for you who want Adrian or 7-hour war. (Spoilers)

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If EVERY species used Xen as a relay, then you'd see one hell of a lot more things pinging in and out of existance. The universe is a big place, and probably has a lot of intelligent species. Xen would be really crouded.

-Angry Lawyer
The arguement about the teleporting tech. I think the Combine did see Xen's usefulness for teleporting, as a boarder world, but they were so happy and overjoyed about having a nice little boarder world under their control they didn't even notice the other great aspects of it. ie they were concentrating to hard on 1 thing to notice the other.

On a side note, does anyone think the Combine control(ed) the world the Xenians originaly came from?
But surely there tunneling technology negates the usefullness of the Border world?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to teleport straight to the destination rather than charge up the Reactors, teleport to Xen, charge up the reactors, teleport to Earth?

and you always spell Border World, Boarder world ;) .
That doesn't make sense. It's not really a hospitable place, the only use it would have would be for the ability to teleport around.

I still think that the first contact between the races took place during the 7 hour war.

-Angry Lawyer
But whe you drive from A to B but the road goes through C you must go through C, you don't have to stop at C.

-----=old portal tech
-----=new portal tech

(Combine World)\----------/(Earth)

Note: the above may or may not be bulls**t
The Combine were not on Xen, they dont have the Xenian teleportation technology, they dont use Xen weapons, they dont use Xen troops, they havn't had there architecture influenced by Xen, No one mentions that they where on Xen.

All they had to do to show the link, was have Breen mention it, or Mossman mention it, or a have Grunts fighting alongside Overwatch.

Nothing has been shown, and when you cant see a link, its more than likely a link does not exist. You can make a link, you can force that link to fit, but that dosn't mean it's right.

For instance:

My theory is that invisible coca cola cans ruled Xen, you cant see them because there invisible and no mentions it because '"We are Slaves" - to the coke cans'. You can't disprove my coca cola theory, but its obvious that it's not right ;) .
haven't read whole thread but two things of note. 1. it's called aftermath. doesn't that mean it'll be, you know, 'after' the 7hour war? 2. a number of you need to look into the meaning 'anticlimatic'.

Jandor said:
As for the anti-climactic ending, the only Half Life game, that ended "happy" was Blue Shift.
You should read the whole thread, its not about the thread title anymore ;) . said:
1. A decline viewed in disappointing contrast with a previous rise: the anticlimax of a brilliant career.

All the games except Blue Shift ended with the G-Man putting you in stasis. Meanwhile Barney escaped.

I'm not saying the endings where bad by the way, but I'm sure Adrian wasn't best pleased ;) .
The Combine were not on Xen, they dont have the Xenian teleportation technology
Xen didn't have teleport 'technology' they had natural teleports.
Jandor said:
The Combine were not on Xen, they dont have the Xenian teleportation technology,
Again, there's nothing showing any race other than Humans know how to use Xen as a relay. Teleporting on other dimensions leads to Xen; Earth found a way to, at first, rebound the beam from Xen back to earth and then later how to aim the beam so that it slingshot the signal from Xen to Earth, bypassing Xen entirely. No other race has demonstrated that ability. (And again; the relay uses a bypass of how teleporting on Earth leads to Xen; obviously if you are on Xen, you wouldn’t need to use Xen as a relay.)

Also, as I said before, It's speculation that the Combine’s teleportation doesn't make use of Xen, actually. Mossman said "their universe" not "the combine homeworld," which honestly sounds like a generic point of origin rather than a specific local. Common sense would dictate that it's highly likely that none of the rebellion even have a clue where the Combine even come from, specifically. I’m sure the Combine wouldn’t advertise that knowledge, after all.

they dont use Xen weapons, they dont use Xen troops, they havn't had there architecture influenced by Xen,
They wouldn't use Xen weaponry if their own weaponry was superior (Which I would suspect to be true. Combine/Human hybrid technology can be easily manufactured on Earth; doesn't need to be fed and won't die. And the Synth probably make better troops than anything on Xen, with the exception of the Headcrabs who make a good way to disrupt areas.) Plus they, you know, lost the Nihilanth and probably most of the control they had over the population of Xen.

Barring that, the only troops we saw on Earth were humans and Synth. No combine slugs, no other aliens. Either they've just enslaved the synth or they don't automatically influx every alien race into their armies. We know the Combine just don't shunt stuff into their army for the sake of using it, after all; they use what they find useful (And the Transhuman forces were on the edge of usefulness, from how Breen made it sound.) As for the architecture thing.. Bwah? Since when was their architecture influenced by Earth?

No one mentions that they where on Xen.
No one mentions the Stalkers are human, or what the Combine were on Earth for, or what caused the Resonance Cascade either.

