(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

Hmmm.... maybe Duke Nukem Forever will go gold Tuesday......

Monday- Half-Life 2 GOLD! Tuesday- Duke Nukem Gold! Wensday- Apocolypse..... and we never get to play the games. :( LOL
If she is such a bitch ass lady then why do you bother, the sexy cant be worth it can it? well can iT?????????? unless its Manasia Twa. Wow thats the best spelling i can do
You know what's great music to listen to while reading this thread? Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie. It's the song they play in the Bell Canada olympic commercial where everyone's doing the wave.

"So come ooooooooooooon, come ooooooooooon..."
Hey guys, we could have it this way. Party now and sober up before monday, and then party again! That's what Russian drunks do on new year's eve! :D
Are you guys A+ or do you read off of the database screen? How does that operation work?
Duke Nukem Forever to me just seems like a joke, Right now there is no proof the game even exists, ALl of the media we saw in 2001 or whenever was scrapped so what we know is Duke Nukem exists but Forever its gonna take
D@Linkwent said:
Duke Nukem Forever to me just seems like a joke, Right now there is no proof the game even exists, ALl of the media we saw in 2001 or whenever was scrapped so what we know is Duke Nukem exists but Forever its gonna take
WTF are you talking about Duke Nukem for you nutjob? HL2 is going gold!!! AHHHHHH
***BOOOM*** ***BOOM*** YEEEEEEEHAWWWW AHHHHH AHHHH my butt is on fire from the anticipation!!!!! Ahhhhhhh ahhhhh psycho insano membrane!!!!!!!!
They scraped it and kept 5% like a month ago. Said they were going to switch to a new engine as they had worked with the other for about 5 years... LOL
HEy im russian and im personally not offended cuz its true :) Newyears is alwayz a blast :p
D@Linkwent said:
If she is such a bitch ass lady then why do you bother, the sexy cant be worth it can it? well can iT?????????? unless its Manasia Twa. Wow thats the best spelling i can do

Ménage à trois
Hey maybe when Duke Nukem Forever does come out, It will be in a Pill Form, u swollow and it makes u forget you ever knew of Duke or nukem and who the hell is the forever character :)
Let me answer that guy's question, I'm sure someone will beat me to it but here goes.

A developer(Valve) will send it's publisher(Vivendi) a RC (Release Candidate) . The release candidate is a version of the game that Valve the developer believes is ready for mass distribution. Vivendi takes that RC and tests it with it's own QA people to see if it approves of it. Basically they wanna make sure there are no showstopping bugs and it's compatible over a wide range of computer setups. Generally speaking the publisher has a much larger pool of resources to pull from to test something over the developer. When the publisher agrees and approves the RC then it becomes GOLD. When the game goes Gold the publisher then starts making millions of copies to be shipped to the retailers to be eventually bought by us the customers. So basically when Gabe says "Going gold Monday" he is expecting Vivendi to approve their RC over the weekend and say on Monday that they agree with Valve that the game is ready to be duplicated and shipped.

In this case Valve is trying to a simultaneous world release ala Blizzard. Blizzard did this with Frozen throne I believe and it took them almost a month if I recall correctly to go from Gold status to retail release. This was with Vivendi as well. I was in the closed beta for FT so unless my memory is way off it was close to a month from gold to retail release. Now keep in mind usually this takes 2-3 weeks , but a world release is something much different if I had to guess I would say look for Hl2 in stores around Sept 24-27 timeframe. I hope I'm wrong about this and it comes sooner but at this point it doesn't really matter a week or two after the game has been delayed a year. It's almost here so that's the main thing.
Holy CaRP!!1 I just woke up and just surfed around a bit on HL2.net and blah blah..."hmm...what's this thread here...GOLD? Must be a joke someones having..." But then I read Gabe Newell's post and went berserk.

35 pages....lol..it's a bit late I know but AWESOME!!!!!!11 WOHOOO!!! THIS IS THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD!!

impunity, good job going on google to find out the proper spelling, u dont impress me with your fancy search skills :)
Holy crap I am going to laugh when i learn ménage à trois in French class this semeser. ;)
richpull100, Your comment made me think of Dave Chappelle episode when he day dreamed he was a rapper in Wool pants and Sheep feet, it so HILarious
ahhhhhhhhh GOLD GOLD !!
richpull100, haha nice just ask the Teacher to demonstrate this ménage à trois, ask her u are a visual learner and you wont understand until its seen in front of you :)
what odds you got on the bet? Great idea, I looked online and I can see that 17 of 23 in my French class are girls. Wow. So I can pull this off with classmates.
This won't stop anytime soon, because you are gonna have a bunch of Europeans waking up soon!
I'm literally crying over here....I've been a big half-life fan since 1999 when I first got this game, the years, the mods, everything. It's been good fun but I hope more is to come within the months of HL2 and the new engine. The Money, the time, the lost relationships due to you half-life...it was all worth it. I swear I've never cried for a game, NEVER, this is weird...but thanks everyone, the wait is finally over.
OMG :bounce: :E :cheers: :cheers: :naughty: ;) :O :O
AAAAAAH HL2 !??!!? AAAAAAH!!!!.....
No more school 4 me now....


i'm a little disapointed we didnt get the news first, but its all good none the same.
I am trying to get admitted to University of Pennsylvania this year. I can't do it with HL2 in the way. Arggghhh
I'm literally crying over here....I've been a big half-life fan since 1999 when I first got this game, the years, the mods, everything. It's been good fun but I hope more is to come within the months of HL2 and the new engine. The Money, the time, the lost relationships due to you half-life...it was all worth it. I swear I've never cried for a game, NEVER, this is weird...but thanks everyone, the wait is finally over.
\cries with him\
Sparta said:
:D And monday is my birthday :D

Happy birthday! From me and Valve. Of course, there's always the chance you'll be slapped in the face Monday (with a big, non-gold fish).