Gabe Newell on PS3: "just cancel it and do a do over"

I like how Gabe bashes the PS3 but still ports EP2, portal and TF2 to the PS3. I call that an automatic fail on Valves' part.

Except EA is making the PS3 port, not Valve.

Like that makes a difference. Gabe is probably gonna eat his own words later (Not that I love the PS3, it really sucks, but to hear someone put it down so bad and then release something for it ESPECIALLY VALVE, is beyond me).
All I'm saying is: Yes, it had a rough, demoralizing start. Things could get better. And knowing Sony, they'll advertise the shit out of it.
Like that makes a difference. Gabe is probably gonna eat his own words later (Not that I love the PS3, it really sucks, but to hear someone put it down so bad and then release something for it ESPECIALLY VALVE, is beyond me).

It makes a difference.

The official PS3 forums have a problem.

The main reason I don't like the online thing is that it takes away from what I always considered the main aspect of consoles to be - the party atmosphere. Well do I remember days of loads of mates sitting around a single tv (or a bunch of tvs) shooting each other in the face, or racing, or bashing each other in the face. Alas, now they have moved into the realm of the PC, where a single gamer sits in front of the tv, and plays people they don't know.

I don't feel that's what consoles are about.
Yes, keyword "total". It's not a "total" failure. Learn to read clearer, there's no comparison to the Wii or 360 involved in that statement.

It is quite an amazing system if you ignore the price.

Like I said, it will hit its prime later.
I agree with gabe. The complexity of the system is a nightmare for developers and consumers alike. And by developers I mean specifically those people who're going to build an emulator for this thing. And by consumers I mean the poor emulator saps who're going to have to wait around until 2012 for a computer capable of emulating the PS3. And by emulator saps, I mean myself, because frankly, I can wait that long to experience the PS3 :P
Gabe did not like they fact that the made the architecture especially different just so that if a game worked on the ps3 it would be very hard to port it over to the 360, the hardware is not just hard to program for because it is so new and people need to get used to it, it is mostly difficult just for the sake of being difficult.
Sony (and all of its other major partners in the technology industry) didn't design the Cell around the guiding principle that it would be dificult to port games to the 360.
I agree with Gabe, though they did have a rocky start, it doesn't mean the console is the biggest piece of shit to hit the country. I'd still like to have one.
You all need to shut up. Gabe Newell is a genious and one of th best game desginers ever. How many playstation games got over 50 game of the year awards? Has a playstation game ever reached "Most played game in the world"? Counter Strike was and IS the most played multiplayer game in the world. He didnt "buy" counter strike form an independant company, he offered the two teenage designers jobs. Both of which gladly accepted. You are all full of absolute **bleep** talkign like you think you know what he has done. I love my PS3, but im not going to **bleep** and yell about a guy just cause he doesnt like it. You are all showing you are insane fanboys who dont know jack **bleep** about other game companies and developers.

Probably one of the best posts Ive ever read on a PlayStation is intelligent, well thought out, and has excellent grammar...unlike the other 99% of PS forum posters...
Probably one of the best posts Ive ever read on a PlayStation is intelligent, well thought out, and has excellent grammar...unlike the other 99% of PS forum posters...

Lets many GOTY awards did Final Fantasy 7 win?


How many, all in all, GOTY/awards/etc did Squaresoft win over the years with their games? I hate people who give discussions a bad name.
Probably one of the best posts Ive ever read on a PlayStation is intelligent, well thought out, and has excellent grammar...unlike the other 99% of PS forum posters...
All he did was argue a thinly-veiled diametric opposition, equally as dumb.
I took him as being...sarcastic....

was I wrong?
That guy seemed pretty legitimate to me. It'd be nicer if there were more true moderate gamers, rather than the occasional outsider invasion.
Sony isn't totally awful and I still use my PS2, but the PS3 is failure by just about any standard you can name.
Really, if you can make me stop caring about the new metal gear solid (a series I hold in equal regard with half-life in terms of artistic integrity), then you've done something horribly wrong.

