Shadow Bug seems to be fixed! hooray :D

I remember when some guy spread a rumour that it was a heavily modified Quake 2 engine. heh.

reminds me of the rumors that valve decided to drop the source engine and use the UT2k4 engine.
lans said:
I remember when some guy spread a rumour that it was a heavily modified Quake 2 engine. heh.

I remember when some guy on the internet made a webpage based soley on his idea that the Source engine was just a revamped HL1 engine! Lol, a whole fukin website dedicated to bullshit.
Chris_D said:
The Source engine has full dynamic lighting and fully dynamic shadows, it just executes these in a different way. Source does use lightmaps as well as dynamic lights but that's a design choice rather than a limitation. And the shadows are completely real but like I said, they're just executed differently to D3.

You might want to add that a light, or a shadow only has to be able to do *something*, like blink or move in order to be dynamic.

Doom 3 uses 1 lighting technique, instead of the traditional way of "High quality" shadows for static objects and "quick&dirty" lighting for entities (moving, "dynamic" objects") . This is also why everything looks like plastic in D3. Finally, I've got a feeling D3 will be a very short game. Short but impressive. Nothing like Quake 3, more like...Clive Barkers Undying, resident evil and a little bit of tech demo and old school doom. That's why I don't see a good reason to compare it with HL.

ShadowFox said:
No.. this will most likely be there.
John Carmack fixes this using some sort of workaround...
The thing is, John is NOT using a workaround. That's what the whole thing is about (doing the same for static & loose objects). Like RoguePsi said :
"The shadow bugs were noticed by Valve and will be fixed in time for the release. Nuff said.">Read the official info from valve thread...look at the date this bug thing was reported for correction.

FISKER_Q said:
Would've been 0wnage if it was possible for compatibility
Ya, it's too bad there isn't something like a compatibility we're going to have a splitup in the CS community : CS,CZ,CSS
That's like trying really hard to break CS's success...or get cheaters to stick with old school CS...

Shuzer said:
.... basing this on the stolen build?
Clearly, not a great idea. Especially seeing as how VALVe has said they're aware of the specific bug and it will be fixed by retail, I see no reason why the shadows from entities won't display properly on other entities.
What gave you the idea anything he said came from the stolen build???
And saying you're going to do something and doing it are 2 different things. Could be a patch after release even for all you know. The reason is because of the way the lighting is calculated.

Polykarbon said:
Entities and other physical stencil shadow objects will cast shadows on each other.They won't however, provide perspective projection depth through objects. This is of course assuming that Valve fixes this, which as of the CS:Source it seems they have.
They should cast shadows on eachother. As you can see in the movie, they don't. No shadow for the smaller objects. I suppose that's a another solution. I'm also wondering why you keep mentioning the CPU/GPU implementation...
Polykarbon said: that it would just cast straight down to the floor and blend with whatever other shadows are there. Easiest and fastest way to do it, and not many people would complain.
That's basically what the person you responded to earlier said - Quote:
"entities and other objects do not cast shadows on each other in HL2. All that this fix has done is that it makes the shadows blend with each other, instead of overlapping. "

And as FISKER_Q, if you did install that nemo, and something else stops working or won't work, this means you're in for a reinstall probably... if you must use codec packs, use the SLD codec pack. If not, quicktime & divx are almost everything you really need... (ok, so maybe nic's/koepi's Xvid, AC3 audio).

lans said:
Originally Posted by Polykarbon
9 times out of 10 I'm sure Valve looks at these posts and says, ya, we should and can easily fix that. ...

I call it nitpicking because

A) neither any of us has the final product so it's not our right to keep reminding them about a bug - THEY know more than us about the game's bug - unless they intentionally want to ignore it.

B) Most (I'm not refering to you) people make such a big deal of HL2's shadow/lighting system being primitive. True it's not the best, but neither is it horrible - they really need to check out some other games who are much worse than this game.
Nitpicking isn't relevant to when you look at the details and moan about it. It's the moaning itself. Hence, yes, this is nitpicking. No, don't count on them scanning posts for things to do. In short : useless thread. I call it nitpicking too. I'm also wondering how many engines can even compete with the source lighting method... now and in the next 6 months... 3? 5? You don't have to go look at bad games to see how good this is really.
[AUS]-TheOne said:
This is shown in the new magazine CS source vid...
When a CT goes into a room and is pushing around a table, I can't see the objects on the table showing a shadow on the floor (this could be cause of the crap quality) so hopefully it has been fixed :)

Just thought i would let you guys know :D

This particular thread is the reason why i dislike most of HL2 comunity's point of view.
D3 has more bugs known and unfixed bugs then HL2 atm, especially in the gfx department

Ppl seem to focus more on HL2's bugs though :(