For all those not sure on who to vote for this election...

So I should vote for Kerry because Bush doesn't know what sovereignty means?
You do know he says "soverign entities," at the end, and not "soverignenities"

But, it sounded funny anyway :D
why anyone would vote for bush OR kerry is beyond me. the best candidate by FAR is nader, the problem is he makes TOO much sense. well that, and the democrats try to block him from debates and being on the ballot and shit. just listen to him talk, he makes bush and kerry look like preschool children :)
What he said actually makes sense (And look at it in a non partisan way. I've seen things Kerry said that did make sense but were poorly stated, mangled into something else)

The tribes are.. soveirgn.. that's the MEANING OF THE WORD. They should be viewed as their own state.
Jackal hit said:
why anyone would vote for bush OR kerry is beyond me. the best candidate by FAR is nader, the problem is he makes TOO much sense. well that, and the democrats try to block him from debates and being on the ballot and shit. just listen to him talk, he makes bush and kerry look like preschool children :)

Except for the fact that Nader won't be elected. Only Bush or Kerry will be the next president. So I don't really understand why people would vote for Nader. Might as well choose whether you like Kerry or Bush better and vote for them so atleast your vote counts. Just my opinion of course.
Neutrino said:
Except for the fact that Nader won't be elected. Only Bush or Kerry will be the next president. So I don't really understand why people would vote for Nader. Might as well choose whether you like Kerry or Bush better and vote for them so atleast your vote counts. Just my opinion of course.

Also, Bush is funding Nader's campaign. The republicans have already contibuted the maximum amount they can legally donate to Nader.

Why? Because a vote for Nader takes a vote away from Kerry.
RakuraiTenjin said:
What he said actually makes sense (And look at it in a non partisan way. I've seen things Kerry said that did make sense but were poorly stated, mangled into something else)

The tribes are.. soveirgn.. that's the MEANING OF THE WORD. They should be viewed as their own state.
the part is that he tries to define soverignty with using the word sovereign. he didn't show he knew what this meant or how it plays out in the big picture.
I'm just going to say this because I'm getting a bit angry (boards, but more real-life people) with the way some are content to blindly follow the leader (or in some cases the party). If you vote for Bush, if this country elects that man into office come November, whatever happens to us, whatever these "evil terrorists" do to the country and it's people, America, and Americans will have asked for it. If we put that man back into office we deserve whatever we get. If the majority can turn a blind eye to the mountain of evidence against this man and his administration, then we Americans are just as ignorant, and just as stupid, as everyone says we are.
Neutrino said:
Except for the fact that Nader won't be elected. Only Bush or Kerry will be the next president. So I don't really understand why people would vote for Nader. Might as well choose whether you like Kerry or Bush better and vote for them so atleast your vote counts. Just my opinion of course.

alot of people think the exact same thing im guessing. so if those people just voted for nader instead of thinking its usless the man might get somewhere.

imagine a indepenant(i think thats what he is classed as) as president
Is the journalist asking Bush about tribal soverignty as in American Indian tribes? Or some other definiton of tribe? I don't quite understand his question either. Then again, I don't really have any of the context.
qckbeam said:
I'm just going to say this because I'm getting a bit angry (boards, but more real-life people) with the way some are content to blindly follow the leader (or in some cases the party). If you vote for Bush, if this country elects that man into office come November, whatever happens to us, whatever these "evil terrorists" do to the country and it's people, America, and Americans will have asked for it. If we put that man back into office we deserve whatever we get. If the majority can turn a blind eye to the mountain of evidence against this man and his administration, then we Americans are just as ignorant, and just as stupid, as everyone says we are.

Do you see that list qckbeam? Do you see that ****ing list!

You telling me that we deserve to die for electing a man. That our children deserve to be killed by a bunch of ****ing terrorists because half the country voted for a man?

They deserved that for electing Putin too I guess?

Thats all I have to say.
Cooper said:

Do you see that list qckbeam? Do you see that ****ing list!

You telling me that we deserve to die for electing a man. That our children deserve to be killed by a bunch of ****ing terrorists because half the country voted for a man?

They deserved that for electing Putin too I guess?