All they had to do to show the link, was have Breen mention it, or Mossman mention it, or a have Grunts fighting alongside Overwatch.
Like I said; Half-Life 2 is notorious for not spelling even important things out to the player. If they're not even going to say what the Combine is on Earth for, you really think they're going to mention if the Combine is on Xen? Talk about a tangeant

Nothing has been shown, and when you cant see a link, its more than likely a link does not exist. You can make a link, you can force that link to fit, but that doesn't mean it's right.

Again, there's logical assumption to make. We know the Nihilanth and Vortigaunts were slaves; we know the Nihilanth had cybernetic augmentations and we know they existed on the dimensional borderworld. We also know that there's a interdimensional empire of slavers who like to use cybernetics. Is the link especially strong? No, it isn't unmovable. But I think it's strong enough that Valve was intending people to figure it out.

For instance:

My theory is that invisible coca cola cans ruled Xen, you cant see them because there invisible and no mentions it because '"We are Slaves" - to the coke cans'. You can't disprove my coca cola theory, but its obvious that it's not right ;) .

Can't dispprove it, no, but I can point out how A. Your invisible coca-cola can's have never been shown to exist (Unlike the Combine) and even if they did exist, there's nothing linking them to the Nihilanth's enslavement. (Obviously we haven't heard of the can's being an enslaving culture, again unlike the situation with the Combine.)

There's a difference between making stuff up and drawing paralelles between preexisting stuff. :p Had the coca-cola can’s been proven to exist, been known to enslave populations in other dimensions, and had a penchant for cybernetics, then I’d say they would have an equal chance with the Combine for being the ones behind Nihilanth’s enslavers. (Well, I would if I still gave a rip about Half-Life, which I probably wouldn’t if there was a race of Coca-Cola’s cans in it. :D)

EDIT: Whoops, I meant to comment on this
Angry Lawyer said:
That doesn't make sense. It's not really a hospitable place, the only use it would have would be for the ability to teleport around.
Don't forget that, at least for the method developer by Earth, Xen is required for teleportation. Controlling the borderworld means you keep an eye on whoever's developing teleportation. This has both the benefits of knowing if a race can become a threat, and acts as an buffer zone for the Combine homeworld.
Again, there's nothing showing any race other than Humans know how to use Xen as a relay.

Don't forget that, at least for the method developer by Earth, Xen is required for teleportation. Controlling the borderworld means you keep an eye on whoever's developing teleportation. This has both the benefits of knowing if a race can become a threat, and acts as an buffer zone for the Combine homeworld.

No-one knows how to use Xen as a relay except for Humans.
Combine have the Borderworld to keep an eye out for people using this teleportation they dont know about.


They wouldn't use Xen weaponry if their own weaponry was superior (Which I would suspect to be true. Combine/Human hybrid technology can be easily manufactured on Earth; doesn't need to be fed and won't die. And the Synth probably make better troops than anything on Xen, with the exception of the Headcrabs who make a good way to disrupt areas.) Plus they, you know, lost the Nihilanth and probably most of the control they had over the population of Xen.

Barring that, the only troops we saw on Earth were humans and Synth. No combine slugs, no other aliens. Either they've just enslaved the synth or they don't automatically influx every alien race into their armies. We know the Combine just don't shunt stuff into their army for the sake of using it, after all; they use what they find useful (And the Transhuman forces were on the edge of usefulness, from how Breen made it sound.)

So, The Xen stuff isn't useful then.

Like I said; Half-Life 2 is notorious for not spelling even important things out to the player. If they're not even going to say what the Combine is on Earth for, you really think they're going to mention if the Combine is on Xen? Talk about a tangeant

If they wanted to show a link, yes.

They made it obvious who Breen is.
They made it obvious what is happening to Humans.
They made it obvious they want our Teleport tech.

Again, there's logical assumption to make. We know the Nihilanth and Vortigaunts were slaves; we know the Nihilanth had cybernetic augmentations and we know they existed on the dimensional borderworld. We also know that there's a interdimensional empire of slavers who like to use cybernetics. Is the link especially strong? No, it isn't unmovable. But I think it's strong enough that Valve was intending people to figure it out.

Nihilanth had metal up his arse. Stalkers have metal limbs. Soldiers have a metal "plug" on there chest. That's your link?
How come Vortigaunts arn't modified with Cybernetics?

Can't dispprove it, no, but I can point out how A. Your invisible coca-cola can's have never been shown to exist (Unlike the Combine) and even if they did exist, there's nothing linking them to the Nihilanth's enslavement. (Obviously we haven't heard of the can's being an enslaving culture, again unlike the situation with the Combine.)

There's a difference between making stuff up and drawing paralelles between preexisting stuff. Had the coca-cola can’s been proven to exist, been known to enslave populations in other dimensions, and had a penchant for cybernetics, then I’d say they would have an equal chance with the Combine for being the ones behind Nihilanth’s enslavers. (Well, I would if I still gave a rip about Half-Life, which I probably wouldn’t if there was a race of Coca-Cola’s cans in it. )

There are drinks machines all over HL2.
They use caffeine to get people addicted. (enslaved)
Nihilanths "assjet" was actually a drinks dispenser. ;)
Jandor said:
No-one knows how to use Xen as a relay except for Humans.
Combine have the Borderworld to keep an eye out for people using this teleportation they dont know about.

