(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

HEy arnt all of you supposed to be angry at Valve, I mean they did delay the pre-load all of you were seeking so much, even tho its just a lump of space on your hard-drive, so continue being angry while the rest who didnt care can be happy, CMon GO oN, BE ANGRY U UNgrateful sons of B!tches :0

"Come ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon, come ooooooooooooooooooon..."
Wont get pissed off again unless gold is dela*** WAIT NO ONE SAY THAT DAMN WORD!
-Viper- said:

"Come oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon, come oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon..."

Listening to that song now... it's excellent. :cheers:

Transatlanticism by Death Cab For Cutie. :D
This has been here for about 3 hrs.... its 3:30 am.... THIS IS JUST US IDIOTS ON THIS LATE! Just imagine what will happen when people wake up... they will wake up and be like.... no new news on the.... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! ITS ITS ITS...... as they call their doctor to get some setatives to knock themselvs out for 3 weeks.
One thing you guys have to realize is that Valve and its members used their own money on this project we call Halflife2. So they want to release this game just as much as we want to bye it, they are pretty much broke until the game is shipped and selling like hot cakes, so if there is a delay its gonna be for its own good, its their butts on the lines and its their bills they gotta pay, so remember this instead of blaming them for being stupid.
D@Linkwent said:
HEy arnt all of you supposed to be angry at Valve, I mean they did delay the pre-load all of you were seeking so much, even tho its just a lump of space on your hard-drive, so continue being angry while the rest who didnt care can be happy, CMon GO oN, BE ANGRY U UNgrateful sons of B!tches :0

how does someone being angry at valve for missing a date that they set, without provocation, miss, delay, then say nothing once they miss the second date make someone Ungrateful?

its whining, but its with a reason.. being grateful has nothing to do with it.
and its not monday yet squire, lets see how this pans out ;)
Well im saying ungrateful becuz you guys whine and cry but what have you done to help the situation, instead of whining u should just understand and maybe learn from this as another reason not to get mad becuz mistakes and delays happen, they happen for a reason so just forgive and forget.
D@Linkwent said:
One thing you guys have to realize is that Valve and its members used their own money on this project we call Halflife2. So they want to release this game just as much as we want to bye it, they are pretty much broke until the game is shipped and selling like hot cakes, so if there is a delay its gonna be for its own good, its their butts on the lines and its their bills they gotta pay, so remember this instead of blaming them for being stupid.

I didn't know that... they'll be making oodles of money then. (So will Vivendi I suppose).
BaNDiT, very nice computer, how much did it all cost and what kind of monitor do u have?
Holy shit! Gold on monday?
This anouncement caught me by surprise!
W00t!!! :thumbs:
DigitalAssassin, well thank you for understanding what im trying to say, Gabe and everyone else even said, Instead of buying ferriers and houses with the money they made from halflife1 and other projects at the time, they spent that money on funding halflife2 so they are descent honost working people who need this money, This is one of the reasons why im not gonna steal and download this game like i did for Doom3 becuz i just think they deserve it
go, go, go!!

ub3rbr0k3, Very cute and Cuddle avator, kinda in the mood i am, Gitty. One of the reasons why im up at 3:30am :)
We need something that will spawn (lol I said spawn) a lot replies... something unexpected/controversial.

Umm, in Soviet Russia, going Gold Half-Life 2's you!
The.Spiral said:
go, go, go!!

HAHAHAHA GOL? wtf is gol, you mean Goal?
D@Linkwent said:
DigitalAssassin, well thank you for understanding what im trying to say, Gabe and everyone else even said, Instead of buying ferriers and houses with the money they made from halflife1 and other projects at the time, they spent that money on funding halflife2 so they are descent honost working people who need this money, This is one of the reasons why im not gonna steal and download this game like i did for Doom3 becuz i just think they deserve it

Three cheers for Valve! :cheers: :D
D@Linkwent said:
they happen for a reason so just forgive and forget.

I agree whole-heartedly.
(btw Im not a valve hater, I just like seeing both sides of an arguement)

In Soviet Russia, Underpants wear you.
Indeed, I think ID software is like microsoft to me, they are just a bunch of rich geeks who gave us a Tech demo for a game, I downloaded the hell out of that game with no remourse :) But with halflife2 im gonna Buy it and thank Valve for making a product worth the money and wait.
Mr. Redundant. Well thank you, SO whats ur side of the arguement, u said u like to be on both sides
Goodnight guys, i hope this thread will be 934572349 pages long when I come back tomorrow... have a nice party!!
Quote Guinny Gabe said one line, that ended the long wait, and triggered the life of a new and fresh journey, as we all leave the memories of half-life, and all it has brought to us over the past 6 years, behind, and travel forward, with half-life 2. May God bless you all, and Valve. I dont know this quote is nice but its seems a bit sugar coated, i mean its just a game in the end and for god sakes if u thought of Halflife1 for 6 years than u need to reavaluate whats important in your life :), no "diss" on Guinny and his quote i just think he wants praise :0 so here it is *hands him praise*
HOLY CRAP look at the number of pages, good news anyway :cheers:
I hope somone actually goes back and reads all this stuff, it would be a shame to have this all wasted becuz we decided to discuss this topic at such a late time :)
D@Linkwent said:
Mr. Redundant. Well thank you, SO whats ur side of the arguement, u said u like to be on both sides

not be on both sides, be able to argue both sides.
I appreciate what Valve are doing, what they have done.. I know all the facts and honestly cant wait to purchase my two copies of the game (for my two pc setup)

I also can understand people get angry simply because Valve seem to not care about sticking to their word, and they do tend to rely on hype.. and creating hype a lot.

this doesnt make either thing bad, loving or hating valve.
its a company, you show your appreciation by buying and playing their game.. there is a lot of money in Game developement, the money they put in will likely return ten-fold (they know this)

however, if you feel overtly attatched to either and you start attacking members of the opposite side, merely because you have a different outlook, then thats a problem. (note that statement is meant as a general "you" not you personaly D@Linkwent)