That shadow bug from the crane picture still isn't fixed...

There's more to HL2 or any other game for that matter than graphical glitches, normal people tend to overlook those, some obviously don't. Don't be so damn bitter.


hey hey... heeeeeey..


ehm... you know.. im not hating HL2.. im buying the game.. and i will enjoy it..

HL2 will be and as a matter of fact already is a revolution with or without shadow bug.
what... revo... re.. revolution?? revo..??
Oh you mean as in 2-D >> 3-D.. idsoftware creating a new genre.. revolution..

may i ask .. revolution in what??
Graphics.. hahahaha.
Shadows... NO.
gameplay.. (yes.. in the FPS genre..)
Specular.. hmm.. dont know.. CS:S is a revolution in specular mapping..
It's everywhere you look...

Love those shadow bugs in that image..
She said:
As John Carmack said:
Why program something that isn't going to be used in the game?

"There you see boys, it's a carmack worshipper. Quick, into the sweeny camp!"

P.S: I love you! :D :D
Two words

She said:
i still lol at that...

Never going to happen... even if PCf**kface states it is the best game ever..
You know FPS isn't the only genre..

Offcourse it's been raised.. DOOM3 raised the graphics bar...
HL2 will raise the AWFUL SHADOWS bar... (or atsleast the story/FPSgame bar)...
HL" isn't a revolution..
And if that shadow thing isn't a bug, but a choise... that choise was... good?

Dont say that "BIG FIRE FIGHTS would slow down".. slow down???
Beacuse of those outdated 2-D shadows??...

Or "the calculations your graphicscard must do, to fix that ""bug"" would slow down the physics"..??


Is your GPU like 3 years old or something?
bullshit. :P

She is playing you guys like harps... pressing the right(wrong?) button every time ;)

BTW, the shadows are not good when it comes to visuals. They are good when it comes to frame rate. But if the shadows don't look like shadows; what's the point?
Also, shadows falling through objects will give your position away in MP games...
Yellonet said:
She is playing you guys like harps... pressing the right(wrong?) button every time ;)

BTW, the shadows are not good when it comes to visuals. They are good when it comes to frame rate. But if the shadows don't look like shadows; what's the point?
Also, shadows falling through objects will give your position away in MP games...
I can't play CS: S yet since I didnt buy it off Steam :frown: but I think your shadow will only fall through objects if it is a moveable object you are standing on. (If this has already been said before mybad. I just didn't want to read through 11 other pages. :rolleyes:
The Bait said:
I think your shadow will only fall through objects if it is a moveable object you are standing on.

Nope, happens with static props too.
The Bait said:
I can't play CS: S yet since I didnt buy it off Steam :frown: but I think your shadow will only fall through objects if it is a moveable object you are standing on. (If this has already been said before mybad. I just didn't want to read through 11 other pages. :rolleyes:
I haven't played either. But I would guess if you have a light source behind you and you are taking cover behind a table that has been turned on it's side, then your shadow will fall through the table and someone seeing that can shoot a few shots through(can you?) the table and kill you.
perhaps...perhaps not...some day we may have a separate card for for liquids...who knows?