What the heck are you talking about? Xen Relay != Teleporting to Xen. Teleporting to Xen is just a standard teleport; the Xen relay is aiming a teleport, that would otherwise have arrived on to Xen, to slingshot back to the dimension of origin. Again, as I said, the method of teleportation that Earth initally developed was ONLY from Xen-Earth or Earth-Xen; they had to devise a rebound and later a relay technique to do Earth-Earth locations.

So, The Xen stuff isn't useful then.
As additions to their army? No, probably not. As guards for Xen (Which, as laidlaw mentioned, the "Nihlanth race" is well adapted to) though? Most likely. It allows the Combine to keep their resources busy enslaving new worlds while the Xen race can keep tabs on the Borderworld.

If they wanted to show a link, yes.

They made it obvious who Breen is.
Which ends up being irrelevent to the Combine's intentions. We know Breen is the human face of the Combine and that he's helping to "deliver Earth"; doesn't tell us a thing about why the Combine want Earth, though. We just know they want us complacent for whatever they're doing.
They made it obvious what is happening to Humans.
No they didn't. They had one spraypaint in an extremly obscure location that just demonstrates what the soldiers are, and a computer monitor that can have the channel changed to to show a picture of a pale human on a table with wearing a pair of combine trousers and with something on his neck. We already know the Combine accept vollenteers so it really doesn't demonstrate any major overarching goal the Combine have for humanity. I file both those things to be as obscure as the two quotes. Plus they both don't cover the Stalker part of the equation, with is COMPLETELY left unannounced in the game. "If Valve wanted us to believe they are converted humans, why didn't they have someone SAY it?" We have some visual clues that allow us to draw a logical assumption, but we have no "smoking gun."

They made it obvious they want our Teleport tech.
For that to be a reason they invaded requires them to have known about the Xen-relay prior to the invasion. (Which is possible, but never spelled out for us.) otherwise it's just a lucky find they came accross during whatever theri reason to come to Earth was. Again, there's nary as scrap of evidence of why the Combine came to earth; you can draw a lot of edjucated guesses though.

Nihilanth had metal up his arse. Stalkers have metal limbs. Soldiers have a metal "plug" on there chest. That's your link?
Look at the big picture please. The link is that we have a dimensional borderworld (Described by laidlaw as "a place you have to go through to get to other places.") On this borderworld, there is an enslaved race that's a hivemind. Seemingly at the center of this enslaved Hivemind is an entity that has been cybernetically and surgically altered.

Meanwhile, there's an empire that travels to other dimensions (Meaning they would have been highly likely to discover the borderworld at some point, if not the first world they ever discovered due to the way we know how teleportation works), and enslaves the resident population using cybernetics and surgery. (Provided they find a use for them natives, of course.)

It's just too big a coincidence to disregard, IMO. Is it possible that the Combine never discovered Xen, the Nihilanth got the implant by something else and that the Vorts were enslaves by a third party? Yes. But it's less likely that the Combine being behind it, IMO. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck....

How come Vortigaunts arn't modified with Cybernetics?
Well, A. they have the collars/shackles and B. They already put cybernetics in the Nihilanth, and if that keeps tabs on the Hivemind like is theorized, it would makie any major cybernetic additions unneeded for the Vort's beyond simple experimentation (Which the average Hero wouldn't be extremly likely to come accross). This allows the Combine to save time, energy and resources in taking control of the Borderwold (Unlike humans and Earth, who do not share a hivemind and therefore have to be put under the knife one by one)

There are drinks machines all over HL2.
They use caffeine to get people addicted. (enslaved)
Nihilanths "assjet" was actually a drinks dispenser. ;)
There nothing to state that those drinks are sentient; nor enslavers; nor cybernetic afficiando's, nor interdimensional travels. The Combine DO meet all those requirements though, hence why I say there's a connection; your attempt to trivialize it nonwithstanding. :)
/me wants kewl
Opoosing force was better then HL1......
Lemonking said:
* Lemonking wants kewl

Opoosing force was better then HL1......

Opposing force was awesome fun to play, but I would not go that for. Also, adrian sucks :p
About "stalkers":

Sometimes Resistance Fighters say, "They're never gonna make a Stalker, out of me."

So we can assume that whatever a 'Stalker' is, that it's made from a human, involuntarrily.

We don't know exactly what a "Stalker" is though.

We see a close up of the head of one in Nova Prospeckt.

In that same place, we see many humans in those pods and one human that appears to be in the process of being made into an Overwatch Soldier.

If you're observant enough, you can probably tell that the creatures seen walking around the Citadel are the same as the 'thing' you saw in Nova Prospeckt on the monitor.

