The sexy scene is near the end of the game.. and an easy way to tell what version you downloaded is to look at the title.

If your title says Fahrenheit... you will see nudity and sex.
If your title says Idigo Prophecy... you will not see nudity ot sex.

I clicked on a chapter and it said it would override my save game if I continued. I guess I must accidently clicked on play without save. I played for 4 hours, then stopped, and now I was about to start again and discovered I was where I started last time.

Can anyone send me their profile with the game completed so I can just load up the chapter? emm.doubleew@gmail.com

That'd be awesome (it has to be Farenheit, not indigo)

Nevermind, found a savegame
Finished, way awesome, one complaint:

Carla: You're a murderer.
Lucas: No I'm not.
Carla: Oh okay. I love you.
Lucas: Let's have sex.

Well. I acquired the european version. Hehe. Awesome. Now, just to find time to play it.
TheSomeone said:
Finished, way awesome, one complaint:

Carla: You're a murderer.
Lucas: No I'm not.
Carla: Oh okay. I love you and your freezing cold body of ice.
Lucas: I'm gonna drop huge hints about how I'm dead. Let's have sex.

*Carla humps a cold corpse*
fixed your spoiler a bit
Is it just me, or does anybody get ****ing scared when playing this game? I guess its my overactive imigination, but I get VERY jumpy when playing the Lucas scenes. It just seems that SO many moments in this, it would be perfect for additions of horror scenes. The atmosphere is just so damn spooky at times and I always feel like a monster is gonna jump out at me, evne though thats not what the game seems to be( I don't know). But i'm not too far into it.
I finished it and have a couple complaints -

Did they ever explain what the deal was with those bugs or did they just appear and attack people and that's it? Also...the whole Carla loving Lucas at the end was way too quick like people have said. Lucas went all Neo at the end too...that kinda came out of the blue. What exactly was with the AI anyways? Also ...ummm...the black guy (see...I don't even remember his name) didn't really get his character fleshed out really well. He seemed to be there for a helping hand to move the plot along a bit and to play some little mini-games with..that's about it.

Other than those things I liked it a lot.
As i stated before, best mystery at start to middle, worst mystery in end.

I know what you mean Raziaar, playing lucas was spooky, and mystriously scary.
AmishSlayer said:
I finished it and have a couple complaints -

Did they ever explain what the deal was with those bugs or did they just appear and attack people and that's it? Also...the whole Carla loving Lucas at the end was way too quick like people have said. Lucas went all Neo at the end too...that kinda came out of the blue. What exactly was with the AI anyways? Also ...ummm...the black guy (see...I don't even remember his name) didn't really get his character fleshed out really well. He seemed to be there for a helping hand to move the plot along a bit and to play some little mini-games with..that's about it.

Other than those things I liked it a lot.
The bugs and people getting attacked were all in Lucases head. He goes all neo at the end because Bogart tells him he has only tapped very small part of his Croma. I found it funny that the black guy had stereotypial music playing while you play as him.
Kitfox said:
The bugs and people getting attacked were all in Lucases head. He goes all neo at the end because Bogart tells him he has only tapped very small part of his Croma. I found it funny that the black guy had stereotypial music playing while you play as him.

I know that the bugs were just in his head...but why were they in his head and why were they bugs? I knew why he went all neo but I still found it a bit strange how quickly he realized his power. First he started with just super strength, then got speed and reactions and could jump real high. All of a sudden he's flying around and reflecting energy beams or whatever.

I thought it was pretty funny that they had that groove music playing almost nonstop when you were the black guy too.
AmishSlayer said:
I know that the bugs were just in his head...but why were they in his head and why were they bugs? I knew why he went all neo but I still found it a bit strange how quickly he realized his power. First he started with just super strength, then got speed and reactions and could jump real high. All of a sudden he's flying around and reflecting energy beams or whatever.

I thought it was pretty funny that they had that groove music playing almost nonstop when you were the black guy too.
The bugs, the angels, destruction of his apartment, the jaguar, etc.. were all murder attempts cause by the oracle. The orcale explains the whole thing when you speak to him/see him as an aztek dude.
I have merely played the Demo. I am impressed.

I think I'll go buy it.
Just finished the european version.

I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed the game, but some parts stuck out at me the same as the others... those being...

The fact that Carla just seemingly loved Lucas so fast. It was rather corny... as well as all the mystical moves and flying and stuff. The game kind of turned from mystery/scary game... to far fetched believability. I mean, it was a nice story, but some things just stuck out like a sore thumb... like the artificial intelligence(where the hell did THAT come into being? Didn't make sense. It would have been nice if they left out most of the fantastical move things(like running along a veritcal wall face carrying somebody... and stuck with the story, which was enjoyable as an ancient aztec sacrifice ritual.
Just bought the game. Amazing stuff yo.

But I need some help.

I'm stuck at that part in the big book place where you gotta find which collection it is. I know the guy is De Gruttola (sp?), 1756, 3rd Floor white section (or black) right? Nothing comes up for me so I don't know what to do.
DeusExMachinia said:
Just bought the game. Amazing stuff yo.

But I need some help.

I'm stuck at that part in the big book place where you gotta find which collection it is. I know the guy is De Gruttola (sp?), 1756, 3rd Floor white section (or black) right? Nothing comes up for me so I don't know what to do.

I can help you. I solved this pretty fast. If you look at the book, of course you cansee it is De Gruttola... from the big book near the asian guy, you can see that the 1700+ belongs on the third floor. D for De is in the white section. Go up to the third floor, at the beginning of the white(starting from the wall, not the black section. Then count down the whites... First one being A. A, B, C, D. On the one that comes up D, pick the book and take it to the guy.
I think you have to also put the original book down before you can pick up the one off the wall.

I thought the running on the wall bit was cool, but the flying bit I didnt like. Also, the AI really was out of place. They didnt explain that at all.

So does anyone know why it was titled Fahrenheit? The Indigo prophecy name is obvious once you get into the story, but the only thing I saw that had to do with Fahrenheit was that it was cold outside.
Krynn72 said:
So does anyone know why it was titled Fahrenheit? The Indigo prophecy name is obvious once you get into the story, but the only thing I saw that had to do with Fahrenheit was that it was cold outside.

Thats what their website seems to be focused on... the temperature.
I thought if they stuck with murder story, of some ritual, it would be awsome, but alas, they became a another matrix game.