Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

All I really care about is new enemies/ style, I am not interested in any more scorpion/ dog/ mutant fighting, it was excessive in 3

I just finished Hard Luck Blues mission and saved the people instead of farm, but from hearing others, you get pretty much nothing from the survivors other than useless vault trinket and you can't even initiate a conversation with them. So it's pretty pointless of saving them. I think Ima go back and save the farm instead.
So its not entirely inaccurate to say its "the engine" that sucks, since the version of Gamebryo being refereed to is obviously Bethesda's version

I see your point and I agree. Yet, as a software developer myself, I'm not entitled to justify bugs and glitches putting the blame on the engine. (my boss would have fired me!)
I am the developer, I make the game, I get the money, so if the engine has flaws I have to fix them.
Wow veronica is really terrible. I even gave her power armor. But she can't do shit. She keeps getting killed by scorpions and making me reload. After I complete her quest I'm never bringing her again.
Just got some sweet armor.

EDIT: And, just wanna show off my caps. It's not much of an accomplishment because you can easily cheat and get unlimited caps, but I didn't do that. It's all from winning on the slots, quests, and turning in those wonderful globes of snow.

Try to avoid going to Vault 11. It bugs several missions because the bots share the same faction id as certain other bots.
vault 11 spoilers, read if you want to know how to avoid losing rep with the bot thing
You can still complete Vault 11, just when you get to the sacrificial chamber, once the video stops, immediately go into sneak mode and put on a stealthboy. Then just sneak your way out without killing anything.
Are there quests that involve the vaults? Or should I just explore them? I don't fancy potentially screwing up future quests because I want to explore.
There are a few. The biggest one involves
getting equipment from the vaults for the
Brotherhood of Steel.
Wow veronica is really terrible. I even gave her power armor. But she can't do shit. She keeps getting killed by scorpions and making me reload. After I complete her quest I'm never bringing her again.

What? I have Veronica with me and she's managed to kill pretty much EVERYTHING we've come across so far, scorpions included, with metal armor. Not to mention she handles big guns wonderfully. Also heal her when she needs it ffs. Give her proper support.
I just started up the game, load a save where I was in the wilderness, and was immediately swarmed by about 30 Bark Scorpions. Im thinking thats a bug?
Did you save in the middle of the desert or something?
Towards the back end of the correctional facility.
There are a few. The biggest one involves
getting equipment from the vaults for the
Brotherhood of Steel.

Only one item is located there. Unless you're referring to the research data.

Wow veronica is really terrible. I even gave her power armor. But she can't do shit. She keeps getting killed by scorpions and making me reload. After I complete her quest I'm never bringing her again.

Did you give her a ballistic fix? As Vera said, her gift is punching stuff. And she's great at punching stuff with a 'splodeyfist.
Level 16, still having a huge amount of problem against deathclaws (as in, they're absolutely impossible), although my character is more of a diplomatic guy. I've only been putting points on "guns" (not energy weapons), and it's still pretty low, like 50, not to mention my Strength is just 5, so there's no using big guns here.
I'd steer clear from any Deathclaws till later, they're pretty much the hardest enemies in the game. Explore more north :P
had the same problem taviow, then I found a sniper rifle...
Yeah, I tried to take out only one deathclaw in the Primm pass armed with just 10mm machine pistol and couple of grenades.

Biggest mistake I've ever did in this game.
i've died at the hands of one deathclaw and haven't managed to take one down yet, but i've only come into contact with one, the others i avoided. i had him down to literally one bar of health using hunting rifle with armour piercing rounds and then i switched to the 9mm pistol when he got closer. he backed me into a corner but if i had just enough AP for one more shot i would of killed him, but instead if had to go into real time and during that split second he was allowed enough time to make one final swing at me.

basically, he wasn't all that bad. i have absolutely no problem with young deathclaws, as said earlier.
I started this game recently and it is pretty damn good, it has a feeling of emptiness and being looted many times over 3 lacked , DC felt crowded and seeing mentats sitting on a SHELF near a gang is pretty strange
I started over again yesterday. I felt I was rushing through my first playthrough, so I am taking it very slowly this time. And that is a lot more fun. Plus you find way more loot if you take your time.
I'm lvl24 right now, that + Boone and Ed-E make deathclaws pretty easy :cool:

I'm pretty annoyed at the amount of messenger boy quests in this. Travel here, talk to npc, report back. Boring.