Thats all I have to say.
I think he implied we'll deserve what we get if we re-elect him, and also meant things that would come as a result of him being reelected, including unemployment, weak economy, poor foreign policy and consequences thereof, among other things. Don't take things so literally all the time, and give people the benefit of the doubt...
Cooper: Unlike Cheney, qck didn't say that if we elect bush they'll be more terror attacks. (And that IS what Cheney said 'bout kerry)

cyber said:
I think he implied we'll deserve what we get if we re-elect him, and also meant things that would come as a result of him being reelected, including unemployment, weak economy, poor foreign policy and consequences thereof, among other things.

read it
Vote for CyberSh33p for president of Ireland.
Cooper said:

Do you see that list qckbeam? Do you see that ****ing list!

You telling me that we deserve to die for electing a man. That our children deserve to be killed by a bunch of ****ing terrorists because half the country voted for a man?

They deserved that for electing Putin too I guess?

Thats all I have to say.

What I said was this: If Bush is elected again come this November, after all he's done in his four years, Americans will have shown the world that we are just as stupid, arrogant, and ignorant as we are so often made out to be. I personally hope people are smart enough to make the right decision, but if they aren't- if we allow Bush to keep his role as leader of our country, there will be serious consequences, and, unlike before, this time we as a people will have deserved it. We know what his track record is. Bush is not running on his plans for the future alone; he's running on what he's done as President for the past four years- he's running on his record. If we as a country keep him on-board for another four years, we're total idiots, and will deserve whatever may befall us. Of course, last time was different. In 2000 it was anyones guess as to how Bush was going to perform, this time we know of his incompetence, and if we put him back in after all that has happened, we're asking for it. Hell, we're begging for it.

You have a choice this November- Put a man back into office who has led our country into a war that was not ours to fight, and in doing so put not only our soldiers, but the entire country, into the line of fire- or take your chances with the someone else. If everyone wants to keep going down the path Bush has plotted for us that's just fine; We'll have earned whatever hell may come to pass and have only ourselves to blame.
on topic:
heheheh .. I know bush is dumb, but I'm not sure that's enough reason to vote for kerry.

I'd like to see a poll (or I could make one, w/e) about voting for kerry:
Why would you vote for Kerry?
- Anyone but Bush!
- I really believe in Kerry
- wha? I'm voting Bush dude!
- .... I like pie?

qckbeam's post implies to me that he thinks Americans should vote "Anyone but Bush".

do I need to be the first to say..


Do you see that list qckbeam? Do you see that ****ing list!

You telling me that we deserve to die for electing a man. That our children deserve to be killed by a bunch of ****ing terrorists because half the country voted for a man?

They deserved that for electing Putin too I guess?

Thats all I have to say.

Great point.

Democrats will be liberals forever, you can't convert them unless kerry started killing babies for self enjoyment.

You elect George, you get a man who knows what hes doing and has been doing it for 4 years. And can fufill what he was in office to do.

You elect Kerry, you get a man who has not been in office and no one knows what he is capable of doing and how turst worthy he is.

In this time of crisis, I don't see Kerry as Super war hero from vietnam come to save America, I see an old man who can do nothing but bash bush his whole campaign rather then talk about what good he can really do this country.

I see George as a man who is on the job that has yet to be finished by the same man.

You cannot end terrorism worldwide.
But you can take out those who have sold their souls into it.

That is George's goal, and that is what he will do.
Joeslucky22 said:
Democrats will be liberals forever, you can't convert them unless kerry started killing babies for self enjoyment.

You elect George, you get a man who knows what hes doing and has been doing it for 4 years. And can fufill what he was in office to do.

The problem comes when Bush has rather obviously mismanaged things.

You elect Kerry, you get a man who has not been in office and no one knows what he is capable of doing and how turst worthy he is.

I'm sorry, but couldn't the exact same thing be said about every president ever at the start of their presidency? Bush was a newb four years ago too. That didn't stop him.

In this time of crisis, I don't see Kerry as Super war hero from vietnam come to save America, I see an old man who can do nothing but bash bush his whole campaign rather then talk about what good he can really do this country.