You know prisoners are taken to Nova Prospeckt...

You hear Resistance Fighters talking about not wanting to be made into Stalkers...

So I think we can deduce that Stalkers are humans.

I think it's very possible that the Combine controlled Xen, perhaps even likely.

Though I also think it's quite possible that they didn't.
UndeadScottsman said:
What the heck are you talking about? Xen Relay != Teleporting to Xen. Teleporting to Xen is just a standard teleport; the Xen relay is aiming a teleport, that would otherwise have arrived on to Xen, to slingshot back to the dimension of origin.

assuming this highly convenient downgrade of Xenian technology has occured, it can still easily teleport one man off world much quicker and much cheaper than the huge dark energy teleporter the Combine use. Why didn't Breen use it to escape Gordon?

UndeadScottsman said:
Again, as I said, the method of teleportation that Earth initally developed was ONLY from Xen-Earth or Earth-Xen; they had to devise a rebound and later a relay technique to do Earth-Earth locations.

In Black Mesa, there is a small puzzle involving teleports, you have to go round a revolving platform jumping into the right teleport, the right teleport will take you directly to the next platform, not to Xen. They had developed Earth-Earth teleportation during Half Life.

UndeadScottsman said:
I file both those things to be as obscure as the two quotes.

Well, at least one Combine on Xen theorist admits there obscure :p .

UndeadScottsman said:
Look at the big picture please. The link is that we have a dimensional borderworld (Described by laidlaw as "a place you have to go through to get to other places.") On this borderworld, there is an enslaved race that's a hivemind. Seemingly at the center of this enslaved Hivemind is an entity that has been cybernetically and surgically altered.

If Xen is the borderworld to everywhere and everywhere has to go through Xen, then Xen would be in a perpetual state of warfare. The Combine would have all there best troops on there. Not just mere Guards that arn't a usefull addition to there army. (V)

UndeadScottsman said:
As additions to their army? No, probably not. As guards for Xen (Which, as laidlaw mentioned, the "Nihlanth race" is well adapted to) though? Most likely.

Jandor said:
They made it obvious what is happening to Humans.
UndeadScottsman said:
No they didn't.

I say: "Yes they did"

UndeadScottsman said:
For that to be a reason they invaded requires them to have known about the Xen-relay prior to the invasion. (Which is possible, but never spelled out for us.) otherwise it's just a lucky find they came accross during whatever theri reason to come to Earth was. Again, there's nary as scrap of evidence of why the Combine came to earth; you can draw a lot of edjucated guesses though.

I never said that's the reason they invaded, I just said it's obvious they want it.
Just because there isn't a reason spelled out for the invasion dosn't mean they invaded Xen. However there lack of Nihilanth-like single/dual/triple person teleportation technology indicates they weren't there.

UndeadScottsman said:
Look at the big picture please. The link is that we have a dimensional borderworld (Described by laidlaw as "a place you have to go through to get to other places.") On this borderworld, there is an enslaved race that's a hivemind. Seemingly at the center of this enslaved Hivemind is an entity that has been cybernetically and surgically altered.

Imagine there is location A, location B, location C and location D.
To get to C from A, you have to go through B, however, to get to D from A, you dont have to go though B.
Also, just having the one Nihilanth to guard this extremely valuable Borderworld against the threat of the Universe seems rather silly.
I mean, whatt if he is killed, surely they lose the borderworld?

UndeadScottsman said:
Meanwhile, there's an empire that travels to other dimensions (Meaning they would have been highly likely to discover the borderworld at some point, if not the first world they ever discovered due to the way we know how teleportation works), and enslaves the resident population using cybernetics and surgery. (Provided they find a use for them natives, of course.)

And what use do they have for the natives, the natives that arn't usefull enough to become part of the army, but are usefull enough to Guard the dimensional gateway from and to everywhere and anywhere?

UndeadScottsman said:
IMO. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck....

Xen dosn't look Combine, It dosn't sound Combine, and it dosn't act Combine.

UndeadScottsman said:
There nothing to state that those drinks are sentient; nor enslavers; nor cybernetic afficiando's, nor interdimensional travels. The Combine DO meet all those requirements though, hence why I say there's a connection; your attempt to trivialize it nonwithstanding.

