Films: Rate and Discuss

The Fall 9/10

Really beautiful movie, visually stunning, and quite refreshing to see a fantasy/surreal movie with minimal use of CGI. Watching this movie it was clear that Tarsem (the director) put a lot of heart into this project. I've read that the filming took nearly 4 years to complete, and I can say it was well worth the effort.

Even though the imagery is the movie's strong point, the story and characters are quite good also. The cast is made up of mostly unknown actors, and they did a wonderful job making the characters seem very natural.

The movie tells the story of a little girl recovering from a broken arm in a 1920's hospital, who becomes friends with an injured stuntman. The surreal part starts when the stuntman tells her a made up story, and the scenes portray it brought to life by the little girl's imagination.
Where the Wild Things are


This is not a kids movie. This is not a happy movie. It is about family problems and how children handle emotions and the desire to find happiness. Somehow happiness never works out though. It reminded me a lot of drug movies like a scanner darkly. Maybe it would be a good idea to see it high.

I felt kind of like I was hanging out in a commune with all of the stoners from my high school. The characters talk kind of like stoners, which I actually liked because it made them seem more real. All of these characters are trying to make things work in their little community, but they all have highs and lows and everything they build ends up crashing down. Every good idea they have just leads to more problems. They can't make things work, and Max is put in charge of this chaos and it shows him how helpless he is. I think it shows how he feels responsible for his family problems. In a way the monsters are all a reflection of him and his attitudes, but they also represent the other people in his life. The movie mirrors the emotions of divorce and friendship and regret and unfairness as seen from a child's eyes.
I sometimes wonder how popular Star Wars would have been without Williams' scores. That guy really raised the bar. They are one aspect of the series I'll always give points for, even Phantom Menace will get some points for Duel of the Fates.

John Williams is a thief and a hack.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: 6.5/10

The entire point of a character study movie is for the viewer to care about the character. I really didn't. The rating is what I would have rated it if I cared about Pitt's character. I dunno, blah.
I found the curious case more amusing than anything fantastic

but a good bit of amusement is always nice
the butterfly effect:

I thought this was quite good despite the apparent panning this movie got when it was released. Some of the acting really isn't great and also when I found it on youtube I thought the alternate ending was MUCH better than the original (the original ignores the problems with his brain and I thought the alternate idea was much more effective as well).
District 9 - 8.5/10

Oh my god this is awesome I love this kill the alien hahahaha.

Ahem. Interesting movie. It was sad at the end. But the idiots could have used some heavy artillery and some Patriot missiles to shoot at that thing.
Paranormal Activity - 6/10

Allow me to break down the general progression of the film. Minor spoilers ahead:



Katie: Turn off the camera!
Micah: No!


Katie: Turn off the camera!
Micah: I said no! ****!


Katie: Camera off the turn!


I pretty much disregarded the trailers for this, so it's not like I went in with high expectations or anything. It just never really spooked me up until maybe the last quarter of the movie. Yeah, some of the shots are eerie, the actors perform well, and the minimalist style is a refreshing change from other horror films that seem more concerned with throwing ****ing pointless violence at you. So, props for that.

Still, I felt it took too long to build momentum. And I don't have any better idea of what happened. There's a burned photograph, a Diane, an unexplained animosity towards obnoxious boyfriends... I don't know what it adds up to. Maybe I'm not supposed to know, but a few hints wouldn't hurt.

I don't see how anybody can call this the scariest movie in years. Maybe everything else in the horror genre has sucked recently? I have thought this.
Paranormal Activity- Believe the hype, this movie is ****ing SCARY. Great acting, great production, all-around freaked me out. Was awesome watching it in a full theater of equally freaked-out people too. 9/10

The Blair Witch Project- PA inspired me to watch this flick (I'd never seen it before). Not nearly as scary, but I loved how tense it was. Truthfully, I cared a lot more about the characters too and their situation seemed more desperate, while the characters in PA sorta got what they deserved. 8/10

Match Point- I'm not a big Woody Allen fan, but this movie had me hooked from start-to-finish. One of the best climaxes/endings I've seen in awhile too. 9/10
Rome Season 1 9/10

Awesome adult series with plenty of plot, action, and sex. What more can you ask for?? Very authentic too
Gamer - 6/10

Mediocre at best, cliched to the core and pretty dull for what was supposed to be a gory action movie. Convoluted camera work, that you have a hard time knowing what the hell is going on. Cardboard, 2 dimensional characters. Annoying use of desaturation filters.
I really hope Michael C Hall doesn't ruin his career with this shit.

