For those who thought that the SHADOW-BUGG was fixed..

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Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score

those new screens looked greate..
the radiosity really added to the realism...

When i was flicking through some pics...
(now saved on my HD)... i noticed that thing...

in the picture... there are 2 combines, 1 vehicle.. 1 metal door...
and one of the combines are standing on the vehicle..

now, the vehicle cast a shadow... prefect!
but.. the combine (who's standing on the vehicle)
cast a shodow under the vehicle and creates that
DOUBLE SHADOW (glitch/bugg)... :)

Not only that.. but the combines shadow gets CUT...
it suddenly stops, when the vehicles shadow stops..

I really hope it's an old pic.. (dont think so tho)..
it has the same quality as the others..

for those who looked at that pic... confirm..
i hope it's fixed.. :p:p
duh... all the smart people (ie: me) said thousands of times that it was extremely impractical and nearly impossilble for valve to fix it.
You were banned last time because you kept posting the same damn thing over and over again. Yes, the shadow bug is still there - and frankly speaking it doesn't make a big difference to me now.
Wow, I care so much about shadows that I'm not going to buy the game anymore. Thanks she!
I don't understand why people are making such a big deal out of the shadow bug.
I agree with others here. This is a non-issue. Now if HL3 has this problem, then it becomes something to harp on.
She said:

those new screens looked greate..
the radiosity really added to the realism...

When i was flicking through some pics...
(now saved on my HD)... i noticed that thing...

in the picture... there are 2 combines, 1 vehicle.. 1 metal door...
and one of the combines are standing on the vehicle..

now, the vehicle cast a shadow... prefect!
but.. the combine (who's standing on the vehicle)
cast a shodow under the vehicle and creates that
DOUBLE SHADOW (glitch/bugg)... :)

Not only that.. but the combines shadow gets CUT...
it suddenly stops, when the vehicles shadow stops..

I really hope it's an old pic.. (dont think so tho)..
it has the same quality as the others..

for those who looked at that pic... confirm..
i hope it's fixed.. :p:p

Good thing you informed us, now I guess we better ditch HL2 and buy Doom 3.
TeH SHADOW Pr0ble|\/| $t!ll exist !!!
Im n0t Gonn4 buy H4lf-liFe 2 !!!!1
Who really gives a shit about shadows? No, really? What exactly does it that's so horrible for your gaming experience? Are you going to pay attention at it in the heat of battle?
You were banned last time because you kept posting the same damn thing over and over again. Yes, the shadow bug is still there - and frankly speaking it doesn't make a big difference to me now.

eh.. ok?

Wow, I care so much about shadows that I'm not going to buy the game anymore. Thanks she!

YAY for flaming.. :| FFS.
Giving out info is such a bad thing... i know...

I dont care either.. im still Buying the game FFS...
BUT i wanted to give out the info... SORRY!!!!!!!!

if a MOD was posting this.. it would be different replies..

EDIT: and WTF do you have to be so GOD DAMN defencive..
am i offending you or something..

WHy dont you go and flame the guy that posted those
SPOILER PICS instead??

thank you... and grow up.. please.
lol she . your obsessed with shadows do u dream about them too? :)

source engines still good and the game will still kick ass...even with double shadows.
shadows what huh i dun get it??????what shadows games have shadows WTF???!!!????
She said:
eh.. ok?

YAY for flaming.. :| FFS.
Giving out info is such a bad thing... i know...

I dont care either.. im still Buying the game FFS...
BUT i wanted to give out the info... SORRY!!!!!!!!

if a MOD was posting this.. it would be different replies..

EDIT: and WTF do you have to be so GOD DAMN defencive..
am i offending you or something..

WHy dont you go and flame the guy that posted those
SPOILER PICS instead??

thank you... and grow up.. please.

Why don't you grow up and stop putting up the same argument again and again that you very well know increases the spam contributed to this forum?

Half your topics are always on the shadow bug, FFS, why don't you give it a rest! It's something that's not going to change...well boo hoo, don't buy the game if you can't bear one is forcing you.

Stop with your negativity barrage she-devil.
This is not information.. this is repetitive banter about something that has been discussed to death.

Lets end this topic already.
ShadowFox said:
This is not information.. this is repetitive banter about something that has been discussed to death.

Lets end this topic already.

Quoted for Emphasis.
Why don't you grow up and stop putting up the same argument again and again that you very well know increases the spam contributed to this forum?

Half your topics are always on the shadow bug, FFS, why don't you give it a rest! It's something that's not going to change...well boo hoo, don't buy the game if you can't bear one is forcing you.

eh.. im buying the game..
and i am grown up..
im not he once who starts flaming and behaving like a fu**ing 12-20 year old...

hmm.. if you dont like what you are hearing.. then STFU and dont blame me for telling you FACT.
someone had to do it..
someone would have spotted that shadow and posted it..
it just happened to be me.. (irony)...

now.. this isn't an argument.. i was giving out some info.. and by starting a new thread.. i thought that as many as possible would have acces to this info

(god my english sux)...
ok... sorry.. but if i spot another bugg.. should i just STFU and let someone else find it... ( even if it takes 1-2 days/weeks)..

and what if i post some SPOILER PICTURES...
it's all good???

i will start right away.. Spoiler people gets more praise and gets medals..
ShadowFox said:
This is not information.. this is repetitive banter about something that has been discussed to death.


And She why don't you take your own advice?...
SHE! why are you always so negative i mean even when hl2 comes out I bet shell still have something negative to say.........pessemist!
someone had to do it..
someone would have spotted that shadow and posted it..

O gee yes, we all haven't heard about the shadow "bug", you definitely needed to tell us!

I spotted it too in those screenshots, so the f*ck what?

and what if i post some SPOILER PICTURES...
it's all good???[/quote

I only saw one minor spoiler in it. And if you suddenly started an offense against spoiler pics, why are you starting a topic about something in them? Doesn't that just create more interest in those pics and more people downloading it?
calm down guys geez. this topic seems warranted as its confirmation for those that the shadow bug exists. it pisses some people off, but im actually glad to hear this information because i was wondering.
12-20 year old? so when ya hit 21 you become a non spammer? :dozey:
calm down guys geez. this topic seems warranted as its confirmation for those that the shadow bug exists. it pisses some people off, but im actually glad to hear this information because i was wondering.

WEll.. thank you GOD and thank you poseyjmac for understanding the
simplicity of this thread..

to turn your aggressions you have for Valve against me is just so much FUN! hahaha... seriously.. HL2 is a game.. and it has buggs.. face it.. live with it..

12-20 year old? so when ya hit 21 you become a non spammer?

And what do you call your post?? n00b. :p
Actually, im 22.. sorry to dissapoit you.
poseyjmac said:
calm down guys geez. this topic seems warranted as its confirmation for those that the shadow bug exists. it pisses some people off, but im actually glad to hear this information because i was wondering.

I have to agree with this, but I guess people have to shoot the messenger. The forums today feel so hateful, first the poster of the PCgamer UK review score got bashed now this.

As for the bug, meh I don't think I'll take the time to notice it when playing but it is easy to spot in screen shots.
lol sorry :E i didnt say you were 21 just pointing out the fact that you think 20 year olds act like an adolescent :thumbs:
Damn guys, lay off She. She might have posted about shadow bugs before, but this was an update. It might not be that big of a deal, but I think its noteworthy. Its not like She said she wasn't going to buy HL2 because of it,. So whats the point of flaming her? It only keeps the thread on top longer.

I'd be curious if this is confirmed. I dont think a few little shadow bugs are going to effect my imersion much, but its an intersting hole in the Source technology.
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