Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

So what's next for Fallout?

Bethesda is obviously going to make a fourth game. In Fallout 3, Chicago is briefly mentioned by someone at BoS, and in New Vegas, there's a mention of Enclave units stated in Chicago in ED-E's archives. I hope they don't bring the peacekeeping BoS, super mutant hookers, and the worse, the robot faction.

Didn't play Tactics, didya?
For some reason, I can't shoot during a battle. Like it glitches during the shoot out. I would shoot when the battle begins but in 1 sec, my guy wouldn't pull a trigger.
with the new xbox update for some reason this game became less glitchy and much faster with more FPS! I love it even more now
Didn't play Tactics, didya?

I know it's not adressed to me, but I felt I needed to reply anyway!

I did not play Tactics, been pondering doing that in December.

Are there any fan-patches(restoring cut content etc) for Tactics that are must-have?
I got it, it's just extremely retarded. Bullet > fist. At the very least, the elite guards who are experts in their physical brutality should know the best way to keep their leader safe (having learned the disciplines). Then again it's not realistic that they would allow me to take aim at their leader with the weapon drawn (in Gomorrah they shoot you as soon as you draw your weapon).

Indeed. They just watched as I put down no less than 10 C-4 mines and proceeded to vaporize Caesar and most of his body guards. Seriously, I couldn't locate any remnant of his body afterwords, all I could find was his powerfist.
I went in guns blazing to his camp, they hated me and I had Boone with me so I just killed them all. Surely they should have got some guns when they heard everyone else was dead and I was coming for him next :P

Still, it's fun :D
So Crimson Caravans, Heartache by the Number quest,

How do I kill the Crimson Caravans woman without the whole base reacting to me in a bad way? I don't want to have to slaughter the whole camp just for Cass to get her revenge. I'm starting to wish I had taken the "let's bring them to the NCR" option but that's way too late.
So Crimson Caravans, Heartache by the Number quest,

How do I kill the Crimson Caravans woman without the whole base reacting to me in a bad way? I don't want to have to slaughter the whole camp just for Cass to get her revenge. I'm starting to wish I had taken the "let's bring them to the NCR" option but that's way too late.

You could try the Mr. Sandman perk if you got 60 sneak. Might work.
You don't need to kill her.
Yeah but I killed everyone in the silver rush, like, 10 hours back. I really don't want to go back.
Can you go to 'The Fort' before you haveto go there as part of the main quest? Is Caesar there or does he only spawn during an active quest?
I don't know. But I just got there and it was so ****ing awesome. I have been a loyal NCR guy but I'm really starting to like this Caesar guy. I will probably work against him though in the end. And restart later where I'll join.
it's my second play through (this time I have arcade as my companion) - the super mutants use the latin phrases in new vegas.
Before I rid myself of this astonishingly over-bugged game, I will give it one final chance. Going to try and simply be a Wasteland arms dealer. Walk from town to town buying and selling every rifle, rocket, bullet and grenade I can get my hands on.
When does the NCR rangers with combat armor actually start spawning? I've searched everywhere for these guys but I can't find them.
I only saw them at the end.
Just want to say that I love this game with a disturbing passion - utterly addicted :)

Does anyone know if the hud can be toggleable?
Warbie getting addicted to a Western RPG, who'd a thunk it!?
So I am now trying to do the quest for the NCR ambassador. Of course I'd have to visit Nellis AFB, the only place that is completely bugged.

Would it help if I deleted any saves and started from scratch?

(Playing on Xbox 360 *hides*)
I'm only lvl 9 and playing this game sparingly but its so fun when I do. I wish I had an extra 24 hrs in the day to be honest
I thought the NCR were worth fighting for so I started doing the quests for Moore. She wanted me to self-destruct the goddamn BoS base so I was like "ok you evil ass bitch, I'm going to ignore your shit and help [strike]the illusive man[/strike] House to beat everyone." But as it would turn out I forgot to do a bunch of side quests and lots of ppl ended up with bad endings. So now I'm doing it by helping Yes Man, going well so far. He's a great happy go lucky dude!
Yeah so I have had some rage quits. There are some quests that are broken, the way I have went at them. I have to check walkthroughs and go a different way, or do minor fixes. Still love the game though.
Advisable: Permasaves for every hr or so of gameplay or before making a significant decision. If you had a quick save before you had to make such decisions, go back and make a perma.
Yeah I know this now. I'm thinking I might try to finish this playthrough off, and restart.

I'm 53 hours in, just made it to the dam.
I completed the WildCard Mission and both the NCR and Legion were eradicated by my army of securitrons. The thing is I was hoping there was a way of controlling New Vegas but allow the NCR to remain in the Mojave

If I were to destroy the dam would that of had the desired effect
Yeah that's what I hoped. But I kinda figured that whould happen after talking with Yes man and

Pissing everybody off.
I can see Yes Man betraying you if they release an expansion pack/DLC
So old problems disappear and new ones arise.

Restarted my game to get Nellis AFB unglitched (which worked!) Only to have Caesars Legion (neutral) slaughter me every time I try and approach them. Yet again I cannot proceed with story quests because of nonsense.
Companions aren't fans of Legion either. I've only had Boone go after them, because I haven't really used any other companion, but I'm sure the others do as well. This will basically make them hostile to you.
Are you by any chance wearing faction armor?

Nope, I wear a business suit.

Companions aren't fans of Legion either. I've only had Boone go after them, because I haven't really used any other companion, but I'm sure the others do as well. This will basically make them hostile to you.

Forgot Boone hates the Legion. Guess I'll have to have him wait at Novac.
I got it, it's just extremely retarded. Bullet > fist. At the very least, the elite guards who are experts in their physical brutality should know the best way to keep their leader safe (having learned the disciplines). Then again it's not realistic that they would allow me to take aim at their leader with the weapon drawn (in Gomorrah they shoot you as soon as you draw your weapon).

Actually, if they had guns I would've most likely killed Ceasar and his guards on my first attempt.

I blasted through all the people at the camp with ease, but when I entered the tent, after firing two shots with VATS I got quickly raped when about 3 guards ran up to me and each punched me once or twice with their explosive fists. I was like "what? that was quick", considering the fact that I played the game on Normal and it was rather easy (I didn't want to change difficulty mid-game though) except for maybe the beginning where it was - normal. I was even wearing a reinforced leather armor most of the time, because I didn't like the look of the Combat Armor Mk II.

If the guards had guns instead, they would've probably dealt less damage to me. In the end I just asked Boone to wait 10 meters away from the tent, while I entered and exited the tent immediately to get them to follow and we picked them off with a little bit more space to work with.
I know it's not adressed to me, but I felt I needed to reply anyway!

I did not play Tactics, been pondering doing that in December.

Are there any fan-patches(restoring cut content etc) for Tactics that are must-have?

It's not a bad game unless you're a NMA aspie - just doesn't come close to the depth of 1/2 or even 3/NV