I'm really beginning to think these guys were just lucky with getting Crank right, the second one was a let down and now they produce this shit.

The beast from 20,000 fathoms - 8/10

Very entertaining giant monster movie. The effects were very good considering it's made in the 50's. Also I can't help but notice remarkable similarities between this movie and the 1998 Godzilla movie. They might as well should have called it "The beast from 20,000 fathoms" instead and they wouldn't have got all the fan hate.

Also the scene with the New York cop trying to kill it with a revolver is ****ing hilarious.
Catch-22 - 9/10

I thought they did a really good job with this film. I was wondering whether it would be able to capture the repetitive back-and-forth timeline of the novel, and it did that well (although the first five minutes were pretty confusing). I also liked that the first part was more humorous, and then the second half gets really serious.

The only part I didn't like was near the end, when the main character (Yossarian) is walking around Rome at night all depressed, and there's horrible things happening at every street corner. It seemed a little too cheesy/contrived... especially when they get to the scene where a man is literally beating a (nearly) dead horse.
There's a Catch-22 movie? I want to see that. Catch-22 was one of my favorite novels...
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan 6/10

Although this little backlog was a little eye opener it did almost nothing to keep me entertained. the ending was abrupt, there was lots of filler material, and much of it was just old repeats from the show. I was expecting the cylon side of the story to be more alive but it was really dull. The CGI was also a big downer, I was expecting much more out of this.
State of play - 8/10

Genuinely surprised at this one. All about getting a story as a reporter against a senator.

Russel Crowe and Ben Affleck give some pretty damn good acts in this one.

Good thriller mixed with a small amount of action here and there.

Its a little dull at the beginning but reaches a pretty good climax.
Rome Season 1 9/10

Awesome adult series with plenty of plot, action, and sex. What more can you ask for?? Very authentic too

GOD this show is awesome. Season 2 is every bit as kickass.
If there was one downside to rome, it was that there were a abundance of sex scenes.

never before have i known such a thing to exist
District 9

Very, very good. Far filthier than I imagined it to be.
Six Feet Under:

This started off as a decent show and then worked it's way up as a great show and after finishing the last season it is now one of the most memorable tv shows I've ever seen :)

The only real complaint I had with it was that I hated the mother throughout the whole show (obviously the way it is written you are supposed to hate some characters at times) but she was just SO annoying :flame:

I have to say I did tear up at
Nate's funeral and the final scenes with the future montage
to Sia's Breathe Me (I love that song) ;( ;( It's not often that a tv show will make me cry so that is certainly something :)
Yeah I cried too. Its the only show that's made me cry.
ok I had to post it now :P
Something's Gotta Give - 9.5/10

This, I have to admit, was the best what could be classed as 'romcom' I've seen. Its a fairly old(ish) film, but it was a great mixture of light-hearted yet truly laugh-out-loud moments of genious comedy, mixed with the typical lovey-dubby romance toward the end.

Plot is fairly predictable, but its a good mixture of older couples getting it on with the younger generation. And Amanda Peet is hot...

Just genuinely enjoyed watching it, nice change in style compared to romcoms like Love Actually etc.
Where the Wild Things Are- 6/10

Very mediocre.
The Wrestler - 9.7/10

Darren Aronofsky crafts one of the most heartbreaking, beautifully captured motion pictures yet. The casting of Rourke in this film is a stroke of genius. There's just no way to imagine this film with a different lead actor. Every pain Randy suffers you can feel. A gripping character study of a man who is flawed, lovable and real. Can be tough to sit through at times but it's definitely not to be missed. The end is superb and elevates the film from great to excellent. The directing and script are also first class. Everything about this film is so mesmerizing, and actually very subtle. One of the most moving and by far one of my favorite films this decade has to offer. Masterpiece.
Antichrist - Good ****, what a disturbing / physically unpleasant movie to watch. I enjoyed it, particularly the VERY odd cinematography, and it was almost good enough for me to rate it higher except the director/writer is so very obviously a hyperpretentious (if talented) douchehat that I couldn't bring myself to. Warning: unpleasant genital mutilation abounds. 7/10