It's obvious Nihilanths "Assjet" is a drinks dispenser, it leaks new tastier orange flavoured coke when shot, how else would you explain the yellow stuff that comes from it?
It can't be blood, because Nihilanths "Assjet" is supposedly cybernetic ;) .
Jandor said:
assuming this highly convenient downgrade of Xenian technology has occured, it can still easily teleport one man off world much quicker and much cheaper than the huge dark energy teleporter the Combine use. Why didn't Breen use it to escape Gordon?
Highly convenient? I talking about stuff that's directly quoted from the games. :p

Breen used the Dark Energy reactor instead of a Xen method, but really, it was close by and would protect him from Freeman. Unless he got the Combine to set up a "ball" teleporter in near his office (Which would go to Xen, and Xen probably isn't in the best shape at the moment) the Dark Energy teleporter would be his best bet. Plus it made a cool end scene ;)

In Black Mesa, there is a small puzzle involving teleports, you have to go round a revolving platform jumping into the right teleport, the right teleport will take you directly to the next platform, not to Xen. They had developed Earth-Earth teleportation during Half Life.
I never said otherwise (Indeed, how would I be able to mention that it IS a possibility that the Combine invaded for the relay tech if I was also saying Earth couldn't have had it when they were invaded?) How the relay was developed is discussed a bit in Blue Shift. Kliener managed to compress and make it even better post Black Mesa.

Well, at least one Combine on Xen theorist admits there obscure :p .
This IS Half-Life after all; everything's obscure :D

If Xen is the borderworld to everywhere and everywhere has to go through Xen, then Xen would be in a perpetual state of warfare.
Don't talk to me, talk to Laidlaw. (Although this situation requires that it's freqent that races develope teleporter technology and head out for war; freqent enough that the Combine can't get a bead on those who have recently discovered teleportation and take them down.)

The Combine would have all there best troops on there. Not just mere Guards that arn't a usefull addition to there army. (V)
Unless their "best troops" don't function as well as the Guards in the Xen terrain (Which, as have been stated, the Xen race was EXTREMLY well suited to Xen, having evoloved on there for a long time). Again, we're not talking total defense of Xen here; we're talking about an early warning system that informs the Combine when dimensions are utilizing teleportation to Xen and if there's a large mobolization of troops; obviously that happened as seen at the end of Half-Life.

I say: "Yes they did"
Well then, I disagree with you since there's nothing expressly saying, IN GAME, that the Combine are converting the total human population, but you can draw some extremly logical conclusions. (Luckily in this case we outside sources to verify the theory.)

I never said that's the reason they invaded, I just said it's obvious they want it.
I was asking for reasons that the Combine came to Earth though. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Just because there isn't a reason spelled out for the invasion dosn't mean they invaded Xen.
And just because something isn't spelled out doesn't mean it doesn't exist, which was the point I was trying to make.

However there lack of Nihilanth-like single/dual/triple person teleportation technology indicates they weren't there.
We saw a total of two combine teleporters; and one of them was made with the Relay technology. And again; would the Combine even need more than a few of those things ANYWHERE? It's not like their Earth based operation has a lot of reasons send 1-3 man groups to Xen.

Imagine there is location A, location B, location C and location D.
To get to C from A, you have to go through B, however, to get to D from A, you dont have to go though B.
Again, it's possible the Combine never knew about Xen, what with the Combine teleporation technology seemingly able to bypass the Borderworld (Then again, it may not, Mossman never got into how Xen teleporation relates to the Combine, which is why we're having t his conversation) but I highly doubt that's the case. In order for the Combine to never have known about Xen, it requires them to have never found Xen during any of their explorations, even though it's the Borderworld. It also requires that NOT A SINGLE RACE they've ever encounted to have known about Xen.

Also, just having the one Nihilanth to guard this extremely valuable Borderworld against the threat of the Universe seems rather silly.
I mean, whatt if he is killed, surely they lose the borderworld?
That assumes they can just make a new Nihilanth (Which I doubt to be the case.) Plus, as said before, I highly doubt either the Nihilanth nor the Combine expected a single fragile entity who's race had died in the HUNDREDS against the Nihilanth, to come directly into it's chamber and defeat it on it's own little lonesome. What they probably expected is a full on war, which the Combine would have been paying more attention to; not some random, insignificant interloper. They were probably already engaged in attacking Random Dimension Q to worry about Freeman.

And what use do they have for the natives, the natives that arn't usefull enough to become part of the army, but are usefull enough to Guard the dimensional gateway from and to everywhere and anywhere?
Aye. On a "normal" earth like terrain the Combine's forces would theoretically outclass the Xen race. On Xen, however, the Xen race gains a few notches due to being adapted to Xen.

Xen dosn't look Combine, It dosn't sound Combine, and it dosn't act Combine.
Because it doesn't suit the Combine's needs that the entirety of Xen look and sound like the Combine. Just that the Nihilanth (Who looks Combine) keep an eye on things. Anything else is a waste of resources.

It's obvious Nihilanths "Assjet" is a drinks dispenser, it leaks new tastier orange flavoured coke when shot, how else would you explain the yellow stuff that comes from it?
It can't be blood, because Nihilanths "Assjet" is supposedly cybernetic ;) .
Old game. Although there's nothing really stating that Combine cybernetics don't use some sort of liquid. :)
Langolier said:
About "stalkers":

Sometimes Resistance Fighters say, "They're never gonna make a Stalker, out of me."

So we can assume that whatever a 'Stalker' is, that it's made from a human, involuntarrily.