Anyway, how do you take a screenshot of your character from the front?
Yeah I'm taking it pretty slow, spent 3 hours alone in Goodsprings when I started.

oh and Bam, hold the third person button and turn the camera with however you would usually look around.
on the Deathclaws: wait until you get to the deathclaw cave. Now that's a challenge. Kept autosaving. Had to use a shitload of mines, missiles and chems to defeat the hardest one. Was the best challenge so far tbh. Once I killed all the dcs in the cave structure and went outside to the wasteland 3 more suddenly spawned at the door. FUUUU.

Luckily, I exploited their wonky pathfinding and camped on a hill while I let Boone and Ed-e get mauled.

Just got to Freeside after 50 hours, lvl25(afair). Now to meet Benny.
Veronica have even lower HP then ED ffs. When fighting a bunch of ghouls and shit I constantly had to run to her and heal her with stimpacks, since she was killed by 3, maybe 4 punches by a glowing one. Now I have her equipped with power armor, but she still has ridiculesly low hp. Also, she prefers to use the gladius machete over some other melee wepons I gave her.
I'm having a problem with Veronica's quest, I've looked up the walkthrough trying to go to the locations that trigger the conversations with her, but nothing happens. I've gone to 5-6 different locations. Anyone else encounter this?
Veronica have even lower HP then ED ffs. When fighting a bunch of ghouls and shit I constantly had to run to her and heal her with stimpacks, since she was killed by 3, maybe 4 punches by a glowing one. Now I have her equipped with power armor, but she still has ridiculesly low hp. Also, she prefers to use the gladius machete over some other melee wepons I gave her.

Veronica is bugged, there's a fix on NewVegasNexus that makes her level up properly.
Yeah, I tried to take out only one deathclaw in the Primm pass armed with just 10mm machine pistol and couple of grenades.

Biggest mistake I've ever did in this game.

Hmmm. I'm trying to get to Novac (Lvl 5) as part of the main story and all I seem to run into is Deathclaws. Shit sucks, yo.
Maybe you shouldn't be trying to go through Quarry Junction.
Yeah, go the long way around. Much easier, worst I came across was some NCR fighting some legion. :)

I love the Anti-Material Sniper Rifle you can get from the gun runners. One shots Deathclaws with a sneak attack :)
I shot Caesar's head off and ran out of the place taking very little damage. Retards should learn to keep guns.
I shot Caesar's head off and ran out of the place taking very little damage. Retards should learn to keep guns.

Yeah I found it weird that all of his guards had power fists. If I were him I'd want as many guns around me as possible!
Well, Caesar puts an emphasis on blood and sweat, rather than nuts and grease, so it's logical his guard would be specializing in close quarters combat. Plus, no one expected you to bring a gun to a fist fight, as they were confiscated at the gates.
I think one of Caesar's guards mentioned one of the reasons for specializing in close quarters combat--in the event that guns jam (if I remember correctly).

No suggestions for the Veronica situation eh? I recently read you can only trigger those conversations after a certain amount of time.
Ballistic fist is a sidearm... if you look at it literally. You've also missed the point of Caesar's philosophy entirely.
So what's next for Fallout?

Bethesda is obviously going to make a fourth game. In Fallout 3, Chicago is briefly mentioned by someone at BoS, and in New Vegas, there's a mention of Enclave units stated in Chicago in ED-E's archives. I hope they don't bring the peacekeeping BoS, super mutant hookers, and the worse, the robot faction.
Ballistic fist is a sidearm... if you look at it literally. You've also missed the point of Caesar's philosophy entirely.
I got it, it's just extremely retarded. Bullet > fist. At the very least, the elite guards who are experts in their physical brutality should know the best way to keep their leader safe (having learned the disciplines). Then again it's not realistic that they would allow me to take aim at their leader with the weapon drawn (in Gomorrah they shoot you as soon as you draw your weapon).