Moon - Just watched this, and I have to say I loved the hell out of it. I'm still not 100% sure what to think of it all though, and I get the nagging feeling that it was missing something (mostly with the interaction between Sams) but that's still only enough to drop it down to an 8.5/10. Fantastic movie.
Battle of the Bulge 8.5/10

Much older movie, but on bluray looked amazing! the acting was pretty decent, but the set pieces and tanks were awesome! I love movies that have a lot of real explosions too, and this one is before all those cheesy Micheal Bay explosions! this was a really good rent and I'm glad I finally rented it

Oh god, maybe the worst movie I've seen this year; it's certainly close. It's just what everyone expected: crap plot and reasoning, rubbish script and jokes, irritating characters etc and for a movie that prides itself in effects some of them are really bad.

But the one thing that kills this movie dead is this: it is far too LOOOOONG. Really it's worse than transformers 2 by maybe about 10 minutes but it feels way longer. If you really have to see this rubbish just make sure you have a spare 3 hours :|

Oh god, maybe the worst movie I've seen this year; it's certainly close. It's just what everyone expected: crap plot and reasoning, rubbish script and jokes, irritating characters etc and for a movie that prides itself in effects some of them are really bad.

But the one thing that kills this movie dead is this: it is far too LOOOOONG. Really it's worse than transformers 2 by maybe about 10 minutes but it feels way longer. If you really have to see this rubbish just make sure you have a spare 3 hours :|

Tell me about it, I went in with my mind switched off, but that didn't ****ing help. I wanted to watch Anderson's Fantastic Mr. ****ing Fox, but I had to put up with an uncomfortable 2 and half hours of Emmerich science. As I was walking out of the movie, I heard a couple of guys saying how awesome it was - I wanted to put my foot through his head. Aside from that, the sheer scale of some of the disaster scenes is quite impressive and John Cusack is one charismatic son of a bitch.
Elite Squad- 9/10

A fantastic movie and a must see for anyone that enjoyed city of god/city of men.
Tell me about it, I went in with my mind switched off, but that didn't ****ing help. I wanted to watch Anderson's Fantastic Mr. ****ing Fox, but I had to put up with an uncomfortable 2 and half hours of Emmerich science. As I was walking out of the movie, I heard a couple of guys saying how awesome it was - I wanted to put my foot through his head. Aside from that, the sheer scale of some of the disaster scenes is quite impressive and John Cusack is one charismatic son of a bitch.

You kidding me? When I left I only heard people say how bad it was. Heck half the cinema was actually laughing at certain scenes that weren't suppose to be funny like
when the fat russina billionaire died after throwing his son on the boat
2012 - 6.5/10...
It was entertaining for what it was -- a stupid Emmerich disaster movie.
I do agree that it was way too ****ing long when it really had no story whatsoever and the only thing keeping me in my seat was wanting to see what disaster scenario they could think of next.

It wasn't exactly a total waste of $10 as it served its purpose as mindless entertainment, also John Cusack.
I like to pretend people wearing that "WWJCD?" logo are referring to John Cusack. It does less harm to my faith in humanity.
I loved 2012. It was the stupidest film I've seen in years, and its the greatest fun I've had laughing at a film since In The Loop.

Or Twilight with Rifftrax.
G.I Joe: Rise of Cobra


Another movie where they change a bunch of shit in the movie, cause' the director feels like it. I read that the new actor that portrayed Cobra Commander tried to make "half 1980's Chris Latta, half his own interpretation... because that would sound rediculous" - why oh why do they want to change things that have worked tremendously? If it ain't broke DO NOT FIX. Chris Latta > this new interpretation. Just fancy special effects, hot women and some guy that is ****ing up Cobra Commander... he is supposed sound to be like G1 Starscream damnit! Everything else sucked.
Lord of War: 8/10

Didnt have high hopes going into this one, but I actually did quite like it. 2 hours well spent in my opinion.
I like to pretend people wearing that "WWJCD?" logo are referring to John Cusack. It does less harm to my faith in humanity.

You're officially going to be bearing my children now.