We don't know exactly what a "Stalker" is though.

We see a close up of the head of one in Nova Prospeckt.

In that same place, we see many humans in those pods and one human that appears to be in the process of being made into an Overwatch Soldier.

If you're observant enough, you can probably tell that the creatures seen walking around the Citadel are the same as the 'thing' you saw in Nova Prospeckt on the monitor.

You know prisoners are taken to Nova Prospeckt...

You hear Resistance Fighters talking about not wanting to be made into Stalkers...

So I think we can deduce that Stalkers are humans.

I think it's very possible that the Combine controlled Xen, perhaps even likely.

Though I also think it's quite possible that they didn't.

Like I said; there's nothing saying that the shrivled brown slaves (I.e. stalkers) were once human. We CAN make some logical conclusions based on what we do know, though. :)
UndeadScottsman said:
Like I said; there's nothing saying that the shrivled brown slaves (I.e. stalkers) were once human. We CAN make some logical conclusions based on what we do know, though. :)

Actually there is, Raising the bar confirms they were human, along with the walkthrough. :)
UndeadScottsman said:
IN GAME, Samon, IN GAME. :)

Valve never, or rarely, spells anything out for us.

However it's very obvious by piecing together evidence in the game, and then thinking about it logically, that "Stalkers" are humans, and that the things we see in the Citadel are "Stalkers".

Those things... "Stalkers", look like humans with some parts removed.
"They're never gonna MAKE a 'Stalker', out of me." -Resistance Fighter

They are kept under guard by Overwatch Soldiers.

We saw one in the process of being made, or in storage, in Nova Prospect; a facility that prisoners are taken too.

Resistance Fighters don't want to be made into "Stalkers".

It's not spelled out, but it's pretty obvious...

Now this argument can't be the main point to this thread... gosh, what was this about originally? Something about a war and a marine that EVERYBODY loves?
Valve never, or rarely, spells anything out for us.

However it's very obvious by piecing together evidence in the game, and then thinking about it logically, that "Stalkers" are humans, and that the things we see in the Citadel are "Stalkers".
Which was the point I was trying to make. :D

Anywho, I would very much like a retail expansion featuring Shephard, perferrably done by Gearbox, and set around the events of Half-Life 2 with the Gman inflitrating Shephard into the Combine to prevent Race-X from taking advantage of the Combine being distracted by the rebellion.

Seven hour war I'm not really too enthused about.
If Xen is the borderworld to everywhere and everywhere has to go through Xen, then Xen would be in a perpetual state of warfare. The Combine would have all there best troops on there. Not just mere Guards that arn't a usefull addition to there army.
As UndeadScottsman has pointed out the Xenians were adapted to Xen (imagine a strider, mortar or crab synth trying to get around on Xen). The only reason Gordon had a hope in hell is because of Nihilanth sending a huge invasion force to Earth + the disruption the portal storms were causeing.
Anyway the Combine don't really nead local teleporting much do they?
Plus who said they weren't a useful adition to the army?
UndeadScottsman said:
Which was the point I was trying to make. :D

Anywho, I would very much like a retail expansion featuring Shephard, perferrably done by Gearbox, and set around the events of Half-Life 2 with the Gman inflitrating Shephard into the Combine to prevent Race-X from taking advantage of the Combine being distracted by the rebellion.

Seven hour war I'm not really too enthused about.

So do I. Personally, I would have thought Shephard would be perfect for Aftermath. Valve damn well better do a good job of explaining Freeman's re-insertion into City 17...
Riomhaire said:
As UndeadScottsman has pointed out the Xenians were adapted to Xen (imagine a strider, mortar or crab synth trying to get around on Xen). The only reason Gordon had a hope in hell is because of Nihilanth sending a huge invasion force to Earth + the disruption the portal storms were causeing.


and also, on that note, why the hell wouldn't they use Mantas elsewhere, with there beaming troops in and all, it'd be like a Dropship that never runs out. I can't see the Combine leaving all those on Xen.

and, I wouldn't call Nihilanths attack "huge". It dosn't even fill Black Mesa.

Riomhaire said:
Anyway the Combine don't really nead local teleporting much do they?

Nope, I guess your right. Why would Mantas be usefull? Why would cheap single man (at a time) teleports be usefull? Why would just plonking Overwatch into a rebel base be usefull?

Riomhaire said:
Plus who said they weren't a useful adition to the army?

Langolier said:
So do I. Personally, I would have thought Shephard would be perfect for Aftermath. Valve damn well better do a good job of explaining Freeman's re-insertion into City 17...

as do I. its feasible g-man drops shephard in after he takes freeman out, as shephard would have training in the sort of massive battle that is likely to ensue in and around city 17, because he was in the marines and could be seen as more capable than gordan to do this.