I've heard plenty of how he'll change america. Maybe there's actually a reason why he's "bashing" Bush? Like maybe Bush actually hasn't been doing a good job?

Seriously, Bush is a big man. He's the president. He can take criticism.

Also, Swift Boat Veterans? Remember them?
Oh, Kerry's so mean to Bush. ;(

I see George as a man who is on the job that has yet to be finished by the same man.

So, in four year's time, Bush hasn't fully accomplished any goals?
We agree!

You cannot end terrorism worldwide.
But you can take out those who have sold their souls into it.

That is George's goal, and that is what he will do.

??? That doesn't make sense.

We can't stop terror, but we CAN make terrorists angrier through futile eye-for-eye conflict?
Mechagodzilla said:
??? That doesn't make sense.

We can't stop terror, but we CAN make terrorists angrier through futile eye-for-eye conflict?
I think he is trying to imply exorcism ;)
CyberSh33p said:
I think he is trying to imply exorcism ;)

The power of Christ compells you!

Whoops, I meant Bush.
Although it's not uncommon for people to confuse the two. :p
Mechagodzilla said:
The power of Christ compells you!

Whoops, I meant Bush.
Although it's not uncommon for people to confuse the two. :p
more disturbing than funny really :\

interesting, though, bush radically changed my political views since he's been in office.

anyhow, once I become king, expect 80% tax for anyone making over 3 million a year.
the problem is that a vote for kerry or bush on the basis that you don't think nader can win, is simply a vote for the least worst. i can't vote for either bush or kerry and keep my self respect. sure i could vote for no one, but then i don't believe i'd have a right to debate/argue/complain about the political direction of the country.
CyberSh33p said:
anyhow, once I become king, expect 80% tax for anyone making over 3 million a year.

Good thing I make $2,999,999.99
/me donates a penny


Oh yeah, and voting for nader, I suppose, but how many people do you think want bush out of office vs bush in office vs. actually want kerry?
it doesn't count if nader gets 30% and kerry gets 30%, bush'll still win :\

oh wait, electoral college, I forgot about that. That means bush can win anyway :D
Everyone should just vote Shuzer.

Rest assured, I'll take this country down in a matter of hours -- no, wait, minutes.
/me thinks to self "Don't launch into a thousand word essay...don't do it.....don't...they'll just close the thread....don't even think it......"
I still don't see how Clinton was impeached for banging the wrong chick, while Bush is being re-elected for INVADING THE WRONG COUNTRY.
Wow, he answers the question of what tribal sovereignty means in the 21st century and how we should resolve conflicts with tribes by saying:

"tribal sovereignty means that... it's sovereign"

"you've been given sovereignty and you're viewed as a sovereign entity"

"therefore, the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities"

You do know he says "soverign entities," at the end, and not "soverignenities"
That's not the point. The people in the audience are laughing because it sounds like he doesn't know what he is talking about and he is trying to avoid answering the question.

What he said actually makes sense (And look at it in a non partisan way. I've seen things Kerry said that did make sense but were poorly stated, mangled into something else)

The tribes are.. soveirgn.. that's the MEANING OF THE WORD. They should be viewed as their own state.
What he said was just a reworded version of the question. We already know that having sovereignty means you are sovereign... and that you are viewed as a sovereign entity... and, logically, that the relationship between two sovereign entities is "one between sovereign entities." That's exactly how sovereignty usually works. I'd like to see that guy say:

"Just answer the ****ing question, George."

Some people are such good speakers that they can make you think they answered your question without really saying anything. George Bush isn't one of them. Everyone caught on... and fast (before he was even finished speaking).
well its its normal that he'd try and dodge the question, he's a politician after all, they're paid to lie :burp:
Bad^Hat said:
I still don't see how Clinton was impeached for banging the wrong chick, while Bush is being re-elected for INVADING THE WRONG COUNTRY.

Yeah, everyone knows he should have really invaded New Zealand. There is just something not quite right about a country with so many sheep.
Did we learn nothing from the Romans? Scroll down to the Incendiary Pigs and perhaps you will see the link I'm trying to make ;)
I don't like the guy, but this is splitting hairs.

I'm waiting for any of you to answer the question, since you are all so smart. Without using google.