I don't want a blu-ray player. I already own three DVD players integrated into various appliances, and yet the picture isn't so awful that I'm just puking all over. I also don't want the games. I already own a PS2, which has an identical controller and thus identical gameplay. No matter how good certain PS2 games are, I'm not going to break the bank to make them all shiny and laminated.

I'm fairly certain this is the typical reaction to the PS3, especially amoung PS2 owners. PS2 was like the most-bought console in history, and yet you don't see those millions of people flooding to re-buy it. In that respect, they were too successful. PS1 was just ass enough to make the PS2 a legitimate improvement, but after that point there's nowhere else to go. It's got the DVD player. It's got the dual-shock controller. It's got adequate graphics. The PS2 is just solid, to the point that it still isn't fully outdated yet.
The improvement between PS2 and 3 is far too incremental

Now, x-boxcircle doesn't really legitimately upgrade the original either - but it's cheap. Not only that, but very few people actually bought the first x-box. The x-box is to the 360 what PS1 was to PS2: just shitty enough that they were able to perfect it into a solid product.

Since the trend is so similar, it'll be interesting to see if the same utter lack of imagination that smacked the PS3 will strike the Xbox3, now that the Xbox brand isn't as shitty anymore.

I think that to keep up, both companies are going to have to learn what nintendo already figured out: that each new console needs to be dramatically better than the last, especially if the last one was a hit.
I don't much like Sony or the pS3 (they lied to their customers after all) but I don't think it is fair to wish that this is their end. Sony is large company and so many people depend on jobs from them. Hundred's will be made redundant.
But the console does look cool. Even though it has no snazzy controller design.
Woo Gabe.

Sorry, I'd be a little more enthusiastic if my X360 wasn't a $700 paperweight lying on my bedroom floor collecting dust :)

PS3 boards said:
Those that hate the PS3 can't afford the PS3
Hahaha, haha. Ha.
The guys on those playstation forums are morons, especially the ones slagging Half-Life, Valve and Gabe, they really have no idea
I don't want a blu-ray player. I already own three DVD players integrated into various appliances, and yet the picture isn't so awful that I'm just puking all over. I also don't want the games. I already own a PS2, which has an identical controller and thus identical gameplay. No matter how good certain PS2 games are, I'm not going to break the bank to make them all shiny and laminated.

I think that to keep up, both companies are going to have to learn what nintendo already figured out: that each new console needs to be dramatically better than the last, especially if the last one was a hit.

Well all Sony games will use the Blu-Ray for games, so it's not like it's completely unreasonable for it to come packaged with it, being able to play Blu-Ray movies is more of a bonus.

Having an identical controller does not mean identical gameplay, I don't recall a game holding a candle to Ico / Shadow of the Collosus on the PS1. There was never an equivilent to God of War on the PS1. MGS2 and MGS3 were drastically improved compared to MGS1. As good as the PS1 Final Fantasy's were, it wouldn't be fair when you compare them to FFX and especially FFXII. There's also GTA, Ratchet and Clank, Jak, etc etc. The developers were able to take advantage of the extra tools in the PS2 and make some truly great games that really improved over it's predecessors or start completely brand new IP's that will carry over to the PS3.

Or you can look at it this way, wouldn't the PC have hit a wall ages ago considering it's still using a mouse and keyboard after all these years? :p

For all the bashing that goes on for the PS3, they still hold some of the most dominant exclusives in the industry, and because of that I don't see them failing in the long run.
PS3 may be expensive but it's worth it. Blu-Ray built in (X-Box kids, pay an extra hundred to watch HD-DVD) It's got a web browser, all the features of live, and a lot of extra stuff you just need to see. Oh, and not to mention way more power than either of the others. X-Box already feels like retro future. PS3 will have its day and it will crush the others as PS2 did.

It's been shown countless times the PS3 has less actual power than Sony thinks. It's marginally better than the 360, yet the 360 has been out for over a year. Graphically, Stern (I think it was him) posted an article showing that the top of the line PC graphic cards already outpower PS3.