*prepares to be flamed*

but i do think that gordan will be the main character in aftermath.
as do I. its feasible g-man drops shephard in after he takes freeman out, as shephard would have training in the sort of massive battle that is likely to ensue in and around city 17, because he was in the marines and could be seen as more capable than gordan to do this.

*prepares to be flamed*

but i do think that gordan will be the main character in aftermath.
Agreed. The G-Man decides that Shepard would be the best man to clean up the planet Earth or something like that...
Actually, that would be a damn cool twist to the story.
on top of the shaking Citadel: Zzzzapp!
Alyx "Who the hell are you?"
"Corporal Shepard, US Marines, ma'am" <Looks around> "Where the hell am I?!"
G-Man: "Welcome to...Earth, Mr Shepard."

So, whilst Gordon is needed *elsewhere*, the G-Man still needs Alyx, Eli and Kleiner to survive the cataclysm of City 17, so he sends in Shepard as a protector. Which is very similar to my ideas a few months ago about an expansion with Shepard in the Seven-Hours War.

Though I'm certain that Aftermath will be Gordon. :|
Jandor said:

and also, on that note, why the hell wouldn't they use Mantas elsewhere, with there beaming troops in and all, it'd be like a Dropship that never runs out. I can't see the Combine leaving all those on Xen.

and, I wouldn't call Nihilanths attack "huge". It dosn't even fill Black Mesa.

Nope, I guess your right. Why would Mantas be usefull? Why would cheap single man (at a time) teleports be usefull? Why would just plonking Overwatch into a rebel base be usefull?


Woah. Man, you've gotta become a lawyer, you're even better than me at arguing it.

-Angry Lawyer
Jandor said:

and also, on that note, why the hell wouldn't they use Mantas elsewhere, with there beaming troops in and all, it'd be like a Dropship that never runs out. I can't see the Combine leaving all those on Xen.

and, I wouldn't call Nihilanths attack "huge". It dosn't even fill Black Mesa.

Nope, I guess your right. Why would Mantas be usefull? Why would cheap single man (at a time) teleports be usefull? Why would just plonking Overwatch into a rebel base be usefull?


Well, first of all, the Combine was sitting on attacking the rebel base for awhile so that Mossman could leak out the relay tech, which is why it was never attacked until Freeman showed up.

Secondly; what use would the manta's be? They, IIRC, teleport things to their location, which means up in the air. The creature then falls to the ground. Most of the rebel bases had roofs, so that's a lot of energy to teleport one soldier at a time to roofs; especially when the drop ship (In this case) would be far more effective in troops per second and in energy costs.
pomegranate said:
Actually, that would be a damn cool twist to the story.
on top of the shaking Citadel: Zzzzapp!
Alyx "Who the hell are you?"
"Corporal Shepard, US Marines, ma'am" <Looks around> "Where the hell am I?!"
G-Man: "Welcome to...Earth, Mr Shepard."

So, whilst Gordon is needed *elsewhere*, the G-Man still needs Alyx, Eli and Kleiner to survive the cataclysm of City 17, so he sends in Shepard as a protector. Which is very similar to my ideas a few months ago about an expansion with Shepard in the Seven-Hours War.

Though I'm certain that Aftermath will be Gordon. :|

Nah, I was thinking more along the lines of
<cue title>
Half-Life 2: Opposing Force 2(?)
<sound of rotors and combat in the background, heavy breathing voice in the foreground>

<screen brightens to see the inside of a combine drop ship, the Gman’s face is superimposed over the image>

Gman: Corporal Shephard… Welcome back. I have extremely good news! It seems my… employers have found a “use” for you after all..

<background image fades to railpods inside Nova Prospekt>

Gman: And with recent events on Earth, it is indeed doubtful anything you could reveal about the Black Mesa Incident would be of value to anybody…

<background changes to what looks like a medical lab; giant metal arms wielding disturbing medical instruments hang motionless from the ceiling>

Gman: Not that you’ll be in much of a position to inform anyone. While I don’t doubt that you’ll find things to be a bit… uncomfortable, I’m sure you realize that certain “sacrifices” are required of us all…

<gman smirks, then fades out towards the end of his speech and when he stops talking, the medical instruments come alive>

Combine Doctor: Subject ready for Overwatch augmentation process. Beginning the procedure.

<The instruments head closer and closer to the screen.. Fade to black as a scream echos through the blackness>
UndeadScottsman said:
Well, first of all, the Combine was sitting on attacking the rebel base for awhile so that Mossman could leak out the relay tech, which is why it was never attacked until Freeman showed up.

How do you know they where sitting on attacking the base for a while?
I was under the impression that Freeman was followed.

UndeadScottsman said:
Secondly; what use would the manta's be? They, IIRC, teleport things to their location, which means up in the air. The creature then falls to the ground. Most of the rebel bases had roofs, so that's a lot of energy to teleport one soldier at a time to roofs; especially when the drop ship (In this case) would be far more effective in troops per second and in energy costs.