Blu-Ray! wooo, yet who actually has a 1080p TV? (I do but I specifically went hunting for one) And the PS3 doesn't upscale, something the 360 does very well. Also it's not like Blu-Ray is a guaranteed success story.

So blow away the hype. PS3 is expensive, Sony have made numerous mistakes. PS3 will probally not be a comercial failure as its little bros were rather good (although I'd actually rate PS2 as the worst of the last gen in terms of quality).
Before you all descend upon me and rip me to pieces, let me say a few things. I do not like the PS3, and I bought a Wii on launch day. I agree with most of you that the PS3 had a horrible launch and that 600 bucks is not worth what you get in a system that offers so little.


I don't think you can simply discount the PS3 as a complete failure. Sure, most people like to label it as such and declare the Wii the winner of the console war because of how well it's doing early in the game, but what most people forget is that more games are coming out for the PS3, and it won't always be 600 bucks. Throughout the next year or so, you're going to see Sony pull out its big franchises, like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy, which will push sales.

Whether the PS3 fails or not also depends on your definition of failure. If the PS3 holds 34% or more of the market share, then they have more than Microsoft and Nintendo, so that could be a victory. But if you are a company that has consistantly held over 50% of the market share, that could be seen as a failure.

I love the Wii, and I can honestly say that I'm also somewhat fond of the Xbox 360 as well. But I've sorta stepped back, and looked at the big picture, and it seems that the PS3 will probably outsell both systems, although by a much smaller margin. I have no idea what order the systems will be in (other than a strong hunch that PS3 will be on top), but I think because of Sony's blunders, and the relative strengths of Microsoft and Nintendo, the market share will be more evenly divided.
Like that makes a difference.

Uhhh, it makes a pretty big difference, Valve isn't doing the port because they don't like the console, so EA has to do it themselves so they can bring in more cash
Perverted_Hermit wrote:
2 words


2 Words. It's over.

That was so long ago, who even cares now? People have moved on. MMORPGs, games like Halo, GoW, and on and on...

...BUWAHAHA..Isn't Half-Life a "game like Halo"?
The best comments in that topic are from the guy who claims he's a hardcore PC gamer and has never heard of Half-Life or Counter-Strike, and the other guy who essentially says Gabe's just a pussy for not wanting to embrace a challenge.

Of course. Because, y'know, hinging much of your business on a controversial digital distribution platform and shifting your flagship franchise into episodic content aren't risks at all. Gabe's got no balls. Oh, and he's fat. How could we ever forget that? :rolleyes:
This post almost made my brain explode from anger

He's a one trick pony. Has Gabe Newell done anything else besides Half Life?

Gabe, when you can come up with something like God of War or Metal Gear then you can open your mouth. Till then SHADUP!

Let's see how much Gabe Newell likes it when I completely F up his Wikipedia page... You guys are free to watch

Yes! Look at the Wikipedia page on Gabe Newell. Serves him right

Then finally, someone who has a brain steps in

You guys are being completely unfair here.

1. Half of the people in this thread probably don't even have/played and of the Half Life series on the computer. (or any system)

2. Half Life 2 = PC Game of the Year

3. You guys are being defensive little fanboys. If he had never made this statement about the PS3, you guys wouldn't be saying what you're saying about him. Things like, "Gabe Newell's fat!" And, "Wow, what a byatch."

4. So he doesn't like the PS3, alot of people don't. Big deal.
Yeah, same Dal. This one made me lol rather than explode though.

He's a one trick pony. Has Gabe Newell done anything else besides Half Life?

Gabe, when you can come up with something like God of War or Metal Gear then you can open your mouth. Till then SHADUP!
The amount of stupidity, ignorance, and fanboyism in that topic makes me want to kill myself.

Well from an unbiased point of view, the last two points could be said about this particular website in terms of the PC and Half-Life lol
sheesh I'm sorry i started this thread ...some of you guys are beyond retarded
what for having opinions?

i think he means you samon ^^
Well from an unbiased point of view, the last two points could be said about this particular website in terms of the PC and Half-Life lol

I don't see anybody here vandalizing Wiki pages.

At least a fair amount of people here put more than two or three sentences in their arguments.