Black Mesa East had a roof, IIRC, the rest where Shanty towns or small huts.
How is it more efficient to fill a number of Dropships up with 4 troops and take them from the Citadel (or Prospekt) to the rebel bases, when a few Mantas could come along and start dropping Controllers?

Wooops, small fast flying monsters that throw Energy balls arn't usefull enough to go off Xen either.

UndeadScottsman said:
<cue title>
Half-Life 2: Opposing Force 2(?)
<sound of rotors and combat in the background, heavy breathing voice in the foreground>

<screen brightens to see the inside of a combine drop ship, the Gman’s face is superimposed over the image>

Gman: Corporal Shephard… Welcome back. I have extremely good news! It seems my… employers have found a “use” for you after all..

<background image fades to railpods inside Nova Prospekt>

Gman: And with recent events on Earth, it is indeed doubtful anything you could reveal about the Black Mesa Incident would be of value to anybody…

<background changes to what looks like a medical lab; giant metal arms wielding disturbing medical instruments hang motionless from the ceiling>

Gman: Not that you’ll be in much of a position to inform anyone. While I don’t doubt that you’ll find things to be a bit… uncomfortable, I’m sure you realize that certain “sacrifices” are required of us all…

<gman smirks, then fades out towards the end of his speech and when he stops talking, the medical instruments come alive>

Combine Doctor: Subject ready for Overwatch augmentation process. Beginning the procedure.

<The instruments head closer and closer to the screen.. Fade to black as a scream echos through the blackness>

That's quite cool really.
Actually that is. One of the few quasi-plausible pro-Shepard pitches I've read in quite a while. Yay! If nothing else, it'd be good for Fan-Fiction.
And put you in the awesome position of wanting to give G-man a piece of your mind.
Nope, I guess your right. Why would Mantas be usefull? Why would cheap single man (at a time) teleports be usefull? Why would just plonking Overwatch into a rebel base be usefull?
Because Earth was the first planet the Combine ever opressed the people in a way that left them a chance to rebel (somebody from Valve said it in an interview) so they never neaded to teleport forces around quickly. And all they really nead on other worlds is getting the invastion force in, tthen out, then resources and more troops out. They owned Earth in 7 hours so they don't need local teleport for invasions.
Jandor said:
How do you know they where sitting on attacking the base for a while?
I was under the impression that Freeman was followed.
Breen mentions that "they could have moved on the rebels at any time" in Nova Propsekt, IIRC. Either he's trying to sound like he's in more control that he actually is (Which I honestly wouldn't put past him), or he knew where the rebels were hiding (Which is extremly possible, since they had a mole there the entire time i.e. Mossman)

Black Mesa East had a roof, IIRC, the rest where Shanty towns or small huts.
How is it more efficient to fill a number of Dropships up with 4 troops and take them from the Citadel (or Prospekt) to the rebel bases, when a few Mantas could come along and start dropping Controllers?
First of all, don't dropships hold like eight troops?

Wooops, small fast flying monsters that throw Energy balls arn't usefull enough to go off Xen either.
How many times does it need to be said, the Nihilanth was DESTROYED by the time of Half-Life 2. With him went the Combine's big trump card over the resident's of Xen and only a few who are still under strict Combine supervision (IE: the Street Sweeper and the Vort in the prison) are not in positions to get away from the Combine.

However, yes I guess the Combine doesn't seem to feel a need for a small airborne ranged attacker, being that they never so much as slapped a ranged weapon onto a scanner's propulsion machinery. (Which could probably take a few more bullets than a Controller in any case; plus it would have been a cool enemy) I guess they felt that ranged ground troops, Gunships, and Manhacks were adaquate.

That's quite cool really.
Thanks, I thought it would be a cool idea that the Gman would screw around with Shephard. Being that the good Corporal is the "reserve" pawn; he gets the crap assignments. :)
First of all, don't dropships hold like eight troops?


How many times does it need to be said, the Nihilanth was DESTROYED by the time of Half-Life 2. With him went the Combine's big trump card over the resident's of Xen and only a few who are still under strict Combine supervision (IE: the Street Sweeper and the Vort in the prison) are not in positions to get away from the Combine.

Keep saying it. I dont believe the Combine would put all there eggs in a Nihilanth shaped basket. what if someone killed Nihilanth, they would lose control.

However, yes I guess the Combine doesn't seem to feel a need for a small airborne ranged attacker, being that they never so much as slapped a ranged weapon onto a scanner's propulsion machinery. (Which could probably take a few more bullets than a Controller in any case; plus it would have been a cool enemy) I guess they felt that ranged ground troops, Gunships, and Manhacks were adaquate.

They have no use for a small airborne ranged attacker because there isn't a gun on the scanners?

Riomhaire said:
They owned Earth in 7 hours so they don't need local teleport for invasions.

How about for peacekeeping?
How about for teleporting a single man/slug without the half an hour wait?

Source for that interview, it might be interesting.
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